Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Stallions VS Breaking Dawn

Shit... I kinda got side tracked. So, I'm going to speed through some of this, sorry.

Chapter 80

Shadow Breeze galloped down the streets of Ponyville. It had been three hours since he was teleported back to Ponyville, and he was now trying to get to Greg.

He felt sorry for the poor guy. He must be traumatized.

So, as he stepped up to the bakery doors where he knew Greg was, he prepared himself for the worst.

Greg would probably need a should to cry on. Some one to talk to.

Shadow braced himself for the tears he was about to endure and pushed open the door.

On the other side, he saw nothing but blackness. So, he forced himself to walk in, braving the darkness.


Shadow jumped as he accidently knocked over a chair. He took a deep breath and continued.

When he looked towards the stairs, he saw a little light. Found Greg!

He half galloped, half tripped, his way to the stairs. He piratically flew up them and landed outside the door that had the light coming from under it.

He put on a smile and pushed the door open.

But, instead of being greeted by a crying Greg. He saw Greg... mounting Pinkie Pie.... doing it doggy style.

Shadow's eyes went wide, and he felt the taste of bail in his mouth. This was sick!

He began to slowly back away from the two lovers.

Greg turned and smiled, "Wanna join?"

Shadow's mouth hung open and he slammed the door shut.

He then flew down the stairs and for the door.

Once he was outside, he flew for the first cloud he could see.

He curled up into the fetal position and began to rock, and began to repeat, "They're just wrestling... they're just wrestling..."

Day three

"Be quiet!" I hissed as David began to yell out in pain after stomping his hoof against the fire.

He bit his lip and nodded.

Vinetion picked up Graze and threw him over her back. She then turned to me, "So, mister guy with the plan, what are we going to do?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess we'll try and find all the teleport's and get the hell out of here."

Zorrow nodded, "I agree. I say we just make a break for it and run straight to it... who knows where it is?"

Peter smiled, "I know where it is. I read the clue. Its next to the community pool."

I nodded at him, "Good job Peter. Now, lets get to moving."

Seth turned from the door and shook his head, "We're not going anywhere."

David looked at him, "What do you mean?"

Seth looked at him, "Looks like your little yell attracted them here."

I furrowed my brow, "How many?"

He hung his head, "Lots."


[*Clears throat* Breaking...]

I facehoofed, "Of fucking course!"

Everyone looked at me, "What?!"

I looked up at them, "I could have gone Breaking Dawn and got us through all that shit!"

Zorrow held up a hoof, "Yes, but you didn't. We still made it, right?"

I shrugged, "Yes, but then Aaron would still be... wait, he chose to get raped." I then looked at them with determination in my eyes, "But, I'm not going to let anyone else get touched by a stallion."

My eyes caught flame, burning with determination and slightly anger towards the stallions. My hooves went burning red, smoke curling up from them.

I looked at everyone and smiled smugly, "Everyone, welcome to the controlled version of Breaking Dawn." My voice echoed with the voices of Break and Dawn. Three voices mixed into one, sounds pretty cool

Vinetion cocked her head, "Controlled version?"

I nodded, "Yep. You all know that when I use to go into Breaking Dawn, I would be pretty pissed off or something, right? Well, this way, I'm in control of my emotions and won't do something stupid."

Seth smiled, "I like this form of you. Looks badass!"

I grinned and smiled proudly, "Thanks..." I then frowned slightly, "Shit, that's not good."

David looked confused, "What?"

I sighed, "I just noticed that Break and Dawn also have more influence on my actions. Its bad because of break."

[I'll behave, I promise.]
<Of course you will.>
[Enough talking! Lets get this on!]

I cracked my neck and began walking for the door, "Follow me, try and keep away from the stallions. I'll do my best to hold them off. Peter, get everyone to the first teleporter."

He nodded, "Got it."

Vinetion shifted Graze's weight and followed, "Right behind you guys."

I took a deep breath and kicked the door open.

All the stallions turned my way and smile. I wonder what I look like to them?

As they began to charge towards me, I smiled, "Come on! I'm ready for ya!"

I charged towards the group, a large smirk on my face.


Seth watched as Lance charged out the door towards the large crowd of stallions.

"GO!" Peter yelled out as he ran out of the building.

The rest of the group ran after him.

As they ran outside, they could see Lance in the middle of the crowd, throwing stallions left and right. He seemed to be enjoying himself... maybe a little to much.

Seth kept pace with Zorrow, who was lagging behind, "Come on dude! We gotta keep up!"

Zorrow looked at him and rolled his eyes, "I'm working on it dude!"

Seth sighed and looked ahead, content on staying with the group, but also staying with his best friend.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a stallion running towards Vinetion. SHIT!

Seconds before he reached her, a red hot hoof grabbed the stallions tail, "Oh no you don't! Never touch a mare like that!"

Lance then spun around and threw the stallion into the growing crowd.

Vinetion looked over her should, "Thanks Lance."

Lance just saluted and ran back towards the crowd.


Ten minutes later

Well shit!

I was chasing after my friends, the large group of stallions behind me.

I was able to keep them distracted, but now I'm exhausted. Oh God! My sides are killing me!

Everyone else wasn't to far ahead, I had been running and fighting after all. But geez! This is to much for me to handle.

Up ahead, I heard Peter yell out in joy, "FOUND IT!"

Thank you!

I picked up my speed and ran up to the group. Which was now standing out side a locked building.

Peter was kicking at it furiously, "Come on! Open damn it!"

I ran forward, "Back!"

He jumped back as I slammed my hoof into the large deadlock. It broke off and hit the ground with a heavy thud.

Behind us, the crowd was getting closer.

I looked at everyone, "Get inside! Quickly!"

As everyone charged in, I took a quick look at the building.

It was fairly large, but only a one story building. It sat alone away from all the other buildings.... which means the damn stallions can surround us! With any luck, we can get at least one person out of here.

After everyone was in, I ran in, slamming the door shut as I passed by it. I looked around and saw a small desk. I then pushed that small desk in front of the door.

As I began to follow everyone, I heard loud bangs coming from the door. Now, there's no going back.

I ran down the small hall and into a cafeteria of sorts. It was large enough to easily fit two hundred ponies. What was this place?

<Its a club, didn't you read the sign?>
{No, to busy checking out the lay out of the building.}

I looked upward and saw a large poster... of... Trollestia?! What the hell?!

"Lance, you might want to see this." David said over his shoulder.

I walked forward, towards everyone else. They were all gathered in the middle of the cafeteria, looking at something.

Once I was next to them, my mouth hung open. On the floor was six teleporter's.

Zorrow began bouncing up and down, "Yay! We're all saved."

I held up a hoof, "No, we're not all saved. There's only six teleporter's, but there's seven of us."

Zorrow hung his head, "Oh..."

Vinetion sighed, "I'm sorry to tell you this Lance, but if we all want to get out of here, we have to leave Graze behind."

I shook my head, "We can't leave him! I want to get to the bottom of this little multi-dimension thing."

She sat him down and sighed, "Either he stays, or I don't go. I don't want you all to get raped."

I sighed in defeat, "Fine."

Zorrow jumped on one, "I'm outta here!"


Seth and David did the same, "Peace!"


Peter jumped on one and twisted, "Back to the future!"

"That's out of place dude."


Two teleporter's left.

Vinetion looked at me, "I'm sorry Lance, but it must be this way."

I nodded in response.

She then stepped on the teleporter.


I sighed and looked at Graze. Poor guy.

*Crash* *CRASH* *CRASH*

The sounds of glass breaking and doors being knocked down filled the building as the stallions began to flood into the building.

I hung my head and looked at Graze, "I'm sorry."




Vinetion appeared on the hill over looking Ponyville, the other bronies were next to her, talking about their escape.

She sighed, she knows it was hard for Lance to leave Graze, but it was necessary.

David looked up and smiled, "Oh yeah! That was epic!"

*Loud bang*

Peter smiled and stood, "Hell yeah, Lance is here now.... Lance?"

They all turned to look at Lance... or where Lance should have been. Instead, it was Graze, laying on the ground with his binds cut.

Vinetion growled, "Lance! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!"

Seth walked forward and looked at Graze, "Uhh, guys. I think we have a problem."

"What's the problem?" Zorrow asked.

Seth stepped out of the way to show off Graze, "Graze is a mare."

Back to Lance

I stood on a table in the middle of the cafeteria, the stallions on all sides of me. The damn things had broke in and surrounded me in seconds. I only had time to cut Graze's binds and roll him onto a teleporter.

The stallions around me where talking excitedly, all examining my body.

[This is sick! Kill them all!]
{Wait for it.}

I cracked my neck and rotated my shoulders, preparing myself.

"Wow! Look at that nice flank!" One said.

"Mmm, I'm gonna have some fun with this one tonight!"

"I call the mouth!"

<God! Lance, just beat the shit out of them!>

I exhaled and smirked, "Well? Come at me!"

They all laughed happily and charged towards me. Damn, its like a crowd of zombies.

As they reached the table, I jumped off, delivering a kick to ones face. As he fell, I twisted and slammed my head into another's.

One grabbed my flank and jumped on me. OH NO YOU DON'T!

I jumped into the air and angled myself, putting my back to the ground.

I slammed into it, slamming the stallion into the ground, along with two others.

One jumped on my front, and prepared to try and penetrate.

"Get the hell off me!"

I grabbed his head and slammed my opposite hoof into it, knocking him off me with great force.

I then quickly jumped up and bucked another one in the jaw.

<There's to many!>

One grabbed my side, trying to pin me to the ground. Bad choice.

I reached back and grabbed his mane. I then yanked him forward, slamming him into three others.

As I was doing this, another took the opportunity to wrap his hooves around my neck.


I stood on my hind legs, picking him up off the ground. I then pushed out ward, sending him into the growing crowd of stallions.

While I was on my hind legs, one jumped at me. Luckily, I was ready.

I caught him in mid air and brought him down with me.


I hope his head is okay.

Suddenly, I felt something slide into my.... you know what.


I spun around with great force. A loud popping sound was heard.

The stallions eyes widened as his member hung loosely.

<Poor guy, we broke his stallionhood.>
[Serves him right!]

Time for my favorite move!

I grabbed the nearest stallions forelegs and began to spin. This caused his body to spin with me, hitting all the stallions around me. Very effective, but also makes you dizzy.

I let the stallion go, sending him towards another.

I began to stumble as the dizziness began to take affect. Damn...

One stallion ran towards me, but I luckily had the coordination to strike out and hit him across the face.

Screw this! I can't keep fighting like this, I need the high ground!

<Lance, the stage!>

I looked around and saw a small stage, at least five feet tall. It'll have to do.

I charged through the crowd, knocking them out of the way.

Damn! Frank West makes this look so damn easy in the game!

Once I broke through the crowd, I jumped up on the stage. Sweat was pouring down my face and coated my body. I don't know how long I can hold this form.

The stallions crowded around the stage, a few began to pull themselves up.

I ran forward and began kicking the brave ones off. But, with every one I knock off, another takes his place. Damn... I'm so screwed.

Suddenly, a large stallion slammed into my side, taking me down with him.

My saddlebags flew off from the impact, and me and the stallion skidded for a few feet.

The stallion positioned himself on top of, a smirk on his face, "You're mine sweetie."

I used everything I had to just hold him back, "No! I'm not yours!"

The stallion began forcing his lower half closer. I'm going to be fucking raped!!

<The book!>

I looked over to my side to see the book Twilight had sent me, it was laying only a few inches away from my head.

Thank you Twilight!

I reached over and grasped the book, "See ya in the pages!" I then slammed the book into the side of the stallions face.

The stallion slumped to the side, out cold.

I pushed his body off me and stood, holding the book my hoof, "Bring it you colt cuddlier's!"

They began to run up on stage.

<Oh shit, we're screwed!>

Ponyville, twenty minutes later

"Oh God! Lance, why?!" David yelled as they waiting for Lance to appear. They all knew he was going to get raped, it was the only way for him to get back.

"Its his own fault!" Vinetion yelled back, furious with Lance.


They all turned, expecting to see Lance. But what they saw instead confused them.

Mr. Bleak stood there, a unconscious Lance on his back.

Lance looked battered, but otherwise okay.

"What the fu-" Peter began.

Mr. Bleak held up a hoof, "I know, you all want to know what the hell is going on."

They all nodded.

Mr. Bleak smiled, "Okay then, I'll explain this in simple terms: Mrs. Sparkle came to me a hour ago and told me about her husbands situation and asked if I could help him."

Vinetion looked confused, "Why would she ask you?

Mr. Bleak chuckled, "Because she knows about the fight me and Lance was in. It was pretty interesting to say the least."

Seth furrowed his brow, "But, what happened to Lance? Was he raped?!"

Mr. Bleak shook his head, "No, he's fine. Hurt, but fine. I arrived to find him about to fight a large crowd of stallions. So I stayed in the background and watched. I intervened when he was knocked out my a large stallion. I must say though, that was a fun fight to watch, and a fun fight to perform. I haven't had that much fun in centuries!"

Peter scratched his head, "Centuries? How old are you?"

Mr. Bleak's eyes widened, "I must take Lance home. Mrs. Sparkle is worried sick about him."

Vinetion shook her head, "Wait, how old..."

Mr. Bleak opened his strange wings and jumped into the air. He then shot off for Canterlot, at a speed Rainbow Dash would gawk at.

Seth looked at everyone, "What the hell?"


Mr. Bleak flew in silence, Lance still on his back.

He sighed, he had told them to much about his past. Even if it was only one thing.

He looked back at Lance and shook his head, "If only your son wasn't so special, I wouldn't have become friends with you." He then let a small smile appear on his face, "But I'm glad we're friends."

After that, Mr. Bleak flew in silence. Thinking of all the friends he's had. Sadly... Lance is the first.