Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A chance to escape

Not really a audio video, but, its sorta important I think. You know, so everyone gets the credit they deserve.
A new cast member

Chapter 79

"She did what?!" Twilight yelled after hearing Aaron's explanation on where Lance was.

Aaron smiled awkwardly, "She turned us all into mares and sent us to a city full of horny stallions."

Twilight looked pissed, anger in her eyes.

Aaron shrank under her intense gaze.

After he had been 'raped' by Vinyl in stallion form, he had been sent back to Ponyville. Once there, he noticed he was a stallion again.

The first thing he had done was go see Vinyl, for a little payback of his own, then he made his way to Canterlot to tell Twilight.

And, as expected, she freaked out.

"What city are they in?" Twilight asked, trying to stay calm.

"Uhh, Manehattan." Aaron said cautiously.

Twilight stood there calmly, "I see. Anything else?"

Aaron gave a slow nod, "Yeah... when I was sent back here, they were in a building full of stallions, with more outside it.... and I'm pretty sure Lance was planning on getting out onto the streets."

Twilight remained calm, "Okay, when will he back?"

Aaron gulped, "Well... Annabel said the only way to come back was: Survive a month, find a small golden key... or get raped."

"Twilight stood there with a blank stare, "Oh... one second please."

She closed the door slowly.

Aaron jumped back as he heard the rage filled screams of Twilight on the other side of the door.

After a few seconds, the door opened and Twilight strolled out casually, calm as ever, "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a little talk with Annabel."

As she walked away, Aaron smiled. It sucks to be Annabel right about now.

Day two

"Come on Vine, you know you want this." I heard Greg say from across the room.

I groaned and sat up and looked around at everyone. We had all come up to the eighth floor and found an open room. We all decided it was best to stay together, so here we are. All in one room.

"Shut up Greg! If you wasn't in a mares body, I would have already beat the shit out of you!" Vinetion yelled, glaring at Greg.

Greg just stood there smiling, "Of course you would have Vine."

Vinetion closed her eyes and began to count down from ten, trying to keep her cool.

Greg just smirked and walked over to me, "Sup Lance, how'd ya sleep?"

I yawned and smacked my lips a little, "Pretty good. But it didn't help with all your thrashing around and rubbing up against me. You must have some pretty messed up nightmares or something."

He just laughed, "Nah, I wasn't having a nightmare. I was just hoofing myself all night, and using your back as towel."

[That sick little bitch!]

I reached out for him but slowly stopped myself. Remember Lance, we don't kill our friends.

[Unless they use you as a kleenex.]

I stood and exhaled loudly, "Dude, you're messed up."

He smiled and turned, "I know." He then trotted off for the door, "I'm going down to the bar. I'm starving."

"Yeah, and I wish you would." Vinetion remarked.

I looked to the sofa to see Seth hanging off it. Zorrow was on the floor next to the sofa, and had his forelegs wrapped around Seth's head.

I laughed, "Where's a damn camera when you need it."

Vinetion looked over to them and laughed also, "I know right!"

Our laughs woke up the two sleeping beauties. (They're still females, so it makes since to say this.)

Zorrow woke up first and yawned.

Seth woke up next and groaned, "My neck!"

Suddenly, both of their eyes went wide. Seth turned his head to look at Zorrow. They then instantly jumped off each other.

Seth kicked a pillow, "So yeah... who's played football?"

I just laughed and shook my head, "Who's hungry?"

Everyone smiled. And the remaining bronies woke up at my words.

Peter sat up and looked at me, "I heard a question about food, where is it?!"

I chuckled, "Follow me! Before Greg eats it all."

David shot up, "That bitch better not eat it all!" He then shot out the door, followed by the rest of us.

Two hours later, ground floor of the Sleeping Stallion Hotel

[I'm stuffed! Who knew this place had so much food!]
<Shouldn't we all be rationing it? We still need to survive a month here.>
[Screw that! I say enjoy it now and prepare later.]

I wiped my mouth with my hoof and looked at everyone at the booth and smirked, "Who's up for a round of 'Truth or Dare'?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

I smiled, "Good, rules: No backing out of the dare, do not dare someone to get raped by a stallion, and no dares that require someone to leave the hotel. Got it?"

They all nodded and Peter smirked, "I'm first." He then looked at David, "David, truth or dare?"

David thought for a second, "Truth."

Peter sighed, "Wimp. Okay, uhh... Is it true that you draw nude pictures of Lance and Twilight?"

David smiled awkwardly and looked at me.

I glared and held up a hoof and pounded the other into it, "Lying will get you a face full of hoof."

David gulped, "Y-Yes..."

I smirked, "I already knew that. I'll get you back later for all that."

David sighed, but then smiled, "My turn. Zorrow, truth or dare?"

Zorrow smiled, "Dare."

David smirked, "I dare you to break that table with your head."

Zorrow chuckled, "That all?"

He slide out of the booth and walked over to a table. He stood on his hind legs and laughed crazily. He then brought himself downward, slamming his head into the hard table.


Zorrow slumped to the ground, unconscious. The table was still standing, like nothing had happened.

I laughed, "I guess its my turn then. Shadow, truth or dare?"

He shrugged, "Truth."

Damn it, I wanted him to say dare. "Uhh.. Oh, I got one: Is it true you like Fluttershy?"

He bit his lower lip, "Ummm, yes..."

Seth jumped up, "Whoa! Back down dude! She's mine!"

Shadow sat there, trying to shrink down into the booth.

I rolled my eyes, "Seth, she doesn't even know you. Remember?"

He sat down heavily, "So, I'll get her soon."

Shadow smiled, "May the best man win." He held his hoof out over the table.

Seth looked at it and sighed, "Yeah, may the best man win the heart of the most beautiful mare." He then shook Shadow's hoof.

This was going to be interesting to watch.

Shadow then looked at Greg, "Greg, truth or dare?"

Greg smirked, "I choose dare! Lay it on me!"

Shadow smirked, "I dare you to get off weed!"

Greg's eyes widened, "No fucking way man!"

I smiled, "Gotta do it dude, or you know what happens."

He glared, "You know what? I'm going to..."

*Thunderous boom*

"OH SHIT!" I screamed out as a loud boom echoed through the room.

We all dived under the table, fearing the stallions had done something.

"Bronies! Get up here!" Yelled an angry female voice.

I poked my head out to see Annabel, a pissed off look on her face.

We all climbed out from under the table and looked at her.

"What?" I asked, a bit frightened.

She glared at me, "I have some bad news: Lance's wife, Twilight Sparkle, has forced me, and I mean forced me! To turn you all back into stallions."

All the guys cheered at this.

"But." She said holding a hand, a smile on her face, "She didn't say I had to stop the game. So, that means all the stallions still see you as mares. Sucks for you!" She then frowned, "But, she did make me have to you a means of escape. So, I've placed teleporter's all over the city, eight to be exact. Now, each teleporter's can only send one person back. Only one, so you'll all have to find one to get away from this place. The same rules from before remain, but this is just a added way to win."

I looked at her confused, "Uhh, can you explain those teleporter's?"

She sighed, "Yes, I can. Each one will send one of you back. But, it can only be used once. This will force you to find all of them to get everyone out of here. It's not going to be easy finding them, but I'll give you the first one for free. The first one is in the center of the city. Once there, you can send back one person. There will be a clue there that will hint to where the next one is."

Peter smiled, "Yay! We're gonna make it!"

Annabel chuckled, "Maybe, or you may become stallion play things." She then growled, "Darn, I almost forgot, and I wish I did. Twilight wants Lance to have this." She pulled out my saddlebags and threw them to me. "Be lucky you have a mare like her Lance. She's scary as hell when she's pissed."

I chuckled, "Believe me, I know."

Annabel smiled and looked us over, "Now, back to normal!" She snapped her fingers, causing a bright light to emit from all of us.

Once it cleared, I could see that everyone was back to normal... except, we still didn't have our wings or horns. Damn... Well, at least we're stallions again, and not mares.

Greg groaned, "Oh come on! I wanted to stay a mare for a little longer!"

Annabel just laughed and spun in the air, "To bad Greg. Twilight's orders. Now, I'm going to go and watch this all unfold. You all might want to get moving..."

With that, she suddenly disappeared, not another word.

I shrugged and picked up my saddlebags and opened one of the flaps. Inside was... a book... a book on running. Really Twi? She actually gave me a book on how to run the right way? She is such a nerd... an adorable nerd at that.

Zorrow sat up,rubbing his head, "What did she mean, 'we may want to get moving'?"

David shrugged, "Hell if I know."

*Thud* *Crack*

We all jumped and turned to the windows. Every window had a stallions shadow in it... there must be a crowd of them out there!

"Not good!" Seth said, a scared look on his face.

Vinetion, on the other hand, was walking towards Greg.

Greg turned and smirked, "So, you finally accept my offer at fucking?"

She shook her head, "Nope." She cracked her neck, "Now that you're not in a mares body, I'm not afraid to hurt you."

Greg smiled, "Oh goody! I love it rough!"

Vinetion grinned slyly, "Oh? Then how about this kind of rough?!"

She leaped forward and grabbed his back leg and lifted him into the air.

Greg laughed, "Oh yes! Treat me like a bad boy!"

Vinetion smiled, "Okay then, I will."

She leaned back and threw Greg with all her strength.

His body flew through the air like a rag doll and... crashed through one of the many windows.


Outside, we heard him yelling at the stallions, "Get back! AHHH! Hey, watch it jackass! AHH! That doesn't go there! Get that out of... NO NOT IN THE MOUT...."

My mouth hung open in shock. Poor Greg.

We could hear the muffled yells and screams of Greg. The stallions at the windows began to back off slightly, going for their new easy prey.

[Oh damn... poor guy.]
<I feel sorry for him...>

Vinetion turned to us and smiled, "Lets get out of here while they're distracted."

We all nodded, all scared of what she might do if we questioned her actions.

We all ran towards the back entrance and out into the back alley.

I looked around and thought about our route, "Okay, we are very close to the center of the city. At least half a mile. So, that's about five minutes of walking, or two if we run like hell."

Vinetion shook her head, "No, we have to be stealthy. If not, then we will get there with a crowd chasing us. That won't be good."

I nodded in agreement, "Then we be stealthy. Follow me."

We began to walk down the alley, towards our destination.

"Dude, whats in the saddlebags?" Zorrow asked as he trotted up beside me.

I sighed, "A book is in the left one."

"What about the right one?"

I shrugged, "I have no idea. You can check if you want."

He nodded and opened it, "Rope? What the hell are we going to do with a rope?"

I chuckled, "I don't know. That's just Twilight logic for ya. A book and a rope."

We all had a good laugh at that, but remained serious for the rest of the walk.

Nine minutes later... my math was wrong, okay?!

We stood over the metal pressure plate, all confused.

"This is the teleporter?" Shadow questioned.

I shrugged, "Guess so. Who's going back?"

Everyone raised their hooves.

I sighed, "I'll choose."

<Choose Shadow, he's done nothing to you.>

I smiled at Shadow, "You're up dude."

He smiled happily, "Thank you Lance." He stepped onto the pad, "I'll see you all soon."


The sound of a loud dinging bell sounded as he was sent away.

All around us, we could hear the yells of the stallions.

David bit his lip, "We might want to run now."

Peter nodded, "I agree."

We all turned for the nearest alley and sprinted towards it.

As the last of us stepped into the alley, we could hear the loud cheers of the stallions behind us.

Luckily, I don't think they saw us.

This gave us a chance to to the other end. I quickly took the lead and pushed forward. As we neared the end, a stallion stepped into view.

He looked at us and smiled, "Oh yeah!" He then charged towards us.

I kept running, "I got him."

As we neared each other, I jumped to the side suddenly and hit the wall with my legs. I pushed off as hard as I could and twisted, slamming my hind leg into the stallions jaw.

I landed on all fours and turned to face him. When he tried to stand, I charged forward and delivered a hard kick to the head, knocking him out.

I stood up and smiled, "This could be fun." I turned to the others, "Come on, lets get out of here."

Food warehouse, ten minutes later


I cringed as the catwalk under me began to creak as we all made our way across it.

We was in a large warehouse for storing food. The only way in was through the roof entrance, which lead to this catwalk. Down below, we could see two stallions, one standing in the open, and another in a side office.

Screw this! I hate being all sneaky! Time to go on the offensive.

I turned to the others and pointed down, "I'm going to try and take out those stallions, anyone want to help?"

Vinetion nodded, "Yeah, I'm up for a little ass kicking."

I smiled, "Anyone else?"

The others shook their heads. Wimps. "Okay the, stay here."

Vinetion and I slowly made our way over to a stack of boxes that reached the edge of the catwalk. I climbed out onto them and slowly crept down them, followed by Vinetion.

Once on the ground, I pointed to the one standing in the open, "Okay Vine, I'll get his attention and you take him out. Sound good?"

She smiled, "You know it!"

I pointed to the one in the office, "While you're dealing with him, I'll get the one in the office."

She nodded, "Got it."

I took a breath and stepped out, "Yo, ugly. Over here."

The stallion turned and smiled happily. He charged forward.

I backed up a little, giving Vinetion room.

As the stallion reached the edge of the box Vinetion was behind, she slammed her hoof outward, connecting with the stallions chin.

I charged around the two and towards the office.

The stallion inside ran out the door and into the open.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

[That's... It can't be him!]
{Graze?! What the hell?! He's suppose to have went back to his own dimension.}
<No wait. Lance, that isn't our Graze... That's his alternate self.>
{One second, tell me this later.}

Graze was running towards me, a crazy smile on his face.

I was confused on what to do, so I did the next best thing. I ran towards him, head lowered.


I staggered back from the headbutt I had just given. Good thing I have a freaking hard head.

Graze, on the other hand, was out cold on the floor.

{Now, hurry up and explain this to me Dawn.}
<Okay, you know how Graze is a real pony right? Not a human.>
I nodded, {Yeah, I know that.}
<Now, since there are other dimensions, that means each has copies of the beings there. Meaning, Graze from that dimension has a copy here. This Graze is almost the same, but a little different in a few ways.>
{How can you tell?}
<Because, I'm examining his consciences.>
{Oh, well that's cool. So, this is pretty much Graze, just with out his usual traits?}
<Pretty much.>
[Seems legit.]

I pulled out my rope, I know what I must do. I used the rope to tie his hooves together. First his front two, then his back.

Vinetion walked up, confused, "Umm, why are you doing that?"

I looked at her, remembering that she had never met Graze, "Well, I kinda know him."

She nodded and looked up and motioned for the rest of the guys to come down, "I hope you know what you're doing Lance."

I chuckled, "I may, and I may not. All depends."

Nightfall, food warehouse.

We all sat around the small fire Vinetion had made. She had used some old boxes and paper to get it started. We're just lucky that the floor is concrete.

We was all laughing at a joke Peter just made. When he fell back laughing, I caught something on him.

"Dude, you got your cutie mark?!" I said astonished.

He smiled and stood, showing off his cutie mark proudly, "Yep! I was wondering how long it would take you guys to notice."

David chuckled, "Yeah, the only reason we didn't notice is because it blends in with your coat."

"Mares!" Graze said as he finally began to come around.

I looked at him and chuckled, "Finally awake I see."

He began inching his way towards Zorrow, who was the closest, "Come here pretty mare and let me in ya."

I chuckled as Zorrow slowly backed away from him, a scared look on his face.

I looked at Vinetion, "Vine, do you mind using that extra rope we found and tie him up better."

She smiled, "Be my pleasure."

As she walked to get the rope, I stood and walked over to Graze, "Sorry about this man." I pulled out a piece of cloth an wrapped it around his head and gagged his mouth. Making sure he couldn't warn the other stallions to our presence.

Vinetion returned and double tied his legs.

Once she finished, I picked up a second piece of cloth, "One more spot to cover." I then wrapped it around his head, putting it over his eyes, blocking his view of us.

I sat down a few feet away and yawned, "Zorrow, you're on watch duty."

He groaned, "Why me?!"

I shrugged, "I don't know. You're just the obvious choice."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

He glared at us all and groaned, "Fine, I'll go first. But, if stallions break in here, I'm only going to yell. After that, I'm out of here."

I smiled, "Sounds good to me."

I the twisted away, putting my back to the fire and laid down. I put a foreleg up under my head and got into a comfortable position.

Tomorrow, I'm going to make sure I get everyone out of here. Even Graze.

End of day two

XD Yep, that's right, after two weeks or so, I've finally added in Graze. Be happy KillJoy, I actually found a way to explain how you're able to be in my story and yours. Also, none of you will ever guess the twist me and Killjoy have planned for his OC in this story :D