//------------------------------// // Explaining Myself // Story: Lyra - Origins // by XyroX //------------------------------// The next days just flew past me. Most of them were quite equal: Getting off the bed, breakfast with Bon Bon, practice with Tavi and Vinyl, spending time with my new friends (don’t need to mention my very special somepony here) and go to bed with Bon Bon. Though we slept in the same bed and cuddled ourselves into sleep, we hadn’t slept together yet. I was a bit scared of it and wanted to wait, and Bon Bon was totally fine with it. “We don’t need to rush into things” she explained “if you are ready, you’re ready. If you’re not, you’re not, simple as that.” I couldn’t ask for a better marefriend. After about a week I was finally ready to tell her from my real origins, so I contacted Princess Celestia to ask for her permission. When I got her answer, I was a bit downcast, though I could understand her worries. “We can’t let anypony know this, Lyra Heartstrings. Maybe the time will come to you telling your friend (don’t think I wouldn’t know what’s going on between you and her, after all I‘m the Princess of the day and see almost everything happening on said. Wish you good luck!) about your past, but it’s too early now. We’ll stay in contact.” While I read the letter, Bon Bon must have snucked up to me to tackle and hug me as always, but now she just stared at me after I turned around, noticing her. “What is that supposed to mean? What are you hiding from me? And how is Princess Celestia involved into this? You never told me you knew her personally!” I panicked, trying to think of something to say “And don’t you dare lie to me right now!” “Uhm.. as you just saw, I’m not allowed to tell you, even though I want to. I promised you, I’ll tell you everything about me some day, and I wanted today to be this day! But I’m bound to the princess’ orders.. I’m so sorry!” She kept staring at me, then turned around and headed the door. “Come on” she said. “Where are we going?” “Well, as it seems you know the Princess better than I thought and she is the only one between me and you telling me the truth, I thought we could just take a visit, can’t we?” She must have gone crazy! “I’m not sure we can do this right now…” I have to get her off this idea, or the princess will know that she knows! What is she going to do to her if she finds out? Suddenly, Bon Bon just disappeared in front of me. I froze a second, then ran to the position she was just a moment ago. Before I could say anything, I felt something pulling on my.. substance. It felt like someone tried to push me through a tiny tube, then I fell on the ground. I looked around and saw Bon Bon in front of me, looking at me worried, and right behind her was.. Princess Celestia. Well, that wouldn’t go well. “What did I tell you about being subtle, Lyra Heartstrings?” Celestia was totally enraged “You know how dangerous it is if anypony finds out!” I looked up to her “Well, actually she doesn’t know any-” “But she knows enough to ask questions! And if we don’t answer them, she’ll ask someone else! That’s how rumors spread, you know?!” Well, she got a point in this one. Bon Bon looked at us, she seemed to not really know if she should be curious or scared. Slowly, the scared part gained the upper hoof. I saw little tears forming in her eyes and rushed to her. “Listen, nopony is going to hurt you here, if that’s what you fear. The princess is just a little.. upset that I was so careless. OK? Everything is going to be fine. You’re not in danger” I kissed her forehead and tried to comfort her. “I’m a LITTLE upset? Lyra Heartstrings, I swear I’m way more than a LITTLE UPSET! I should just get you incarcerated!” Now that wasn’t helping me at all. Bon Bon tore her eyes on and started to shake like crazy. All of sudden, the princess seemed to calm down. “So, I think it’s time to get each other to know. As you surely know, I’m Princess Celestia” I couldn’t imagine how she does that every time. It’s like somepony flicked a switch from ‘furious and about to rip your throat off’ to ‘I’m the nicest pony ever in existence’. Bon Bon seemed to think similar, but she didn’t say anything. Stuttering, she introduced herself “M-my N-n-name is.. Sweetie Drops.. or Bon Bon like my friends call me.. I-I’m overwhelmed meeting you, P-princess.” Celestia smiled softly and continued “I’m sure you want to know what this is all about, and I think Lyra was right to ask my if she could tell you the truth. Like everypony else near Lyra , I kept watching you, and I’m sure you’re reliable. Would you follow me?” Celestia guarded us through a short corridor and stopped in front of a wall. So now it’s happening. I hope it was the right decision to do this… Using her magic, Celestia revealed the hidden entrance to the room behind the wall. We entered and the bricks behind us closed the little hole immediately. There it is.. The answer and cause of all my worries In front of as, on a little pedestal, there was a mirror. It surely changed since I saw it the last time. Back then it was nothing but a mirror, framed in simple wood. Now, it was sitting in an ornate framework, studded with diamonds. Bon Bon looked at it in pure excitement. “This isn’t an ordinary mirror, Bon Bon. Before Lyra’s arrival it sure was, but now… This is a portal. It’s a portal to another world, ruled by creatures known as ‘humans’. How they look or behave is not important at the moment, but important is, that Lyra was a human before she got here. She came through this mirror, changing it into a two-way portal. So far, she is the only one who ever passed through it, but I’m not sure if she will stay the only one.” Bon Bon looked at me, unbelieving. “It’s true” I answered the question in her eyes “Not even three months ago, I wasn’t a pony. I was a human, walked on two legs all the time, had no fur, no mane, no horn! And.. no friends. It was a rainy morning and I was on my way to school. And like always, everybody else was picking on me. But that day, it got out of hand.. I mean, hoof. I was totally down and wanted to just run away from everything. Blinded with tears, I stumbled and fell towards a statue that stands in the middle of the schoolyard. But instead of crashing into it, I fell.. through it and landed right on top of one of the employees here in the castle” Celestia smiled, remembering that situation “Before I could explain anything- well, I couldn’t have done that anyway, as I had no idea what just happened- I was brought to the Princess” I pointed at her “We tried to figure out what was going on and after a few hours, she was willing to let me go back to my world. But.. I couldn’t. I mean, I could, but I didn’t want to. I know what awaits me on the other side: Teasing, disappointment and suffering. Living in Ponyville, where everybody seems to be friends with one another, you can’t imagine a live without friends, without love.. not even from your parents. So we decided that I could rest in Equestria, but I had to swear to not talk about my past with anypony.” “Wow” Bon Bon was paralyzed. “Just wow.” See? I knew she couldn’t handle this much at once! - Just let her time, she’ll get used to it. “Are you alright?” “I just.. need a moment to digest that.” “I think it would be the best if you two return to Ponyville” Celestia said and guided us out of the room. “I’m sure you have much to talk about. Oh, and Bon Bon? I hope you won’t act rash and leave Lyra or something like that” she added “Of course I mustn’t dictate you who to be with or not, but you should calm down before you do any foolery.” “With all due respect, Princess” Bon Bon responded. Oh god don’t start it right now! “But I hadn’t something like this in mind.” Phew “Of course the situation is a bit odd, but we all have our package to carry, and I’ll do my best to help Lyra carrying hers” I looked at her and felt pure happiness. What did I do to deserve such a bless? “Now,” the Princess started with a serious face “you have to swear that you’ll never talk about what you just saw. Be aware that I’ll keep an eye on you. It’s essential that nopony finds out about the portal” “I swear” Bon Bon replied, holding one hoof at her chest. “Alright then. Prepare yourself to be teleported!” before we could even do anything, Celestias horn started glowing and a second later, we were back at my apartment. After we got ourselves back together, I felt a little itch behind my left ear. I scratched and something little fell on the ground. “What’s that?” Bon Bon asked curiously. “I don’t know.. Oh no. Ooooh no no no no no! That can’t be true!” I realized what that little thing was. It had a tiny antenna on the side and a few little holes all over it. “I think, that’s a microphone.” I explained horrified.