Deck, the Halls, Its Twi's First Christmas!

by FlutterPal

Happy Holidays!

Little filly Twilight tossed and turned in her bed, the cold chills of winter outside slipping in through the tiny cracks of her window and going up to the lavender filly’s fur, blowing it softly, yet still freezing. Some lights were hung up outside the unicorn’s door to decorate her room up slightly for this special holiday, but were too bright, making it all more the while harder to sleep. But it was the special holiday. And this was the first time Twilight was definitely going to remember it.

It was Christmas. It was sing the carols and drink some hot cocoa next to the fire holiday. It was put up all of your decorations until your house stands out wildly in the middle of your neighborhood holiday. And finally, it was earn presents from Santa and your whole family to have fun and spend time with them in the end. It was the time of December that Twilight was anxiously waiting for.

The excitement was really all that kept the little filly awake. The cold chills and flashing lights really just made it a lot harder. But she couldn’t help it; it was appropriate for a filly to want to stay up on Christmas Eve., but that was really just to try to meet Santa until they realize he wasn’t going to come if you were awake. This wasn’t Twi’s problem, but she shouldn’t stay up THIS late.

Twilight looked over at her clock set on a wooden table aside her bed. It blinked the numbers, ’12:30’ over and over again until it blinked, staying darker a little longer this time, and coming back on to read, ’12:31’. She moaned and leaned her head against the wall behind her bed. Bangs tickling her face, she got out of her bed slowly and sneaked carefully to the kitchen for a glass of water, and possibly milk, if we had any left.

But before she took a step into the hallway and out of her bedroom, Shining Armor stood in front of her, rubbing his eyes and looking curiously at Twilight, bags clearly under his eyes from tiredness. “What are you doing up this late, Twily?” he asked, following with a yawn.

Ashamed, the lavender furred filly put her head down and quietly said, “I couldn’t sleep.”

Shining Armor gave a chuckle and led the unicorn to her room and lay her down on her bed. The purple unicorn snuggled tightly under the sheets of her bed. Shining nuzzled Twi’s forehead and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. “I’ll go get you a glass of water to help you sleep,” he kindly stated.

The colt trotted towards the kitchen leaving Twilight lying in her bed staring back at the hallway. Her big brother came back carrying a glass of milk in his magic grip. He handed Twilight the glass, said a quick good night, and left the room in silence.

Twily drank the glass of milk fast, growing sleepy. She closed her eyes, relaxed her muscles, and set the glass of milk on her bedside table. Instantly, she began to fall asleep. But before she slipped into happy dreams and darkness, Twilight could swear she heard small bells jingling and a big, hearty laugh saying, “Ho Ho Ho!”


Twilight bounced down the hallway shouting, “IT’S CHRISTMAS! IT’S CHRISTMAS!” all the way down it in extreme pleasure. The noise filled the hallway in a loud echo. And the light outside was dark, but with a twinge of light to it; the morning of winter in Canterlot. But it wasn’t just any winter morning: it was Christmas morning. And that’s just what Twilight shouted down the hallway before arriving in the kitchen of her “fancy” house and being welcomed by the sweet smell of homemade pancakes.

She breathed in and breathed out the aroma of breakfast, currently being sausages, eggs, pancakes, and strawberry milk. As the Christmas decorations tickled her back as Twily walked in, Shining Armor rushed to the oven and pulled out two dozens of sausages. After setting the pan of them on the top part of the oven, he used his magic to bring out some pancakes from who knows what where. And finally, Shining brought out a package of fresh strawberries picked this morning from him, most likely.

He set the small package on the counter and took a little breath, kind of stating that, “Good, I got this done in time!” But his short lived moment of calming down was not lasted long. There was a light knock on the door, and Shining Armor knew exactly what it was. The white colt let out a frustrated moan, yet still a little happy of the visitor here. Luckily, though, so Shining Armor didn’t have to get the door, little filly Twilight came to the rescue! “I’ll get it!” she squealed.

The silly filly cantered as fast as her short legs could carry her all the way to the door. She opened it with her hooves as well as she could and saw her foalsitter Princess Cadence standing outside, a red box with a tight green bow on top of it held firmly in her magic. She was smiling widely, wearing a headband with two antler-shaped figures with jingle bells hanging off the tops. “Merry Christmas!” Cadence exclaimed excitedly.

“Cadence!” Twilight shouted, jumping onto the princess’s neck for a hug.

The older mare hugged back, now starting to trot towards the kitchen with the present still in hold, Twilight still hugging her neck, and her antlers still jingling lightly on her head. She trotted into the kitchen and hugged Shining as soon as she got there. “Hi Shining!” greeted Cadence.

The colt smiled and greeted her back. Afterwards, he nudged Twi softly to get off of the light pink alicorn’s body. The princess picked up a hoof to her mouth and giggled. “Ok, Twilight! I hope you don’t mind about getting off now!”

The purple pony climbed off her neck and ran to where her big brother set plates of sausages, pancakes, eggs, fresh strawberries, and strawberry milk on the side on the kitchen table. They all trotted towards the kitchen table and sat down to eat their breakfast.

It was delicious! The pancakes were warm and soft with delightful syrup! The sausages- Juicy and hot! And the eggs were nice with cheese. Twilight definitely enjoyed this breakfast.

After eating, they all headed into the front room where the Christmas tree was placed and all of the family’s and Santa’s presents were wrapped up and placed under the tree. Twilight went straight to unwrapping any presents the closest to her. Shining Armor quickly pulled her away from the first present she was beginning to unwrap. “Ah, ah, ah, Twily! We take turns first!”

But they unwrapped every present each one got. Twilight got books, toys, and the doll she had been wanting all year long. She named it Smarty-Pants. It was a gray horse doll with careful stitching and a gray mane. It had blue pants with white spots on them, and how Twilight oh so much loved it. Shining Armor got a couple of things for him to work on, and lost armor pieces from older captain guards that retired and lost them in the castle of Canterlot. Princess Cadence got a lovely necklace that fit perfectly around her neck, and had her cutie mark on it, along with extra bows and ponytails to put in her hair.

They all got nice presents and used them for the day as it passed away.


The day passed quickly. Before Twilight even knew it, it was dinner. At least they had a good dinner. Daisy sandwiches, pineapple, and other various fruits and vegetables.

While eating at dinner, Shining asked Twily, “Did you have a good “first” Christmas?”

She nodded. “It was the best one I ever had.”