Surviving Spark

by JackTheEpic

Healing memories

So after that touchy feely moment when the yellow one, who's name I found out was Fluttershy, hugged me. She recommended that they should take me to the hospital, just incase Rainbow broke something when she attacked me. I tried to tell them that I could walk, but Luna and Fluttershy would have none of it. They wanted to get a stretcher and carry me there, but I would have none of that. So we compromised, I would walk, but I would be supported by the both of them. I'll admit, after just walking a couple feet, even with them supporting me, I was hurt bad. How do I know this? Simple, my entire body was in tremendous pain. It felt like I was getting each one of my limbs were being cut off inch by inch. Not to mention it didn't help when people just stopped what they were doing when we passed by, just so they could stare at me. But from what I gathered from the clothing they wore, at least they weren't those rich snobs who think everything and everyone else is beneath them. Eventually we arrived at the hospital, and from what I can remember, which isn't very much by the way, it looked kind of like the hospitals back from... where ever I came from. When we walked in, Luna (who might be my first friend in a very long time) asked the person at the front desk for a room for me, as well as a doctor to come an examine me in a couple of minutes. Which of course the receptionist did, she even gave me a room on the top floor, with a view overlooking the town. Although there was one downside, the room smelled like disinfectant. Luna and Fluttershy carried me over to the bed while the others waited outside, I'm going to guess that they felt bad about accusing
me of stalking them, that or knocking me out in my home and dragging me into their town.

After Luna and Fluttershy helped my up on the bed, they pulled over two chairs and sat down next to my bed. It was quiet for a bit, while we waited for the doctor to arrive. So in the mean time Luna decided to start up a conversation with me.

"So, twelve years alone. How exactly did you survive?" She asked

"Oh, you know, I scavenged for materials, hunted game, built a place to live, those sort of things." I said

"Oh. Also do you remember where you came from? Because if you do, it would help us greatly in finding the rest of your kind."

"No, I don't. Actually, I don't remember much from before I woke up on that beach. Heck, I don't even know if Connor is my real name." I said in a sad tone, "But I remember some things, like I remembered how to crudely dress a wound, and I'm lucky I did remember that otherwise I wouldn't be here now."

"What do you mean by that?" Fluttershy asked

"Well, when I woke up on that beach, I had a piece of wood sticking out of my left leg, and it was causing me to loose a lot of blood. Heck I still have the scar if you want to see it." Fluttershy pondered this for a moment, but she nodded her head. So ever so carefully I rolled up my pant leg enough to show the wound. And when they saw it they both gasped, probably because of how jagged the scar was, or the fact that there were several smaller scars on my leg, just some of the one's I gained over the years.

"We should get the doctor to see if he can do anything about that scar. It looks quite painful. Also back on the topic of memories, there is a way to help you regain lost memories, but there is no guarantee that all your memories will come back, if they come back at all." Luna said

"I'm willing to try anything at this point. For every day for the past 12 years, I have wondered what happened to me, but every time I catch a glimpse of the past, escape from my grasp."

"Ok, well here goes nothing." she said as she put her hand on my forehead.

At first nothing seemed to happen, then a memory came rushing to me, I was on a boat, and people of all ages were on it as well. Why was I on the boat, and who were these people? ...Yes, it's coming back to me now, they are my family, and we were taking a holiday cruse to the Caribbean. I remember some people in particular, I remember my mom, dad, and little sister. And they were calling me by my name. What was it... John... John what? What is my last name? I can't remember... But I do remember my sister's name. Her name was Bonnie. But why did I wake up on the beach and not on the boat. I need to remember... I remember we had just entered the Bermuda Triangle, and a bad storm formed an hour later. I remember a large wave that had hit the boat and started to flip it over. I remember grabbing Bonnie's hand with one hand, and the railing with another. I remember the rest of my family falling into the water, and I was loosing my grip on the railing. The next thing I remember is I'm in the water, and Bonnie's body is going down towards the sea floor, I remember swimming down towards her and grabbing her. Swimming back up to the surface, holding her tightly, trying to get her to wake up. Then I saw a monster wave, just before it crashed down on me. Then I woke up on the beach.

Luna pulled her hand off of my forehead, and I just sat there... Looking off into space, trying to comprehend what just happened. Then, I was crying. No not crying, weeping. I had no one left. They were all gone. For years I had thought that they were out there looking for me, that when I found my way back to civilization I'd have someone to go to. I never thought of this. I felt an hand land on my shoulder, and I turned to see it was Luna's hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked

"Yeah... just give me a minute." I said with a sigh, "I just remembered how I ended up on the beach, as well as my name."

"That's good right?" Luna asked

"I guess so... I think it would have been better if I never had known." I said while wiping the tears from my eyes

"Could you tell us your name then... If that's alright with you that is." Fluttershy asked sweetly

"John. John is my real name, well at least my first name. I still don't know what my last name is."

Just then the doctor came in. And the following moments were a blur of tests, and needles. God I forgot how much I hate needles. Hey wait, I remember I hate needles! Gah! That one hurt like hell. The Doc then left the room for a little bit and came back with a folder in his hands.

"Well I have good news and bad news." The doctor said, "The good news is that you're going to make a full recovery! The bad news is that, from the blood tests we ran, you have low levels of vitamins B6, B12, C, and Folic Acid. But that can all be fixed by eating better, or supplements."

"Well that's good to hear." I said, "But why do you look confused?"

"Well... We don't know what to put down for species. Since your unlike everyone else."

"Human, I'm human. H-U-M-A-N. Got that?"

"Yep. You should be free to leave in a day or two once your legs feel better." said the Doc, before he left the room

Fluttershy then turned to me with a confused look, "Human? Like those creatures Lyra keeps talking about?"

Oh, boy. Looks like I'm going to have to try and explain things to this Lyra. That or be out of here before she finds me.