Feel the Rhythm

by Bane the Dark Hero

Chapter Four: Headphone Hunt!

I really need to stop throwing up!

"Are you okay Rhythm?" Vinyl asked me, worried.

"I should be fine," I tell her. "Just need to take a walk."

"I can come with you if you want, I can show you all the hot-spots in Ponyville!"

"Meh." I respond. "Sure, sounds like fun, just let me get my-- wait, where are they? Where are they!?"

"What're you talking about?" Vinyl asks obliviously.

"My headphones! WHERE DID YOU PUT THEM?!?!"

"Oh, they're right over... wait, they're not on the desk."

"Help me find them Vinyl! I NEED them! Precioussss..."

Little did we know, Rainbow Dash was just outside of Ponyville, holding a "Mysterious Object"

"Hehe... they'll never find it now!"

...Two hours later...

"Vinyl!" I yelled. "Found 'em yet?"

"Not yet Rhythm, but I'm looking!" She replied.

"Look faster! I need my babies!!!"


Wow, did I really say that? "My babies"? *Facehoof* Now I was sounding creepy.

"Hey!" She called. "I think I found them! No, wait, that's blood."

"We'll never find them..." I told her, disappointed.

"Oh, hi Rhythm!" It was Twilight. "I see you met Vinyl, too. What's up?"

"I need my babies!!!"

Yup, creepy.

"His headphones, he lost them last night." Vinyl interjected.

"Oh, okay. Listen Rhythm, I have a favour to ask of you."

"What?" I asked, not really paying attention.

"You're familiar with the website Tumblr, correct?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Well, Princess Celestia has found a connective wavelength to a new world, and she needed somepony to help her teach that world about us ponies, she was wondering if you could open an account to share with the creatures, aparrently called: Humans"


"Really?! Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!" She exclaimed, running off.

"Hey Vinyl..." I ask.


"What did I just agree to?"

Two more hours later...
"I've finally tracked you down!" I announce. "And I will not let you have my headphones..."

I jump on top of the culprit

"...Rainbow Dash?"

"Heh, sorry man." Rainbow tells me sheepishly.

"Why did you have my headphones?!" I yell.

"I-I'm sorry Rhythm! I just couldn't help it, I just found this catchy new song, but my earbuds broke, so I needed to borrow yours. I saw them last night, so I just swiped 'em, like I said, I'm really sorry..."

"It's okay Rainbow, as long as they're not broken, I forgive you."

'What the crap?' Vinyl thought. 'Just a minute ago, he was ready to kill someone!'

"What was the song you we're listening to anyway?" I ask.

"Well, it's kinda... dark... but it's stupidly catchy! Here, I'll play it for you..."

I put on my headphones, and the song starts playing...

The song:

I stare at Rainbow cautiously, somewhat scared.

"Don't worry, that wasn't actually me in the video." She assures me. "Somepony named Glaze wrote it, and even though it's creepy, I kinda like it."

"Well alright, as long as you don't actually kill little foals for... Rainbow, watch out!!!"

I had handed over my headphones to Rainbow Dash, but of course, she dropped them. But they didn't crack or anything, no.

They shattered.

I did nothing, I just stared at her. After a few minutes, I started to cr-- I mean, release liquid pride. I then got up, slapped myself across the face, and moved on.

"Vinyl asked me, "Are you okay? I mean, you seemed pretty upset..."

"Yup, I'm fine. Say, why do you still have your glasses on? I haven't seen you without them at all."

"Well, uh, no reason, I just like them." She stutters.

"What? Seriously, you can tell me."

"I barely know you!"

"You took me to your house last night."

"You were knocked out, what was I supposed to do? Leave you on the floor?"

"You do have a point, but you can tell me!"

"Why won't you just drop it?!"

This was the perfect setup, I couldn't waste it!

"You want me to drop it?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Then, it's time for me to..."



"Oh, god."


"Please, no."


Vinyl started smiling, and punched me in the shoulder.

"That really sucked, you know that?" She asked me.

"Yeeeaaaahhh... but you liked it anyway."

"Oh, shut up! But... are you sure you won't tell anyone?"

"Absolutely, I'd never do that to a friend."

"Well... okay, It's... it's my eyes. when I was younger, everyone made fun of them for looking weird. I always hated it. My mom told me to pick up some milk at the corner store, but when I got there, I saw these babies..." Vinyl pointed towards her glasses. "And the rest is history. My mom was pissed though, I used the milk money to get 'em."

"Ha! Well, Vinyl, If it's all the same, I'd like to see your eyes, If it's okay with you of course."

"Okay, but you gotta pinkie promise not to laugh!"

"*Sigh* Fine. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

How did I even know that?

"Okay... here goes..."

She removed her glasses, I was awestruck. she had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. A deep, bright shade of crimson, they really complimented her mane.

"Oh, wow..." I said, jaw agape. "They're really beautiful, I mean pretty, I mean nice, I mean... wow..."

"Heh, thanks, let's get to my house, we still haven't had breakfast."

As if on cue, my stomach growled like a manticore, Vinyl chuckled. I thought...

'I might like this town after all.'