The Start of Something New: Private Moments

by Rhino

Chapter 11: Breaking in the New Place

Music, a number of words can describe it, yet some would say noe could do it justice. However you think of it, there could be no question that music was coming from one of the newly occupied homes in Ponyville. Of course, only two being were privy to this wondrous sound due to the soundproofing of the room, one being the one who is creating it, and the other her rapt audience.

Eyes closed as she listened to her wife playing the violin, Fiddlesticks, or Octavia depending on who you asked, feels her heart flutter with each note. The pure feeling of music had always moved her, but none quite so much as when the one she cared for the most played solely for her, and her alone. A lifetime of music had trained them both to recognize every emotion behind the sound, and what she hears now is a beautiful serenade that surrounds her.

As the final notes echo, she opens her eyes halfway, not saying a word as she walks forward and plants a kiss on the changeling's lips. Saying through action what she hoped she could manage to say through words. "I love you..."

The indigo nymph smiles warmly, caressing the mare's cheek tenderly. And I, you. She puts her metallic instrument in its case and lowering herself back onto all four hooves. I can tell you enjoyed it. I'm glad.

Fiddlesticks kisses her again. "Oh, you have no idea..." She moves forward a step and slowly nuzzles the nymph. "Every note was like it was played on my heart..."

She blushes slightly, laughter going through their minds. That was what I wanted. She leans forward and gently kisses her. I want nothing more than to share emotions through my music...and with you, most of all.

"And I heard it... every single part of it." The earth pony shivers as she sets a hoof on the Luster's chest, looking straight into her eyes. Her breaths become quicker as she leans forward and takes her lips again, lingering and even pushing against them.

The nymph reciprocates the action, closing her eyes and smirking slightly into it. You're rather eager today, aren't you? She breaks the kiss and playfully sticks her tongue out at her.

The yellow mare smiles, licking her lips. "You're the one who plays so masterfully that it gets me in the mood..." Her tail flicks back and forth. "Maybe sometimes I like you to play me like you play your instrument..."

Luster blinks, her face quickly coloring bright purple. She smiles coyly, running a hoof along her love's neck. If you are in the mood, we could take this to the bedroom. She slowly walks around her, continuing to caress her. Or we could take care of your need here. Your choice.

"Bedroom, please. I think I'm up for comfort tonight." She nips the changeling's flank as it passes by. "Of course, I believe it's more than just my need that we'll be sating." ^

She smirks, bringing her tail along her side. I understand, though I'm not going to be the first one sated. She winks and walks out of the room, the melodic voice of her thoughts taking on a sing-song tone. Try not to keep me waiting!

Not wanting to be disturbed, Fiddlesticks darts around the house, checking that all the doors are locked and all the lights are off. Every second she takes makes her more and more frisky and eager to start, so by the time she is done and reaches the doorway to her bedroom, her expression is absolutely famished.

Luster lies prone on the bed, her eyes closed and her head resting on her hooves. She breathes softly, an ear flicking as the door opens.

The mare licks her lisp as she quickly makes her way over. She crawls onto the bed right over the changeling, stopping as head and body is just above her spouse's. She leans down and and kisses the back of Luster's neck, before trailing a tongue all the way from her shoulders to her mane.

She gasps and moans softly, shivering in pleasure from her love's actions. She laughs in their minds, her tail flicking behind her. That's nice...

"Good... because there's always more where that came from." Fiddlesticks runs a hoof down the changeling's back. At the same time, she leans her head down, trailing kisses from the back of her neck down to her cheek. The trailing hoof starts drawing circles on the chitin-covered flank.

Luster relishes in the sensation but wants to be more active in this. She notices that the mare is still above her, so her tail flicks upwards, tickling, circling around her treasure. And I'm always happy to contribute my own services for your pleasure.

The mare lets out a moan, feeling herself trying to clench her empty tunnel. Without another word, she shifts and scoops under the changeling, flipping her onto her back. Fiddlesticks immediately lays down on top of the nymph, their bodies rubbing as she leans down. Her lips capture Luster's, her eager tongue wriggling in front of the nymph's lips.

She happily kisses her back, opening her mouth. Her tongue darts out, playfully wrestling with the cellist's as one of her hindlegs moves between the mare's. She embraces her tightly yet tenderly, rubbing her chitinous leg against her soft, surprisingly moist mound. You really did need this, didn't you?

The yellow pony's only answer is to moan while her tail thrashes around at the touch to her flower. Shifting one of her own legs, she begins rubbing against the nymph's own sex. She breaks the kiss, face flushed and mouth open. "I want you... in every way."

Luster giggles silently, giving her a lidded gaze. And you will have me. We can't do every way today, of course. She winks at her. I'll do my best to accomplish as many as possible, of course. She brushes a hoof along the mare's back, a gentle heat emanating from it as its shape slowly shifts.

Fiddlesticks hums, laying her head down and bringing her hoof up from her lover's lower lips. She flicks a tongue out and licks the hoof before turning and slowly licking the changeling's neck, making small moans from the nymph's still moving hind leg.

Luster closes her eyes, biting her lip gently. You know me so well. She smirks, the foreleg reaching the mare's flank, a newly-formed digit tracing circles around her blue treble clef. It's a good thing the knowledge is mutual. She squeezes her flank tenderly, raising her other transformed foreleg to do the same to the other smooth cheek.

The mare reflexively bites gently on the chitin in front of her as she moans. She moves her body up and down the changeling, rubbing everything she can over her and rubbing the nymph at the same time.

She captures her love's body, holding her still. She waves a paw with the first digit extended, winking playfully. Patience. As she distracts her, her other paw moves further down, rubbing the lips of her treasure. You know I have a method I like to follow.

A shudder racks the mare's body. "That you do... though you leave me little in ways to reciprocate the sensations when you hold me still..." She kisses the nymph again, trying to convey just how much she is enjoying everything.

She kisses her deeply, her impish giggles running through their minds. I know. I like how you get me back, though. She sticks her tongue out at her, two padded digits finding their way into her tunnel as the first delicately rubs against her tighter rosebud. Maybe you can invite your 'little friend', this time.

The mare lets out a squeaky gasp as the digits first start making their way into her. It takes her a few breaths before she can respond. "I think so... not quite yet though... have to get you warmed up for him..."

She smiles, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. I look forward to it. Her free paw snakes back down to her flank, holding her hips up against her own. Her pair of fingers slowly start moving in tandem inside her. She rocks up against her, their teats rubbing up against the other's, eliciting a noiseless gasp from the nymph. J-just let me work my magic, for now.

Fiddlesticks' hindhooves twitch with every movement of the digits, their slow pace warming up her bottom half steadily. Her yellow teats harden as they slide along the nymph's purple ones, the sensation causing her to hum repeatedly as she alternates between kissing, licking, and simply moaning into the form below her.

Seeing all of her reactions, she can't help but smile warmly. She gradually increases the speed of the digits in her tunnel, pushing a little deeper and angling them in the precise way that she knows the mare loves.

The mare's breathes become more rapid as her heartbeat increases the close her lover gets to that special spot inside her. Unknowingly, she starts pressing her hips backwards, trying to get the spot touched as she makes out aggressively with her wife.

Luster happily returns the kiss, using just as much fiery passion as Fiddlesticks. Despite the intensity of their kiss, her paws continue their moderate pace, purposely avoiding the one place she knows she wants so much. You really want it, don't you? Just how badly, I wonder?

The earth pony lets out a small whine as she pushes harder in her kiss. She positively grinds their teats together, her slit slowly dripping as it clenches.

Come on, Sugar. She runs her free paw through her mane. Her smallest digit circles a small bump as its neighbors slow down their pumping slightly, teasing her. What do you want?

"Please..." The yellow mare's hips twitch rhythmically with the pumps, trying to get more pleasure out of them. "I need it..." She leans down and bites Luster's neck chitin.

Luster smiles, gently pecking Fiddlestick's forehead. That's all I needed to hear. She immediately goes deeper on the next motion, rubbing up against her special spot and flicking the button at the top of her slit at the same time.

The mare lets out a muffled scream at the flood of pleasure. She barely saves herself from going over the brink just from the first touches, her body on fire.

The nymph, seeing how close her love is, decides to give her one last push. Her first digit presses slightly harder against the yellow earth pony's tight rosebud, popping inside after a few moments. The other pads of the same paw move faster, trying to see how hard and long she can make her climax last.

Fiddlesticks bites down hard and the chitin as she is less thrown and more hurled over the edge. Her whole body shudders as her tunnel floods, part of the liquid soaking the tips of the digits in her and dribbling out. Both entrances clench and unclench rapidly as her body tries to milk them for their non-existent seed. The entire time, she latches onto Luster, not letting up a second. After she doesn't know how long, her teeth let go and she collapses, panting.

Luster gently cups her chin, lifting her head up to gaze into her eyes. I'm glad you had fun, sugar. Her thumb wipes away a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth. Maybe a bit too much fun.

As her breathing steadies, her strength returns, as does her voice. "Not a chance..." She smiles as she plants a kiss on the purple lips. "What next, do you think?"

She smirks, tapping her playfully on the nose. My turn. She moves her paws away from the mare's body as they return to normal. What would you like me to do?

"Hmm... why don't you lay there and let me work for a bit, seeing as you treated me so well?" The earth pony lifts herself up and walks down the bed a bit, putting herself below the changeling with her face right in between her legs. She gently rubs a hoof down the slit in front of her. "I hope you aren't feeling neglected now..."

Luster tries to steady her breathing, her cheeks tinted a brighter purple. Of course I'm not. There's a beautiful mare here with me. She winks, bringing a few pillows out and propping herself up with them to see what the mare is doing.

"So I hear..." Her hoof moves upward to the still hard teats, pushing down and them and rubbing in circles. Her mouth meanwhile, is more focused on the treasure in front of her. Sticking her tongue out, Fiddlesticks starts lapping barely into the slit before pulling it out, repeating this multiple times like she an animal drinking water.

The indigo changeling bites her lip, trying to keep in noises that she wouldn't make anyways. Oh, I love how you tease me...

"Then you'll love this." Flicking her tongue in one last time, the mare leaves the juices on it as she moves lower and starts to circle her tongue around the changelings other hole, always clean since changelings only have them for their disguise's sake. She pauses every few circles to press her lubed tongue up against the puckered hole, but never goes in.

She silently gasps, her body tensing and pushing against her tongue. Naughty really do know me well. She angles her hips up towards the mare, trying to make it easier for her.

This serves to encourage Fiddlesticks as she switches back to the slit. Her tongue snakes out again, this time slowly inserting itself into the waiting folds, and just as slowly working around the walls, pulling outwards and stretching the lips with her tongue as much as she can. At the same time, the hoof on the teats moves lower, and applies itself to gently tickling the small bit of skin between the two holes.

Luster groans lustfully, her eyes appearing to cross at the sensations. I always k-knew you were great with your tongue. She tries to smile but it comes across as more of a grimace, more so when the hoof touches her taint. Her body tenses and her tail twitches anxiously, the nymph directing every bit of focus on suppressing her natural response.

As she senses her lover enjoying herself, Fiddlesticks smirks and removes herself from the position, planting one last kiss between her teats before stepping off the bed. "Well, I think that should do for now... time to get my friend." She turns around and opens the door to the closet, her back half hanging out and wiggling as she digs.

The indigo changeling slowly comes back to her senses, turning to the yellow mare. She smirks at the perfectly round rump of her wife, reaching out and squeezing a cheek with her magic. Take as long as you need. I'll enjoy the view while I wait.

The blue tail attached to the yellow plot flicks upward, exposing her flower to her wife before it falls back down again, a small giggle coming from in the closet. The yellow body stiffens a bit before slowly backing out with a large flat box in her mouth and a mischievous smirk. She walks over to the bed, setting it down and looking back at her wife with a grin.

Luster eyes the box, licking her lips. She turns to the earth pony, her cheeks a vibrant violet. I see you found him. She bites her lip, raising her rump a little higher as she plants her forehooves on the mattress. Her tail flags despite the changeling's earnest attempts to keep it down. How long has it been since we've seen him?

"Well," the mare begins as she undoes the latches, "it's not like we could exactly bring him on tour with us, so... a fair amount of time." She slowly brings out the biggest thing in the case, a large, long, dark, veined tool that would humble many stallions. She gives her wife a half-lidded look as she slowly licks it from base to tip.

She squirms in desire at the sight, her thighs rubbing together. Pardon my language, but damn, that's sexy. She looks off in the distance, trying to keep herself in check by going into her thoughts. It's clear it doesn't work, if her slowly growing blush means anything.

Fiddlesticks smirks as she sets the main event down, withdrawing everything else she's going to use from the case. First is a pair of lacy black panties with a stiff front and socket in the middle. Next comes out a much smaller stallionhood stand-in, this one is purple. Eyeing the hole right below the changeling's tail, she draws out a bright pink one just bigger than the previous, setting it to the side pending future use. She starts assembling everything.

She watches her wife with bated breath, her wings fluttering slightly from her arousal. At this point, a thought occurs to her and she acts on it, her horn subtly lighting up.

As the mare slides on the panties, the purple toy, now attached to the inside, slips inside her as it much larger black counterpart sticks out from where it is attached on the outside. Every time one of them moves, the other does as well. She shifts around a bit, both enjoying the feeling of the small toy inside her and testing to make sure everything is attached well.

The nymph silently groans, her desire starting to get the better of her. She gives her love a pleading look, wiggling her hips to try and entice her. Her horn loses its glow, but it didn't seem like she did anything with her magic.

Finally, Fiddlesticks nods, looking over to Luster. "Alright alright, I can see you over there begging for it almost as much as I was." She hops up onto the bed, her new appendage swinging below her. Rearing up, she places her forehooves on the nymph's back, lining up the large toy like a stallion. Leaning forward, she makes it apply a bit of pressure to the outside of the lower purple lips, but the force is not enough to push the head in yet and she well knows it. "How do you want it?"

Luster looks over her shoulder and smiles, a twinkle in her eye. You know how I like it, Sugar. Slow, but hard and deep. She braces her hooves against the mattress, her tail brushing up against the mare's belly and snout. But you're in control. I want you to decide how it goes.

She nods, moving a hoof down into the panties to click a button on the base of the purple toy, a constant buzz starting from it causing her to shiver as she gets back into position. Taking a few steps forward, the earth pony musters her strength and plunges the phallus into th tunnel, not going too fast, but making sure to push forward at the same speed no matter how tight or resisting the tunnel is.

The indigo nymph gasps at the sensation of being stretched around the large black toy. Her front half falls to the comforter, and she tries to focus on not losing it right then and there.

Fiddlesticks soon hilts inside the changeling, her end of the toy pressing into her everytime she hits resistance. Instead of pulling out immediately, she leans forward and pushes even more, trying to go deeper as she forces the nymph's head down into the bed coverings.

She gives a silent groan, wriggling her hips against the mare's. She turns her head to the side, her tongue lolling out and her lidded gaze focused on her wife.

The yellow pony eases up and withdraws the toy until only the head remains. Suddenly she sinks it into the waiting folds again with even more force than the first time, not letting anything hamper her speed. She hums happily as she feel her own buzzing toy pushing up into her.

Luster grits her teeth, already nearing the brink, her flower fluttering around the strap-on. Before she goes over the edge, she reaches out with her magic and turns the switch on Fiddlesticks' toy to a higher setting, giving her a coy grin. I'm up yet, Sugar.

Holding back a whine as the purple toy goes to work, she speaks. "Oh you can fight it all you want, but I can ramp things up too." Withdrawing again, she forces her way back into the hole, starting to slowly violate the 'slow' request as well as her wife's tunnel. Again she comes out, only to go in again, always keeping up her force so nothing slows her down.

She bites her lip, her magic becoming shaky as she turns her toy to the highest setting. I...oh, fuck... She can't keep herself in check anymore, desperately pushing back against her love's thrusts. Her magic reaches out one last time and picks up something next to the bed, bringing it around and, pulling the lacy panties back enough to reveal her tight pucker, presses the item against it. A side effect of this is pushing the vibrating toy further into the earth pony's treasure, the tip pushing up against her most sensitive spot.

Fiddlesticks lets out a small screech as her tailhole is entered by the first on a string of beads. She collapses against the back of the nymph from this and the unexpected addition of the purple toy hitting her where she feels it most. However, she doesn't let herself go. Bracing herself, she rears up again, withdraws draw fast, and enters faster, starting to unabashedly rutt the nymph under her, eyes squeezed shut from the exertion and subsequent pleasure she gets from it.

Luster, with the last of her failing concentration, pushes the rest of the progressively larger beads into her. Don't stop...please... She barely gets the last one in before tensing beneath her, eyes closing and mouth opening in a silent moan as she reaches her peak.

Her wife, still not reaching her own release, doesn't let up as the changeling below her goes over the edge. If anything, she only goes harder and faster as she feels her own approaching, despite her holding it back. She positively hammers the nymph, both to reach her own release and prolong her spouse's.

She bites her lip, kept in the ultimate bliss as her love continues ravaging her. The small part of her mind that can still think wants her to feel the same, but there's little she can do from underneath her. Faintly remembering the string of beads, her tail reaches around and grabs the section sticking out, roughly pulling it free from her pucker in one swift motion.

Another shriek comes from the earth pony as she grips the nymph around her midsection. Her rump continues it’s workout as she thrusts into the nymph, soon feeling the approach of her release. With a loud drawn-out moan, she pumps into the nymph hard enough the the bed seems to buckle with every repetition before she finally shudders and feels her tunnel flood as she twitches and collapses on top of Luster, the black phallus jammed tight into her by the mare's body weight.

The indigo nymph breathes heavily, slowly coming down from her high. She blinks, turning her upper body to give Fiddlesticks a half-hug, tenderly kissing her. Thank you, Sugar. That was amazing... She smiles lazily, caressing her mane.

Fiddlesticks wearily kisses back. "It was... not that you were making it any easier to concentrate..." She gives a teasing glare. "You and you're fascination with my bum... which I love of course." She pants as she slumps forward again. "Phew, I need a moment after that... you take the lead on this next one..."

Luster's eyes widen and her eyebrows raise in surprise. You want more? Already? She smirks, her eyes narrowing playfully. You really must've been pent up... She lowers her hoof to her flank, squeezing it gently. Not that I'm complaining, of course.