
by PastaPonies


"Personally-" A southern drawn voice creaked into the pool of friends. "- I kinda think that it's her own fault. Why, how could she just abandon us all just for ah' party? We ah'll had work to do, too. We ah'll needed help from her!" The semi-orange pony flustered angrily. Her green eyes looked down at the floppy, limb body that was covered in blood around her throat and hoof. The freckles on her face shined from the tears she had originally cried. "It's not fair of her, and she got her 'just desserts' for deserting us!"

"Applejack!" Shouted out a lavender princess, who was disgusted at the Orange pony's statements. "How could you pin this on her? It's obviously your own fault, you're the one who was being aggressive towards her. You saw how she cried, running off after what you had said to her. She went to go get her mind off things, and obviously she did well with it. Now her minds not on anything. Her dying is your fault!" The princess gave a heavy gaze, threatening Applejack with anger. Her wings pinned down to her back and her horn glowing, as tweezers did follow its every move. "Now why don't you be quiet, I need to get the string out of her so that we can scan for hoof marks."

Applejack snorted. "Why don't you just keep doin' what you're doin', then. I wasn't talkin' to you in the first place! If you were payin' attention, I was talkin' to myself because ah don't wanna hear it from you, Princess!" The earth pony growled under her breath and trotted out of the library. "If y'all need me, Ah'll be back at the farm- Doin' a real pony's job!" The door slammed behind her, leaving a loud silence in the library.

A winged, yellow pony looked over the body. The blood and gore on it revolted her, but she wanted to stay for the good of all the ponies. She spoke up. "But, Twilight," She started, "what if Pinkie Pie is still alive. What if we gave up to early." She sobbed softly behind her voice, sharing her baby blue glare with the pink, limb body. "I don't believe she's dead. She has to stay alive." She held back tears, holding in her breath. She bargained with herself, and Twilight Sparkle, to make sure Pinkie Pie isn't dead, she's just sleeping. "Take her pulse again, Twilight. Please."

Another winged pony came up beside the yellow one. "Fluttershy. I-" She hesitated, catching her breath. "-I don't think that Pinkie Pie is alive. She's gotta be dead. It's not possible for her to live after what she went through. Her neck, being ripped into by strings, her hooves being sawed off by a thin rope. My hooves hurt, just thinking about it. Fluttershy, she's not here. She's not alive." The cyan pegasus let out a few tears of acceptance and then held Fluttershy's hoof.

"Oh, please, Rainbow Dash." A white unicorn spoke up from behind the two. "Obviously this is just a trick, Pinkie Pie always did stuff like this. Besides," She started to reason, "Who would kill an element of harmony, or why would Pinkie Pie kill herself even. She's more of an attention horse then I am! I mean, seriously. She's probably just hiding in her room right now, laughing about all of this." She spoke with denial, none of this was possible. It couldn't be.

"Rarity," Rainbow Dash looked up at her. "You're in denial? The proof is all here. Pinkie Pie wouldn't pull off a trick like this, she's always too giddy about things." Her maroon eyes twitched with emptiness. "I'll miss her so much more than I think I will," The pegasus lifted her hoof up and held Pinkie Pie's weakened limb. The blood staining both of their hooves now, causing Rainbow Dash to swallow her fear. "I think that she'll miss us, too. She'll have to miss us. Unless she forgets us, then may she have the best of friends in her new life." Rainbow Dash held Pinkie Pie's hoof closely to hers. Mourning the worst loss of all.

Fluttershy nodded in agreement and held onto Rainbow Dash's other hoof. "I hope she does forget us. That way she can pass on, knowing that she never left anyone behind, and that she can be happier there. Much happier there." The bloodied body made no noise, no movement, and no recognition. Twilight pulled out a thin rope from the neck of the body, causing it to fluster and twitch. Rainbow Dash moved back with fear.

"Got the rope!" Twilight cheered, staring at the string with furor. "Now we just need to scan it, the hoof marks will give us a multitude of hints as of who the murderer is!" The Princess trotted down stairs, in her basement, where machines and gadgets flickered on and off. Behind Twilight, chasing her was Fluttershy and Rarity, both who would assist the new princess with her testing for Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash stayed upstairs, to accept the loss of the party pony.

"Twilight, please prove to those flying brutes that everything their saying is wrong, and that I'm right. Pinkie Pie couldn't be dead, it would be too much trouble for Ponyville, for Equestria, even!" Rarity snorted, glaring at the machine Twilight pressed on. "They're just being foolish."

Twilight put all her attention on the bloodied string. "Rarity, I can't prove that, but it sure would be nice if you would just shut up and leave me alone." She shut her left eye and held the string under a massive pair of binoculars. The blood distracted her eyes from noticing hoof marks. "Damnit." She snorted, lifting up her head. "I- I can't see anything!"

"Twilight!" Rarity gasped. "Your language! It is more fowl than a chicken and turkey farm. Ladies do not cuss like that." She snorted deeply, and started to trot towards the stairs. "If you don't mind me, I'm going to go catch up with Applejack and tell her about what you are doing wrong. She'll agree with me. She, unlike you, is a good friend!" Her hooves moved up the stairs, and as she got to the main library room, she moved away from Rainbow Dash. "Brute!" She shouted loudly at the pegasus, who was slightly sobbing. The door slammed behind her, too.

Making her way downstairs, Rainbow Dash looked in. "Twilight, what happened?" She said softly. "Rarity seems a little mad." Her eyes gleamed from her tears, they were iced over with depression again.

"She's just upset because I'm not an idiot." Twilight grumbled as she kept on looking at the string. "I think I can see something, but I'm just not sure." Twilight's eyes scanned the string heavily, and thats when her eyes caught the hoof print. "I got it, again!" She shouted, jumping up with laughter. She picked up the string with her magic and brought it over to another machine, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy followed slowly. "The hoof print's owner is-" A loud beeping sound over-came the basement. "-Pinkie Pie's?"

The pegasi both gasped in shock. "It was suicide!" Fluttershy cried loudly. She ran off into the upper library. Rainbow Dash stayed, her jaw clamped shut and her eyes twitching.

"We lost Pinkie Pie. I-it's all Applejack's fault." She sighed. "I guess. If Pinkie wanted to end it, w-we should've just let her happily. I guess we couldn't, I guess that she had to go sadly." Rainbow Dash moved upstairs, her hooves clacking against the wooden steps. She looked at the body, which rested so peacefully now. "T-twilight?"

"Yes?" The lavender Princess sighed, following the pegasus.

"I want to hold Pinkie Pie's funeral. I want to make it like she would want it. Loud, fun, and filled with games. I just don't want ponies to forget her. I never want ponies to forget her. Could you make a statue for her made out of blue gems? It's all she'd want. It's all she'd love, really." Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Pinkie Pie's mane and pet it softly.

"I'll try, Rainbow Dash. I'll try." Twilight nodded softly. "You can get it started, now. In here."

Rainbow Dash nodded warmly. As Twilight walked back to the library, Rainbow Dash wailed, wrapping her hoof around Pinkie's. Her sorrow filling the library with darkness, making everything seem so grim and hopeless. The emptiness in both of the pony's eyes, sharing a connection of deepness. Pinkie Pie was the only one who understood Rainbow Dash, she was the only one to accept her for what she really was; A softie who only wanted a close friend. Rainbow Dash's sobbing toned done, eventually, but it took her longer that she expected. Her tears felt like acid burning through her skin. Burning. Tearing her skin apart. Attacking her poor, weakened heart. She sobbed slowly and softly. Accepting the death of her best friend.