A Beautiful World, My Dear Sister

by TimeRarity64

The Beautiful Place We Call Home

(My Little Pony is copyrighted to Hasbro Inc. and all of its concepts and characters. I take no ownership nor do I get paid for its doings.)

Look at the world before you and tell me what you see. Do you see the green fields of hair that covers the bald skin? How about the endless sky beyond the planet’s zenith? What do you see? Tell me and I will give you my opinion. What I see is beauty, which I can tell from your eyes, you see the same, too. These lands that we walk upon, fly over, build on top of, and grow food out of and from have provided us so much.

Do we own it honestly? No, to be honest, we are its harvesters, children, plantation, foundation, and light. Our existence upon this planet shines brighter than the sun I raise and the glow of the moon you raise, too. My sister, you see, we are not the only ones that admire the beauty of this world. Others, just like us and different like us, have at one or more thoughts about this planet. The lands, seas, mountains, skies, and the tiny minerals too obscure to be seen by the normal pony’s eye.

This planet is beautiful, is it not? Our home we and they share together to all, even if they are bad, we are kind enough to allow their feet to touch the dirt and their wings, if they are air-types of creatures, soar through the sky. We all share the ground, air, and environment, you see, Luna. It is what makes us the inhabitants of this world. The special children, in a sense, that walks on this planet, living out our own lives to the fullest.

Now I am sure that back, back then, we were…on two different ends. Our ideals in this world did not meet so nicely together and I am sure we were not the only ones with that similar situation going on. But, that was the past, my dear sister. Time plays a great role, you know? What happened in the past should not be repeated but learned from. That is why I am glad we moved on from what happened. I will always love you, my dear sister, you should always know that. No matter what you become…even if you ever were to turn into Nightmare Moon again…I will still love you. I, too, was jealous and I wish that never clouded my actions and mixed in with my anger that had me sent you to the moon for a thousand years. I, too, am at fault. But, again, it is in the past.

This planet, my dear sister, is full of many things. We should take granted that it is not as cruel as us. We should understand that any natural disasters or strange accumulations it produced with its wild, aquatic, forest, and aero life should not misunderstand and allow diminishing our trust with others or each other. It is just following its schedule like us. We should not treat it too differently as we have done to one another and others in the past. We should rejoice that we are still alive and living on these lands.

Did you know that this planet enjoys us more than we do to it? I am sure you are trying figure out how I know that, but I assure you, I am no druid of such or spiritually animistic as the zebras and their talented skills in creating remedies and cures for many diseases. You see, my dear sister, I know this because I can feel it, see it, hear it, and smell it. The fresh air that the trees releases its oxygen to fluttered around, the gorgeous environment, the soothing sound of the wind, and the rough ground as well as the soft tickling grass we used to lay on whence we were young.

Sister, I must be boring you right now, but I just want to let you know…we are special in this large world. We are all accepted here as children to this planet, learning as much as we can so that someday we can provide the guidance to any young one like us to a better future. I think there might be some pony or other creature that you would select to be mentoring as I have done the same for Twilight. This one could share similar or different perspectives with you, but none to less, he or she might be more than just a student to you. Maybe even a son or daughter.

The day is nigh, my dear sister; it is your turn to raise the moon as I lower the sun for the other side to wake up. I hope you enjoyed your time with me here, I sure did. Remember, Luna, a princess may have to follow her duty in ruling her land and guiding her people to a better future, but that does not mean she cannot enjoy the scenery and talk about what is on her mind. I needed to, well, relax. I wanted to spend more time with you since I always saw you having a troubling time with getting used to this modern era that I, sadly, imprison you before it came to existence. But now that we had this moment of peace together, I am glad. I am sure you will rule this land, no, country, better than even me. You have something that I do not have as well as I have something you do not have.

My sister, what you have that I do not have, is the heart of being a foal. What I have is the heart of being an overprotective adult. I wish I had what you still do, the thrill to always go out on your own and explore the world once more, just to get away from the rest of the world and relax. I am not jealous, know, just proud that you are still but young (excluding the fact you are my age). I am, however, too overgrown to do anything.

I must go now, we must tend to our duties, I hope that someday…we could sit together like this and…watch the scenery once more again. Remember, in your heart, mind, and soul, I will always love you.
