Kaidan's Short Stories: Volume 2 - Mature / Gore

by Kaidan

8. M/Da/Sex,Gore :: 700 Follower Special; 700 Shades of Neigh

Mature Sex Gore. Discord, Mane Six. Unbirthing, Vore, and other horrible fates.

Discord spent a thousand years in a fate worse than death. After staging a coup, he ensures a thousand years of the worst torture possible for every single pony in Equestria. It truly is some excellent chaos.

The most random thing ever written. A celebration of my 700th follow!
(bonus: I hid an alternate ending to Puppet to her Fame in here.)

“Oh, Gummy, you’re so cute when you’re trying to eat my hoof,” Pinkie said.

As she laid on her bed reading a book on how to bake a triple chocolate fudge cupcake, her pet alligator was chewing on her back left hoof. Gummy seemed to enjoy tasting the many flavors of dirt on her hoof. Pinkie often wondered if he would ever try to eat any animals without his teeth. She had trained him to be a vegetarian, but always wondered.

Pinkie looked back to see Gummy swallowing her hoof. “Huh? Careful now, Gummy, you’re not big enough to swallow my hoof!” Pinkie giggled, and stuck her other hind hoof against his snout. “Off you go, silly!”

Gummy opened his mouth in a wide yawn, and Pinkie’s other foot pushed against the roof of his mouth. Instead of him being peeled off, her other hoof slid into his expanding gullet. Gummy clamped down his jaw on her hind hooves and began to suck. Somehow he was much stronger than he usually was.

“Uh, Gummy, what’s going on?” Pinkie asked. She tried to pull her legs out but he had already swallowed them up to her flanks. “This doesn’t seem physically possible, and I’m me!”

Gummy blinked slowly, and there was a loud popping sound as he dislocated his jaw. He then swallowed her plot. His belly was visibly distending as Pinkie slid in.

“Oh, I’ve had this dream before! Hmm, should I pinch myself or enjoy it?” Pinkie tapped a hoof to her jaw and looked down at the book she was reading. “Oh, that’s right! It’s Discord’s anniversary party for one year of being reformed today! Sorry, Gummy, mommy needs to wake up!”

Pinkie was giggling as Gummy swallowed her stomach. She could feel that his slippery throat was impossibly tight around her flanks and plot, and it was turning her on. Pinkie pinched herself to wake up from the dream but nothing happened. She pinched herself again and had the same result.

“Wait a minute, if this isn’t a dream. . . I must have drank too much cough syrup again!” Pinkie giggled as Gummy’s lips brushed against her forearms. “Okie dokie lokie, this cough syrup fueled fantasy is over, silly filly!”

Pinkie pushed at Gummy’s jaw with both of her forehooves. To her horror, he opened his jaw and her hooves slid inside. She started to pull them out, but as soon as his lips closed, that impossibly strong suction pulled them back in. As Pinkie’s mane deflated, she could feel every inch of her body being compressed by his throat muscles.

“G-Gummy? M-mommy doesn’t w-wanna play this g-game anymore,” Pinkie whimpered.

He responded by swallowing her in up to her neck. Pinkie screamed as his bulging stomach sealed tightly around her lower body and squeezed her. She looked around panicked. “Mr. Cake! Twilight! Anypony!”

Gummy slid his lips over Pinkie’s head, leaving only the pink hair outside. He then slowly swallowed it and licked his eyes.

Inside his stomach, Pinkie had been curled into the fetal position. She couldn’t move an inch, not even to breath. What little air she was getting was humid and stale, as the tight slippery stomach writhed around her.

As she lost consciousness she couldn’t help but wonder why this was turning her on. Her last act in Equestria was to orgasm right as her brain shut down.

Twilight woke up feeling rather groggy. She looked around and noticed she wasn’t in her room. Instead, she seemed to be in a white room, almost like a hospital. She tried to cast a spell to get rid of her headache, only to be rewarded with an empty feeling. She reached up to her head and felt the tiny nub of a horn, almost like an infant.

She sat forward and noticed a long cord attached to her stomach. Tugging on it was painful, and she looked at where it was going. In front of her was her mother, legs spread wide apart in stirrups.

“Good, Ms. Twilight, now pull!” Discord said.

Twilight spun to face him. “Gah gah? Boo?! WAAAAAH!”

Discord laughed loudly. “Now, now, little baby, you’d best get back inside your mommy where you belong!”

Hundreds of thoughts ran through Twilight’s mind. This was clearly either a nightmare or a coup. She tried to cast a spell and could not, so she tried to run. Her legs pulled weakly at the bed sheets and she made no progress. Finally, Twilight tried to rip the umbilical cord off. A sharp jolt of pain let her realize this was no dream.

She looked up in horror as the umbilical cord was slowly sucked into her mother’s pussy. The large lips seemed to blink at her, inviting her in. Twilight screamed and mumbled as her infantile vocabulary attempted to express her horror.

She felt the wet slap of the labia on her sides as the umbilical cord dragged her into the waiting vagina. Twilight looked back at Discord with malice in her eyes.

“Come now, Twilight, did you think after a thousand years of torment in stone I’d let you off that easily? I’m afraid you’ll be unbirthed for eternity! Yes, your mother will live a comfortable life in my new Equestria, but you will forevermore be a twinkle in your mother’s eye!” Discord laughed and patted Twilight on the head. “I hope it’s comfortable in there!”

Twilight struggled to brace her legs against her mother’s plot as she was sucked in. The force was too strong and she was slowly enveloped by powerful muscular walls. She watched the lights dim as her head was pulled inside. Twilight reached both legs out, grasping onto the sheets with all her might. The vagina slowly sealed itself up around her hooves.

The pressure hurt too much, and finally her hooves were forced to let go and slide inside. The light dimmed as the cervix shrank to a hole the size of her nostril. Twilight could barely make out the faint glimmer of a single beam of light passing inside. Soon, a membrane sealed over the hole and she felt fluid surrounding her.

Twilight pushed against the uterus, trying desperately to break free. The fluid flowed into her mouth and nose, and in her panic she breathed deeply. The liquid filled her lungs and she began to cough and choke. After several minutes of thrashing, she realized she wasn’t drowning. Warmth flowed into her stomach from the umbilical cord, sustaining her life with oxygen and nutrients.

As she floated there, she felt her mother get up onto her hooves. She had just enough room to shift into a few positions of comfort inside the uterus. Twilight pushed down at the membrane towards the exit to her prison to no avail. She was trapped for eternity in her mother’s womb.

“Congratulations, Ms. Sparkle! It was a filly!” Discord said. He patted her on the back. “Now, run along and enjoy your life of luxury. Just remember that if your water breaks to come and see me right away. I wouldn’t want you to give birth!”

Ms. Sparkle’s glazed eyes and vacant smile betrayed the control Discord had over her. She trotted out of the hospital and towards her home where she would spend her days eating ice cream and pickles, with her daughter, Twilight, swimming around in her womb.

Dash yawned and rolled over in bed. She opened an eye to look out the window where she saw chocolate rain.

After a minute of snoring gently, she jolted awake. One does not simply make it rain chocolate. Dash jumped to the floor and ran towards the window. Already she knew Discord was up to his old tricks.

Only half way to the window Dash felt her hooves stick in the cloud floor. She looked down and saw herself sinking. The fluffy cloud was enveloping her legs, and her entire body was tingling.

“What the hay?” She looked around and saw no sign of Discord, and in her confusion considered this was too strange to be happening. While she pondered if it was a nightmare, the cloud climbed up her legs.

Dash felt a sharp pain as her hooves and lower legs dissolved into the cloud. She screamed in pain as she fell down into the cloud flooring. Dash thrashed wildly as her body began to feel lighter than air and vanish into the cloud.

Soon she was overwhelmed with the pain, and felt herself floating out the window. She tried to flap her wings or make some movement, but could not. Dash looked down and realized she seemed to be inside a cloud. Streaks of rainbow colors ran through the cloud, but she could not move. Pain wracked her body, but she could not scream. Dash had become part of an ordinary cloud, and the dash of color was the only hint she had ever been real.

She floated up into the atmosphere inside her cloud prison, unable to beg anypony for help.

Fluttershy heard a ruckus downstairs and trotted down them to find Discord sitting on her couch as it floated in mid-air.

“Discord? What a pleasant surprise!” Fluttershy trotted over with a wide smile.

“I’m afraid not, Fluttershy. There’s been a slight problem,” Discord said.

“Oh? What is wrong?” she asked.

“You see, I’m taking over Equestria and I’m not sure what to do with you. As the closest thing I had to a friend, I don’t want to eternally torture you, yet you no doubt do not approve of what I’ll have to do to take over.”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side. “Huh?” Her brain couldn’t process the idea that Discord would suddenly go on a rampage of revenge.

Discord pulled out a white plushy with pink, green, and blue hair. “See? This is what I did to Celestia. She’ll spend eternity as an anatomically correct plushy, at least until I get bored and devise another torture for her. Luna I turned into a rock. She always was a bore. . .”

She gasped. “Wait, why would you do that? Turn them back right now!” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she stared at him. “I thought we were friends!”

“We are! Otherwise, you’d already be a field mouse running from a hungry snake,” Discord said. He spread his arms and shrugged. “Thus my dilemma. What’ll it be? Do you choose me or your other friends?”

Fluttershy stomped her hoof. “If you could be this mean to everypony then you aren’t my friend! You’ll be alone for the rest of your life.”

“Fair enough. Say, would you mind identifying one animal for me before I go?” Discord asked. He pulled a bird out from behind his back.

“That’s a Cockatri—” Fluttershy closed her eyes but it was too late. She had already seen its eyes and felt her legs turning to stone. “N-no! Discord, why?!”

“You said it yourself, you’re not my friend, but I’m still your friend. I’ll take good care of you in my statue garden. Trust me, an eternity trapped unmoving in your own body is far better than the fates I gave your friends.”

Fluttershy could feel tears running down her cheeks as they turned to stone. The tears hardened and for the rest of eternity Discord would have a perfect statue of her weeping.

Rarity was sewing a dress when she heard a dozen rowdy stallions walk into the shop. She was about to walk out into the show room and scold them when she stepped on something wet.

Looking down, she saw a large sheet of white latex on the floor. In one swift movement, it sprung up around her, bagging her. Rarity screamed as it sealed tightly around her, melting to her skin. Soon she could barely move as it solidified and cooled.

From her position Rarity could see herself in the mirror. When the latex faded from her eyes, she saw a pristine white pony with pink hair, large red circular lips, and large tits. She could feel a large hollow hole where her pussy and ass were as she felt the sensation of plastic all over her. They had turned into the perfect fuck toys of a sex doll.

Rarity tried to cast a spell or scream, but both proved useless. She was now semi-rigid plastic and couldn’t move.

“Psi alpha gamma! This Boutique will be the perfect frat house when we get rid of the girly stuff!” Several stallions trotted in.

“Whoa, check out that life-like sex doll!” a stallion said.

“You’re right! Dibs!” a large tan one said.

“Second!” a large black one said.

Rarity tried to protest as the first stallion wasted no time mounting her. She felt him plop easily into her permanently-lubed and perfectly-shaped plastic pussy. As he began thrusting in and out, Rarity began to lose her memory.

Each thrust brought her one step closer to orgasm. The first step, and she forgot about her sister Sweetie. A second thrust erased her memory of the elements of harmony. Soon, all she could remember was that her name was Rarity, that she was a sex doll, and that she liked to be fucked.

Her world exploded in an orgasm as another stallion began to fuck her in the mouth. She greedily wanted more stallions to violate her. A small part of her old self remained, seemingly immune, and screaming for help in the back of her mind. Discord had left just enough of her intact to realize this was in fact a torture, and that her enjoyment was only making her condition worse.

Applejack trotted down into her apple cellar. “Big Mac, are y’all down here?”

“Sure am, Sis,” he replied.

She turned the corner and saw the mutilated remains of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders. They had been brutally torn apart, and apparently raped, and were covered in semen.

“What the fuck?!” Applejack shouted.

Big Mac didn’t even bother to reply as he tackled her and pinned her on her stomach against the wall. He wrapped his forelegs around her shoulders and thrust his massive cock into her ass, not even bothering for any lubrication.

Applejack screamed in pain as he penetrated and tore into her tight plot. She tried to kick him off, but at this point he was latched on. Big Mac had flared inside her, and her entire back was raked with agony.

“Ah had ta make ‘em shut up, and now ah’ll kill ya too!” Big Mac explained.

“Why?!” Applejack managed. “Stop!”

She cringed as she heard something snap and realized it was one of her forelegs. Big Mac had used it for leverage and broken one of the bones. He thrust like a machine into her ass, shredding it. Warm liquid flowed down her flanks onto the floor as he fucked her to death.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, she felt Mac come. He then snapped her neck in one swift motion.

* * *

Applejack trotted down into her apple cellar. “Big Mac, are y’all down here?”

“Sure am, Sis,” he replied.

She turned the corner and saw the mutilated remains of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders. They had been brutally torn apart, and apparently raped, and were covered in semen.

“What the fuck?!” Applejack shouted. She then had a realization. “Wait, didn’t I just—”

Mac tackled her to the ground as she pondered her Deja Vu. The large penis violated her tight ass again. Applejack had clenched her muscles tightly, yet it had made no difference. Something wasn’t right here. However, she could do little but scream in agony as she was fucked to death again. Maybe she’d have better luck the next time she came down into the cellar.

Scootaloo peeked her head out of the chicken coop in her own personal hell. She clucked, and then ran down the ramp. The wire fence around the enclosure was too high for her to jump over, and she couldn’t fly. The other chickens would peck at her and tear her feathers out. As the newest chicken, she was lowest on the totem pole.

It seemed like some sort of bad dream. Dash was doing stunts in the sky, Fluttershy would come to feed her, even Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom would crusade nearby every once and awhile. Yet, for all the apparently normal things, Scootaloo was trapped in the body of a chicken.

She could barely remember what it had been like to be a pony. After the fourth time a timberwolf had broken into the chicken coup and eaten her, Scootaloo began to wonder if she had ever really been a pony. Maybe she had always been some sort of freaky immortal chicken, trapped in a gilded cage.

She clucked loudly as the rooster walked over to her. Scootaloo didn’t know why, but when she let the rooster have his way with her the other hens would leave her alone.

The chickens felt rain begin to fall. Scootaloo couldn’t help but look up in wide-eyed wonder. The raindrops were so fascinating. She opened her beak to taste them.

Drop after drop fell down into her mouth. Soon, Scootaloo found it hard to breath. She wanted to look away, but couldn’t. She was powerless to do anything but look straight up as drops of chocolate rain fell down into her throat and drowned her.

On the bright side, it beat being eaten alive by a timberwolf.

Apple Bloom squealed and tightened up her thigh muscles. With a loud hiss, she squirted out her marecum twelve feet. It was an impressive showing, and might be enough to win the contest this time. . .

“And the winner is. . . Diamond Tiara!” Discord announced. “Sorry, Apple Bloom, but you’ll have to spend another week mining for the Diamond Dogs. Better luck next time!”

Apple Bloom opened her mouth to protest when a large paw grabbed her, and dragged her by the tail back towards the mines. Ever since the rise of Discord, cum shooting had been his favorite way of deciding which ponies deserved a break from their torture. If she could only get a little better at it, maybe practice a little more late at night with the Diamond Dogs, she could get a break.

Sweetie Belle trot down the main street of Ponyville with her head hung low. Ever since Discord returned, she had been invisible. It was like she was a ghost, unworthy of notice by anypony.

At first, when Rarity had ignored her, all had seemed normal. Soon, Sweetie saw several stallions putting their penises into Rarity. She had been confused and had screamed for them to stop, but none of them heard her. When she would try to touch them, her hoof would pass through them.

It had been this way for weeks. Sweetie was little more than a ghost. Not a single soul in all of Ponyville to keep her company. She had visited Scootaloo, who was a chicken, and Apple Bloom, when she went to the weekly cum shot tournaments, but no longer cared.

She was less than a pony. Her friends, family, everypony couldn’t even see her. Worse, she couldn’t kill herself. Sweetie had jumped from every ledge, cliff, and building. She couldn’t even lift a knife let alone hurt herself. Sweetie was trapped as if seeing the world through a window: unable to interact, a mere observer to her own life.

Mr. Cake screamed as his wife pulled him out of her saddle bag. Somehow, every single day, he woke up as a tampon. Then, every single day, his wife would insert him into her pussy. And most impressively, every single day, she would lose pints of blood and he would soak them up.

At first what had seemed like some bizzarre dream became his eterntal torture. He wasn’t sure what he did to deserve it, but he knew there was only one draconequus who could be behind it.

Chrysalis smiled as she glued Celestia’s plushy body to the wall. Discord had spared the changelings in exchange for enforcing his new world order. As a reward, she had free reign to torment Celestia. So long as Chrysalis tortured her daily, Discord spared her race.

She summoned up some tentacles and began to entwine them around Celestia. Before Chrysalis could get to close, she felt a tugging on her leg. She looked down to where Discord had shackled her back leg.

Chrysalis was still a threat, and thus she was his permanent ‘guest’. Still, at least she had something to pass the time.

There was a large tearing sound as the tentacles began to pull apart the plushy Celestia one limb at a time. Perhaps after this, she would turn Celestia into a marital aid and have some real fun.

Luna was being driven crazy. Snips had found her sitting on the side of the road, and like all colts his age, had decided to have a pet rock.

Luna now sat on Snips’ desk in his room. He had drawn a smiley face on what had once been her plot. It was now the south-facing side of her smooth rock exterior.

She spent her days bored as Snips ran around, enjoying whatever chaos or torture was allotted him in accordance with Discord being—well—Discord. At night, Snips would play with her and talk to her.

Apparently, Snips only had one friend, Snails. After Snails had been turned into a snail, cooked, and eaten by Discord, Snips was all alone.

Luna would feel bad for the colt, were she not a rock slowly growing moss. Snips wasn’t the most attentive pet owner, and she could feel the slimy, green plant growing along what had once been her nose. The worst part of being a rock was that she could still feel her body. It was rock shaped, but the moss itched horribly along her nose and for days she had the urge to sneeze.

As a pet rock, however, Luna could do little but sit there and think about where it had all gone wrong. Even a thousand years on the moon could not prepare her for being Snips’ pet rock.

Lyra smiled as she lay in bed, obviously playing out a sexual fantasy for Discord. She patted her stomach where she had swallowed Vinyl and Octavia. Lyra felt them sliding down into her intestines and dissolving.

“Come now, darling, shit on me!” Discord said. “I know you want to!”

Lyra grunted as she turned the two ponies inside her to feces. She slowly took a large dump on Discord’s chest. The poop was squeezed out like soft serve ice cream, curling up on him.

“Oh yes, now, be a dear and clean it up,” Discord said with a wicked laugh. “Oh, I do love watching you ponies do anything for a few days without being tortured!”

Lyra whinnied, then lowered herself onto Discord’s massive Minotaur cock. As he fucked her pussy into oblivion, she licked up every trace of feces from his chest. As the foul tasting shit gathered in her stomach, she could feel Vinyl and Octavia coming back to life. They would struggle in her stomach, die, and be shit onto Discord again. The whole time, Lyra would be getting fucked.

At least in exchange, Discord had promised to stop turning Bon Bon into chocolate candies and eating her.

Inkie looked down at Blinkie and grinned. She pulled out a knife and carefully ran it across her skin, careful not to cut her. As Inkie played with the knives, Blinkie began to sweat. This cycle had been repeating for weeks. No matter how hard the two tried, every day they would wake up and tie up the other one. Whoever lost the wrestling match was then slowly carved up and cooked into steak.

Somehow it was incredibly sensual. Blinkie wasn’t sure if Discord intended that, or if in her insanity the caress of the knife was the closest thing to something good happening to her that she could feel.

Inkie put a few pounds of pressure on the knife, easily slicing through Blinkie’s flank. As she carved out a chunk of meat to cook and feed to Blinkie, both mares moaned in enjoyment. Their addled minds could do little but replay the same sequence of events over and over.

Halt was a rather slow earth pony. He blended into the crowd and had the lame colors of brown hair and fur. Luckily for him, Discord saved him from his own stupidity. Now, his short curly hair, giant lips, and ill-proportioned penis was put to better use.

Halt was now providing an endless supply of food for a colony of bullet ants. They are called this because the pain of their sting is akin to being shot by a bullet. Considering that only Discord has been known to use guns, it is a pain most ponies can’t even fathom.

No matter how long the bullet ants sting and feed on him, Halt regenerates the next morning. As his punishment for being too fucking stupid to realize Discord has taken over, he has been sentenced to suffer for eternity until he apologizes to Discord. Then, and only then, will Discord laugh and leave him to suffer for the rest of eternity without an audience.

Cheerilee tried to scream as the fillies in the classroom tackled her. No sooner had the chalk become sentient and fled from the classroom did she realize something was not right. If she had known Discord had returned, she may have tried to calm the kids down.

Instead, the fillies were now wrapping her up in saran wrap. Cheerilee was wondering where they would get saran wrap in the first place, when she felt a large intruder slide between her legs.

“Stop, fillies, what is—mmph!”

Diamond shoved a ball gag into her mouth before wrapping the plastic over her face. All of Cheerilee’s struggling was useless as the first thing they had done was wrap her forehooves to her sides. She felt a mild vibrating from the intruder buried in her pussy as her hind legs were wrapped up.

She felt like she was being mummified by her students. Her suspicions were confirmed when they dropped her into a wooden casket. Before the lid closed, she caught a blurry image of Discord laughing in the background.

Something began filling the casket and expanding. The foam spread, pinning her mummified body until it could not move an inch. A narrow tube was jammed into her nose and led out of the casket allowing her to take shallow breaths that were never enough.

As Cheerilee struggled she began to get turned on by the constant buzzing in her loins. She was terrified of being buried alive, and yet somehow Discord had made it even worse by sexually arousing her.

Soft thuds reached her ears through the casket and foam as she was buried. Her world was darkness as she was sealed inside the casket for eternity.

Octavia looked up from the stage. "Wait, Vinyl, come back!" she shouted. The strings and hooks buried in her flesh vanished as her willpower overpowered the dark presence.

Vinyl turned around, tears still streaming from her face. "Octy?"

"I choose you, Vinyl, screw the music and the puppeteer! I love you. I want to spend my whole life with you!"

Vinyl and Octavia ran towards each other and hugged, then fell to the ground in their loving embrace.

“I’ve been through so much, murdering my parents, being a slave to a dark force I can’t understand. . . you saved me, Vinyl. Thank you.”

Octavia kissed her lover as she felt a hoof probe her labia.

Suddenly, rocks fell the from the ceiling killing them both.

“Tell me, Fluttershy, do you like what I’ve done with the place?” Discord asked.

From his perch on a large weeping willow tree that was once Pound Cake, Discord looked down over his garden. He had used his magic to expand the town tall to make an indoor museum of sorts, where he could display all his favorite works of art.

In a corner was Twilight’s mother, knitting a blanket for Discord as Twilight slept in her womb.

Discord approached the stoned statue of Fluttershy and brushed a few twigs off her. “You see, darling, Twilight over there isn’t doing so well. I  know you can’t speak, or move, but imagine how much worse off she is.”

Fluttershy was stuck staring straight ahead at her friends. An oddly rainbow colored cloud floated in a corner, occasionally raining color onto a bed of flowers. In the center of the flowers was a small gravestone for Cheerilee. Next to that was a machine-like set of pods with several ponies stuck inside them.

“I wonder,” Discord said, “if you’re wondering about the pods. Well, I can’t make every pony suffer physically. Several, like Applejack, are reliving nightmares in the safety of their cocoons for the rest of eternity. If you’d like, I can show you how they’re doing.”

Fluttershy felt a hand placed upon her head and suddenly was looking down on Derpy Hooves.

The poor mail mare was running through the post office looking for Dinky. She tripped and fell onto a conveyor belt, and was pulled into a silver machine. The machine scanned her, determining the proper size box needed and how to safely pack the parcel.

As Derpy tried to scramble out, two large zip ties were maneuvered by mechanical arms around her. She was quickly pinned with her legs to her sides. The arms then folded her neck painfully tight against her stomach, turning her into a small ball that would fit nicely in a flat rate package.

She struggled to break free of the zip ties as a large laminating sheet lowered over her. The conveyor positioned her perfectly into the middle of a vacuum mould. There was a loud hissing sound as the scalding hot plastic was lowered onto Derpy, and the air removed.

Seconds later, she had been sealed into a tight plastic shell, and her furious struggles to breath resulted in tiny movements. The machine picked this up and after scanning for a couple minutes, discovered a ventilation hole was needed in the package. A small hole was placed near her nose and the package visibly calmed down.

A box was filled with packing peanuts as Derpy was lifted off the conveyor belt. A large metal barcode was stamped on Derpy’s side, burning the shipping destination and contents onto her flank. She was then lowered into the box and it was taped closed.

Another barcode was affixed to the side as the box was taken by the atuomated machine and set on a shelf next to another smaller box. Unknown to Dinky or Derpy, they would be shipped off together to Griffonia. There, they would find an error in the barcode and return the packages to sender. Eventually the two would die of dehydration and wake up back in the factory.

Fluttershy felt Discord lift his hand off of her. “So you see, I’m having much more fun than I did a thousand years ago. And to think, I used to let the ponies who worshipped me go largely un-tortured, but this is a much better setup, don’t you think?”

Discord grinned and summoned himself a futon to sit on. He knew that by now Fluttershy had probably given up her struggling. He knew from experience how boring being a statue could be, so he made sure she occasionally got to see her friends.

By now, Twilight’s mouth and nose would have devolved into a patch of solid skin. Her ears and eyes would likely vanish next, and he made sure her unbirth would stop there. She would remain mobile, blind, and mute in her mother’s stomach for eternity.

Discord glanced over to the Dash could. Last time he had checked in on her, she had gone bat shit insane. The cloud occasionally twitched when the pony had enough force of will to focus.

Rarity lay in the corner. She had been punctured by the rambunctious stallions and he would repair her and send her back over later today. Applejack was in one of the cocoons, and Gummy sat in a shallow pool of water slowly digesting Pinkie over the next thousand years. He looked rather comical, almost like a volleyball.

There was a loud roar as Discord looked over at his bronze bull.

Gonzo was an earth pony from Mexicolt. He once made the mistake of being an asshole to Discord. Sufficeth to say, when the god of chaos comes to turn you into a fence post, you shouldn’t bitch about it.

Now, Gonzo was trapped inside a large bronze bull. Beneath him was a roaring fire. The bull had been welded shut with him inside, and no matter how much he struggled or tried to avoid it, the bronze bull was burning hot.

His hooves had long since melted off, and his fur was all burnt off. He screamed as loud as he could, and his voice carried through a horn causing the bull to make a lovely roaring sound.

Gonzo thought he would have died by now, yet somehow he seemed to be immune to death. At one point he tried laying down flat on the bottom to scald himself to death. Now, his entire left side was little more than scar tissue that somehow could still feel pain.

He began to cackle, causing the bull to snort. If only he had known that being an asshole to a god-like being that controls your fate was a bad idea.

Craig was an annoying pony. When Discord took over, he had won a power sander. Now, he had been strapped down to a table by Flitter.

“Want the 20 fine or the 30 coarse this time?” Flitter asked.

“Please stop, this is so not winning!” Craig said.

“30 coarse it is!”

Craig Kicker screamed as the sander was powered on and brought down on his muzzle. Flitter pushed it down as the pony flailed against his restraints. The sander was splattering blood everywhere as it quickly sanded his skin off, and began to fill the air with the smell of smouldering bone.

Craig could do little but rue the day he pissed off Discord with his mere existence. When Flitter was done he took a deep breath, inhaling chunks of bloody burnt flesh. She then lowered the sander down to his stallionhood.

With a loud scream, Craig spit bloody chunks into the air. Flitter was now using the power sander to slowly shave off his penis. This was always the worst part of the torture. After this was done, Flitter would sand down all four hooves until his legs were gone up to his knees. Then, she would sand his stomach open, and then his rib cage, and finally she would kill him by sanding his trachea and carotid arteries open.

Shining Armor had always been fascinated by the angler fish. Unfortunately for him, Discord had found this out when he staged his coup.

Shining had been in the middle of having sex with his wife, Cadance, when Discord caught them. He cast a simple spell, causing Shining to fuse himself onto Cadance.

Unable to pull out, Shining had spent load after load inside her, eventually passing out. When he woke up, his body had been largely absorbed into Cadance. He was now just a large pair of testicles and a penis providing a lifetime supply of sperm to Cadance.

Cadance, on the other hand, was prodigiously pregnant. She already had eight foals in her womb and Shining was still pumping her full of more sperm. She wasn’t sure how she was going to deliver them all, or if Shining was even self-aware anymore. The Princess of Love had cried at first for her lost love. However, compared to the tortures Discord had dealt out to the crystal ponies, she had it pretty good. Shining’s penis was good in the sack, and kept her occupied.

All the crystal ponies had been solidified, and shattered one at a time with a giant magical sledge hammer. They now littered the street as sharp fragments that made it very awkward to try to roll anywhere. Cadance was so fat her hooves no longer reached the ground, but that was okay. She had everything she needed pumping away in her pussy, and until the day she popped, Cadance was making the best of her torture.

The Great and Powerful Trixie woke up in her run down apartment and looked down the window. She sighed, and looked down at her forehooves where there were dozens of scars. She looked up at the rafters where four torn ropes hung, the remains of nooses.

As the most pathetic pony in existence, Discord had given her a special torture: he left her alone. Her life was already a living hell. She barely had any personality, was a total failure at life, and couldn’t even commit suicide properly. Now she was stuck in her shitty life forever.

On the bright side, Trixie had fan fiction. She wrote stories about a human who went to work each day at a job he hated, bitched about it, and then shot up the workplace. She wasn’t sure how to end it. On the one hoof, it’d be most believable if he was caught. On the other hoof, she really wanted him to have a happy ending.

Trixie levitated down her quill and went for a bath. She decided after the human shot up the fifth workplace he had worked at, he would retire from the violent rampages, find a nice human female, and raise a family.

She swallowed a bottle of aspirin, drank a liter of red wine, and got into the hot bath water. This would be her four hundred thirty-seventh attempt at committing suicide by slitting her wrists. Even though she knew it wouldn’t work, it was one of the more enjoyable ways to try and kill herself.

Spike exhaled his emerald flame on the bars of his cage.

“Bad Spike!” Rarity shouted. She used her magic to knock a pail of cold water over on him.

Spike tried to scream in protest, but Rarity had put a muzzle on him. When Discord took over, he made Spike Rarity’s pet.

Now, Spike was trapped in a two foot by two foot cage, muzzled, and had been neutered like all responsible pet owners do. He had a cone around his head so he didn’t lick and bite at the stitches where his balls used to be.

Spike thrashed wildly against the bars as Rarity leaned over, presenting her moist pussy to the large black stallion that had been rutting her for the past four hours.

There had been a time when Spike had been madly in love with Rarity. Now, if he ever got out of this cage, he was going to rip her throat out and bathe in her blood. Spike didn’t know how he had ever loved that slut.

Berry Punch was sitting in the middle of an empty wastleland crying. At first, the power to turn everything she touched into alcohol was really awesome. Now, after turning all of Ponyville into puddles of ethanol, it had lost it’s charm.

What was the point of getting drunk, if the only thing to ever eat or drink was alcohol? It just wasn’t fun if she couldn’t spent at least a few moments sober, to contrast her constant drunken state.

It didn’t help that she could also turn ponies into alcohol. She had single handedly, and absent mindedly, killed every single friend she ever had when she touched them.

Now her body was 90% alcohol, she cried tears of alcohol, and sat in the middle of an alcoholic wasteland, forever alone.

Discord kicked his hooves up and turned on the T.V. He was bored of all the chaos and decided to see if there were any new episodes of his favorite shows. Unfortunately there were not, so he moaned and looked back towards his captive audience.

With every pony in Equestria now suffering a fate worse than death, and his revenge complete, Discord was beginning to get lonely.

He smirked and knew exactly what he had to do. He would turn Fluttershy’s pussy back to flesh and fuck the stone statue. The poor mare deserved a little entertainment. After all, it had only been five years and until the next nine hundred ninety-five years of Equestria’s prison sentence was complete, nopony was going to escape.

        Discord had an epipheny: he could use the mane six as sex toys. Fluttershy, the sturdy stone slut. Rarity, the rubber rut. Dash, the delicate dick-holster. Pinkie, the pink-blow-job-in-an-aligator. Twilight, the tiny-fetus he could bat around in her mother’s womb with his massive cock. Last, but not least, was Applejack. Occasionally, Discord would assume the role of Big Mac in brutally raping and killing the CMC and AJ.

        Yes, life was looking up for Discord. The world was his oyster, and every single pony that had ever lived got to suffer for eternity because of the acts of a few stupid fucking idiots.