Discordius: From Whence They Came

by AbsoluteDiscord

Chapter 2: Dash

Chapter 2: Dash

Dear Journal,

With the intense amount of rarities around Equestria, it should seem odd that I write about this. I had a very strange encounter with a purple Unicorn right before jumping on the train. I had to do some flips and maneuvers around her to get on the locomotive. However I must worry, for I fear she may have seen my face. If that is true, it could mean death for me. There are many small animals in Equestria, but none of my species is around. So I am a dead giveaway.

I was also able to bag something very interesting on my way to the train. When I go to pray to my savior, I often have to bring some sort of sacrifice, to appeal to him of course. I had planned to bring some deer I had scavenged off the side of the road, but while I was getting it, I found something a bit better. A little purple dragon. I had no idea what he was doing or where he was going. I did have a bit of a conversation with the poor lad though, before I had the inclination to kill him.

“Hello there dragon! Might you know a quick way to the town from here?” I asked. I did not ask him because I had no legitimate idea of where I was going, rather I asked him as to halt his movement.

“Ponyville?” He said with a more astonished tone. It must have been weird to him, a creature who did not know of the place. Well, I knew the name the town gave itself, but I had no desire to let him know that.

“Yes.” I said. “What direction from here?”

“Well um…up the road just a bit, you will find it.” He said.

He began to walk up the road more, as if he felt his job was done. No, I had decided at this point to kill him and take him as a new sacrifice. It would prove better than this lonely deer.

“So,” I said inquisitively “What brings you out here, what is your name?”

“Oh my name? It’s Spike. I came out here because stupid Twilight wouldn’t let me see Rarity. Applejack listens to my problems though, always has.”

“Applejack?” I said. “Who is that?”

You must remember, I have no idea the names of the ponies that live in the town nor do I want to know. I just needed to ask him to insure that I know where he is going, how far up the road we have left.

“Applejack?” He said. “How do you not know who Applejack is? Anyway, Applejack is an orange pony that owns the apple farm just up ahead.”

Good information, it meant from this relative position we were about a mile away from the town and the farm. No one would hear a thing.

“Good, good. Spike, would you mind helping me with something quick? I swear to not take too much of your time.” I said quickly.

“Um...sure.” He said. “ What do you need me to do?”

The moment was right, there was no possible way this could fail. Unless the earth came to an end that is, but that’s a possibility in every situation.

“Alright, give me a moment.”

I turned around and snapped both my fingers and just like it always has for thousands of years, a shotgun fell out of thin air into my ever awaiting hands.

A feeling like no other, that is what holding my shotgun feels like. It radiates magical aura, giving the feeling of pure power in your hands. It’s honestly a feeling that is hard to describe, so I try not to describe it at all.

“Woah! How did you do that? I mean, your hat is covering up horns right? It must be!” Spike said.

“Spike, it’s magic far beyond your comprehension. So now here is what I need you to do, take this device and put the small end in your mouth.”

“Like this?” He says as he puts the barrel into his mouth.

It was squared up so perfect that it made me want to cry, it was near like a beautiful piece of work.

“Perfect!” I exclaimed. “Now, pull the trigger and I can see if it works or not. If it works your breath will smell much better!”

The dragon hesitated, fearful of what it may do as it was a new device to him. But he did as instructed, and the next moment was more magical than I could have ever anticipated.

The shot pierced through his skull and out the back as smooth as slicing through butter. As the blood coming out from the back of his head landed behind him, his brain splatter flew back into a bucket which had been placed around the area.

What was left was a corpse that was so brutally mauled it would have made a lion gag. The hole was nearly as big as the dragons head. It only left a tiny amount in which to hold up his scales, the big ones on the back. Which some of them were gone, flown across the landscape around me into the grass.

I quickly packed up what was left of the corpse and ran, knowing I had got a sufficient sacrifice for my savior.

Now, that was my confrontation with the dragon. My confrontation with that stupid purple horse was worse. So, what happened was---

(It ends there with no signature.)


The Draconequus was bumped into and fell on the floor. Dazed for a bit, he got up to view what he could not believe, a pony had bumped into him and was about to see his face. He jumped and tried to run, but was stopped dead in his tracks when he and the pony met face to face.

She was blue, or light blue with a bandaged wing and rainbow hair. She had a very interesting stature, that of a sports player. Very strong willed and brimming to the rim with potential and spirit. It was as if she walked on the field she controlled, team sport or not. With that wing however, it would not do her much good.

“...So, what the heck are you supposed to be?” She said.

The Draconequus couldn’t speak. It looked as though he was about to die from utter shock. It had been two thousand years or so since he talked to a pony, and the way this pony looked didn’t make it any easier.

“...I...um...don’t...exactly…” He was searching for words, but it didn’t seem like he could not find any. It was as if every thought in his body had left him into a dark abyss where they would never be found.

“...Shy huh? Well don’t be. My name is Dash. And what might yours be?”

Words escaped him. His name, what was it? He tried to remember, maybe he could answer the question and leave, or something along those lines.

“My name...it’s...AD, just call me AD.” He said.

“AD huh? Not bad for a name I guess, short, sweet and to the point.” Dash said.

She seated herself down on a barrel to rest. She was clearly shown to be tired as her wing was throbbing from the pain. When a pegasus has a broken wing, their whole body feels it.

“So, AD. What exactly bring you back here? It’s clear that you don’t have a ticket on you.”

AD looked around for a bit, trying to stall. He didn’t want to answer the question or any for that matter.

“No reason.” AD said quickly. It was clearly shown he was that shy and had no desire to talk at all.

“Really? That’s the best you can do?” Dash said with a huff. Clearly she wanted to know more about this strange creature, but he was not giving anything up.

“Can I tell you a bit about myself at least? It might open up the road to more conversation!”

“Sure, why not.” AD said. Maybe this pony going on a self-centered rant about her less-than-meaningless life would allow him to leave.

“Well,” She started off. “I was born in Cloudsdale, a very nice little place for Pegasus. Lots of shops and fun stuff to do. When I passed my flight exam later in life, I could finally go for my dream, to become a Wonderbolt!

“So down to the ground I went, taking job after job, hoping to get noticed by them one day. After taking a job in ponyville, I met one of my best friends, Twilight Sparkle! Man, you wouldn’t meet a better pony in all of Equestria! Her dragon Spike is also the cutest little purple dragon you’d eve--”

The Draconequus tuned her out. Purple dragon, the same one he killed on his way to the train. If this pony knows of this dragon...what if she saw…

Quickly he looked around to see where the bag was, it was behind some of the boxes labeled “CELESTIA SHIPPING”. Thank god, she couldn’t see it.

“-and thats the story of my life. I got on this train like 5 hours ago, though. Late start and all that held us up. With my wing broken I can’t exactly fly to the sports tournament. So, what about you?” She said hopefully. Dash more than likely hoped that he would talk now, and talk he did.

“Alright,” He said in a tired voice. “You wanna hear my story? Well here it is…”