//------------------------------// // Discord // Story: Leave it to Striker // by Strikerbolt //------------------------------// That dog tag seemed important. I had one, he must have a reason for having his. Fluttershy being chased by Discord would usually be a comedic sight, but wasn't what I needed right now. I pounced in, aiming for Flutters, but landed on Discord. "Woah now, we've only just met." He joked. I hoped off with a sigh of exasperation. Flutters saw me and tackled me to the ground. She dropped the dog tag and kissed me on the nose. I kissed her nose, then reached for the dog tag. Rarity levitated it to Fluttershy, who leaped off me and ran out to the yard. I tackled her and she threw it to Rarity. She caught it with her magic, and ran to the back of the house. (Third Person, not me) Behind the house, Rarity found a Blue Box. It reminded her of Imagine Comet for some reason. She missed him dearly. He'd been such a gentleman. He'd saved her life. They'd been together the entire summer. He had to leave for the human world, so he promised to come back next year. That date was almost a year ago. He'd be back soon, she hoped. "What if he forgot about me, or met somepony- or somehuman- else. She'd walked back out front, completely forgetting why she ran. Discord took the dog tag. Fluttershy nabbed it from him. (First person, me) I took the tag from her while Discord restrained her. I read the dog tag to myself: _____________________ I " #00103 DNA clone I I DNA Code: Time Lord I I Operation: Successful" I _____________________ "Fluttershy, how did you find this?" I asked. "Well," she responded," when the cutie mark crusaders had gone into the forest, I'd followed to save them. I'd found this on the ground. The area around it was a burnt down building. Rubble seemed to completely miss this." We all walked inside to continue the conversation. "Sound like it was meant to be found." Said Discord. "Well, I came here to question you Discord, but I think I have my answers." I said. "I've remembered something awful." "Oh, did you leave pie in the oven too long? No no wait, it's about the Doctor! It is, isn't it. Oooooooh, please tell me!" Pinkie had burst through a window. It didn't break, it more, rippled. She wasn't on the other side either, so I gave up. "No, it's about the lab of experiments." I said. Neither responded. They all looked confused. "The day I went missing. Or really, the years." I can't seem to recall being tackled. All I remember is Fluttershy was on top of me, hugging me tight, while Rarity, Discord, and Pinkie just nodded. I ran my hoof down Flutter's mane. She kissed me, and refused to let go. Discord looked at the dog tag, questioning why he'd have this. "Anyways, the reason I came here was to talk to Discord about this." I pulled out my dog tag. Discord compared his to mine. "Mine says that I'm a genetic clone. Yours says nothing of the sort." He pointed out. "Yours implies that your a clone of the Doctor." I said. His face melted into a frown. He then literally melted on to the ground, reappearing behind me. "So, I'm not naturally a being of chaos?" He asked. "Actually, your genetic build up makes you so." The Doctor said, entering the room. He stood strong, like a leader who can handle his power. "Your actually a genetic clone of the Master. He's another Timelord who escaped the sealing of Galifrey." "Doctor!" Pinkie and I said, excitedly. "Striker, your memory has returned?" He asked. "Only small bits. I know who you are, when I met Pinkie, and why I went missing. I also know my relationship with Fluttershy." I said. "Oh good! The wedding is back on?" He asked joyfully. "WEDDING?!?" Rarity, Discord and I exclaimed. "Okay," The Doctor said, "maybe not everything."