//------------------------------// // America gets Involved // Story: Early Retirement // by CancerousGingerScorpio //------------------------------// 24 HOURS LATER, USS CELESTIAL------ The newly trained private walk on-board the Blackpegasus VTOL helicopter, along with the rest of his squad. The cargo door closed as the ammunition and rifles were placed on-board. He picked up his standard issue CL8-XM rifle and loaded a magazine in. He sat down in one of the seat, and closed his eyes. He knew the trip to Saddle Arabia was going to be long, and possibly bumpy if the terrorists had RPG7-V2s. He was soon overtaken by slumber. 10 DAYS AFTER THE ASSAULT-------- "Woods, that was some damn fine shooting you did back there," Said Deadshot. Woods nodded slightly, and took a long drink from his flask. The beer he drank was nothing compared to the pony version of the beer. Their beer was much more alcoholic, and gave a severe headache and wooziness. He was lucky he didn't pass out. Suddenly, a call came in from Deadshot's radio. "Ma'am, an American helicopter is approaching. Should we fire?" Deadshot pressed the respond button and said, "You may fire at will" The sound of an RPG7-V2 being fired was heard, along with the sound of a helicopter crashing. "It's down." 30 SECONDS BEFORE--------- The private looked at the watch he had on. Five minutes until they reached the target zone. He closed his eyes slightly. FSHOOP. PFHOOOMMM The lights in the cargo bay flashed red, and the private felt the helicopter begin to spin out of control. He grabbed the pole near him to hold on to. "Mayday, mayday! This is Alpha-Bravo 294, we ar-" The helicopter hit the ground, forcing the private and everyone to the ground and rendering them unconscious.