Kaidan's Short Stories: Volume 2 - Mature / Gore

by Kaidan

5. M/Da/Sex :: Cult of Bronies

** {Mature} {Sex} {Dark}{Human} **

Far darker than any other fic in this compendium

Four bronies find an ancient ritual to summon and bind a pony as their sex slave. What they don’t know is where these ponies come from, and for one brony this means they’re about to have a very bad day.

Warning: You probably shouldn't let your kids read this.
Story prompt/Request by: The Parasprite
Part of my one-shot week.


It was a sunny day in Azeroth. There was not a cloud in the sky over Goldshire, nor was there room left to lay down in the basement of the inn. As the birds chirped and the bees buzzed, two dozen Night Elf and Tauren druids made passionate cyber sex in the dank basement.

It was as Jacob sat there, rubbing one out into his generous supply of tissues, that his friends stopped by. His roommate Adam let them in. Mark and Justin were going to be moving in this four bedroom house with them soon. It had a large basement that was perfect for what they had in mind.

With no shame, Jacob finished himself in front of his friends and logged out of World of Cowsecks.

“Did you guys bring the reagents?” Jacob asked.

“We sure did,” Justin stated. “Once we complete the ritual, we’ll be set for life!”

The four bronies headed downstairs into their real basement, where they would have real sex with different species, and for once the sexy Tauren on the other end of the internet connection wouldn’t be a forty-four year old man.

There was a stone altar onto which a single bowl was placed. Justin and Mark set down the boxes and bags they had carried in. Jacob started repainting the hexagram around the altar, while Adam checked all the bondage gear around the basement. They would soon have one, maybe more, beings living here permanently.

Mark filled the bowl, starting with the pinkie finger bone of a cadaver. It was followed by the eye of a toad, the wing of a bat, and several other cliché ingredients that cannot be bought, sold, or traded; except on Craig’s list.

The last ingredient was the most important of all. Mark stepped back as Justin and Jacob opened up the black duffel bag squirming on the floor. They lifted the strictly hogtied virgin female onto the altar. The bronies chanted words of encouragement, as Jacob slid a knife across her throat.

“Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile.”

The virgin flailed violently, her blood filling the bowl and splattering everywhere. She finally went limp, and rolled off the altar.

“Smile. Smile. Smile. Smile.”

Adam walked in and dropped a match in the bowl, creating a cloud of purple smoke.

Elsewhere, a man in his early twenties sat at his computer writing about My Little Ponies. He was not the sort to write happy-go-lucky stories about Trixie, in vain attempts to get featured on popular unbiased websites. No, this brony loved to write about rape and porn—often at the same time.

Suddenly there was an explosion.

His computer monitor had burst into flames, and the smell of sulfur filled the air. The room went dark and he felt a sucking sensation, like his body was being forced through a small hole in the wall.

He closed his eyes as pain spread down his spine, and he felt his arms and legs burning away. The chair and desk floated away as darkness closed around him. He could feels his fingers and toes fusing together. Hair began to sprout from his skin and felt like thousands of ants biting him.

Something burned in his groin as he felt a powerful suction in his stomach. Looking down he was able to watch as his dick shrank, being sucked inside him. His balls began to tingle until they too were absorbed inside. He tried to scream, but his entire face was being molded into a new shape.

Memories of a life spent writing about ponies and chasing skirt faded away. Family, friends, work, his car; everything became meaningless as a haze fell over his brain. He heard bones snapping and morphing, adding joints to his arms and legs and causing his hands to morph into solid blocks of bone.

A sharp pain stabbed down his spine and exploded out his ass. He looked down and saw malformed strands of leathery hair. He then felt something hit his chest, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He felt his body being compressed and sucked through a straw, crushing every inch of his body. It then expanded instantly.

He then landed on four feet, and felt his hair bristling along his entire body. Opening his eyes, he saw cage bars all around him. On the other side of the bars was an assortment chains, manacles, restraints, and bondage toys. There was a rack, a hangman’s noose, latex sheets, large dildos, and literal shackles bolted into a brick wall.

“What the hell?” he asked.

“Rose Lips, what did we tell you about talking when not spoken to?” Jacob asked. He turned on a hose and began to spray her down with cold water.

“Oh God, what the hell’s happening?!” Rose shouted.

Mark walked over with a broom stick and poked her sharply in the side. “Shut up, slut!”

“But I—what—” He looked at his hands, only to find them covered in violet hair. He had been—should still be a human, yet there were two hooves where his hands should be. Glancing at his stomach, he saw two nipples and beneath these a long, vertical pink slit where his dick should be. Flowing strawberry red hair formed a long tail that partly covered his hind legs.

He came to the horrifying realization he was now female.

Something wrapped around her neck and tightened down. She looked to her side to find one of the men holding a pole. Kicking at the bars proved useless and she fought to tear the device off her neck. At the end of the pole was a loop that had tightened around her neck, and he used it to maneuver her out of the cage once it was unlocked.

She ran around, trying to overpower the human holding the other end of the six foot pole. No matter how hard she tried, her hooves slid across the cement floor. She simply didn’t have the strength to overpower the human towering over her.

“This will go much easier for you, Rose, if you stop acting like a lunatic and accept your place. You are our pet. You have always been our pet,” Jacob instructed. “We feed you, shelter you, allow you to fuck us.”

"But I-I don't—" 'Rose' stammered, unable to produce a suitable response to this bizarre development. "Wh-what's going on?"
"You're sick, Rose."
"N-no I'm—Rose is not my name—I know it's not."
"Your name is Rose, even though you forget it sometimes," said Jacob.
"That is NOT my name!" she screeched. Jacob slapped her across the face, and she fell back, shocked by the brutal treatment. Her sudden cowering provided Mark with a chance to cover her with a towel and begin rubbing invasively to dry her off.
"You're sick," Jacob repeated sternly. "You're delusional and a danger to yourself and others. We've put up with your insanity, and tried to find medicines, but you're just too insane to be cured or to go back to living in real society. You're a dumb, frothing animal; a pet, and nothing more. We could have had you put down when you first started acting this way, but we didn't, and you should be grateful for it, you filthy little whorse!"

“No,” she whimpered, ceasing her struggles. “I’m some stupid animal. Would you really kill me?”

“If you keep acting feral, then yes. At this point only person who can fix your paranoia is you. A good place to start is by remembering the rules.”

“What rules?!” she babbled. Mark was drying her off, and rubbing the towel against her labia. She moaned at the pleasurable sensation. She then realized that feeling of a pending orgasm, and her face flushed with guilt. Rose wasn’t supposed to be enjoying having her pussy touched by other people.

“Our house rules for you, Rose Lips, don’t tell me you forgot them! Sometimes I think you’re faking this illness to fuck with me!

“I’m not! I really don’t remember!”

 “The first rule is: you only speak when asked a question. We used to let you roam the house and yard freely, but you started scaring our guests. You even bit our mailman.  The second is: you address us all as master. You constantly act like an unruly child, refusing to obey us. The third is: you must obey all of our orders and please us in any way we wish. You used to love us almost as much as we love you, and now no matter how often we show you our love by fucking us you don’t appreciate it”

“What the hell is—” Jacob cut her off by slapping her muzzle. “Stop slapping me, you asshole!” she whimpered and began to cry. It was too much to take in, and here were four grown men three times her height, and ten times stronger. Her alien body and the after effects of having her sex rubbed were throwing her off balance.

“That’s Master to you. You’re only going to confuse yourself more if you keep speaking. Let us show you how you’ve spent the last few years,” Adam said. He walked over to her.

Jacob smiled. “This worked perfectly, Adam, now we just need to work on the bitch’s memory.”

“What worked perfectly? You said I’ve always been—”

“Gag her,” Jacob ordered.

“No, please let me speak to you!” She looked up and saw the gag approaching. “Please! . . . Master.”

The bronies laughed as Adam fastened a ring gag into the pony’s mouth. “There, Jacob, she won’t be whining anymore.”

“Let’s get her hooked up.” Jacob pinned her to the floor with his wait as Justin walked over with two spreader bars. He strapped one onto a hind leg and, realizing what he was doing, she started to squirm and kick with her legs. Jacob tightened his grip around her chest, robbing her of the ability to breathe. She froze and whimpered, feeling the second strap tighten around her back leg.

They release her hind legs and she found them stuck three feet apart in a painful position. She then saw them lining another spreader bar up for her front legs. Rose curled her legs against her chest and batted at their hands with her head. With Mark on one leg and Jacob on the other, they yanked them away from her chest while Justin strapped the spreader bars on.

With her legs locked apart, she felt a strange tingling in her forehead. Rose heard metal tools rattling and something crash on the other side of the room. She felt a warm glow around her forehead that reached out around the room, knocking things over. Jacob kicked her in the side, causing her magic to cease.

Adam lifted her up onto a table that put her at waist height with the men. “You know,” Adam said, “We should do something about her horn, since she won’t behave.”

Rose’s eyes went wide and she tried to look up at her forehead. She began mumbling and twisting her neck trying to find this horn they mentioned. If she could control it, and quickly, she could still fight back.

“I suppose it’s for the best, we can’t have a crazy, disobedient pet learning to use magic,” Jacob added.

She saw a hacksaw get pulled out of a nearby cabinet, and felt it graze against her horn. A painful tingling sensation shot down her spin and into her limbs. Rose thrashed helplessly against her restraints, her heart racing. She was terrified, not just of what was happening to her, but of what would happen to her. These men seemed to be tired of dealing with her misbehavior, but she was only misbehaving because she didn’t understand what she was doing wrong.

As Adam and Justin pinned her head to the table, Jacob sawed through the horn. Each pull of the hacksaw sent another painful wave of pinpricks and needles down her nerves and through her brain. Her muscles tightened up and refused to loosen as her horn was slowly sawed off.

Her horn mercifully went numb and she heard something snap off. Jacob laughed and tossed the severed horn and hacksaw onto his work bench. “A good pet wouldn’t need a horn anyway, you’re lucky we let you keep it this long with all your bad behavior, Rose.”

“Calm down,” Adam said. “We’re doing all this so you don’t hurt yourself.”

“Guahah! Gaaggahugh!” she wailed.

Rose thrashed furiously, upset at being stripped of her ability to communicate. There were nagging inconsistencies in their story that were almost as upsetting as her cloudy memory and inability to recall her past! If what they said was true, then she was sick and needed their help. Why then were they being so short with her when she speaks? Was it really a punishment for forgetting to call them master?

Mark wrapped electrical tape around her tail, forcing it to stand on end and leave her pussy exposed.

“Ready to get fucked?” Jacob asked.

“Mmph mph!” she mumbled.

“Wrong answer,” Jacob said. He took his pants off and started rubbing his dick.

Rose tilted her head as her eyes went wide in fear. Justin was turning on a video camera to record everything that happened. Then she felt Mark grab her. He stuck his hard dick into her mouth and she began to choke on it. She was afraid he wouldn’t care if she choked to death, and tried halfheartedly to get his dick out of her mouth. He grabbed her ears and pulled her head down to the base of his shaft. He began to thrust his cock roughly and pumped deeper and deeper into her throat.

Just as she thought this nightmare couldn’t get any worse, she felt something slippery against her ass. Justin was behind her, his dick lubed, and sliding through her anus. It was far too tight and the stretching hurt Rose as he entered her. Tears flowed from her cheeks and she began to emit a squealing sound, like a young pig. She stuggled to convey a single word, ‘why?’, but it was muffled by the cock filling her throat.

Rose then felt his fingers reach past her labia and begin to massage her pussy. There were many questions on her mind as she was painfully violated. The first was, how the hell did I forget who I was? The second was, what the fuck did I do to deserve to get raped? Part of her wasn’t even sure it was rape. After all, they were her masters and she was their pet.

Also, there was something arousing about how his fingers were pinching her labia. She was frustrated at her inability to make them stop, because the longer they went at it, the more she enjoyed it. Rose couldn’t even consider it rape if she enjoyed it. She felt ashamed, and continued to beg them to stop. It was disgusting to be turned on like this, but the penis proved too effective a gag for any of her complaints to get through.

“Oh yeah, just like I always thought it would feel when viewing rule 34 on Derpykangaroo.com!” Mark said.

“Yeah, check this out,” Justin said. He started thrusting his fingers into her snatch while he fucked her ass. Rose was whimpering from the pain when she felt something fill her up inside, easing her sorrow. For a moment, she forgot that she was ashamed to be aroused at this. Rose felt good, and then he pulled his fingers out. She went back to feeling awful, wishing he would put his fingers right back where they had been.

Justin continued to push deeper into her vagina as her juices coated his finger. Rose pushed the thoughts of the pain out of her mind and began to push her plot against his fingers. He pushed a little too hard and with a wet plop, his whole hand forced it’s way up her pussy.

Rose tensed up, clenching down on his fist in shock. Justin began to use his hand for leverage to drive his dick even further into her ass. Just as she thought it couldn’t get any worse, she came. The orgasm rocked her, and it was the most wonderful thing she had ever felt. It ended too soon, mostly due to her struggles to breath and the sharp pains in her ass. Rose was left in an even more horrified state, now fully aware of how badly she wanted to be fucked, despite her attempts to convince them not too.

She squealed in protest as her confused body struggled to separate the pains in her ass and mouth from the small amount of pleasure at having her vagina fisted. Rose cried from the pain, and the horror of being used so thoroughly in a body she wasn’t even sure was hers. She felt the building sensation of another orgasm and wished she could make it all go away.

Mark slapped her muzzle, then yanked her mane to thrust his cock back in. “Cry harder, Rose.” She was caught off guard and the pain caused her tears to start flowing faster. Her pathetic sobbing gasps made Mark cum. He shot load after load down her throat, causing her to cough, and the excess began leaking out her nose and mouth.

Jacob walked up, finishing himself off with his hand and spraying more semen onto her face and the table, adding to Mark’s mess. “You better lick that all up, Rose. If you make a mess we’ll have to punish you.”

Rose continued to cough, feeling the burning of the cum in her nose. She gulped, swallowing the semen left in her mouth. Then she fearfully lapped at the table. She stopped for a moment when another orgasm rocked her, and it was cut short by Jacob’s fist.

He punched her in the nose, causing her eyes to water. “You’re not finished you cum addict, there’s more to lick up.”

Rose squinted through her tears and finished licking up the cum then worked on getting it out of the hairs around her mouth.

Justin pulled her back violently, using her pussy for leverage as he slammed his cock inside her ass. He was pounding her with reckless abandon, increasing his tempo as he got closer to his own orgasm. Unable to control herself, or even resist his violent penetrations, her orgasm returned in full force. Justin came as her ass clenched around his dick, and he shot load after load of warm sperm into her. She screamed through the ring gag.

Rose felt a burning sensation on her flanks and Justin pulled out and her orgasm faded. She slumped on the table in defeat. Not only had she been violated, but she enjoyed it. Rose came not once or twice, but three times, while trying to figure out if she was really a human in a pony being raped by humans.

“Nice,” Jacob said, “She just got her cutie mark in being fucked!”

Rose felt several hands poking and prodding her flanks. “Nice, it looks just like my dick, it’s even shooting a load of sperm,” Justin stated.

She continued weeping while Adam removed her ring gag. “Ready to go again?”

“P-please stop! You’re hurting me, I’m sorry i-if I made you mad! But if y-you keep hurting me I’ll t-tell someone what y-your doing!”

They all laughed at the thought. “You can’t escape, and if you did no one would believe you. Ponies are pets, property, we own you,” Jacob said.

“T-then why are you hurting me?”

“Because you won’t follow the rules!” Jacob slammed his fist down on the table hard, right next to her head.

Rose flinched and squealed. “S-sorry Master!”

Adam shook his head. “We used to treat you so nice, wouldn’t you like us to treat you nice again? Didn’t you just ask us too?”

“Y-yes! Stop h-hurting me and I’ll behave!”

Jacob sighed. “Behave, and we’ll stop hurting you! You never were a very smart pony, only good for fucking and sucking. I suppose we’ll have to continue to punish you until your memory improves. Help me out here, Justin.”

The two men lifted her into the air by the spreader bar attached to her hind legs. They then attached it to a chain and hung her upside down from the ceiling.

“Hey guys, want to go watch My Little Pony?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, but give us a minute,” Jacob replied.

He grabbed a large vibrator and rammed it into Rose’s pussy without any lube. When it didn't go all the way in, he started slamming it into her again and again, forcing it deeper and deeper as she screamed and cried. Rose's pleas were rewarded by Adam's foot crashing into her lower jaw and making her bite a chunk out of her own tongue. It hung loosely by a strip of flesh, refusing her attempts to spit it out and filling her mouth with blood. The poor filly's frantic spitting and flailing ended only when Adam grabbed her, pried her mouth open, and jammed her severed horn into it. He then took some duct tape and taped her mouth shut, wrapping it four times around her head.

Rose felt like choking and vomiting as her horn scraped the back of her throat. She couldn’t spit it out past the duct tape. That was when she noticed the drops of blood falling to the floor. She struggled to swallow the blood pooling in her mouth, and realized the dripping was coming from her horn.

“I better bandage that,” Mark said. He slapped some cloth over the stump of the horn, and duct taped it down. He then passed the tape to Jacob.

Jacob tore off a strip of duct tape, then locked the vibrator on its highest setting. Adam quickly thrust a vibrating butt plug into her ass. It painfully popped into place before Rose even had time to tense up her ass to resist the violation. She felt like something had torn, but couldn’t see what they were doing.

Jacob pressed the strip of tape against her stomach, ran it between her breasts, over the vibrator and butt plug, and up her spine. He then took more strips and ran an S shape from one flank to the other, passing over her pussy as she struggled. The two plugs were buried under silver tape that was sticking to the hair of her plot, flanks, and stomach.

Content that she wasn’t going anywhere, they headed upstairs.

Rose slowly spun around in the air, and as she began to regain her awareness, she noticed the vibrations spreading throughout her backside. They were warming her up, pushing her towards a familiar but new sensation.

It was the same as when they had violated her, only this time less painful. She had more time to enjoy and understand the feelings spreading through her. Rose still felt the guilt—she did not want to enjoy it—but at least this time she had some control. She was tied there, hanging upside down, but they could not hurt her or mock her while she enjoyed herself.

She began to squirm and push against the duct tape, fighting the feeling and not understanding fully what it is. Rose cried into the gag, screaming and begging for them to not force her to enjoy it. The jagged horn in her mouth was still creating a choking sensation, and she felt her pussy and ass trembling as they were overstimulated. Her awareness vanished and for several minutes all she could feel were the waves of pleasure washing over her. She desperately tried to contort her body to push the plugs in a little deeper, despite her bondage.

As she came back down from the orgasm she was ashamed, and drenched in her own urine. While it felt amazing, it only served to scare her as this was how she would spend the rest of her life. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, she felt her pussy throbbing in pain. The vibrators were still running on high, and her hypersensitive holes were begging for her to stop.

The pain gave her some clarity, and she struggled to reclaim something that would prove she was a human. Perhaps if Rose convinced the other humans she wasn’t crazy, they would let her go! Her attempts to convince them failed because of her poor memory, so she struggled to remember her parents. Everyone has parents, but their names and faces escaped her. Favorite foods, where she lived, even her favorite color were non-existent.

What the humans said was beginning to make sense. How could she have just turned into a pony out of nowhere and wound up in a basement? How else could she be dangling here now having multiple orgasms? If she were human, why could she not remember a single human thing clearly?

She cried out in ecstasy as the third orgasm hit. Rose couldn’t stop them, and couldn’t escape, as her pussy got even more sensitive. The pleasure turned to waves of pain, agonizing her. Tears flowed as any joy or humor in the situation was long forgotten. A moment of ecstasy was not worth the burning agony that followed.

She could feel her pussy swelling up, so tender from the abuse that the pain was spreading down her legs and up her back. Rose was holding her muscles so tight in an attempt to offer some glimmer of relief, that they began to cramp. The butt plug was beginning to make her feel too full. She wants to take a shit, and to get the annoying buzzing toy out of her ass. It’s beginning to drive her mad.

Rose has had enough. She thrashes violently and screams with all her might. With all her might she continued to scream at them. What did I do? Why? Please stop! The incoherent screams continue until her overworked body passes out from exhaustion.

Rose twitched as she woke up, and was surprised to find herself on a bed. She could still feel the intruders buried inside her, but they had been turned off. There was also an arm wrapped tightly around her, cuddling her. 

The soreness from earlier returned and she lay there and took stock of her situation. Her legs were burning from the pain of hanging upside down. Even the smallest movement sent a twinge of pain up her ass and pussy.

She tried to get up and run, but found leather cuffs locked onto her hooves, effectively hog-tying her. Rose tried to speak, but found another ring gag had been inserted. She looked behind her and saw one of the humans sleeping with her. The cuffs weren’t on too  tightly, and the ring gag was a more comfortable hardened rubber.

Rose tried to get into a more comfortable position since one of her legs had fallen asleep. Her wiggling around woke the human up. He stretched and yawned. She recalled the others had called him Mark.

“‘Ark, pweeze eelp me,” she mumbled through the gag, remembering far too late in her sleepy state that he was in fact one of her tormentors.

“Ugh, shut up and cuddle me, bitch,” Mark mumbled.

Rose grunted and yanked at his arm with all the might she could muster, which was not much.

Mark sat up in bed and pinned her to the mattress by her ribs. “Damn, I gotta take a piss, but I’ve got wood.” He saw the tears in Rose’s eyes and saw her whole body shivering. “I got an idea. You probably need to use the restroom too, right?”

Rose looked at him and timidly shook her head yes.

“I’m gonna take the gag out. If you utter a single word it’s going back in and the vibrators go back on, and you won’t get to shit. Understood?”

She nodded again to signal her agreement.

Mark fumbled around for some scissors in the night stand and then cut the tape off, pulling it off quickly but gently. He removed the bandage from her horn and allowed her to stretch her jaw a little. She held up her end of the bargain and did not make a single sound.

He lifted the pony up and carried her to the restroom, and set her in the bathtub. He then cut off the rest of the tape, pulling it off her flanks, and removing the dildo and butt plug. He left the messy plug in the bathtub and tossed the dildo in the sink for later.

Mark quickly set her down on the toilet, and only seconds later she had taken a shit. He then listened as her urine squirted down into the water. “Man, you’re really making me have to piss, but you’re in the way. Open up.”

“What?” Rose asked, then cowered in fear, “Master!”

“You’re gonna drink my piss and we’ll go cuddle, or you don’t and I hang you in the basement.

She opened her mouth and closed her eyes. Rose flinched when she felt his piss hit the back of her throat and coughed. She then tilted her head back and did her best to drink the steady stream of urine flowing into her mouth. It splashed out when she didn’t swallow fast enough, but she managed not to get much of it in her mane.

Rose felt a little urine burning in her nose, and finished licking her lips. It didn’t help much with the taste. “Thank you, Master, for letting me use the toilet.” She immediately felt ashamed to be thanking him for rewarding her for letting him violate her earlier.

“Good pony, now how about a little reward,” Mark said. He picked her and the dildo up and went back into his bedroom. He laid her on the floor, and then began to slide the dildo into her pussy.

Rose gasped, making a small squeak from the pain. Mark went slowly, letting her adjust, until it had filled her back up. He then set it to a low setting.

“You know, Rose, the more you behave the nicer I’ll treat you. I might even convince the others to be a little gentler, but I won’t tolerate any disobedience. Is that clear?”

Rose moaned as he flicked the vibrator to the medium speed. “Y-yes, Master.” She was ashamed, but Mark was being almost gentle with her. The slowly building orgasm was unlike the earlier ones, which were driven by pain. He fondled her breast as the fire built inside her.

As she got closer she rocked slowly against the dildo and he turned it to high. This orgasm filled her abdomen and spread to her body slowly and steadily. She couldn’t hide the squeal as she came, gently reaching the plateau of her orgasm. Mark switched the vibrator off and let her ride the orgasm back down, before pulling the dildo out.

“Happy?” Mark asked.

“Yes, thank you. . .” Rose looked at him and saw how hard he was. “Master, may I?”

Mark looked down at his throbbing dick and smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.”

He pulled her head towards his cock but she resisted. “Wait, do you have a ring gag? I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

Mark reached into the nightstand and pulled a softer rubber ring gag out and fastened it in. She then lowered herself onto his cock, licking it, while he used his hands to find a steady rhythm.

Whether it was because he was tired, or aroused at helping her masturbate, he didn’t last long. Rose took a deep breath then slid his cock into her throat, taking each load straight down her throat and into her stomach. Mark moaned until the final load shot inside her. She then sucked his cock and licked it clean as it went flaccid.

Mark carried her into the bed and laid down, spooning her. He put a hand down between her legs and gently toyed with her labia. Rose squirmed and pushed herself back into his chest, letting him cuddle her tightly.

Mark smiled as she started to tense up. Only a few days ago he wouldn’t have believed an ancient ritual could summon a human and trap them in the form of his choice. Hell, a few days ago he thought witchcraft was bullshit. Now, he could feel the dampness escaping Rose’s labia. He smiled and pulled his hand out.

“See? When you’re a good pony, we treat you nice. When you act like a bitch, we’ll treat you like one.”

She trembled in fear at the thought of more punishments. She was powerless and small compared to these humans. To the best of her knowledge, there was no such thing as a talking pony outside of cartoons, so if they decided to leave her body in a ditch, no one would ever know.

Rose curled against Mark, letting him hold her tightly against his chest.

“What the hell, Mark?” Jacob shouted. “I thought she escaped, why didn’t you tell us you were gonna fuck her after we went to bed?”

Rose opened her eyes and immediately wished she hadn’t. Jacob reached down and dragged her out of the bed by her mane.

“The bitch belongs in the basement!” Jacob yelled.

“Look, I just wanted to sleep with her, built a little trust, okay? No harm done, and I kept her tied up,” Mark said.

“And the punishment? What about that? Why would I discpline her just to have you pull her down and fucking cuddle?” He slapped Rose in the muzzle as hard as he could, sending her to the floor whimpering in tears. “Now I have to punish her again!”

Mark raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, she was passed out. I just thought I’d bring her up here so she didn’t die or something.”

Jacob grabbed her mane and then dragged her out of the room and back down to the dungeon, letting her bounce off the steps on the way downstairs. Justin and Adam were waiting, and had brought a few of their favorite plushies down to watch.

“Hey, you found her. Rose, you remember when you used to live in Equestria with your friends? I bet Lyra here must miss you,” Adam said. He pulled down the Lyra doll, and slid the embedded fleshlight over his rigid cock. “But she had me to keep her happy!” Adam started laughing.

“Mark had her in his bed. Bastard was probably doing that bukkake shit again,” Jacob said.

“But bukkake takes more than one person. You want me to show you what it is?”

Jacob looked down and grinned, then loosened the ring gag. In a few moments he had it undone. “What do you say, Rose? Would you like us to cum on you?”

Rose whimpered. “P-please, no. C-can I have some food?”

Jacob raised his hand to slap her and Adam interrupted him. “How about, if you eat all our cum I take you into the back yard and feed you some salad?”

Justin laughed, and Jacob had an evil glint in his eye. “You know what, that’s a good idea. So what will it be? You lick up every drop of our cum like a good bitch and eat, or you don’t and we tie you to the ceiling by your tail.”

Rose curled up in a ball. “I’ll b-be good, Master, please feed me.”

The three men grinned and gathered around her, preparing to masturbate. Jacob rolled her over onto her back and lifted her onto a chair between the three of them. They now had a clear line of fire to her face, and began to rub one out.

“And don’t think about moving, bitch!” Jacob ordered.

Rose lay there trembling and licking her dry lips. She hadn’t eaten or drank anything in a day, and was still half-expecting to wake up from this nightmare at some point. Perhaps this was hell, and this was her punishment for all the pony porn and violence she had written. No, I was never a human. I probably just imagined it because I wasn’t happy here. But Mark seems nice. I bet if I’m a good whore, he’ll take care of me.

Rose let out a soft ‘eep’ when the first load of cum hit her in the eye. It burned, and blinking only smeared it around. The next hit its mark, flying into her mouth. Several more loads of sperm rained down on her, and she frantically and blindly licked around, trying to scoop it all up. A few tears escaped her eyes as she ate her first meal in days. At least it was high in protein.

After a minute she opened her eyes. She could still see out her right eye, and felt several sticky spots on her face. With her hooves still bound, she couldn’t scrape the excess off. It began to dry into her fur as the three bronies whispered to each other.

“Alright, we’re going to let you get some exercise. You should know, the nearest neighbor is half a mile away. We’re in. . . a rural part of the state. We have a fenced in area for you to ‘exercise’ in, but don’t try anything stupid or we’ll cut a leg off to keep it from happening again.

Rose gulped, and felt herself being picked up and carried under Adam’s shoulder. Mark joined them on their way outside, and she noticed they were all wearing nothing but shorts and sandals. At least they wouldn’t get their clothes dirty raping their pony.

Once out in the back yard, they undid the four leather cuffs from her hooves and set her down in the fenced area.

Rose immediately ran to the other side of the pin and cowered in the corner. The four humans were laughing and whispering back and forth from outside the cage. They began to pass beers out from an ice chest, and brought some lawn chairs out. It even looked like they were placing bets. There was no salad out here and this was clearly another of their sick games.

She stood up timidly, getting used to her legs now that she wasn’t bound for once. Rose trotted around the enclosure a little and saw that they were right. There was an abundance of trees around the house, and aside from this fenced in area it opened up to the forest. She figured that even if she escaped, a wolf or mountain lion would eat her out in the forest anyway. Rose was stuck here for good.

That’s when she heard the growling. Rose froze instinctively, feeling her ears flatten against her skull and her tail fall towards the ground. She lowered herself towards the ground and cowered, and then looked in the direction of the growling.

There was a large black dog on the other end of the enclosure, walking towards her with his teeth bared. Rose was too terrified to move. If memory served, it was a rottweiler. Not only could they be vicious towards humans, but she was now about the dog’s size and made of delicious pony meat. It could tear her to shreds in the blink of an eye.

Rose could feel herself sweating, and oddly a warmth in her groin. She didn’t understand what was happening as the dog slowly circled her. Afraid to even turn her head to watch as he lunged and killed her, she just closed her eyes.

She jumped when the dog stuck its nose into her ass and began sniffing. It lapped at her pussy and an electrified surge of adrenaline reached her brain, giving her the briefest carnal desire.

Rose timidly looked back, and saw the rottweiler climbing on top of her. The humans were hollering and whistling. She felt something brush against her abused labia. Before it registered, she felt the dick thrust straight into her pussy.

She squealed and tried to run forward, but the dog had a good grip. He thrust quickly and violently, trying to get the deed done as quickly as possibly, like nature had programmed him too. Small barbs extended from his dick and Rose felt them scratching her tight vagina.

Now Rose tried twice as hard to run, but any attempt to escape only caused the barbs to dig deeper inside of her, and the angry dog to nip at her neck. She fell to the ground on the knees of her forelegs, and let the dog rape her. It only took a minute for him to finish, and he pulled out. The dog came around and affectionately licked her muzzle, before laying down to relax.

“Now Rose, be a good pony and return the favor. Suck his cock and give him a rim job, or we’re leaving you in here overnight,” Jacob said.

At first Rose thought that might be a good thing, to get away from the humans. Looking at the dog, however, she realized it meant being raped at random intervals and possibly eaten if he got hungry.

She went up to the dog and sniffed at his ass. Rose really didn’t want to do this, but knew it was her only hope at anything resembling a normal life.

She stuck her tongue against his anus and starting licking. He rolled onto his belly and started moaning. Rose began licking a little deeper each time into his anus, until she could taste the salty rotten taste of his feces. She continued to lick around the rim, and could see his erection growing again.

After Rose saw him fully erect, she went around and climbed on top of him. He began sniffing at her ass as she slid his cock into her mouth. She licked and suckled at his cock, and soon felt the dog trying to thrust past her tongue and into her throat.

Rose looked up to see if the humans were pleased, and wasn’t paying attention to the dog when it happened.

The dog thrust its cock down deep in her throat in one quick motion, and she felt the barbs locking into place. Rose couldn’t breath, but couldn’t pull herself off either without excruciating pain.

The dog struggled on his back to thrust more quickly and cum, but couldn’t. As Rose struggled, the dog finally managed to topple her to the ground. It stood up, tearing at her throat. She could taste blood in her mouth.

Finally, she ended up on the ground, neck strained, and lungs burning. The dog was finally able to thrust down her throat, and came. She felt warm loads of sperm shoot down her throat. As it pulled out, she tasted the cum and blood mixture.

The dog trotted back over to his doghouse and went inside to sleep.  Rose began to crawl on her knees towards the door out of the cage. Her pussy felt like it was on fire, having been scraped inside. Her throat felt swollen and sore, having been given dozens of small cuts. She was whimpering pathetically as she finally reached the gate.

“Well, I just have one last thing I want to see you do,” Jacob ordered. “I want you to give that a blow job. Do that, and prove you're a sex slave and not a worthless bitch. You are a pony, and if your obedient I won’t kill you.”

Rose looked over at what he was pointing at. There was a long dried dog turd laying in some fallen leaves. She looked back to see the four humans, drunk and leering at her. The only one who bothered to smile at their slut was Mark. Rose decided to swallow her pride and try to earn a night not spent hanging upside down from the rafters again.

She crawled over to the long turd and ran her tongue along its length. It was roughly penis sized, and the dry gritty texture helped mask the foul taste. Rose put her lips around the end and slowly slid it into her mouth, trying not to break it.

Rose sat there sucking at the dog shit like a popsicle until it was so moist that it began melting in her mouth. A loud roll of thunder interrupted her, and the humans began to complain.

“Let’s get inside before the storm starts,” Justin said.

“Yeah. Hey, Mark, since you love the bitch so much, why don’t you give her a bath? I don’t want to play sloppy seconds to a fucking mutt,” Jacob said.

“Fine,” Mark shrugged. The other three went inside and Mark came over and picked his little sex slave up. “Don’t worry. After I fuck you in the bathtub we’ll go up to my room and you can take a nap. You’re going to have another long night, Rose Lips.”

Rose nuzzled him as she cried, with small trails of blood running from her mouth and pussy. She was nothing but a pony sex slave now, and any fantasies of being a human like them had quickly faded from her mind. The best she could hope for now was to be treated well between sessions of violent sodomy.

If she was extra thorough fucking Mark, perhaps he really would treat her well.