That One Day In Equestria

by Tavi_Scratch

That One Day In Equestria

One day Vinyl and Octavia were taking stroll down town. They didn't exactly know what to do but they were bored. Suddenly Twilight fell from the sky and landed right in front of them.

"Careful Twilight, you don't want to break anything before you even start." Called a mare from above.

Rainbow Dash flew down from the sky at what looked like 100 mph landing perfectly on the ground with a thud. The cyan mare with a rainbow colored mane looked at the two ponies staring in utter shock. She then looked at Twilight on the floor and started laughing.

"Bwahaha. Wow you should see the look on your faces, and you." She said looking down at the purple alicorn getting serious, "You and I need to get practicing. As it is right now, your a disgrace to all flyers in Equestria." She meant it as a joke but Twilight just looked down sadly. "Look, lets just go and practice. You need to learn one way or another and being your good, loyal friend, I feel the need to teach you."

"OK I'll feel much better when I learn, though if you could cut back on the jokes that would be nice." Twilight said cautiously as if not to upset her.

"As you wish ma'am" The pegasus said sarcastically with a grin, giving a small bow.

Twilight just rolled he eyes at her, then started running in the direction of the lake, anticipated to get started on the lesson.

"Oh no you don't!" Rainbow yelled as she flew after her. "I'm gonna get there first!"
And just like that, they were gone.

Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other, shrugged, and kept walking. The two were going to go to the movies but decided against it since that new movie, Catching Spitfire, was coming out on Friday. Now they were just walking to no where in particular.

"Where are we going again, Vinyl?" Octavia asked kindly.

"Not sure, I was just following you." the mentioned mare responded. "Wana go see whats up with Fluttershy?"

The grey earth pony thought for a second and realized they had nothing else better to do. Besides, what did they have to lose. "Sure"

Boy, were they wrong...


Octavia and Vinyl did not expect to hear what they heard at Fluttershy's hut. When they approached the cottage, they heard a faint noise of what sounded like... moaning? Then all of the sudden a voice.

"Oh yeah, Angel, just like that! Harder!" said the voice that was no doubt Fluttershy. "Make mama proud!"

"Uh, lets just go..." Tavi said quietly, "I think she is a bit... busy at the moment."

"Naw, I'll bet they are just doin something that involves a bunny doing something harder." When she realized what she was saying she quickly said, "Yeah lets go, like far away from here and never think of this again".


And just like that, the two were off bolting back to Ponyville as fast as they could.


The two mares were back at the town in ten minutes flat, panting from running so fast.

"Anyways... what else you wanna do?" The DJ asked.

"Well, Would you like to go home and make music together?" Octavia asked temptingly.

"Oh?" The perverted blue maned mare implied.

"You know what i mean" She said with a blush knowing what Vinyl had in mind. "Well maybe that too, but right now I really want to play my cello and i want some of your so called 'wubs' to go along with it. Plus, I think it might be fun. You know, just you and me making synthesizing songs for fun."

"Ok but I'm telling you, we need to do a duet. You know how good we are together, or else you wouldn't be wanting my awesome music with your beautiful cello."

"I've told you many times before. I just want to do it for fun not for money."

"Please, just one? It would be special and mean the world to me" Vinyl pleaded giving Tavi an irresistible puppy dog stare.

Tavi let out a soft sigh before continuing hesitantly, "Ok... Lets go make a duet."

Vinyl suddenly had the biggest grin on her face. "Ahhhh yeahhhh!" The white unicorn shouted excitedly.

Octavia just rolled her eyes and smiled. "All right, all right, lets go before i change my mind."

"Ok first we'll start off with a good intro where I'll start with a nice beat. After about 15 seconds you'll give a low C ..." Vinyl went on talking about when to play the cello and when she will drop the base. The grey mare just listened and kept walking as they made their way home.



A sort of dinging sound was heard and everypony got out of their disuses. That marked the end of this week's RP that the Changelings do. This weeks theme was 'What do regular ponies do in their spare time'.

"OK thanks for coming for this weeks RP my little Changelings", Queen Chrysalis said in a cheerful tone as they all cleared out of the room. "Hope to see you again next week. The theme will be 'World Domination' starring me. I assure you it will be magnificent.

"Yeah, yeah see ya lata boss." Said a Changeling strangely with a Manehattan accent.

"Oh and I'll see you too." The queen said with a wink for no apparent reason.

And with that everyone left the club room.
