Royal Harvest Festival

by Featherdust418

Chapter 2: part 2

"All right, Applejack, time to get a move on, the train is comin' in," said Granny Smith as she walked over to A.J. "Hurry up and say your goodbyes to your family and friends."
Applejack turned and faced her brother and sister.
"All right now, y'all be real good and take care o' the farm. And Apple Bloom, you listen well to your big brother. Aw, shucks, I'm gonna miss- Big Macintosh! Are y'all cryin'!?
"E-e-enope. I j-just got somethin' stuck in my eye, is all." Big Mac replied shakily. Applejack laughed and said,

"oh, you big blubberin' baby! give your lil' sis a hug!" The two embraced, and were soon joined by Granny Smith and Apple Bloom as the latter exclaimed,
"family group hug!" When they had released each other, A.J. caught sight of something small and moving about on the ground. "Winona! Come 'ere, girl!" The brown and white collie jumped up with glee and licked her owner's face.
"Who's a good girl? you are! Yes you are!" said Applejack as she scratched Winona's belly. "Now, don't you worry, girl. you're gonna be well taken care of by Fluttershy while I'm gone." As she was saying this, Fluttershy walked over and the little dog jumped up on the pegasus's back.

Soon all five of Applejack's friends were around her, and Twilight started to speak:
"Applejack, we are all so proud of you. This is a big opportunity, and you definitely deserve this. We all wish you well and the very best of luck."
"Why, thank you, Twilight! That means a lot to me. Knowin' that I have your support, even when you're miles away... you gals are the best friends a pony could ever have! Aw, I can't leave y'all without a"-
"group hug!" An excited voice interrupted A.J. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie shot up into the air, and came crashing down on top of the orange earth-pony, wrapping her hooves tightly around A.J.'s torso.

"P-Pinkie... I c-can't... breathe!" Pinkie Pie loosened her grip and Applejack's lungs filled with air.
"Oops! Hehe... sorry. I just love group hugs!" Soon, all six friends were hugging each other tightly (but not too tight), when A.J. noticed Spike standing off to the side, twiddling his claws. "Hey, Spike, why don't you come over here and join us?" "Who, me? N-no way! I'm not gonna join in some namby-pamby hug!" he replied, but Applejack ignored him, reached over and pulled him in anyways. "H-hey!" Spike protested, but his cheeks were glowing a bright pink. Soon the train to Canterlot pulled up into the train station. A.J. let go of her friends and said,
"well, there's my ride. I guess I'd better get a move on." She boarded the train with her grandmother and they went to the nearest window, where they could see their family and friends.

"All right now, it'll only be two short weeks, and then I'll be back. I promise- wait, I pinkie promise, I wont forget any of you!" Applejack said this, mainly because of the way Pinkie Pie had acted when Rainbow Dash had left to train to become a wonderbolt.
"Well... okay, but you'll still write to us, won't you?" Pinkie cried out to her friend.
"Of course I will, sugar cube! Don't you worry none about that," A.J. said as the train started to pull away from the station.

"Goodbye, everypony! So long! Take care of Winona! Be good!" A.J. called out as she waved.
"Bye! Have fun! Good luck! See you in to weeks! Don't forget to write! Have a good time!" Her friends and family said their last goodbyes as the train picked up speed and chugged off into the distance. Soon, she was just a faint silhouette of a pony waving, and then the train rounded a bend and she was gone.