//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Sandworms! // Story: Black Pony of the Family // by JusSonic //------------------------------// Chapter 6: Sandworms! "Can you believe him?" Cherry Pie asks in annoyance as the employees of the place work on getting the place opened the next day. "Rampaging through town like that, after what we got planned for him. It's a miracle he didn't tear this place apart." "Come on, it isn't Tough's fault. He lost his temper." Firecracker said with a sigh as she put on her uniform. "That little pest that was bothering him..." "Probably doesn't exist. He didn't have to act like a monster like that." "Gotta agree with her," Roseluck said with a sigh. "He should've control that temper of his." "Come on, maybe we should forgive him. After all, he was provoked." Plumsweet said as she brings out bags of some stuff into the kitchen. "Can someone give me a hoof with this?" "Ick, what is it?" Flitterheart ask, gagging a bit by how smelly that the stuff inside the bags is, "Whatever's inside smells awful!" "Smelly old cheese from Neighway! We can use this stuff to make fondue." "Ugh, I bet." Firecracker scoffs a bit. Then she notices Feathermay working a bit slowly, while looking down. "Feathermay? What's wrong? Are you worried about Tough?" "I'm fine, yeah, I'm fine." Feathermay said in sadness. "I just need to work, that's all; Nothing to worry about Tough." Some ponies feel worries as Feathermay heads out to get more supplies into the kitchen. The confrontation of what happened earlier has made her feel down. For what has happened, Tough may be on his way out of Ponyville right now! None of the ponies notice that the smell of the cheese is travelling out a nearby window... ------ The desert is a while away from Ponyville. Nothing great or interesting as it is a wasteland. And yet, a big smell travels over this wasteland. It attracts a big predator as something leaps out of the sand while roaring. Something smell is attached it and it is very hungry. Enough to destroy anyone in his way! --------------- Spike came out from the kitchen area with Nyx, and then they found Twilight using her magic to skim through some floating books like mad. "Hey Twilight, what'cha doing?" Spike asked puzzled in seeing the unicorn studying her books . "Trying to find an answer to a puzzle from yesterday's disturbance," Twilight Sparkle answered off the baby dragon's question with her own. "Well that's easy, Tough Apple went ballistic." Spike responded off in clearly reminding Twilight on what happened to them. "But Spike, you should know that Tough Apple isn't all bad." Nyx pleaded with sorrow and sad eyes in knowing Tough Apple was not truly bad as others see him to be. Spike sigh, "Yeah. But what should happen if somepony got hurt? What if YOU got hurt?" Nyx, shocked, ask, "You care that much about me? I always thought you were jealous of me." "Nyx, I want ya to look at me." Spike puts one arm around Nyx as he continues, "I would never be jealous of you. You're like the little sister I never had and if anything happened, I'd go nuts." Nyx, touched, said, "Thank you, Spike...Big Bro." She nuzzles Spike. "But I still wish Tough Apple would come back." "I know, but after today, I doubt anypony will..." Spike shrugs his shoulders down in feeling that there's no hope left until... "Found it!" Twilight Sparkle cut off the chatter with finding something in one book. "Found what?" Spike & Nyx responded in confusion to what this pony gone and done. "What Tough Apple said was the creature that he was chasing! Look..." Twilight stated from using her magic to levitate one book she had to show something. "It's known as the Equestrian Devil." The image from the open book showed something with brown fur, devil horns, red eyes and dark claws, along with spots, & it seemed to strike the same creature Tough Apple had hard times with. "Um, 'scuse me," Spike responded a little lost, what was Twilight on here? "They have blue fur, devil horns, red eyes and dark claws, along with spots, its height is small like a Gremlin, its weight is the same as a baby dragon and his feet are like talons, but that's not all. It turns out that in other facts about them, they've been know as Equestrian Devils because they are little devils that cause mischief." Twilight explained out all her knowledge facts in understanding what they are dealing with here. "Like when Tough Apple said one broke Joe, his favorite Banjo that he feels is his closest friend?" Nyx pointed out a fact that maybe when Tough said his banjo got broke; it was that thing's mischief behavior trying to tick the pony off. "Right, these creatures love to play tricks, and don't care if it causes harm to others. They are said to be sneaky, treacherous, and act childish in front of others while sometimes getting other folks in trouble with pranks." Twilight Sparkle explained with a serious face in knowing that these little 'Equestrian Devils' are no laughing matter. "Then that means, it's those things fault that they sick Tough Apple's loose temper on Ponyville! Man, that's kinda harsh and mean when you think about it. At least Pinkie Pie's pranks are funny and harmless and don't hurt others feelings!" Spike exclaimed out in shock and disgust in knowing these creatures are kinda like evil version prank Pinkie Pies, the folks have been blaming the wrong person of the wreckage to Ponyville and fell for it. "We have to let the others know, right away! Come on!" Twilight issued while using her magic to leviate Spike and Nyx on her back after setting a sack on her flank side to hold her evidence book in. Then the three rush off, they have to let the other ponies know of Tough Apple's setup act and of his innocence before the damage becomes permanent. ----------------------- After Apple Bloom got home from school, Applejack mumbles, "Can't believe yew went an' picked a fight wit' Diamond Tiara yesterday. What gives?" "Ah am saying 'dat Diamond Tiara set Cousin Tough Apple up!" Apple Bloom pleads to her cousin. "She wanted payback fer what our cousin did 'ta her an' Silver Spoon before and send that devil thing." "'Dat's fer us 'ta determine once we find 'dat cousin o' ours! We haven't seen him since yesterday!" "Cousin Tough Apple!" Granny Smith snaps as she goes up to the door to Tough Apple's room and open it. "We want a..." The old mare notices that the cousin is nowhere in sight. "What the Sam Hill? He ain't here." "Nnope," Big Macintosh said in concern as he peeks in. "Looks like Tough Apple didn't come back yesterday or something...most of his things are gone." "Oh no," Apple Bloom said in sadness as she and Applejack are the last to came in. "He must've left town..." "After his behavior, no surprise there." Applejack peeks out the broken wall and saw her friends rushing towards the farmhouse. She asks, "Is 'dat our friends coming?" The Apples leave the farm house as the rest of the Mane Six, along with Nyx, Spike, Sweetie and Scootaloo rush to the place. Pinkie exclaims, "Applejack, AJ, anypony else! Where's Tough Apple?" "He done left town. Don't blame him." "Wait! Listen, we got some information!" Rarity exclaims in concern to the Apples. "It seems that Tough Apple was set up." "What?" Applejack asks while blinking her eyes. "Yes, here!" Twilight exclaims as she uses her magic to take the evidence book out of her bag, showing it to the Apples. "Well, what do you know," Big Macintosh exclaims in surprise. "That there little fellow really did cause Tough to blow his stack!" "Right, and he causes the ponies and some of us to blame Tough unjustly for the rampage! We got to find him and bring Tough back!" "That still doesn't explain how that Equestrian Devil ended up here in Ponyville in the first place." Scootaloo said in concern. "Ah told yew, it was Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom insists to the ponies and dragon. "She set 'dat little fella after Tough 'ta git him upset!" "We can't do anything without proof." Rainbow said with a sigh. "So..." "Excuse me?" A delivery pony, the same one who delivered the Equestrian Devil to Diamond Tiara earlier, spoke up as he arrives. "Miss Applejack, I brought the chickens you ordered. I need you to sign for them." "Right, no problem; Hang on." Applejack said as she took the pen from the delivery pony, signing for the details. The newcomer notices the book opening up to the Equestrian Devil. "Hey, you know, that creature looks like the same one I delivered yesterday, I..." The pony yelps as he saw the others looking at him. "Oops. Uh, ignore that." "Sir, did you know anything about what happened earlier?" Spike asks the delivery pony sternly. "Sorry, I am not allowed to tell anypony about what I sold, even when I am paid to." "Someone ordered the Equestrian Devil from you and you know a thing about it!" Nyx snaps to the delivery pony suspiciously. "Forget it, not a chance!" The delivery pony snaps in defiance. "There's no way..." "Listen, mister," Fluttershy snaps as she got into the delivery pony's face, scaring him big time. "A good pony has been wrongfully accused of causing a rampage because of that thing and you know who brought it! That pony is like a big brother to me so when he's upset, I'm upset! You, mister, tell us who brought the thing right now or you're in big, BIG TROUBLE!" The Pegasus exclaims as she gave him the Stare, something that the mare doesn't want to do on ponies. "Gah; Okay, okay; it was Filthy Rich's daughter Diamond Tiara! She won't tell me why she brought it, only the filly paid me to keep quiet! Please, stop, enough!" "Okay, Fluttershy, okay, you can stop now." Twilight said to Fluttershy making her stop the Stare on the delivery pony who is on the ground, shivering. "Oh, I'm so sorry. You see, this is why I don't like using the Stare on ponies." Fluttershy explains to Twilight meekly. "It has unpredicted side effects." "Yew see? Ah was right!" Apple Bloom exclaims to her family in concern. "Whoa, we got to get to him!" Big Macintosh exclaims in concern. "But I reckon he is on the train by now." "Reckon again!" Sweetie yelps as she saw hoof prints in the ground. "Are those hoof prints his?" "Those are his hoof prints all right." Applejack said recognizing the hoof prints. She and the others follow them carefully. "An' they lead up 'ta..." "The Everfree Forest," The ponies gasp in horror as they saw that the trail leads up to the Everfree Forest. "Oh, we got to find him, please!" Apple Bloom pleads to her sister and her friends. "He could get lost in there for days or who knows what else?" "And we will." Twilight said in determination. "Girls, Big Mac, Spike, we're heading into the Everfree Forest after him. Nyx, you and your friends stay with Granny Smith. The Everfree Forest itself is not a place to get lost in." The ponies agree as they split into two groups with the Mane Six, Big Macintosh and Spike heading into the Everfree Forest after Tough Apple, the rest stayed behind. Hopefully they can find the sadden stallion before he gets hurt. --------------- Tough mumbles a bit, wondering how far he has went in this forest. It's dark and hard to get lost in and the stallion was here for one night so far. Suddenly, the pony fell into some sort of hole, he screams as he himself finds himself teleported. "WHOA!" Tough exclaims before landing somewhere. The pony got up and finds himself in front of some sort of ruined castle. Unknown to him, this was the Castle of Nightmare Moon, which has been teleported here since the incidents with Nyx/Nightmare Moon somehow, "Hmmm." Tough enters the castle, the place looks abandoned...but perhaps it's for the best. No pony would find him here, an outcast to be forgotten forever... Tough Apple sigh, "Nopony's gonna miss me." "You took the words out of my mouth, filth." A voice remarks in amusement. "What Da-Who's there?" "Sorry, could you try and speak a little more-oh, I don't know, English, please? Or is that too much for your brain to take in, Toughie?" Tough growls angrily as he demands, "Where are yew? Show yerself!" "Sorry, this is for smart folks. The auctions for Village Idiot are a few castles away! Ha ha ha," The voice taunts Tough, making him more mad. "Sorry, I think it's safe to say that you aren't wanted here." "Oh, Ah ain't wanted here? 'Dis place is supposed 'ta be abandoned fer what Ah saw." "Sorry, speak up loudly. I can't understand stupid!" Tough growls furiously but instead of charging, he storms out the castle, snapping, "Forget 'dis! Ah ain't going 'ta be taunted into losing mah temper! Ah'm getting out o' here!" Tough yelps as a familiar portal appears, he fell into it and getting send back to the Everfree Forest. Once the stallion is gone, a hooded figure appears. "Heh, good; I have to do whatever it takes to get rid of him." The hooded figure said sinisterly. "I can't let one pony get in the way of my conquest for the Brotherhood of Tadaka. So say I..." --------------- The ponies are recovering from Tough's rampage before, rebuilding again as some of them continue their normal lives, not expecting anything. But then, the ground begins to shake as Caramel groans, "Oh what? Is Tough losing his cool again?" "I have enough of this!" Golden Harvest snaps angrily. "Who wants to complain to the Apples?" Suddenly the ponies yelp as something came out of the ground, roaring like mad, a huge sandy like worm! "Apparently, no pony," Caramel screams as the ponies run off while the sandworm begins its attack. ------------- Meanwhile, in the Everfree Forest, Tough Apple, recovered from his incident in the castle after ending up back here, was trailing down a path without a care in the world. He lost not only a home, but friends and family. And because of his temper, sure he got angry from what happened when Joe got broken and someone laughed about it in his face, the stallion shoulda known better...He had it all, the ponies were starting to like him, his family starting to open up to realize there was something to help bring him into a bright happier life, and with friends...now it's all downhill. "Hugh, guess 'dis place better get use 'ta a new monster joining 'de mix. Tough Apple, 'de rouge loose temper beast," Tough Apple muttered under his sad breath in addressing himself. "Cause nopony wants a monster." The stallion muffled out in sorrow, knowing this is where he belongs. "And who's to say if you are a monster or not?" Spoke a female voice shrouded in riddles and mystery. "Shoot, 'dat's easy, cause..." Just then, the stallion froze in that spot, looking confused. "Wha! Wait a second! Either Ah'm losin' it or 'diis forest is haunted!" Tough Apple exclaimed in not figuring out how someone talked to him out of nowhere unless this place is haunted or it's his mind playing tricks. "It is neither the answer, which you seek." Soon something approached from under the dark shade of the trees and out came the zebra of mystery, Zecora. "Gaaaugh," Tough Apple yelped back in fear, who was this person and why all the stealth. "But assurance in doubt, I can most certainly aid." Zecora stated to point in a humble manner, that she means no harm. "Wha da blue-nose blazes are yew suppose to be?" Tough Apple asked in never seeing her before, but then again, this be the first he came to this creepy place from what others said. "My name is Zecora, a semen of mystery and one that has gone and experience...the road you take." Zecora spoke in riddles in addressing herself to Tough Apple in knowing who she was. "Come again? Ugh, Zecora, right? Ah'm not sure Ah follow them riddles o' yer spouting at?" Tough Apple asked looking a little lost and puzzled as he didn't understand that at all. "In the past, the ponies feared my presence and hid, so I lived a lonely life here in my hut." Zecora spoke to walk around Tough Apple as he looked to the mare with curiosity in hearing her strange tale similar to his own. "But soon, a lesson learned from where not every appearance, means you figured out a creature on the inside." Zecora stood in front of Tough Apple in motioning a fact about understanding something. "Um, 'de inside," Tough Apple responded still lost but this person must have an answer there. "Like myself, you feel loneliness, a trouble past that haunts you from rise to dawn. It has clearly shaped you into something to which you respond to. However, inside is a crying heart that yearns for things left out of reach." Zecora explained out something that were of a deep riddle of mystery as the stallion tried following them as best he can until he slowly was starting to understand a little. "You mean like...family...friends...an, love?" Tough Apple responded with a pat on his chest where his heart is supposed to be. "Yes indeed, all seem lost until a fateful encounter where you met a pony that showed kindness to you." Zecora smiled and tap where Tough had his hoof in mentioning something that brought news into his light. "Fluttershy," Tough Apple responded, how could he forget the mare that first saw and tried to help him like a little sister sibling he never had. "Yes, and through her efforts, helped reshape you to bring the inside out for others to see. And through there, others seen a better side of you, they never imagine." Zecora nods to smile in seeing that Tough Apple was starting to get the picture now. "Well it's gone now, Ah blew it." Tough Apple frowns and dropped his hoof off his chest, looked away in sorrow in knowing what he did ruined his life again. "Tell me; have you've made mistakes in your times of passing?" Zecora spoke from raising an eye in asking this question to the stallion. "Shoot, Ah done mosta made a tone o' them." Tough Apple remote off in feeling that's something he's done a lot of and never kept track til now. "But did you learn from those mistakes?" Zecora spoke with a more deeper mystery in asking of a lesson learned. "Learn fro' them?" Tough Apple raised his eyes at Zecora, puzzled what she meant by that. "Mistakes are nothing to fear or be ashamed of; they are simple lessons in life." Zecora nods in expressing wisdom about the truth in making mistakes. "A simple lesson learn can tell you things & remember, but to learn from mistakes can guide your path anew." This wise advice made Tough see something he's never picture, learning from mistakes can help a person. "It was only through being in Ponyville that you began to learn and through there look back at mistakes of the past, to teach you of today's present." Zecora finished in stating that to this day, Tough Apple had never look back at his own mistakes until now when he's learned to be better and seeing what was right and wrong now. "Well gosh, Ah never figure 'dat...Then, yeu think it's not too late?" Tough Apple rubbed the back of his neck in surprise and asked if by chance that it's not too late for him. "It is never too little or too late to start anew." Zecora shook her head in signaling that there is still plenty of time for Tough. "I would have been here and been known to fear by others if not for a little filly's eyes that saw the truth. I believe you know her, Apple Bloom." She mentioned off something to which really caught Tough's attention in knowing who helped this zebra out. "Mah cousin; She helped ya?" Tough Apple asked in disbelief, Apple Bloom helped others see that Zecora was not a monster as others once believed? Could maybe, just maybe, that could be done for him too? "Yes, and from seeing your Cutie Mark, you are related to the Apples, but the mark seems... warped of your true inner talent that was made...twisted." Zecora nods while motioning something odd about Tough Apple's Cutie Mark, a rotten apple was on his flank & something of it seemed off of it's appearance. "Wha'cha saying, mah Cutie Mark ain't supposed 'ta be what mah special talent is? Then what is...." Tough Apple asked in really being confused, was Zecora saying that the symbol of his Cutie Mark was never of who he's supposed to be, then what does it mean, he needs answer, but... "Booommm...." Then suddenly, there was a loud sound that disturbed the forest as the noise was coming from Ponyville where there was some smoke in the air. And by the sounds of it, that was only a tiny example in what's actually going on right now. "Holly smoke, what 'de hay was 'dat?" Tough Apple yelped out surprised as it looks like something's going on back home. "It came from Ponyville, some mischief has fallen there. And if nothing is done, many may get. Or worst..." Zecora motioned with a serious expression, seeing & sensing something terrible was coming to the village. "Worst," Tough Apple shouted in horror, anything worst then being hurt, well...he didn't wanna imagine it. "Ahh dog-gone it, what am Ah doin' loftin' around? Ah got 'ta git back an' help?" The stallion snapped before looking up in the direction of Ponyville, feeling he has to get back. "Are you sure you are ready for this?" Zecora asked in giving the stallion a choice question, will he go back & possibly lose more trust by recklessness even if he does try to help by doing what's right or leave this as he was not going to return? "Shot, like Ah's got a choice?" Tough Apple replied off with a smile on his face that was a sign Zecora smiled to. The stallion choose to return and help fix the damage, even help in any way possible, that's showing his true self. "Then let me hold your things, and be assured, I shall return them when we meet, and by then...what was broken bonds shall be fixed anew." Zecora asked from taking off the stuff the stallion packed and was gonna leave with including the broken banjo; Joe. "Don't know what 'dat means, but okay." Tough Apple responded unsure, but shrugs it off as he was now running off...back to Ponyville. "By broken bonds, I did mean the citizens, but also...of one's personal attachments." Zecora spoke off to herself as she lay Tough's stuff on the ground and took out from her sack a special potion to sprinkle it across Joe the banjo. It looks like Zecora meant more than one thing for Tough Apple, but that'll come to pass later. --------------- Back in Ponyville, all the ponies are running around, screaming and panicking as the sandworm was making its rampage. "The horror, the horror," Daisy screamed in terror. "Someone call the Royal Guard or those Mane Six ponies!" Golden Harvest calls out frantically. "Where are those ponies anyway?" Time Turner ask frantically, dodging the sand worm as it went through. ---------------------- "Geez, it must be so difficult to find one big pony in this place." Spike groans as he, the Mane Six and Big Macintosh trots through the forest. "He definitely didn't want to be found." "We got to find Tough Apple, please?" Fluttershy pleads to her friends in sadness. "Don't worry, Fluttershy, we'll find him." Twilight assured the yellow-and-pink Pegasus pony. "Hey, are we having a barbecue in Ponyville?" Pinkie asks as she turns to a direction. "No, why," Applejack ask Pinkie puzzled. "Oh, because I saw smoke coming from over there," Pinkie said happily as she points to some smoke which can be seen in the sky that is coming from Ponyville. "Smoke," Twilight gasped in shock as she looked towards Ponyville. A loud roar is heard, making Big Macintosh pauses as he exclaims, "Well, shoot me down! That sounds like a sandworm to me!" "A sandworm," Rainbow exclaims in shock and alarm. "Oh man, we gotta get back." "But what about Tough?" Spike asks in worry. "We still need to look for him." "I'm sorry, but home will have to come first. We will look for him once this crisis is taken care of." Twilight said in regret. She doesn't want to abandon the search for Tough but Ponyville's safely is at risk. Twilight uses her teleportation to teleport herself and her group out of the forest, right into the center of Ponyville. "Okay, where's the fire?" Rainbow demands more she asked. "WE GOT A SANDWORM!" Cherry Berry screams as she rushes on by. "Eeyup, I was right." Big Macintosh said in concern. "But 'dis doesn't make sense, what 'de hay is a sandworm doing in Ponyville?" Applejack ask in alarm as an explosion is heard. "It's too far from 'de desert!" "Well, we got to get that thing out of Ponyville before somepony gets hurt." Twilight exclaims quickly. "Big Mac, head back to Sweet Apple Acres, make sure that Granny Smith and the fillies are warned about this." "Got it!" Big Mac said with a nod before he ran off towards Sweet Apple Acres to warn Granny Smith and the fillies. "Rainbow, you, Spike, Applejack and I will find the sandworm." Twilight said quickly to the next ones in her group. "Right," Rainbow nodded. "Pinkie, you, Fluttershy and Rarity find that Equestrian Devil; It couldn't have gone far! Capture it and make sure the thing is tied up tight." Twilight said sternly. "We got to help our fellow ponies realize that it wasn't truly Tough's fault for his rampage yesterday." "Roger!" Pinkie saluted before she zipped off with Fluttershy and Rarity following to find the Equestrian Devil. "Okay, does anyone have any questions?" Twilight ask the ones still around in determination. "Ah got one. Why is it yew ran into 'de library whenever we tried suggesting a date fer yew?" Applejack asks Twilight curiously. "I rather not talk about it. Now is not the time, never. Deal with sandworm, yes, let's deal with sandworm." Twilight said, eye's twitching as she heads on, much to the concern of the others. "That egghead definitely needs to find a colt of her own." Rainbow said as she shakes her head in disbelief. "Never mind that, come on!" Spike said as he ran after Twilight with Rainbow and Applejack following suit. ---------- "Pinkie Pie, mind telling me what's the pie's for?" Rarity asks Pinkie as she, Fluttershy and Rarity brought in some pie and some nets while tracking the Equestrian Devil down. "Simple! Everyone loves pie! So I figure this Equestrian Devil loves it too!" Pinkie explains to Rarity happily. "Yes, but what if this guy doesn't eat pie?" Fluttershy ask Pinkie meekly. "Oh relax, Fluttershy. We just need to find this guy." Pinkie said with a smile. "But how will we know what this little thing looks like?" Rarity asks Pinkie impatiently. "Easy! It's gnawing on your mane right now!" Pinkie exclaims to Rarity with a silly grin. The white pony looked on her mane and screamed in fright upon seeing the Equestrian Devil, which was indeed gnawing on her mane. "Get it off, get it off!" Rarity screams frantically. Fluttershy yelps as she throws a net at the devil but misses and catch Rarity by mistake, "Fluttershy!" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Fluttershy exclaims as the Equestrian Devil jumps on the rooftop throwing raspberry and slapping his rear. "Oh, now that isn't nice." "Got it," Pinkie exclaims as she fires a pie, but misfires and hit Rarity in the face. "Oopsie." "Oh, it is on!" Rarity snaps as she uses her magic to throw stuff at the Equestrian Devil who dodges and miss each one. "Hold still!" The Equestrian Devil says something in its own tongue, Pinkie said in worry, "Whatever he say, I don't think it's polite." "Don't let it get away!" Fluttershy cried. The little guy ran off with the ponies on its tail. They got to get him in hopes to help Tough. ------------------- Twilight's group rushes into the scene of the danger, seeing the sandworm in general roaring as he trash the town. "Okay, anyone got any idea on how 'ta deal wit' 'dis here thing?" Applejack asks her friends in concern. "Whoa! That guy is huge!" Spike exclaims with a yelp. "It will take a lot of magic to put him down!" "Luckily for me, he goes down in a few hits." Rainbow snaps as she flies at the sandworm and hits it in the head, only for the thing to knock her down. "Ouch! Then again." "All righty, let's round 'dis here fellow up!" Applejack cheers as she got some rope and swings a lasso onto the big fellow. "Giddyup!" Applejack cheers loudly as she swung herself, Twilight and Spike right on its back. The sandworm roars as it moves on with three riders. "YEEHAW," Applejack cheers wildly. "Ride 'em, little sand doggy!" "Okay, think you can steer this guy away from Ponyville?" Twilight ask Applejack hopefully. "Don't ya worry, Twi, Ah'll lure 'im away!" Applejack assured the purple unicorn. "Whoa!" Spike yelps as the sandworm bounces up and down. "Have you even steered this big guy before?" "Nnope, but how hard is it fer me 'ta try?" Applejack assures Spike with a chuckle. "Never say that, never say that at all!" Spike cringes as he held onto Twilight's back. "Hey, ponies; wait up!" Rainbow exclaims as she flies after her friends on the sandworm's back. "Don't keep me out of this!" ----------- "Oh, little devil darling." Rarity said as she and her group heads up to the little critter sitting on top of Sugarcube Corner, "Mind coming down here? I got a treat for..." The Equestrian Devil throws a tomato right at Rarity, hitting her in the face then raspberry at her. "Okay, Fluttershy. This little guy needs some manners. Mind using your Stare on him?" Rarity asks Fluttershy sternly. "But I only use that if I get riled up." Fluttershy said meekly. "Besides, Pinkie Pie..." "Is right here," Pinkie exclaims as she appears near the Equestrian Devil causing it to yelp. "So you like to make pranks, eh? So can I; Look down!" The little devil looks down and saw him sliding down the roof on jellybean. The Equestrian Devil yelps as he lands on the ground below. "Yay; we got him!" Pinkie cheers as she jumps at...nothing. The Equestrian Devil lands on Rarity instead, knocking both to the ground. "Hey, where did he go?" As if to answer Pinkie's question, a huge pot lands on her and Rarity, getting them stuck in the opening. The Equestrian Devil laughs madly as he hits the pot with the spoon hard, shaking the two mares up. Seeing this got Fluttershy angry. She does not like how her friends are being treated like that one bit. "Ouch, ouch; what is with those noises?" Rarity screams from inside the pot as the noises rang in her ears. "WHAT? CAN'T HEAR YOU! THERE'S NOISES IN MY EARS!" Pinkie calls out to Rarity. The Equestrian Devil laughs madly, not caring if he's going to make the ponies go deaf. "HOW DARE YOU!" Fluttershy roars furiously as she flew at the Equestrian Devil, making him yelp as he stops what he's doing. The little guy find himself falling to the ground as the Pegasus pony, "Listen, little mister, just because you look like a devil, like to cause mischief and do mean stuff, doesn't mean you can do that to my friends! And I don't approve of what you did to Tough Apple earlier! Now you stop what you're doing right now and come with us to apologize for what you did!" Fluttershy gave him the Stare once more. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, MISTER?.!" The Equestrian Devil trembles in fear as he nods, obviously giving up; Rarity uses her magic to get the pot off her head while saying (as she is clearing out the noises in her ears), "Well, nice job, Fluttershy." "Oh, well, he just needs to know how not to make mischief and harm to innocent ponies." Fluttershy said meekly to Rarity, calming down. "WHAT?" Pinkie calls out to Fluttershy. The ringing is still in her ears, apparently. "Never mind, let's tie him up and bring him back to Twilight." Rarity said as she got some rope to tie up the Equestrian Devil with. "Maybe now, we can clear Tough's name." "WHAT?" Pinkie calls out to Rarity, repeating herself once more. --------------- Twilight's group continues their riding, but apparently, it came to an end when the sandworm hits a bump, knocking them off. "Ouch!" Rainbow groans as she hits the ground with her friends. "Well, fun while it lasted. Where the hay...?" "Look out!" Spike screams as a building fell towards them. The thing lands around the four trapping them inside. Twilight peeks out through a hole in the building, groaning, "Oh no, where could that thing be?" "He's heading out 'ta 'de field!" Applejack exclaims in alarm. "Rainbow, can yew fly us out o' here?" "Yeah, problem," Rainbow said dryly. Sure enough, the others saw that one of her wings is pinned down by a part of the building. "Oh, no; your wing," Twilight cried in concern. "Thanks for noticing. Now, minding using your magic to get this off?" Rainbow asks Twilight who nods and groans a bit while trying to lift the heavy object off. "Sorry, this could take a while." Twilight mumbles a bit, trying her hardest to free Rainbow as fast as she could. "Why not just teleport us out of here," Spike ask Twilight dryly. The purple unicorn blinks a bit. "Oh, right, thanks for telling me that, Spike." Twilight said sheepishly as she uses her magic to teleport herself, Applejack, Rainbow and Spike out of the building. The unicorn groans a bit. "Man, that last teleportation took a bit out of me. I need some rest to recover." "At least my wing is freed." Rainbow said as she checks her own wing out. "Now where is that sand breathing slime ball?" "Oh...just follow the trail." Twilight said as she saw a trail made by the sandworm that is heading into the field. "Good eye, Twilight. Come on!" Applejack said as she and the others start following the trail. --------- In the field, the twins Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are in the center of a field...and are in danger as the sandworm is heading out at them fast. The father & mother scream out in horror that their foals are in trouble, with the mother fainting & the father catching her. It doesn't look like the group with Rainbow Dash will get there in time. The sandworm roared as he head at the two foals...when a familiar stallion jumps in and attack, wrestling the sandworm. Twilight's group shows up and gasps, "Tough Apple!" "Heehaw! Time 'ta wrestle!" Tough laugh as he wrestles with the giant sandworm. The battle got too close to the foals, but luckily, Rainbow speeds in and pulls Pound and Pumpkin Cake to safety in time. "Gotcha, foalies," Rainbow laughed in determination. "Good work, Rainbow!" Applejack cheers on as Tough kept on wrestling the sandworm. "Keep it up, Tough, until we done figure out how 'ta git rid o' it!" "Y'all can count on me, cuz!" Tough shouted confidently as he wrestled the sandworm. The sandworm roars as it is being forced right into a China Shop, crashing right into it. The ponies and dragon saw the two wrestle in there. Spike comments, "I've heard of a bull in a China Shop, but seeing this is just ridiculous." --------------- The Mane Six lookalikes' restaurant isn't getting much business today. They don't understand it. "I don't understand what's going on today." Firecracker said with a sigh. "We should be filled with customers by now." An explosion occurs, much to the lookalikes' notice. Flitterheart ask in surprise, "What is that?" Suddenly the sandworm appears, with Tough wrestling him. Most of the lookalikes gasps, "Tough!" "Toughie," Feathermay ask with a whisper of concern. "What is he doing now? Haven't he caused enough trouble for one day?" Cherry Pie ask, a bit annoyed by what appears to be Tough's latest rampage. "Wait!" Twilight exclaims as she and her group rush up. "Tough isn't the problem. It's the sandworm he's saving Ponyville from!" "What?" The lookalikes, especially Feathermay, ask in surprise and disbelief. "But why would he come back after what happened before," Plumsweet ask in concern and surprise. "Guess what, Twi!" Pinkie exclaims as she, Rarity and Fluttershy arrives with a tied up Equestrian Devil, still shivering from the Stare. "We caught the Equestrian Devil!" "Great work, girls!" Twilight said with a smile. "This thing was causing mischief throughout Ponyville and made Tough lose his temper. What's more, it was Diamond Tiara who set Tough up to get into trouble in the first place." Fluttershy explains to the Mane Six lookalikes. That caused the six Ponyville newcomers to gasp in shock. That's the real source of what happened earlier today?.! "Oh no; I think we made a terrible mistake." Cherry Pie said in regret. "Oh, Toughie," Feathermay said with a shake of her head. "But how will we..." Suddenly Tough landed on the ground, getting up. Despite going through such overwhelming dangers, he appears hurt and breathing heavy. The sandworm has crushed him, dig through the ground and smash at everything on site until the stallion couldn't last a moment longer. "Ah think ah done got him." Tough groans then he pass out, falling to the ground. "Toughie," Feathermay exclaims as she flies over to Tough. "He's unconscious!" "And we're dead!" Spike yelps as the sandworm is getting ticked off. "Oh man, how can we stop it now? We need some sort of new tactic. But what could it be? What brought the sandworm here?" "Eeeew! What is that awful smell?" Rarity yelps in alarm as she smells something in the air. The other ponies and dragon smell it as well; some of them gag a bit. "Oh, it smells even worse than skunks, no offense to the skunks of course!" "Oh, that's just the Neighweigan Cheese in the restaurant that we just brought." Plumsweet explains as she points to the smell coming from the kitchen via the kitchen. "Come to think of it, I think the stuff has gone expired and moldy." "'Expired and...' Yes, of course, that's it!" Twilight gasps in realization. "Don't you see? It's the expired and moldy cheese which is the reason why the sandworm is here! Those creatures love disgusting food! It came to Ponyville because the reeky stuff attracted the sandworm here and it attracted it here!" The sandworm growls as he came to the restaurant. Twilight is rightl the cheese is luring it there. Firecracker exclaims, "Of course! We should've known!" Rainbow Dash makes a calm remark to her friends, "Here's an idea...SOMEONE GET RID OF THAT CHEESE!" Rarity remark, while she held her nose of the stench, "Yes, the sooner the better; Peeyuu!" "I will handle it!" Pinkie exclaims as she rush in, returning with her party cannon, stuffed with the bad rotting food. She aims it somewhere where no pony will be around to launch the stuff & get rid of the Sand Worm all in one swoop, "FIRE!" Pinkie quickly opens fire, sending the bad rooting food sailing away. The smell kept attracting the sandworm as it growls and quickly moves away from the restaurant and Ponyville, leaving the town. "Phew, you did it, Pinkie." Twilight said in relief as the other ponies smile a bit. "With how fast you launch, that sandworm will be away from here for a long long time." "Yeah...next time, let's just order normal farm cheese." Roseluck mumbles a bit as her co-workers/friends agree with her. That Neighway cheese almost killed them all. Next time, farm cheese is the way to go. "Well, the sandworm is gone; the Equestrian Devil is captured...that leaves only one thing left." Spike said to the ponies with a nod. The mares nod as they look at the unconscious Tough. Only one thing left to do: convince Tough to stay and how the ponies now realize that he isn't a bad stallion after all.