Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

I'll be the stallion bait

I may have lost the contest, but I'm sure you'll all enjoy my contest entry :D
A day at the beach

Chapter 78

"Where is he?!"

"Patience, he'll come on his own time."

"But, we need his body now!"

"Calm yourself, we'll have it in due time."

"Shall I prepare the chamber?"

"Yes, I want it to be ready for him."


"We're screwed!" Aaron whispered to us all.

I put a hoof over his mouth, "Be quiet!"

Outside the door, we could hear the stallions cheering. They hadn't found us, but they know we're close.

"Greg, what are you doing?" I heard Shadow say behind me.

I turned around and facehoofed, "Greg!"

Greg had a bottle of lotion in his hoof, and was pouring it out onto his other hoof.

"Greg, what are you..." I began.

Greg then began to rub the lotion on his ass... why?!

He looked at us and chuckled, "What?"

Vinetion rubbed her chin, "Why?"

Greg shrugged, "Well, we're about to get raped, right? So, I want it to be as painless as possible."

I nodded, "For once Greg, you've done something smart." I then held up my hoof, "Now, give me the bottle."

He shook his head, "Hell no, its mine!"

I stomped my hoof, "Damn it Greg, give me the lotion!"

"Shut up Lance! Your temper is going to get us caught!" Peter hissed, clearly losing his cool.

I stepped closer to Greg, "Give it."

He smirked, "Want it? Come get it." He brought the lotion up to his mouth and chugged it... he chugged lotion? Eww...

I began to say something, but was cut off.

*Bang bang bang*

"You two just screwed us!" Vinetion yelled as she sat down, and crossed her forelegs.

Aaron stomped his hoof, "Damn it!" He then used his back legs to knock over a large stack of boxes.

I fell to my haunches, "We're doomed!"

The door kept inching open with every heavy thud.

We were trapped, no way to escape, and about to be raped.... Fuck you Annabel!

After thinking that, I could have sworn I heard her laughing.

I looked up towards the ceiling, and shook my hoof at it, "I will have my revenge... FUCKING REALLY?!"

Everyone jumped back, startled by my sudden outburst, "What is it?!"

I pointed upward, "Air dunks!"

They all turned and gasped in relief.

I jumped up and looked at Vinetion, "Hurry! Lift me up to it!"

She nodded and crouched down. I jumped onto her back, and she quickly stood up.

I stood up on her back, trying to keep my balance. I could just reach the vent.

I pushed up with my head, popping the vent cover off. I nudged it to the side and pulled myself up into the vent.

I twisted and held my hoof down for Vinetion.

Vinetion jumped up and grabbed my hoof with hers. I then pulled with all my strength. I almost dropped her, but I was able to get her into the shaft.

She quickly crawled onto the other side of the open vent.

We then began pulling everyone else into the vents. First Peter, then Seth, David, Greg, Aaron, and Shadow.

Zorrow was the last one to be pulled up.

I held my hoof down for him, "Come on dude!"

He jumped up and grabbed our hooves, but when we began to pull him up, the door burst open.

A stallion charged in and tackled him out of the air.

Vinetion and I fell back as we lost our grip on him. We looked at each other in shock and then looked at the opening, listening the sounds of struggling and grunts coming from below.

Seth hung his head, "Poor guy..."

We all began to head down the right passage..


I twisted around to see Zorrow, barely holding onto the inside of the vent. He looked at me and said, "Run you fools!"

"Nooo!" I screamed as I jumped for him. I grasped his hoof and began pulling back. Vinetion and the others piled around me, all trying to pull him in.

For the first time, Zorrow had a piece of luck. We pulled him free of the stallions grasp and hauled him into the vent.

He turned and put the cover back on the open vent. "Lets get moving..." He said with a shaking voice.

We all nodded and moved on, with me in the front.

It was quiet easy to move, since we were all smaller due to our female bodies. The only one having trouble was Vinetion, but that's because she's so damn tall.

We moved silently, trying to go unnoticed... even though they know where we are.

I passed over a vent and looked down. Under me was a break room.


I pointed down, "Guys, I think I found us a source of food."

Aaron looked down and smiled, "Good job Lance!" He looked at Vinetion, "Here, lower me down. I'll get some of it."

I smiled and moved the vent cover. Vinetion looked at Aaron and then the hole, "I don't think I can lower you. But, I can do this."

She put her hoof on his face and pushed him backwards. He stumbled back and fell through the hole.


I looked down to see him laying on a broken table, "You okay Aaron?"

He groaned and stood, "Yeah, I'll live."

He then made his way over to the cabinets and began searching through them.

"Pills here!" He said, laughing a bit at himself.

He found a bag and began filling it with assorted food items.

Before he could finish, we all head laughing, crazy laughing.

"Annabel!" Shadow gasped as we all began to recognize the laughter.

The door burst open and Aaron screamed.

I looked to the door and became confused. Is that Vinyl? As a stallion?! Annabel, you're so cruel...

Aaron threw the bag up towards us, "Run! I'll hold him off!"

Peter put his head through the shaft, "Dude! We can help you."

Aaron waved him off, "Nah man, I think Annabel is trying to fuck with me..."

The stallion, who could be Vinyl in stallion form, jumped on him.

Aaron held him back for a few seconds, "Go! I'll be fine, I promise. Besides, might be fun later to tease her with this."

I saluted him, "You're a brave brony." I looked at the others, "He's an idiot. Lets hurry and leave before more come."

They all nodded in agreement and I began to lead them away.

After a few minutes of moving through the tight spaces.

[Tight spaces! Hahaha!]

We came to a junction, with three ways.

"Which way?" Greg asked from the back.

I pointed to the far right one, "We go right."

"Why?" Vinetion asked.

I smirked, "Because its the right way."

They all exhaled and shook their heads at my lame joke.

I rolled my eyes, "Just follow me."

I then lead them down the next tunnel like path.

"Hey Vinetion, what do you think of my sexy bod now?" Greg said as he walked behind Vinetion, who was crouched down.

She glared back at him, "Sexy bod? Yeah right."

Greg just smiled, "Oh? Then you..."

I hung my head, trying to keep calm, "Greg, leave he alone."

"Why?" Came his response.

I closed my eyes, keep your cool Lance, "Because, she's a mare and you're bei-AHHHHH!"

I screamed out as my front hoof went down and touched nothing but air. I fell forward and began to fall straight down a air dunk. A straight fall!

[And I'm free! Free falling!]

I spun around and angled myself with the wall and kicked out hard with my back legs. This caused my back to slam into the wall, and my legs on the opposite.

I came to a almost sudden stop. Thank you parkour!

I sighed a sigh of relief and looked down. Damn! I'm only a foot or so from the bottom!

I smiled, my luck must be changing.

"I'm coming for you Lance!" I heard Greg yell out.

I looked up and frowned, shit...

Greg had jumped into the shaft and was now rocketing towards me.

Why me?

*Thud* *Crash*

We both slammed into the bottom of the air dunk, both groaning.

I recovered first and pushed Greg off and began crawling down the shaft.

Behind me, I could hear the others following Greg's lead and jumping off. They can just climb down!

As soon as we were all together, I took the lead again.

After a few minutes of walking and crawling, we came to a vent cover.

I crouched down and looked out. It was the outside! We was still at least twelve feet in the air, but at least we could get out of the building.

I pushed the cover open gently and poked my head out. An alley, perfect!

I climbed out of the vent and dropped to the ground.

Once we was all outside and together, Vinetion looked around, "We do we go?"

I smiled, "I know the perfect place."

Seth looked at me, "Really? Where?"

"The Sleeping Stallion. Before you ask, its a hotel, not a club."

Shadow nodded, "I've heard of it. Do you know were it is?"

I scrunched up my eyes, "Huh, yeah, I think. Just let me find a land marker or something."

Vinetion sighed, "Yeah, that'll be easy."

I looked up at the sky, letting the rain run down my face. "Come on, lets just look around. I've been all over this city, I should be able to find it."

Sometime later, after sneaking through some alleys and back streets, we finally found a clue to where the hotel is

I pointed happily at the billboard, "See! I told you we was getting close."

The billboard was on top of a large building, and it had a picture of a stallion sleeping in a comfortable looking bed, 'The Sleeping Stallion Hotel. We provide the best services for less!'

Vinetion shrugged, "I guess it was easier than I thought."

I smirked, "Damn right it was easier than you thought!"

I then led the group towards the right street, a cheerful stride in my step.

[I can't wait to get out of this rain and into a bed!]
<I have a bad feeling about this...>

I rounded the corner and stopped dead. The others slammed into me, but I kept my gaze ahead.

[... Shit!]

Ahead of us, only a block away, was a large crowd of stallions. All walking around outside of the Sleeping Stallion... really? Fucking really?!

I really do have the worst of luck.

I began to motion for us to go back, but when I turned, I saw another large crowd of stallions coming towards us. Luckily, we were still unnoticed, but that wouldn't last for long.

My mind began to work as fast as possible. I have two options: We can all make a break for it, or we can hide... or, and I really hate this one, someone could distract them all away from the group.

I then made up my mind, "Guys, hide in those dumpsters, hurry!"

We made our way over to the dumpsters and I watched as they all jumped into them.

David stuck his head out and looked at me, "Come on dude!"

I shook my head, "No, I'm going to distract them. Buy you all time to get into the hotel. Now listen, please, once you get in there, barricade the first floor doors and windows. Then, go into the bar, I'll meet you there."

Vinetion popped out, "Lance! That's crazy!"

I smiled awkwardly, "Yeah, well I'm crazy."

I turned and ran out onto the street and began screaming.

The stallions looked my way and began walking towards me.

Good. I waited till they was all close to me, both crowds. I turned for the only open street and began to run, "Come and get it! It's a running buffet!" I screamed back as they began chasing me, "All you can fuck!" The crowd grew larger as more and more stallions began to come out of buildings.

Well shit, I just drew the largest fucking crowd in the whole fucking city!

[Damn! There must be at least two hundred of them behind us... RUN LIKE A FUCKING CHEETAH LANCE!]

I ran down the empty street, hearing the hoots and whistling of the stallions behind me.

"Look at that Flank!" I heard one of them yell out.

Oh God, I'm going to be sick... why didn't I make Zorrow do this?!

I rounded a corner and continued to gallop down it. I could hear the crowd getting farther and father away.

After turning a second corner, I see a third crowd of stallions charging towards me.

[I think we're attracting all the stallions in the city!]
<I think you're right.... Oh God why?!>

I turned, and what do you know. A fourth crowd was charging towards me.

With three of my four routes blocked, I was forced to run down an alley.

And, guess what? Yep, you guess it! It was a fucking dead end!

I ran up to the tall, eight foot wall and turned. The stallions were just now getting to the entrance to the alley.

[Lance, prepare our parts for violation...]

I glared at the crowd, I'm not going down that easy!

I ran forward a little and turned for the wall. This better work!

I galloped towards it and jumped on the wall to the left, I then pushed off, landing on the right wall. I pushed off that wall and grasped for the edge of the middle wall.

Thank God! My hooves grasped the edge firmly. As I began to pull myself up, the crowd of stallions reached the wall. All jumping up for my dangling hind legs.

Once I was on the wall, I looked down and smirked, "How do you like me now boys! You can't fuck this!"

I laughed loudly and jumped onto the other side of the wall. I trotted out onto the street with a smile... and then my smile faded as I saw a group of stallions looking at me.

Give me a damn break!

Sleeping Stallion Hotel

David pushed the last table in front of the door and fell back on his haunches, exhausted.

"He's not coming back! Its been a full hour Vine! Face it, he's a stallions play thing now!" Seth said as he faced Vinetion.

Vinetion glared, "He's still out there Seth, and you know it!"

Seth shook his head, "Vine, you saw how many stallions were chasing him. There's no way he made it. Now, we have to barricade that last window..."

She stomped her hoof, "Listen! Lance is our friend and we're going to wait!"

Seth growled, he was getting feed up with this, "He's gone!"

Vinetion was resisting the urge to slap him, "He's coming back!"

Seth threw up his hooves, "Oh yeah, and then what?!" He walked over to the bar and picked up a bag, "What? We'll drink orange juice!" He threw the bottle of juice across the room.

He then walked up to Vinetion, "Then, we'll all have a fucking party. Eating hay and fucking bread!" He pulled out a wade of hay and threw it on the ground. He pulled out a bag of peanuts, "Fuck! Face it, we're screwed!"

He threw the bag of peanuts over his shoulder towards the bar.

*A throat being cleared*

Everyone looked at the bar to see Lance, holding the bag of peanuts that Seth had just thrown. He cleared his throat again and smiled, "Would anyone like... a peanut?"