To Cross a Broken Bridge

by RainbowShyBrony



1,000 years ago...

It was vary late into Luna's night. Two dark coated pegasi were making their way to the edge of the Everfree forest after being summoned by Princess Luna to meet her there. One, a pegasus with yellow stripes which were identical to those of a zebra, and the other a pegasus with a mane and tail consisting of red and black which shined white in the bright light of the full moon.

The pegasi remained silent, not to lose focus on arriving where the Princess had told them to meet her, until the yellow striped pegasus spoke. "Shadow Dash, my brother! Why do you think the Princess requested an audience with us? Especially at some place such as the Everfree forest, with all of its monstrous creature that reside in it's darkness?"

Shadow Dash did nothing but look directly ahead and sighed. "I don't know, Dark Thunder. But if it's the Princess asking to meet us, it must be important. But remain aware of what she does. The Princess has been acting very strangely recently. Who knows what she might do to us. So be careful!"

Dark Thunder nodded in agreement and replied, "Right brother! I'll stay about my wits! You be carful as well, brother!"

Shadow Dash nodded as they continued on their path to the Everfree forest.


They arrived at the edge of the Everfree forest and, as she said she would, Princess Luna was there waiting for them, the look of anger coursing though her eyes.

The brothers landed a few feet in front of the Princess of the Night. They stood in awaiting scilence for a few seconds before the Princess greeted them. "Thou hast arrived late! No matter, 'tis is of extreme importance! Thou brothers hath been chosen to guard something very unique. It's magic is unlike any other. Thou hath been our most loyal subjects. We hath chosen thou to guard this."

The two brothers now stood next to each other standing straight with pride and intent on listening to what their mission will consist of. "Thou shall travel deep into the Everfree forest in search of a mystical fountain with the aide of this map." She hoofs them over a rolled-up map. "Thou art to keep all things, big and small, away from the fountain. Thou must then stay there, unless otherwise informed." The two brothers stared at each other in shock of what the Princess was expecting of them.

Dark Thunder opened his mouth ready to speak until the Princess interrupted him and said, "Before thou begins, there is one more thing thou must know. Neither of thou art permitted use of the fountain. Do we make ourself clear?!" The brothers nodded their understanding. "Now, while our night is still young, begin thou quest and protect thy fountain."

The brothers gave their salutes as they simultaneously said, "As you wish your majesty." before they began to gallop into the Everfree forest, fearlessly, in search of the mystic fountain.