A New Reality

by ThecynicalGingerpony

New Feeling

Fluttershy shook her head and went back to work on some of her powders and potions. She liked whatever she was using. It made the hut smell divine. There was notes of mint and lavender mainly,so Twilight guessed it was what she used to cover the other smells from the herbs like(Twilight looked at one of the bottles) poison joke pollen.
"So, you expect me to believe a story like that? You are a time traveler or something and now you're in the Queen's body." Twilight wasn't a big fan of the attitude that she was receiving.
"In a way, yes. I'm still Twilight,just a Twilight from a different time." A snort-like chuckle came out of the pegasus.
"Sure you are. And in that time, you are sweet and good. Everyone is different and everything is wonderful." As she said this Fluttershy made her eyes look kinda like sweet Fluttershy's, but it was just to mock Twilight.
"Well, yea. Everything is different there, even you. Ponyville didn't look like this, that is for sure."
"Even me? So, you know me back in your time?" That actually made the yellow mare turn away from her work to look at the other. It looked like she was actually curious now.
"Yes. You lived in Ponyville, not in the forest. You were shy and kind. The animals all depended on you. It was your talent. Actually, you were my friend too. No, you still are my friend even here." Twilight stomped her hoof down on the end table, despite the pain.
"Animals? That was my talent? That is interesting. I guess I am still good with them, they brought me here after all." Twilight noticed a sad, distant look in her friend's eyes."
"Fluttershy..." That was something that brought the other's attention to her.
"I don't recall ever telling you my name." She came over to the unicorn and looked her in the eyes. "If you are from another timeline, like you say you are,prove it."
Twilight gulped. How does she prove something like this? She took a deep breath and calmed herself like Cadance showed her. "In my time, you had a cutiemark with 3 butterflies. Our friends are Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. You have a bunny named Angel, who is actually kind of mean to you. Princess Celestia is my teacher and is still alive. She rules alongside Princess Luna, who we changed back."
"Changed back? From Nightmare Moon? Now, I know you're crazy." Fluttershy rolled her eyes before turning back away.
"It is the truth! We released her with the Elements of-Wait! The Elements! I could use them to set everything right. But I need the others. I don't even know where to find them." Twilight starting her usual pacing. Her mind was so wrapped up in thoughts, she was able to ignore her injuries. "Well, we never met up with Nightmare Moon so we would of never made the Elements into their jewelry form."
As Twilight talked to herself, Fluttershy went to the window of her hut to look at the forest. She tried to think about Twilight and what she said. She wasn't sure she believed the whole time line nonsense but one thing was for sure, this frantic, broken mare wasn't the Queen.
The pegasus then heard a bird call. Landing on her window was one of the messenger ravens, Edgar. In his beak was a letter for her. Fluttershy took it from the raven and sighed. "Fine, I'll go." With that the bird flew away.
"Hey, Sparkle. Put your other form back on. You are coming with me. I have somewhere to be and hopefully somepony else can take you. You're not staying here."
Twilight's sadness showed in her purple eyes. She really was different from the Fluttershy she knew and cared for. But she knew she had no choice. There was one thing she needed to know though. "Fluttershy...how did you end up out here? Like this? You fought off a manticore like it was nothing."
"When I was a filly, I fell from Cloudsdale. I was saved by the animals here. When they saw I couldn't fly and that I had no where to go here, they took me into the forest. I had to learn how to protect myself or I would of died. Soon enough, I had to protect others. Your dark magic seeped into the forest and corrupted everything in it. Foolish ponies try to come into the forest. I just help get them out. That is my talent." With that, Fluttershy went to leave. Twilight hurried and used her magic to look like Inkwell again before following.
Twilight knew a few of the places they went by as Fluttershy led her through the town. Eventually, she took her to a tree that the unicorn knew too well. It was her home, or it used to be. Now it was just an empty looking tree house.
As she was brought inside, she saw many ponies in there. There was even a few she used to know. There was Lyra, Minuette, DJ Pon-3, Palette, Cloud Kicker, and Cheerilee. Applejack was also there, talking to Cheerilee. She looked up and her face brightened when she saw 'Inkwell'.
"Well, hey there, Inky. Didn't think ya would be here."
"Yes, who is this, Fluttershy? We have discussed having others in here." Cheerilee wasn't like usual either. Her cheerful attitude was changed to one of seriousness and hate.
"This is Inkwell. Another one that wandered into the forest. I was hoping one of you could take her to Pinkamena." Twilight's head perked up at the name. She remembered that she was told that Pinkie was a rock farmer on this time.
Cheerilee sighed. "Palette, you were heading that way. You can take her." The blind unicorn nodded and tried to finish what she was doing.
Applejack smiled at Twilight. "Cheer here is one of the leaders here. They are a group that try to help other ponies get their life back together."
A chuckle came out of the DJ of the group, who was one of the ones looking at a map. "You're one of us too, Applejack. Remember?"
"Shucks, I just help transport things every now and then. I don't do much." Twilight noticed the country girl's cheeks turn pink.
"Ignore her. Inkwell, wasn't it?" DJ walked over to Twilight. "Call me DJ. Don't worry, Pinkie will take care of you. She takes care off all the orphans in town. Besides, I'm sure she could use the help." She smiled at her. Twilight noticed that the smile was very cocky. Even in this world, the musical unicorn was so sure of herself.
Fluttershy coughed to interrupt. "You said in the letter that you needed my help. This better be good."
Lyra Heartstrings was the first pony to speak up. "We are running out of medicine and we know how good the stuff you make is. So, we were wondering if we can start using some of your powders. Redheart is doing what she can, but we don't know how long it will take." With that, Fluttershy went with Lyra and Cheerilee to discuss the deal.
Palette walked up to Twilight. "I guess we should head out, hm?" The purple mare noticed that her friend was no longer wearing glasses in this world. She was curious as to why, but didn't say a word about it and went with her.


It didn't take long till Twilight and Palette reached the rock farm. Twilight saw little ones running around, playing and a few where even doing well, whatever you do on a rock farm.
She did recognize one filly though. It was little Scootaloo. Twilight never did remember seeing her parents in the first place, but she did remember that she was told that Pinkie took care of some of the orphans. That was when she finally found Pinkie.
Her bouncy pink hair was now straight and clipped out of her face so it wouldn't get in the way. The gleam of cheerfulness in her eyes was now gone and was replaced with a sadness. The normal smell of sugar that always followed her was no more too. Instead there was a hint of soup broth, possibly from that day's lunch. On her flank was 3 gems made of the same blue and yellow that her balloons were.
"Excuse me, Pinkamena." Palette spoke up as she trotted over to the pink earth pony. "First off, we will be getting some more medicine soon. And second, we have somepony that would like to stay with you." She moved out of the way to show the 'earth pony' behind here.
Pinkie looked carefully at her. Her eyes felt like they could pierce through the disguise. "Hey, don't I know you?"