//------------------------------// // Chapter 1- A Dark and Stormy night // Story: The History of the Alicorn Amulet // by Old Ben Kenobi //------------------------------// The storm lashed across the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters' archway windows. A wanderer outside would have heard terrifying bangs; much louder and more earth trembling than the thunder outside. The top room was filled with white, cloudy smoke, and there were blinking candles, which burnt with a soporific, head-spinning herb. The figure crouched over his desk, however, seemed unaffected by this. He wore a pointed blue hat, adorned with faintly jingling golden bells. Under his breath, he would mumble nonsensical incantations and, right on cue, another cloud of smoke would billow from his numerous flasks and pots. Having been exposed to these noises almost non stop for the past two weeks, he was almost deafened, and did not hear the quiet clip-clopping of hooves up the stairs. His door burst open, and the noise was met with an instant spurt of coughing from the tall, wavy-maned Alicorn standing in the doorway. "Starswirl, what is the meaning of this?" Shouted Celestia (for that is who the figure was) in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "Eh?" Muttered Starswirl the bearded, in his ancient, gruff voice. "I didn't quite catch that. Could you repeat it a little louder?" Starswirl chuckled to himself. Celestia scowled at him. "Starswirl," She said, this time in her ordinary voice. "For almost two weeks, you have been working on this...project of yours. I made it clear from the beginning I did not approve, and unless you finish it soon, I may have no choice but to bring it to an end myself." "Celestia, my dear friend," Said Starswirl "Of course I have almost finished. Why, I daresay it will be finished by next moon. Would you like to see it?" Celestia gave him a suspicious look, then nodded. Starswirl grabbed his Rowan Staff, then cantered down the passage. Celestia followed him at an equal pace. As they ran, a question occurred to Celestia. " Starswirl, if your project is in the other room, what were you doing in the alchemy chamber?" "Oh, I was merely testing out my new Amniomorphic spell," Said Starswirl. "Amniomorphic?" Repeated Celestia. "Don't you mean omniomorphic?" "Do I?" Muttered Starswirl, "I always get the two mixed up." They finally got to a room with a cobweb covered door knocker and handle. Starswirl brushed the webbing aside and pushed the door open with a creak. Inside was an empty room, with nothing but an old chest. Celestia trotted inside after Starswirl, and saw the chest glow with a faint blue light, before opening. A small black object, glowing with the same blue aura floated towards her. "This," Whispered Starswirl, "Is called The Alicorn Amulet."