
by AmethystFire

Sign in the Sky

A few years after the passing of Twilight's friends; her grieving started to lessen. She was able to do her duties as a princess. She looked up into the sky, hoping for some kind of sign. The one Celestia had been talking about. There was no sign yet, until today.

"Look at the sky!" a pony yelled.

Twilight looked into the sky and found a big beam of light streching across Equestria. She had seen beams of lights before; but this one was odd. She saw her friends, like this beam knew them so well. Her friends appeared.

She saw Pinkie Pie;

It's Nightmare Moon RUN!


What a lovely complement.

Rainbow Dash

Did you see those moves?! What an athlete! This week Applejack is going to help me with my new move. And I know it's going to be so awesome!


Just look at me! I used to be beautiful!


Come on Twilight. These crystal ponies are more curious than a cat.


Can you do that? Can you explode twice?

Then, all of them together.

"The sign." Twilight said to herself.

She flew towards the light, it lead her to the same place where she first met Celestia, face to face. She flew inside and found a small yellow unicorn filly. Her eyes were hazy, she was surrounded by a big clear white ball. Twilight trotted towards the little filly, causing the filly to calm down. The ball disappeared and the little filly's eyes changed back.

"Well Apple Jewel." Twilight said.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to -" Apple Jewel said.

"You have a very special gift. You have so much potential within you. But I need to teach you the right from wrong.. Would you like to be my personal protege?"

As the little filly talked to her parents Applebloom and Ruby. Twilight smiled, she found the right pony to teach. She followed what Celestia had said, "Look for the sign." She felt a connection growing from inside, between her and the young filly.