Adventures in Equestria*

by The Jello Master

Pony Road Trip

Pony Road Trip
Written by: The Jello Master, and Zalg (Magikarp)

The ponies were sitting in the the town square. “This town sure is square.” Said Twilight. “Let us make the road tripping now.” said Rainbow Dash as tripped on road. Fluttershy did make the wing boner. Then Spike drive up in white van. “Get in van car van.” said Spike. Spike was make the rape a Rarity. “No to that!” say Pinkie punch Spike in face. All make a piling in. Spike turn on Slipknot on radio and make the jam out. “That is the ugly.” say Rarity. Pinkie make the punching of Rarity face. Spike gas pedal. Car van car go in motion of great speeds. Spike hit eighty-eight and sees serious shit. Dead Twist fly out from under car. Bloody entrails splatter grill. No pony was sad because Twist makes the sucking. Fluttershy wing bony again. Many necrophilias occur. Police make a siren behind van car van. Spike makes a shooting with semi-automatic. Carrot Top killed in crossfire. No pony sad either because she is bitch. Spike make a U turn. He run over Twist again. Spike make another U turn. Spike leaves town behind and ponies sigh relief. Rarity makes an annoying. Pinkie does punch in face. Fluttershy does wing boner. Rainbow dash makes a tripping on mushrooms in van. Twilight makes the stating the obvious. Spike hit the gas. Van car van fly down highway making Fluttershy the wing boner. The stop to eat. Everypony eat the burgers. Burgers make Fluttershy the wing boner. Rarity says something stupid. Pinkie does punching. Applejack pulls up in pimpin’ hummer. She was mad about being the lefted. She shot the cap in the Rarirty ass. Rarity made a dying. Fluttershy wing boner again. Many more necrophilias occur. Spike return fire. Hummer explode. Explosion make the killings. Applebloom get killed by shrapnel. Spike shank cashier. Spike use command start on van car van. They speed off. Stop many hours later at hotel. Spike sleep with dead Rarity. Twilight and Fluttershy make the lesbian sex. Lesbian sex occur because apparently that’s popular. Jack Torrance checks boiler pressure. Boiler pressure too high. Hotel explode and kill everyone.