The Start of Something New: Private Moments

by Rhino

Chapter 6: I Want One

He chuckles, holding her close as he kisses her deeply. He rolls over so that he is on top of her, purposely straightening his hindlegs so their hips don't touch.

Silk's wings spread halfway out underneath her while her forelegs fold on her chest. Her eyes look at him, half-lidded as she licks her lips.

He stares down at her a moment before leaning down and kissing along her neck. "How far will we go, this time?" His hoof trails across her belly, gently caressing her. "Cuddling, mouth hugs, or that, uh..." He coughs lightly, attempting to ignore his awkwardness. "...that thing we tried last Hearth's Warming?"

"Well, first off, neither of us is getting drunk this time~! Her voice goes higher pitched at the end of her sentence as he does a quick motion around her lower stomach. "As for how far..." she wraps her hooves around his neck and brings him right in front of her face. "I believe I did say something I wanted earlier..."

He freezes, his hoof mere inches from her mounds. He quickly recovers, moving around her hip. " can we do that, though? You aren't in heat." He brings his other foreleg down, playfully squeezing her flanks. "It's upsetting, but I do want to give you that foal."

"Hun, please." She holds a hoof to his mouth. "We're both darn well aware I'm not in heat, which is fine. However, that doesn't mean you get to skip out..." she leans up and whispers into his ear, one hoof keeping his on her flanks, "on practice..."

He blushes brightly and smiles deviously down at her. "Careful. I'm trying to treat you as you deserve." He leans down, eyes narrowed playfully as he touches noses with her. "And what you deserve can change..." He chuckles, shaking his head. "Who knows? I may want to practice shapeshifting at the same time."

She narrows her eyes right back at him. "Now now, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun being married to a changeling if I wasn't up for a little experimenting with his body and mine..." She sticks out her tongue and licks the outside of his lips.

This causes him to start, eyes wide in surprise. "Really? I mean, I could literally change into anything." He nods downwards, fighting to keep his blush in check. "Anything."

"I know that, but as long as you always can go back to yourself, I don't see a reason not to have fun-" She stops as her eyes widen. "Honey... are you... nervous?"

He laughs a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. "Who, me? Well, I..." He falters, grimacing slightly. " Yes."

She raises a delicate eyebrow. "Performance anxiety?"

"No, that's not it." He sighs, sitting up and looking at the stiff rod between his legs. "...I've been ready a while, now...I'm having trouble getting into the mindset..."

"Well... part of you seems to be in the mood..." She smiles as he eyes rest on his pride. His golden rod always manages to impress her, not with it's width, but with it's length, something she is more than willing to appreciate. She redirects her eyes to his other head though, in light of the circumstances. "Anything I can do to help, dear?"

"I honestly don't know." He groans, rubbing the side of his head. "I shouldn't be nervous. I've done this plenty of times..." He blinks, staring off into the distance. "...that might be the problem, right there."

Silk pushes him back a little so she can sit up. "Come on, hun, tell me what's bothering you."

He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what he's about to say. "I've been 'intimate' with a number of ponies. It was a part of my job." He looks into her eyes, frowning slightly. "Those were nothing to me, though." He takes her hoof in his, gently kissing it. "You matter to me. It's why I took so long to admit my feelings for you...and if I hadn't gotten drunk at Gel and Doc's wedding, I would've likely taken longer to propose."

Her face flushed, she smiles at him. "Considering I said yes, I'm glad you didn't wait." She takes his hoof in both her own as she leans on him. "Hun, I don't care that you have experience, the same way you don't care that I have some too. What matter now, is just us. You and I, our true selves bonded through matrimony, now, just bonding a more physical way." Unable to contain herself, she giggles, giving his neck a lick. "And I look forward to more bonding as time goes on."

He relaxes slightly, chuckling softly. "'re right. I guess I'm just a little too focused on proving you aren't another one night stand." He shakes his head, slowly standing up. "Would you prefer to take this to the bedroom?"

She slides off as well. "As kinky as the couch sounds, yes, I would like to start in familiar surroundings." She walks in front of him swaying her hips and tail to tease him with glances of what awaits him. "Come chase your prize~." Off she goes towards the bedroom at a swift walk.

Flick smirks, following her closely and biting her tail. He tugs briefly on it before lifting her in his magic. "Caught you. Now, what to do?" He places her on his back and carries her into the bedroom. "Maybe I should take care of my princess's needs first. I'm sure she'd appreciate that."

Silk smirks devilishly as she leans down. "An what if what the princess needs... is her prince?" As they near the bed, she suddenly bites the area just around one of Flick's wing bases.

He yelps, rearing up in shock. He turns to her, blushing brightly. "Careful! You know my wings are sensitive..." He picks her up and puts her on the cloud mattress. He clears his throat before bowing down to her. "M'lady, what would you like me to do?"

"Hmm..." She looks him over, licking her lips again before laying prone on her stomach. "Why don't we do a little dexterity test and see how well you can help me with my back." Her wings flutter for emphasis before laying down and creating a golden feathery- down to the cloud mattress while giving him access to the entirety of her back. She pouts at him. "It's just a bit sore from all that flying... I'd very much appreciate if you could give me some... relief."

He eyes her back for a few seconds, moving forward and running a hoof down her spine. "Would you prefer a more dexterous form for this task? Perhaps a paw, or dragon claws?" He brings a towel over and drapes it across her haunches. "Or would hooves be sufficient for this task?"

"Whatever you feel is best, dear... mix it up however you want." She turns her head and smirks at him. "Drive me crazy."

He taps his chin before nodding. "I see. I think I know what I want to try." He closes his eyes and grits his teeth, feeling his body shift into a more bipedal stance. His form is briefly enveloped in golden flames. A paw emerges from the dispersing fire, tracing along her wings with a padded digit. "Now don't freak out, Silk. I just remembered you were a cat pony, and...well, adjusted accordingly." He laughs nervously, placing his other paw on her hip as he moves right up against her rump.

Feeling the sudden heavier weight covered in fur, Silk closes her eyes. "I think I'll just keep my eyes closed and enjoy the experience. No need to see you and have some silly instinct interrupt our time together. Hmm... now there's an idea... maybe I should knit some blindfolds..."

"Sounds like an idea to use later." He smiles, a small purr escaping him as he begins to bear down on her back. He moves from her neck to her wings, pausing briefly at a knot to work it out. He moves to continue his journey only to discover another one less than an inch away. "You carry your trays on your back quite a bit, don't you? Don't they ever get too heavy?"

"Mmm..." She lets out a small moan as he works on her back. "Not usually... maybe a get a little impatient and make one trip instead of three though..."

"That explains those, then." He chuckles, running a digit around both of her wing's bases at the same time. "I'm happy to take care of them, of course." He leans down and gently licks her, his slightly rough tongue brushing along the nape of her neck. He embraces her tenderly, his paws moving under her body. One of his paws moves to her chest and gently rubs her there as the other goes south, a pad circling playfully around a teat. "Anything to help you feel nice."

He gets up after the brief tease and starts working on her lower back, purposely grinding his hips against her rump, his stiff rod resting between her flanks.

With her forelegs folded under her chin, Silk groans from all the different sensations. "Well... aren't you getting touchy... I like it." Her purple tail swishes back and forth as she feels him grinding on her through the towel, her own sex well heated. "Mmm... don't you dare stop until you've gotten all of my back..."

He grins slyly, rubbing along her waist. "Wouldn't dream of it." He then decides to move each digit independently, effectively tickling her as he continues to rub up against her. Throughout it all, he continues talking nonchalantly. "Though all that's left is your flanks and tail. Hard to decide which to massage first."

Her wings rustle as she shivers from his touch. "I'm sure you'll figure something out..."

After a moment, he puts a paw on her flank, the other grabbing her tail. He squeezes and rubs along her cutie mark, simultaneously tugging her tail and bucking his hips against her. "I can definitely see the upsides to this form. Sadly, I believe the princess won't like her valiant knight to be in such a state for too long." He leans down and whispers into her ear. "Pity." He nips the tip of it, both paws now sensually massaging her flanks.

Silk bites her lip at the pleasurable assault, doing her best to stay still as the heat in her nethers grows hotter. Her wings a fully stiff now, she could barely move them if she wanted to, not that she wants to focus on anything but his touch. A soft cry escapes her lips as she feel the raw power in the muscles behind the paws on her flanks.

Right at that moment he pulls away, stretching slightly. "So, how did you enjoy it? Was it pleasureable enough for you?" He walks over to her side, resting his head on his crossed forelegs.

Keeping her voice steady, she responds with her eyes still shut. "Well done... but this princess would like to have a word with her changeling prince..."

He chuckles, glancing at his paw. "Fair enough." A quick burst of gold fire later, the changeling is back to normal. He playfully taps her forehead, smirking all the while. "Wake up, princess. I hear you wanted me?"

Her eyes open, locking onto him instantly. She beckons him forward with a hoof. "Indeed... I have a special request for my prince..."

He leans closer, actually growing curious. "You have my undivided attention."

Her lips move right next to his ear and whisper their message. "Make love to me." Suddenly her forelegs launch forward, wrapping around his barrel as her lips smash into his own. In a surprising feat of strength, she rolls over backwards, draggin him along with her so that she end up with her head on the pillows and him on top of her before he even knew what happened. Her hindlegs wrap themselves around his hips as she still hungrily attacks him with her lips.

He goes limp for a moment to prevent any injury to his body, but more so because he was stunned by her actions. When he gets his bearings, he happily kisses her back. He does break the kiss to smile at her. "I know it's a silly thought, but I have to be able to move to make love." He proves his point by wiggling his forelegs, which are currently pinned between them.

She narrows her eyes at him. "Fine..." All four of her legs release him, though she leans up and licks his neck as they part. "Have at me, big boy."

He pulls away, touching a hoof to her glistening flower. "Your body is certainly ready." Before she has a chance to respond, he lines himself up, pressing the tip into her for a second to tease her. "But are you, princess?"

She nods, eyeing his length and hoping she has the capacity for it. However, she soon has her eyes focused back on his, nodding again as she grips the side of the bed with her forehooves.

He pulls her into a kiss, embracing her tenderly. He slowly pushes forward with his hips, almost as if he's afraid to cause her any pain. He grunts quietly, the tightness around his pride making it hard for him to keep himself from losing control.

Internally, Silk is relieved that she doesn't have to worry about being split open. Externally though... she melts into his gentle touches, embracing the bliss of them becoming one. Her lower lips take in more and more of his pride, twitching almost constantly.

Flick deepens their kiss further, his tongue gently licking at her lips. One foreleg lets go of her, snaking around her front and between them, trailing down to her teats. He gently rubs one of the perky mounds as his other presses against the base of her wing. He continues to push deeper all the while, actually having to slow down after a split second of unrestrained passion.

She opens her mouth, gasping as he works her over. The slowness with which he enters her only drives her wild, feeling like there isn't an end to how much of himself he's inserting into her. Her whole body clenches as he works her teats, her hindhooves wiggling while her forehooves contract around him, squeezing his chest against hers. She gasps out as she takes a breath. "Oh yes... it's been so long... and you definitely know what you're doing..."

He smirks, nuzzling her cheek. "Glad to...hear that..." He grits his teeth, pausing the motions of his hips. He glances down, frowning slightly. "...not even halfway, yet...this could be trouble..." He moves back and forth, testing her tunnel.

She inhales sharply at the motion, clenching herself around him. Of course, all this does is stimulate her more, causing her to let out a series of rapid moans. "Only... halfway? Celestia... be praised..."

He pants, laughing softly at this. "Glad you like that." He shakes his head and pushes forward once more. "...remember...I can change it...if needed..." His eyes clench shut, his breath hitching in his throat. "'s probably been...too long..."

Her face flushed, she tilts her head at him. "What do you mean... Hun?"

"...I'm having a little...stamina trouble..." He bites his lip, suddenly jerking forward. "...I just...can't hold myself back...much longer..." He ruefully smiles at her. "...sorry, honey..."

She lets out a cry at his sudden jerk, taking a moment before speaking. "Well, I suppose that helps alleviate some of my worries about you enjoying this too... Honestly, It's been a while for me too, so I wasn't exactly expecting to go all night this time." She gasps a second before continuing. "Still though... we've done well before we went this far... I'd imagine we can do just as well after. Just... can you do me one favor?"

He looks down at her, panting softly. "...what is it?" Despite his attempts to stay still, he continues to shallowly thrust, going deeper with each forward motion.

Her eyes widening the deeper he goes, she speaks softly. "When you're ready... pull all the way out, then push all the way in. I don't care how hard or how fast it is, I just want you..."

He gulps, shaking slightly. "Are you sure? I mean, I still haven't gone all the way in...what if I hurt you?"

She smiles. "I'm a tough mare, I can take it. Besides... I like an intense ending." Her forelegs snake around his neck as she brings him into a deep kiss.

He eagerly returns the affection, carefully pushing further into her flower. He breaks the kiss, smiling down at her. "We should at least see your limit before then."

Unintentionally clenching again, she looks down at the rest she has to take in, her smile only widening. "Ready when you are."

He nods and closes his eyes, bracing himself. He thrusts forward in a long, smooth motion, bottoming out before long with a grunt.

Silk's breath hitches in her throat, the pulsing of him inside her most sensitive areas driving all thought from her mind. As she regains motor control, all four of her legs lock around him and her hips grind against his own while she tenderly kisses his lips.

Flick jumps in surprise at the quick embrace, finding it hard to kiss her and hold onto the last thread of control. Before either of them know it, he's already pulled most of himself out, his thighs tensing to drive himself back into her, hard.

As the feeling of emptiness enters her nethers and she sees Flick rearing back, time seems to slow down for Silk. Her eyes widen and her feathers splay out as adrenaline floods her body. Her breathing is rapid and shallow, and she barely has enough time to brace her forelegs against the bed before he slams into her. As their hips collide, all she can see is colored spots as she lets out a piercing cry of bliss.

The drone, no longer able to hold himself back, repeats this action. He pulls back quickly and, pulling her tight against him, thrusts rapidly, forcefully, enough to make the cloud bed rock beneath them. He clenches his teeth and screws his eyes shut, his releasing rapidly approaching. A couple more long motions and he bottoms out once more, the dam breaking.

Driven over the edge by his forceful pounding, and even more so by the feeling of him unleashing in her deepest depths, Silk crosses the brink as well. She grips him as tight as she can with both tunnel and hooves, letting out a scream as she buries her head into his shoulder. Her vision completely narrows to a wash of colors as pure pleasure washes through her. Her grip never loosens as she rides out her release, her only thought being to hold onto the one inside her.

Flick collapses against her, his head resting next to hers. He pants heavily and caresses her sides, moving to pull out of her.

In response to this, her hindlegs tighten around him. As her mind returns to her, Silk looks to him, giving him a soft kiss. "Not yet... leave it in..."

He smiles warmly, gently kissing her back. "Okay." He looks down between them and chuckles nervously. "I don't think I'm done quite yet, though." He grinds his hips against hers playfully, his still-erect pride pushing just a bit deeper.

She gasps as he moves, her eyes narrowing as she licks her lips. "Perfect..." She suddenly flips them both over, leaning down and biting his ear. "But I'm on top this time..."

He smirks, resting his hooves on her flanks. "I don't mind that at all, honey."