Ponyville & Other Poems

by AugieDog

6 - Heart Like a Hummingbird (rondeau redouble')

Heart like a hummingbird caught in my chest,
Seeking a freedom so long overdue,
Graceful and sweeter and still loveliest:
Forested shadows call both me and you.

Sunrise. Another full day to get through.
Grin at it. Yes. Always give it your best.
Food for my friends, and a bit for me, too,
Heart like a hummingbird caught in my chest

Pushes me forward with resolute zest.
Sick room to sick room, a bandage or two,
Soothing their sleep, but you've no time to rest:
Seeking a freedom so long overdue,

Out of the house under sky's perfect blue!
Flit through the branches to each friendly nest,
Cheering the babies we coached as they grew
Graceful and sweeter and still loveliest.

Foxes and badgers when they get distressed
Cluster about us, and we lead them through
Sun-dappled meadows, our ears folded lest
Forested shadows call both me and you.

Glades in the distance, so peaceful a view,
No other ponies to frown, unimpressed.
Lovely—but lonely. I'd miss them, it's true.
Back, then, I turn, caging my dear depressed
Heart like a hummingbird.