Dusty Tome and Endeavor: The Amulet of Yolo Swag

by FortheNerd

At the Archives

When Endeavor finally arrived at the Archives, well behind his flying pegasus friend, Dusty had already made what he jokingly called ‘a book fort’. Being one of the top researchers of the ancient and mysterious artifacts of Equestria at Canterlot’s Royal University, Dusty had access to many sources of knowledge that others did not. She had a reserved room with a desk and stool where she was currently holed up, surrounded by stacks of books. Endeavor looked at some of the titles:

Theories on the Founding of the Crystal Empire

A History of Gods and Goddesses in Equestria

An Analysis of Clover the Clever’s Theory on the Outer Realm

The Ascension of a Princess: Origins of the Ruling Goddesses

Besides the books there were stacks of carefully preserved original documents. Currently Dusty was trying to carefully lay out what looked like pages of an ancient tome, but they had a thick protective covering over them that Dusty was having a hard time maneuvering with her hooves. Endeavor stepped into the room. He used his magic to lay out the small stack of protected papers so that Dusty could look at them all at once. She looked up at him with a grateful smile and then went back to studying the pages.

Endeavor watched her work for a short bit of time before moving over to the chair by the window. He had seen her do this plenty of times before, yet every time he was amazed how the usually loud and energetic pegasus could suddenly turn into a brilliant scholar when she got into her research. Endeavor picked up one of the academic journals he knew was in her discard pile. He flipped through it while Dusty scribbled down some notes on a notepad she had pulled out of her desk.

An Explanation of the Outer Realm by Signet the Mad

For centuries we have wondered if we are the only beings in the universe. We know that magic governs the forces of celestial bodies upon our planet, but where does this power come from?

It is believed that there is another state of being that exists outside of our planet and the observable celestial bodies. This is what I call ‘the outer realm’.

When we wonder what could have created our universe and the planets and life within it, I point to the outer realm. It is here that creatures that are beyond and unknown to us come to our universe to interact with us. The original creator must have been a being from the outer realm who found a way out of their universe, and in doing so created another. They set the foundations for our life as we know it.

Throughout history it stands to reason that inexplicable events would have been caused by these beings coming through and forming our world. The creation of the three different races, especially in developing unicorns that have magic in order to manipulate the aura of power set in place by the creators. For this reason many believe the Princesses are either born of the outer realm or are in fact beings sent through to our world, disguised as ponies. Some believe the ponies of legends and old Mare’s tales are indeed these creatures coming into our world for just long enough to influence it how they like, while making it look like they were normal ponies.

The founding of the Crystal Empire has been a debate in regards to its connection to the outer realm. The most believed story is that a mysterious prince had led a group of Earth ponies and by manipulating their strong willpower with his magic, created the Crystal City as we know it. A big indicator of outside influence is that fact that strong magic was used, more powerful than any known unicorn at the time, to create the evil-fighting shield that impacts the entire land mass of Equestria. Moreover, there is hardly any sign of this prince actually existing beyond old carvings and oral legends.

Endeavor looked up at Dusty. She was still making notes, now cross referencing the map that had come with the scroll. Her brow was furrowed in concentration as she scribbled out her thoughts with a quill in mouth. Endeavor checked his pocket watch. It was around 5 in the evening. He eyed Dusty's pile of things she still had to go through. They would probably be there at least 4 more hours. Maybe more. Endeavor got up from his chair and walked out of the room, out into the street.

As Endeavor walked the familiar path to a familiar sandwich shop, his mind wandered back to his friend back at the library. He was reminded of the time he had first met Dusty. He was new to Canterlot and had just graduated from the University of Manehattan after studying cryptology and linguistics. After being unable to find any interesting jobs in Manehattan he came to Canterlot, the academic hub of Equestria. Endeavor had made his way to the Canterlot Royal Archives, looking for a job and also to admire their brilliant collection. He could only find a petite brown pegasus hovering around the cryptology section restocking books. The library aid who he now knew as Dusty Tome directed him to the Head Librarian, who gave him a part time job restocking shelves and cataloging books.

Dusty and Endeavor eventually became friends from seeing each other so much at the library. She would be hunkered down in her room at nights, making illegible notes and writing out academic papers. He learned how she was studying ancient and magical artifacts, an archeologist who focused mainly on the research side. One day she had told him of an excavation where his cryptology skills could be put in good use. They both went to get a taste of the field part of history and ended up becoming semi-professional adventurers. Not what he was expecting after getting hired at a library, but he wouldn’t change it.

Endeavor snapped out of his reminiscing when he reached Daisy’s Deli, ordering two dandelion and daisy sandwiches on wheat with a side of hay fries and two cups of coffee. He levitated 2 packets of sugar and some cream into Dusty’s mug. He didn’t have to ask her how she took her coffee, he knew. Besides, he didn’t want to worry about her refusing to drink it.

By the time Endeavor returned to the library he was halfway through the hay fries and Dusty had doubled the amount of papers and documents in her room. Endeavor took it upon himself to remove all of the books and documents she had in her ‘restock’ pile, mostly because she decided that pile would go on his chair. Remembering the old set-up of the library he returned the documents and books to their proper place, stopping to chat with their old boss, a nosey old unicorn mare.

“So, are Ms. Tome and you still doing field archeology for a living or are you doing something useful?” Her words were harsh, but he knew she was joking by the playful twinkle in her eyes. Still it hit a place of minor annoyance for him.

“Yes. We are still professional adventurers.” He couldn’t hide the scathing attitude in his voice, and the mare’s grin softened into a polite smile.

“Oh deary you know I just worry about the two of you. Nopony else besides the professors have stayed around as long as the pair of you have. Pardon me for getting a little attached. You should take good care of that mare… I don’t suppose you’ve asked her to marry you yet? Call me old fashioned but I just can’t imagine two ponies living together for so long without being married.”

Endeavor’s face had flushed a deep maroon from the tip of his snout to the top of his ears. “Uh… *cough* um I better get back to Dusty. We need to finish up this research for our newest client.” Endeavor started backing away. “Besides, we’re just friends.”

“Hmph. Like I believe that.” He ran out of there before she could see his blush deepening still, hearing the cackling laughter of the head librarian behind him.