Leave it to Striker

by Strikerbolt

Striker's Awakening

I woke up with a jolt, scaring the two mares standing over me. I felt different. I finnally knew my past. Or at least, why I disappeared. Discord. Could he have anything to do with this. His reformation seems quite convenient. Close to the time of the 'missing' evil elements, and the new element. Perhaps he knew, and was just manipulating things. Something told me that he was a victim, not a criminal. He must've been an expiriment, just like me. If I I could talk to him...
"Striker?" Rarity said, concerned. Applejack also had a look on her face. Confusion, towards Rarity.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. She felt my head with her foreleg and Applejack gave me, you guessed it, a pear. Okay, it was an apple. It was delicious. At least, the first bite was. The second was interrupted when the cmc ran in to the club house.
"So girls, should we- what's goin' on big sis?" Asked Apple bloom. "Couldn't y'all have done this in the barn?" Everypony looked at her confused. I think I knew what she was implying, but I hoped the other CMC didn't.
"I was in a hurry." I stated. Applebloom gave me an odd look.
"Yeah, didn't y'all notice the uncontious ninjas?" Asked Aj.
"Ninjas! Where?!?" They squealed in delight. 'They weren't there any more?' I wondered.
"Wait, weren't the ninjas outside of Rarity's place?" I questioned.
"Well, they came to, and came, too." Rarity said. I noticed the meaning. Oddly, Apple bloom laughed. We three adults understood.
"Apple bloom! Why're y'all bein' so immature?" Asked Aj. The two innocent crusaders took this as their leave. I had no time for this. I don't think anypony did or does. I left for Fluttershy's. I began to fly there, but I felt tired. Suddenly, I was on the ground. Rarity came out to check on me.
"Darling, flying doesn't seem wise after your little 'nap'." She said. We walked our way to Flutter's place. On our way there, I noticed Rarity had seemed very in thought.
"Oh, just Imagine Comet." She said. "He'll be back in a month. Oh I miss him. You remind me a bit of him. His charm, his red mane, him sleeping-"
"You saw him sleep?" I asked. She giggled a lady laugh.
"No, but we cuddled the night he saved me." She said.
"Well that was fast."
"Well you should talk. Second day knowing us and you, Dash, and Fluttershy are sharing a bed."
"Okay, it wasn't the second day, we'd known each other from childhood. Second, RB is my sister."
"Oh, some weird intrests I see."
"Not like that. She was moving in but we got tired before we moved the bed."
"How convenient." She said, winking.
"Oh shut up Rarity!" I joked. We both laughed. One day and we were close as old pals.
Fluttershy's cottage became visable. The place was peaceful yet rowdy. All of these animals, running around and playing, it held such peace. I wouldn't mind working with her a day or two. We soon reached the door. As I knocked, Rarity pet one of the bunnies. The door opened to Discord, chasing Fluttershy, who had a dog tog in her mouth. That answered my question. I needed that tag for more answers. I guess a game of chase the pony wouldn't hurt.