The possibilities of a dreary day

by DerpyStarlet


There was an engulfing darkness; it was surrounding the lone figure. It was a mare, a lone mare floating freely in the shrouding mist of dark energy. It was a dark and lonely place, but it wasn’t a horrible darkness. It was a welcoming emptiness, devoid of imperfection. Thus this place was perfect, it was a perfect space, and nothing had, could, or ever would go wrong here. The mare awoke calmly, for this was a mare who was not easily deterred, because she was and is very calm and wise.
She carefully calculated her surroundings, and thought on things for a second. The body was new to her, it wasn’t expected, but it wasn't a surprise. She looked at her hooves. She then floats down gently, landing on a grassy ground. She was correct in her previous assumption; this wasn't a physical plane or a spiritual one. It was somewhere between, and it was here that creativity thrived and manifested itself. It was a clean slate; it had the potential to be anything. It was the void space that held worlds together. It was unusual to awake in the void space, but not impossible, but ordinarily the body manifests on a physical plane then travels here.
The mysterious mare practiced a bit with the new legs, before she walked over to a mirror. There, she got her first look at her new form. The mare has a vivid recollection of past events; everything that happened before she woke up here she remembered, but as per usual, when she manifested again she forgot personal details. She had no personal past, no recollection of who she was or what she did, just who she met, and what they had done. She had no past or future, she just was, but what she did have was history, and plenty of it. A name was her only personal knowledge, Starlet Mint.
According to the mirror, her appearance was that of a mature unicorn, a caring face of a mother and eyes full of joy lined with tragedy. Her blazing red eyes showed a strong soul and had the look of a lonely traveler. A smile that beamed endless happiness and could melt your past sorrows, yet it held its own grief forever. Her ruffled mane had tips red as blood, but a base color of dark (almost black) brown. Her silvery skin surrounded her cutie mark, and it displayed her greatest talent, Healing. Healing of a heart, of a soul, not physical healing.
The mysterious mare was done admiring herself; she had seen the flaw while walking around. It was hard to miss; she walked up to the weed that had grown in the grass. It would not be a problem anywhere else, but in the void it was an enormous problem. It meant there was a significant wound in a connected reality, this is no problem now, but going unfixed it could rip into other realities. There were five separate rips curiously close. To fix these rips will cause another, but left unhandled it wouldn’t rip another one, but would poison several surrounding reality’s. Starlet ripped out the weed and the rifts open, poisonous light leaked out. Starlet reached towards the source of the first rip and upon contact disappeared in a shadowy rush.