Starlight: The Journals

by Pinkamena666

May 13, 2011

We may get our place sooner than I thought. I just got a raise. I guess the paper delivery ponies love those who are quick and efficient. I'm gonna go tell the others right now.

I just told them. Gem seemed really happy. Guess she can't wait. Jewel seemed a little nervous when I told her. Hope she's okay. I don't want her getting scared and leaving the group. She's great at the drums. Best drummer I've ever seen. Plus she's one of my best friends. It's perfect! It would ruin us if any of the members left. I'm good at singing. Gem's fantastic at the electric guitar. And Jewel's amazing on the drums. I'll make this work. Whatever it takes.

Today was terrible. I got fired from my job. [Handwriting too messy to interpret. This suggests she may have been crying] I can't seem to write right now. I probably should just...

So, Amber just told me some good news. Apparently she got a raise at her job. I can't tell her now. I was just able to dry my eyes before she entered my room. I hope she wasn't suspicious. I'd hate to have to ruin this for her. And for my sister. I'll just go to bed. I'll work this out tomorrow.