//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Chaos of Discord // by TheJarofLemons //------------------------------// Celestia had been pacing her bedroom floor for hours now, worried about the royal court Luna had called. While any royal figure could summon one, they were to be held only in emergency, and were not to be taken lightly. When the time came for Celestia to proceed to the perfectly circular room of which the meeting would be held, she quickly teleported into the room to already find the others there. Twilight, with a purple drape with her cutie mark embroidered on the front behind her, sat in between Cadence, with a similar drape with her respected colours, and Luna, with a flag of the darkest hues of blue and her crescent moon in the middle. To the left of Candesce was Discord, ruler of Chaos, with a drape fit for his liking. Its image changed whenever anything laid eyes on it, always conjuring a new picture for someone to see. Between Discord and Luna was a spot clearly designed for Celestia, with her flag radiating a soft light in all directions, bearing a mighty picture of the sun on it. “I am sorry to have kept you all waiting.” Celestia said, taking her seat. “Twas no wait at all sister, we had all arrived mere seconds before you.” Luna responded, “However, I have called you all here for a reason. As you all know, I have a rudimentary understanding of the near future and distant past, given to me by the movement of the stars. This knowledge has told me that a powerful being will find its way into Equestria with a month. This being is chaotic in nature, and origin.” She said, looking at Discord. “Why would I have anything to do with it?” Discord retorted, a quizzical look coming onto his face. “Ever since my quote-on-quote “reformation” I have kept chaotic tendencies to a minimum.” “Exactly,” Luna said, “ I have read the past as well, and I believe this force is coming from before your reformation.” “ What? I would have remembered jumping through time, especially my own timeline.” Discord retorted. “Would you?”Celestia stated in an accusatory tone, “When my sister and I fought you many centuries ago, you had done many things that you claim to 'not remember doing'. Perhaps one of these actions is relevant to Luna's foresight?” Discord stroked his beard before saying“This could have been true, in which case we will in for quite a fight, as my past self was quite ruthless.” Celestia cringed, a saddened tone in her voice " I remember... all those ponies and towns caught in the crossfire. “Well I don’t-” Discord started. “ It doesn’t matter!” Twilight exclaimed, “ That was all in the past and has no relevance to the situation at hoof! The problem is that a chaotic being is coming to Equestria, which is most likely a past form of Discord,” -Discord raised his paw- “what is it, Discord?” “ Drocsid” Discord put simply. “What?” Twilight said irritably, a confused look on her face. “ That’s what we should call my past form coming here, Drocsid, so we don’t get confused.” Discord said. “Fine, Drocsid is coming, “ Twilight said, glaring at Discord sternly,” and it is unlikely that he will be here for tea and a nice chat. So what are we going to do about it?” The royal group sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity, until one of them spoke up. “My magic differs from that of the Alicorns and Unicorns, and as such it is hard to defend against. Only Celestia and Luna’s magic combined could even hold its own against my chaos. It will not be easy to defeat Drocsid.” Discord stated, an unusually serious expression on his face. “Perhaps we would have lost, if it had not been for thine boredom towards the end of the war, Equestria would have sustained far greater damage.” Luna said. “There was also a flash of light, the sky turned yellow, and you disappeared for a few seconds before the sky turned yellow again, another flash of light, and you reappeared, lighter, and more lackadaisical.” Celestia said. “ That sounds like a time spell,” Twilight interjected, instantly blushing in embarrassment over her interruption, “When I was researching spells in the Star Swirled the bearded wing, one of the books described something similar, and I can only assume that the spell had been altered to conform to your chaotic magic, Discord.” “This could be true.” Discord replied, maintaining his unperturbed demeanor. “What can we do to defend against this?” Cadence asking, speaking up for the first time. She had her mind elsewhere, as was clearly dictated by the ruffled mess of papers that she had brought with her. She had been moving and writing on those papers most of the time she had been there.While everyone knew she was paying attention, they were all surprised that she had dropped all of her papers and was now devoting all her attention to the meeting at hand. “Very little, I’m afraid.” Discord responded, “ But your kingdom is in no danger as my past self had no knowledge that the Crystal Empire was still in existence.” “And while it is apparent that you are preoccupied by something else, you may leave to give attention to whatever is demanding it. I will personally contact you if there is any more information regarding the Crystal Empire or you.” Luna said, allowing Cadence to leave. Cadence gave a nod and a goodbye to everyone, gathered her papers and teleported away to her kingdom. “ To respond to the matter of defence, I will continue to study, this time with Twilight, to help narrow down the time frame. In the mean time, as we cannot project a force field around all of Equestria, especially one against chaotic magic, I believe we should place stations around the country, to report any changes in the sky and on the ground.” Luna said, levitating a scroll of parchment to Celestia, “I just need you to sign this with your seal of approval to make it official.” “What do you recommend we do next?” Celestia said, signing the parchment and teleporting the the scroll to elsewhere in the castle. “At the moment, nothing more but my plan. However, I will keep you updated. Until then, meeting adjourned.” Luna concluded, magically gathering her papers quickly, and teleported out. Twilight and Celestia quickly did the same, leaving Discord with his thoughts. He was perturbed about even the thought that he could come back from his past to his future to harm others, and especially not remember it. Snapping out of his trance, he looked around the room to find that the others had left, leaving him alone. Gathering his thoughts, as he had no papers, he quickly stood up and teleported away, extinguishing the candles and torches on his way out, leaving a cold room, looking like no one was even there.