Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A day with the family

To anyone who hasn't read the blog, the LTD Trialer is now finished.

Living the Dream - Official trailer
Oh, and chapter 59 audio is also up.

I got into a video call with Silver Charger, I'll just say this: After talking with him, I have so many new ideas for the later chapters. I also have a way for the 5 bronies who want Fluttershy to get her. But, I'm not gonna say a word... anyways, a little behind on starting this chapter, but I can do it XD And we begin... NOW!

Also, as you can tell. I'm in a good mood, for once :D

One last thing: I know I said I was going to do the Grace chapter tonight, but, if I did, it would be rushed. I'll do that one tomorrow, I promise.

Chapter 81

WARNING!: This chapter is full of D'aww moments XD Prepare thy self!

Oh my head, it feels like a freaking brick fell on it.

Wait... am I in a bed?

My eyes shot open to reveal my room at Dali's. I was in my bed, and felt relaxed for the first time in a long time.

Something moved next to my chest.

I pulled the covers up to reveal Fawn and Spark. Fawn was snuggled up to my chest, and Spark was curled up beside her.


I smiled and began to stroke her mane gently.

I've missed those two so much.

As I stroked her mane, she began to stir.

She slowly woke up and yawned. She then looked up at me and smiled, "Hey dad."

I chuckled and nuzzled her forehead, "Hey Fawn. How'd you sleep?"

She smiled and nuzzled my chest, "Great."

I smiled and looked around, "Where's Twi?"

She sat up and looked around, "I don't know. Mom was in here a while ago."

I couldn't help but smile at that. She had called Twilight mom, she already accepts us as her parents. YES! "I'll find her. I need to do something for her."

Fawn looked at me and cocked her head, "What are you going to do?"

I looked at her and grinned, "Just something I've been working on. Do you know where my guitar is?"

She shook her head, but after a small pause, she nodded, "Yeah! I was playing with it the other day... I hope that was okay?"

I chuckled and rubbed her back, "It's okay Fawn, I don't mind if you play with my things. Just as long as you don't break them."

She smiled and gave me a hug, "Thanks dad. So, what are you doing for mom?"

I reached over to the nightstand and pulled open the top shelf. I reached inside and was happy to find that my notebook was still there. I pulled it out and open to the most recent page, "I've wrote a song for her. Hopefully, I can play it."

Fawn looked excited, "You wrote a song?! Can I hear it?"

I chuckled and jumped out of bed, "Sure you can honey. You can listen to me play it for Twilight."

Fawn jumped up and down on the bed excitedly, "Thank you dad!"

Spark awoke due to all the bouncing and turned to look at me. The second he saw me, a large bright smile formed on his face.

I couldn't help but let a large smile form on my face, "That's my boy." I walked around the bed and nuzzled his tummy, causing him to laugh loudly.

Fawn huffed, "I wanna play to daddy?"

Okay, that daddy just made my heart skip a beat. So damn cute, "Come here Fawn."

She smiled happily and bounced over to me.

When she was close, I reached out with my right hoof and pulled her into a hug, "Gotcha!"

She began to laugh and kick at the same time, "NO! Let me go dad!"

I laughed loudly and began nuzzling her cheek, "But I can't! You're just so damn cute!"

<Lance, watch your language around the kids. Twilight will kill us!>
[He speaks the truth. But, what do I care? This is just so fucking cute!]

Fawn continued to laugh. Spark was also laughing, just watching and having the time of his little life.

I stopped nuzzling Fawn and looked up Spark, "I haven't forgotten you my boy!"

I reached out and pulled him into me with my left hoof. I now had both of them up against my chest. I laughed loudly and began to nuzzle both of their heads, "I got you now! There's no escape from my grasp!"

Fawn began to laugh and kick, trying to break free, "NOOO!"

Spark just continued to laugh his little head off at our actions.

We continued to mess around for a few minutes, and you know what? I was actually having the time of my life. Those two make me so damn happy!

Soon, I jumped onto the bed, landing on my back. Both Fawn and Spark were still in my forelegs, both laughing and having a good time. I hugged them close and nuzzled each of them, "I love you two."

Fawn smiled and nuzzled my cheek, "I love you two daddy."

Spark just nuzzled my chest.... CUTE!

"I see you're all having fun today." Twilight said cheerfully as she strolled into the room.

I looked down at Fawn and smirked. Fawn smirked also and nodded.

I put Spark to the side, and let Fawn climb off me. I sat up and smiled slyly at Twilight.

She looked at us and raised an eyebrow, "What?"

I just smiled and unfolded my wings. I then shot off the bed and wrapped my forelegs around her. I then flew up slightly, holding her in a tight embrace.

"Lance!" She yelled out, a smile on her face.

I smiled and propelled myself towards the bed, Twilight still pulled tight to my chest.

Once I hit the bed, Fawn jumped up on Twilight and wrapped her legs around Twilight's mid-section, "Got ya mom!"

Twilight chuckled, still on top of me, "You two."

I looked at Fawn and nodded. Fawn jumped off and smiled.

Twilight looked confused, "What are you...."

I twisted around till she was on bottom.

Spark crawled over and began nuzzling Twilight's cheek. This caused Twilight to laugh and nuzzle her son back.

Fawn just sat beside me, laughing.

I leaned down and gave Twilight a small kiss on the cheek. She then returned my kiss and wrapped her forelegs around my neck, "I've missed you."

I smiled and looked at my family, "I've missed you too. All of you. You don't know how hard it is to be away from you for so long."

Fawn wrapped her forelegs around my waist and giggled, "Don't leave again daddy. I missed you to much."

I reached back and pulled her up to lay next to Twilight. I was now standing over both of them, "I'm sorry honey, but I have an important thing to do."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Oh? And what is this important thing?"

I chuckled, "Don't worry Twi, it's nothing dangerous. We've been invited to come live in a small town called Pleasant Fields. But they want me to come down there alone to check it out."

Twilight looked skeptical, "Alone? Doesn't that seem strange?"

<It kinda does now that I think about it...>

I shrugged, "Yeah, it does. But it seems like a nice place. Besides, I haven't meet a down right evil pony... and I mean a real pony, not a human or something like that."

Twilight furrowed her brow, "I know... but can you just take one of your friends with you? Just one, please. For me?"

I sighed playfully, "Oh Twi, you're always so worried about me. Okay fine, I'll bring one of my friends along."

She smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, "Thanks."

Fawn laughed a little after Twilight kissed me.

I looked at her and smiled, "What? You think it's funny to see mom and dad kissing? How do you like it?!"

I gave Fawn a playful kiss on the cheek, causing her to go into a laughing fit.

Twilight and I just just laughed at her.

Then Fawn stopped and looked at me, "Dad, the.. ummm, thing for mom, remember?"

I nodded, "I remember." I then looked down at Twilight, "One second my love."

I quickly jumped off the bed and ran around the house, looking for my guitar. Once I found it, I ran back into the bed room. Twilight was now sitting on the bed, her legs under her, a comfortable position.

I chuckled and picked up the notebook, "You ready Twi?"

She nodded, "I guess."

Fawn was jumping up and down, "YES! Sing for us dad!"

I stood up on my hind legs, and put the strap of the guitar over my shoulder. I then began to tune the guitar, getting it ready.

Once that was done, I propped it up and strummed it.

"Heaven's gift to me just the way you are,
A new aged child from a distant star.
It feels so good just to be
So close to your love. You are heaven's gift to me.

You are so sweet and pure just the way you are.
Mama's precious jewel. Daddy's rising star.
There's so much in life for you to see.
And so much to be. You are Heaven's gift to me.

La la la la la la, la la la la la,
La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la,
La la la la la, la la la la,
La la la la la, la la la la la la la

Heaven's gift to me just the way you are,
A new aged child always in my heart.
There's so much in life for you to be,
And so much to see. You are heaven's gift to me.

La la la la la la, la la la la la,
La la la la la, la la la la la,
La la la la la la, la la la la la,
La la la la la, la la la la la la la.

La la la la la la, la la la la la,
La la la la la la la, la la la la la la,
There's so much in life for you to see,
And so much to be. You are heaven's gift to me."

Once I finished, I put the guitar down and went to all fours, "So, did you like it?"

Twilight was wiping a tear out of her eye, "Lance, that was beautiful, I loved it!"

I smiled happily and trotted over to the bed.

Fawn had a large smile on her face, "I loved the song dad! Can you write one for me?!"

I chuckled, "Sure, but it may take a while. I'm not very good at writing lyrics."

She frowned for a second, but instantly smiled, "Yay! I can't wait!"

I smiled and nudged Twilight, she giggled and moved over a little, allowing me to get in bed.

I then wrapped my forelegs around Twilight and pulled her close, "I love you so much Twilight."

She smiled and began to snuggle up to me, "I love you too Lance."

Fawn awww'd and laid down beside me, "I love you both."

I smiled, "I love you too Fawn."

Spark crawled over and climbed over Twilight and laid down between us.

We just laughed and held each other, as a family.

Next chapter starts out with them talking to Grace. Yeah, I was low on time today XD