//------------------------------// // All the Ponies go to the Moon // Story: Adventures in Equestria* // by The Jello Master //------------------------------// All The Ponies go to the Moon Written by: The Jello Master, Zalg (Magikarp), Zick, and Febreezey Fresh It was morning. Rooster made the crowing until Spike shoot it with shotgun. Applejack woke up, realize she was in Fluttershy’s bed. “What a twist!” say M. Knight Shymalan, punch Twist in face. Pinkie burst through doors wearing bedazzled space suit. “Would be fun to make party on moon.” Say Pinkie. “No.” Say Fluttershy. “Yes.” Say Pinkie. Fluttershy offended and punch Pinkie. Epic fist fight occur. Pinkie wins after cheating and using brass knuckles. Fluttershy face get broken and hurted. Bronies cry in agony because spelling and grammar is bad. M. Knight Shymalan pull up in semi truck with space ship in trailer. “Let’s go make plot twists on the moon!” Say Shymalan. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash appear with Spike and Rarity and Twilight and space suits for everyone. They all go into the rocket and fasten several seatbelts and Shymalan crawl into front seat. Shymalan ties knot with seat belt around Twist’s neck. “No escaping.” Say Shymalan. “ghhgfdghfgh.” Say Twist. Everyone laughs at Twist. Space ship flies into air break sound barrier and fly straight into the moon. Spike flies out of seat and hits front windshield, splatters dragon blood everywhere. Rarity dumps Spike out garbage chute. Applejack vomits in agreement. Suddenly, Luna appear holding rifle from Vietnam. “All of you, off of the lawn that I own.” Say Luna. She then speed off in Gran Torino to fight the Asians. Evil face on moon smile at Fluttershy and eat her face off. “NUUUUUUUU!” say Twilight. “Yeeeeeeeeee.” Say Gary Oak as put moon back in his pokeball. All ponies float in space as Jason, riding a surfboard, picks up Gary Oak and flies him off into the sunset, killing Rarity in the process with pistols. Shymalan takes off quickly leaving Applejack behind. Shymalan chases Gary Oak but it is no use because Jason’s surfboard is faster. Gary shoot back and kill Shymalan. Twist hits the self destruct switch on the control board and takes the controls so she can go fast enough to catch up to Gary and explode all of them the end. Link plays the song of time. Part 2: Return to top of page.