A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

33 - Death's Madness

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 33 - Death's Madness

The moon still shone as Michael flew over the forest, the forest surprisingly silent. Death’s words echoed in his head, the yellow eye staring through any attempt at forgetting it. He sighed and landed at the doorstep of the library, opening the door as the bell signaled his arrival.
Everypony and human sat on the couch, Martin out of his armor as he rested next to AJ. They all turned and looked at the pegasus and Martin quickly got up. “Hey mate, where have you been?” He asked happily.
“Just thought I was seeing a ghost.” Mike waved dismissively. “So what did I miss?”
He shrugged. “Not much, Twi was just telling me that there isn’t any meetings planned for today. But I have to go back to the border in a few days.”
Mike scratched the back of his head. “Again? I thought you stalled them?”
“Oh no, I have to go there for one last check and then I can come back… for the time being.”
“Ah, that’s good.” Mike’s face erupted in pain as he gingerly held a hoof up to it and hissed in pain.
Martin frowned and went down to a knee. “You alright?” He asked worriedly.
Mike chuckled. “Yeah, ran into a few walls earlier while running for my life from demon guards.” He looked at Dash. “You ok?”
She grinned. “Course I am, nothing I can’t shake off.” She said, back to her old self.
He shook his head and sighed. “Oh yeah.”
Fluttershy walked up to Michael and hugged him tightly. “You poor thing, we need to get you patched up.” She said, gingerly investigating the bruises and cuts.
“I’ll be fine, I’ve had worse…” He said and motioned towards the faint scratches on his side.
She shook her head. “No, I don’t want those to get infected…” Her voice full of care and worry.
Mike sighed. “I’m not going to win this, am I?”
She stared into his eyes and gently kissed his snout. “Nope.”
He chuckled, his face red. “Alright… Twilight, you wouldn’t happen to have a medkit lying around, would you?”
She smiled and nodded, her horn glowing as a small case with a red cross appeared. “Of course, here you go.” She said as she floated it over to Fluttershy’s hooves.
“Thank you Twilight…” Fluttershy replied quietly and opened the case. She grabbed a few things and began to clean him up.
Martin ran a hand through his hair as he sat down and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “So Dash, I have a simple question.”
Dash raised an eyebrow and turned to look at him. “Ya?”
“What were you thinking? Why would you go inside the castle?”
She shrugged. “Vandir didn’t think I’d be able to find… it is the Everfree, anything’s possible in there.”
Martin rubbed his eyes. “Jesus, I forbid you to go in there again. The guards won’t attack you but I don’t want anypony in there or having to search.
She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. “Pfft, whatever. Like I care.”
Martin glared at her. “Guards or not, the castle is a dangerous place.”
“Go figure, would’ve never figured that out. So thankful you could tell me.” She said sarcastically.
“Your attitude isn’t helping anyone Dash. Stay away from the castle.”
“As long as nopony needs rescuing, I’ll gladly stay away.”
He nodded. “Good.”
Twilight was lost in her own world, scribbling fervently as a scroll floated near her head, the quill a blur.
Martin looked at her quizzically. “Umm Twilight, what are you writing?”
“Just a few notes for the Princess.” She said, not really paying attention as a book floated in front of her face for a moment as the quill scribbled faster.
He paused for a moment and looked around the room. The girls seemed to be winding down, talking amongst themselves as Twilight finished the letter. She wrapped it up and set it down on the table, leaving to grab Spike. He grinned as he saw Mike and Fluttershy; Mike was covered in bandages and wraps, Fluttershy finally putting the final bandaid on his snout. She pulled him into her hooves and ran one through his mane.
“You’ll be better soon…” She whispered into his ear, hugging him carefully.
Mike’s face turned a tad darker. “Thanks Flutters…” He muttered, hiding his face in her chest.
She blushed and rested her head against his. Martin shook his head, turning back towards the others. “So what now?”
Dash leaned back and sighed, resting against the back of the couch. “I say a little r&r.”
Martin nodded. “Not much else we could do, aye?”
Dash nodded and closed her eyes with a yawn. “Well as much Ah’d like ta stay, Ah should be heading back and getting ready fer the mornin’ bucking.” AJ said as she got off the couch. “Let me know if there’s anything ya need help with.”
“Need help on the farm?” Martin asked.
“If ya want ta help, Ah’m sure Ah can find somethin’.”
He smiled and nodded. “Ok.” He said, getting up and followed her out as Twilight came back with Spike. He waved goodbye and goodnight to the others as AJ smiled and led him to the farm.
Michael watched Martin leave out of the corner of his eye before he looked at Fluttershy. “Would you like to go back to the cottage? So we can relax there?” He whispered.
Her face turned a shade redder. “Um… su-sure…” She said. The other girls giggled and whispered something amongst each other.
Mike’s face turned red. “What?” He asked them.
They giggled and looked at him. “Nothing…” Twilight said, her face flushed from giggling as Spike rolled his eyes and sent the letter. The baby dragon grumply made his way back to bed, quickly falling back asleep.
Mike turned to look at the purple unicorn. “Uh huh…”
Rarity giggled and covered her mouth with a hoof. “Don’t worry about it darling, just a joke among friends.” She said with a smile.
“Alright…” He said, staring at them suspiciously as he led Fluttershy to the door.
Rarity waved her hoof. “Ta-ta darlings.” The rest of the girls bid them goodnight.
Mike and Fluttershy waved goodbye as they walked towards the cottage, the journey silent. She hid under her mane for most of it, the few glimpses he could get were her glancing at him worriedly. “What’s wrong Flutters?” He asked.
Her wings rustled before she turned to look at him. “Y-you look worried… Did something h-happen while you were at the castle?” She asked as they stopped and she hoofed the ground.
He was silent for a moment and sighed. “Y-yeah…” He whispered.
Her eyes widened and she stepped closer. “W-what happened?”
He bit the inside of his cheek and turned his gaze down to the ground. “I… met Death… and he has plans for Martin and nothing I can do will change it.” Mike said minutely.
She eeped and hid behind her mane again. “Y-you m-met Death?” She squeaked.
“I guess… maybe?”
“W-what did he do? Did he hurt you?” She asked and took a step closer, checking him again for any new wounds.
He shook his head. “No, I’m fine. He sorta threatened me since I messed with his plot to kill Martin though…”
“He wants to kill M-Martin?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure why but I don’t care, I’ve stopped him before and I’ll do it again.”
The medallion tightened around his neck and pain shot through his body. He fell to the ground, twitching as he gasped for air.
Don’t mess with things you don’t understand. You may unintentionally cause the very thing you’re trying to stop. Luna’s voice echoed through his head as his hooves feebly attempted to stop the pounding.
Fluttershy quickly grabbed him and held him tightly. “Michael? Michael? What’s going on?” She asked panicky.
“I’m… ok Flutters, I’m ok.” He whispered, holding her tightly. “Just another little thing I was forced into.”
She looked at him confused as a small tear rolled down her cheek. “What do you mean?” She asked worriedly as she helped him to his hooves.
He looked anywhere but at her, feeling guilty. “I don’t want to involve you… you might get hurt.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want you hurt either…”
He chuckled. “It seems as if the world disagrees with us on that point.”
She sniffed, another tear joining the last as she flung her hooves around his neck. “I don’t want you to get hurt, you’ve already felt too much pain…” She said, her voice shaky.
He closed his eyes and wrapped his hooves around her. “Alright, I’ll tell you when we get home…” She nodded as he gave her a reassuring smile and wiped the tears from her eyes. “It’s alright, I’ve been through hell and I’m still here.” He grabbed her hoof and led her towards the cottage.
They finally got home and took care of her animals. She seemed to calm down, the animals helping relax as she smiled and helped a rabbit couple with a late snack. Once they were finished, they snuggled on the couch, her chin resting on his shoulder. Her eyes closed and her breathing slowly grew silent and steady.
He nuzzled her cheek. “Fluttershy?” He whispered. She opened an eye, the shining sapphire orb full of love and happiness. “Did you fall asleep?” He smiled.
She closed her eye again and snuggled closer, burying her face into his chest. “No…” She said quietly.
“Ok…” He kissed the top of her head.
She yawned before leaning up and kissed him. “Do you want some tea?” She asked silently.
“Sure, I’d love some.”
She smiled and pushed herself up. She stared into his eyes for a moment before walking into the kitchen and grabbed the kettle. She put it on the stove as Mike leaned against the couch, closing his eyes. She hummed as she looked out the window and tilted her head.
“Um… Michael, I didn’t know Martin had a black suit…” She mumbled, confused.
He hopped off the couch. “He doesn’t that I’m aware of…”
She looked at him. “W-who’s that then?” She asked, pointing her hoof at the figure in black standing underneath a tree, almost completely hidden by the shadows.
His eyes widened as the figure disappeared in a blink of an eye. Fluttershy screamed and Mike whirled around and went to grab her. She was curled into a ball. Death stood not far away from her. He had a cup of tea in his head. He looked at Mike with a grin.
“Leave her alone!” He yelled and grabbed her, holding her close.
Death chuckled and stepped closer. Fluttershy’s shaking slowed down until she seemed to freeze.
“Fluttershy?!” He asked, looking at her before he glared at Death. “What did you do to her?!”
He laughed and looked out the window, the leaves were frozen in mid-fall, along with all the animals. “Tik tok, tik tok, time goes on but what… if it doesn’t?” He asked with a smug grin.
“What did you do?”
“How do you think I collect all the souls that leave their bodies? Hundreds die every day, some at the same time. Time works against me… so I slow it down, until it stops.”
“W-why did you slow it down here? Why am I not affected?”
He laughed again. “Here? Michael, the entire world has been stopped… and you, I need to ask you a favor.” He grinned evilly.
Michael stared at him, Death’s yellow eye feeling like it was burning his skin. “What do you want!?”
Death smiled and let go of the cup. It remained in mid air as he leaned closer and grabbed the medallion. He looked at it closely. “Ahhh… I knew it was her.” He said to himself out loud.
“What are you talking about?”
He let go of the medallion and calmly stared at the pegasus. “I want you to tell me something about a certain Princess of the Night.”
Mike went silent for a moment. “Depends on what you want to know.”
He chuckled. “Do you… fear her?”
“I fear her abilities, yes…”
He nodded. “She threatened you. Did her aura make you feel… intimidated? Fearful?”
He closed his eye for a second. “Does she think Celestia is planning something?”
Mike refused to answer, afraid to say anything.
He smiled. “Does she make others follow… by fear?”
Mike nodded.
He grinned evilly, the veins in his eye visible. “I thought as much.”
“Why are you asking me these questions?” Mike asked in a small voice.
He turned around and walked away, once again grabbing the world and forcing a door to appear. He paused on the precipice and looked over his shoulder. “It appears something that belongs to me is in the wrong… hooves.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I will show her… what it means, to fear someone…” He said, disappearing into the darkness as the door shut firmly behind him as the world slowly resumed.
Mike looked at the ground, horribly confused as his brain tried to comprehend what just happened. Fluttershy slowly looked up and saw Mike standing there. “Mi-michael, i-is he g-gone?” She asked, her voice trembling.
He grabbed and held her tightly. “He’s gone…” He whispered, running a hoof through her mane.
She sighed in relief. “W-what was that?”
“That was Death, he stopped by to ask some questions…”
She paused and looked at him. “B-but I didn’t hear anything…” She said, confused.
“He-he froze time…”
She gasped. “H-he fr-froze time?”
Mike nodded. “I don’t understand how but he did…”
She buried her face into his chest again, shaking. “I-I’m scared…”
“So am I Flutters, so am I…” He whispered, resting his chin on her head.
She looked up, her blue eyes melting his heart. “W-why… why would he want Martin to die?”
“I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense to me..”
She nodded and buried her face again, sobbing quietly. A while passed and she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. He picked her up and carried her to the couch, making sure to hug her tightly. “Th-thank you…” She whispered.
He sniffed, hiding the tears. “No problem Fluttershy.” He said quietly.
She leaned against him, her eyes closed. “Wh-who is he? Why… why would anypony do w-what he does?”
“Somethings just have to be done, it’s a law of nature.” He said with a monotone. “I may not agree with it but he has to, he was chosen to…”
She nodded. “I don’t want you to leave…”
“Neither do I, I’m happy right here…”
It was silent for a moment, the animals still hiding. “I hope he’ll leave the other girls alone…”
“Me too.” He said, closing his eyes.
A few hours past, both drifting in and out of sleep, the bed too far. Mike’s wing covered Fluttershy as she listened to his heart beat, reassuring herself that he was still ok. “I hope nothing else happens today…” She said sleepily.
He chuckled. “With me around? I’m surprised I just haven’t spontaneously combusted.”
She bopped him lightly on the snot, trying to keep the frown that grew into a smile. She giggled and yawned, resting her head back on his chest. “I feel sleepy…” She said quietly.
“Want to take a quick nap?”
She nodded, kissing him once goodnight before she drifted off. Mike smiled, getting comfy as he kissed her, slowly slipping into sleep.


Michael was surrounded by darkness when suddenly a faint yellow light appeared in the distance, swaying gently from left to right. He galloped towards the light when he heard a faint chuckle that seemed to grow louder as he got closer. The light grew smaller and smaller until he stumbled upon a candle in a glass cylinder. It was kept shut by a rusty lid and chain, a small lock keeping the lantern shut. He watched it dance in its container, somehow kept alive.
The flames grew brighter as a charred hand held the chain. Bandages fell from his face, revealing black and red skin, the charred remains of a face shown. Something swirled inside and Mike leaned closer to look as a face smashed itself against the glass, howling agony. Several more voices moaned in unison as Mike grabbed the lantern out of the man’s hand, using all the strength he could to open the rusted door. The metal burned his hoof as he grunted in pain, pushing it down.
The man laughed. “It is no use, no one frees the souls I collect.”
“I-if there’s a will, there’s a way!” Mike yelled, his voice distorted and weak.
The man reached up and started to take off the remaining bandages.

My history never fades, carried for all to see,
Worn upon my face,
Every life I ended, every smile unborn,
Every rose I plucked too soon,
Leaving only thorns.
I am the man from nowhere, upon no horse I ride.
Walking death upon this land,
Watching your children,
Cry, cry cry…

The bandages fell to the ground, revealing the rest of his face. Flesh was missing and parts of his skull and jaw, the bone was showing. His right eye was completely gone, an empty hole staring back into nothing. The few teeth he had were bright and seemingly polished as they grinned at the horrified pegasus.
Mike gulped, his words escaping him for a moment, too terrified to look away. Finally, he found his voice as he coughed. “A-and here I thought Death was nothing but a skeleton who carried a scythe.” He stuttered.
Death laughed and the flame died down. “Only if those wounds still hurt, they keep me awake and make me want to continue..”
“W-what do you mean? What happened to you?”
“I didn’t always look like this. I was chosen to become Death. I was created when time began, when the first creature walked on these lands.” He looked at the lantern. “But not even I can touch the lamp, without it burning me, everyone has to remain in the lamp for a certain amount of time. To pay for his or her sins, I decide how long they stay and once their time has come, I send them where everyone goes… The Afterlife.” He stared into the lantern. “A soul is an inner fire, after time, they burned me. Every new soul causes me pain… and a pain that will never go away.” He looked at Michael. “But I need to collect the souls of the dead. If not, I will die and this land will slowly destroy itself…”
“Look Death, I’ll never understand how you do what you do but I’ve cheated you twice since I was here. I may not be the sharpest tool in shed, and I know things go on that I could never understand, but why are you going after Martin?”
Death shook his head. “Every soul serves it’s purpose and I never said what I will do with his soul, no one can restrict me when it comes to death. No one stands above me, I am the beginning and the end, what I decide happens.”
“I just want to know why now?”
He grinned. “Because he’s the only link to Apollo I have.”
“Wait, what do you have against Apollo?”
“Since my existence, he… HE was the only one to ever escape me. He still hasn’t payed for his sins, he’s still a free soul.”
“He’s not though, he was weak and he used what he could to talk to me and give what strength he could to Martin.”
Death sighed. “A soul never dies, his flame is just fainter than before. He’s with Martin, he is Martin.”
“So you’re going to kill an innocent person to settle a grudge?”
He laughed. “Martin, oh he has to pay for his sins, but I won’t tell you what I have planned, it will spoil the surprise.” Mike was silent, sitting on the ground, thinking as Death smiled. “In less than a week, I will have his soul and I shall decide upon him.”
Mike looked up and faintly smiled. “A half of a half.”
He tilted his head slightly, confused. “As you said before, you have to collect every soul of every creature, making them all equal. Well, I’m turning a half of mine so Martin needs only the other half. And you can’t refuse a soul because you don’t gather them.” Mike rested his hoof on the lantern. “This does…” He said, the lantern’s flame flared to life. Mike’s face paled as the light dimmed in his eyes, the candle seemingly getting stronger.
He glared. “You chose to give half of your soul…” His smile returned. “But which one do you choose, the pony or the human half?”
“Simple, my human half.”
His smile grew wider and he began to laugh like a maniac. The veins in his eye burst as he cried blood. “If you choose to give up your humanity. SO. WILL. MARTIN!”
The flame grew thrice its size, the darkness was illuminated and Death’s shadow was seen through the fire. Mike had to shield his eyes, the light too bright as screams echoed in the darkness.
“Martin still has a choice of what to give up!” Mike yelled over the screams. “Everyone chooses an aspect of what to lose!”
“I’m afraid not in his case, his soul already was split in two… and I won’t take Apollo from him. Oh no, that would make things easy so I have to replace his with another…” He paused and sighed happily. “Or rather, I will create him a new soul…” He laughed as the flame died.
“What do you mean?”
“His humanity will be gone but you will see for yourself…” The flame extinguished and he disappeared, the darkness overpowering Mike.