//------------------------------// // Chapter One: Deceit // Story: Equestria Boy // by TheDerpGirlLives //------------------------------// Equestria Boy Chapter One: Deceit   Those thoughts ran through Twilight's head as she laid down that night. Those thoughts that were holding a crucial debate in her mind. A debate about her friends, her other friends. They were still the same Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash she knew and loved, but in a different world. There was also that boy, Flash Sentry. Sure, there was a Flash Sentry in Equestria, but there was also a Twilight Sparkle that already knew him. What about the other Flash Sentry? Would he meet the Twilight Sparkle of his world and feel the same way as he did the alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle? Would they ever meet? What if she left her first crush to miss her and never meet her again?   She was supposed to go to the Crystal Empire again tomorrow to turn in her recorded research about that world. She had been up for several nights revising and perfecting her words as well as carefully piecing together illustrations. Anypony would find the culture of... people... to be extremely intriguing, yet complicated. If her research book were to be stored in the library, most ponies who attempted to read its pages would be confused and bewildered. Pictures and diagrams would help.   Other than that, they would attempt to hold the meeting that was canceled last time due to the Sunset Shimmer incident. What if her fears of being given an unbearable responsibility came true? No, she couldn't think about that. She sighed. With careful planning and organization, she could safely lead a kingdom if she tried her best to be a princess. Yes. Princess Celestia herself said that she was a true princess. The princess was very wise.   She was so deep in thought that one of Spike's snorts made her jump. She smiled at her worry and carefully settled down for a cozy night's rest. She'd need it for the trip tomorrow.   "Gee, Rarity, did ya remember to pack the kitchen sink?" Applejack remarked at the obsessive unicorn's numerous cargo bags.   Sweetie Belle carried in a small, gem encrusted suitcase and put it on top of the pile. "Thank you, Sweetie dear, now hurry off or you'll be late for school, darling." Rarity said, running a hoof through her perfected mane.   The little filly said her goodbyes and left to stand outside the train with her filly friends, Applebloom and Scootaloo. As the doors closed and the engine began to puff, the trio waved. "Bye, Sis!" Applebloom called out and waved. "Have a safe trip!" "Take care o' Granny and Big Mac fer me!" the orange earth pony said. "And don't forget to walk Winona, ok?" Pinkie stuck her head out the window, grinning as she felt the wind blow through her puffy curls and opened her mouth. Her tongue flowed in the wind like a dog. Rarity stopped to admire her reflection in the glass of one window, Spike behind her, admiring both. Rainbow entertained herself by throwing a ball against the wall and catching it. Fluttershy went to sit by Twilight. "Don't worry," she encouraged, "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about."   "I hope you're right..." Twilight sighed.   BUUURP!   Everypony turned to Spike, whom had received a letter. He read the beginning, then handed it to the shy yellow pegasus. "It's for you." the tiny purple dragon said.   "For me?" she said, unfolding the letter.   "What's it say?" Rainbow Dash asked.   Fluttershy cleared her throat before reading the letter in a soft, sweet voice:   "Dear Fluttershy,   It has come to my attention that Discord has no close friends in the castle. He has become restless over the past few days and has resorted to playing tricks on the servants and guards of the castle. In order to satisfy his loneliness, I will be bringing him along to the Crystal Empire for a reunion with his Ponyville friends. I believe he will look forward to seeing you the most, as you were the first pony to befriend him. -Princess Celestia"   "Aw, man!" Rainbow Dash huffed, "We've gotta see that-"   Fluttershy turned her head to look at the cyan colored pegasus as she spoke. The others, whom gathered behind her, ushered for Dash to watch her words, as she might offend the delicate ego of the animal lover. "... Funny friend of yours?" she finished sarcastically, "I can't wait!"   "Neither can I." Fluttershy said.   Dashie scowled as her friend turned back around. She'd lost quite a bit of enthusiasm, now. In fact, every pony but Fluttershy now felt what Pinkie called, ' nervouscitement' rolling around with their breakfast. The train pulled to a stop. The sky was a sunset orange, welcoming a haze of nighttime purple glittering with early stars. Luna’s moon could be seen not very far off, peeking its way over the horizon. “Just like last time…” Twilight thought.   A solid white pegasus in a formal castle guard’s attire escorted the six mares and dragon to the castle gate, where two solid black unicorns in golden armor opened the heavy doors with immense magic. Twilight hurried ahead, greeting her sister-in-law and brother whom were already there. She hugged them both, “Twily!” Shining Armor said, “How was the trip?”   A pair of doors behind them opened as well. Princess Celestia herself walked out, smiling warmly at the guests. “Hello everypony.” she greeted them in her strong yet kind voice. She turned to Fluttershy, taking a few steps closer to the timid pony. “Someone’s here to see you.” she said.   The alicorn nodded to two guards who stood in front of a pair of silver colored doors. One of them, being a unicorn, used his magical abilities to open the door slowly, as if trying to create suspense. Inside, a bored draconequus sat on the sparkling crystalline flooring using his chaotic powers to make three roses dance into a vase. He looked up and leaped into the air. “Fluttershy!” he said in an excited tone before disappearing.   He reappeared behind the sweet mare, ruffling her mane. “I’ve been dying to see you again!” he said, dramatically turning gray and shriveling up. “How’s my pal doing?”   “Oh, I’ve been doing quite well.” she replied. “I hope you’ve been behaving for the princess while I’ve been away.”   “I-I may have been up to few tricks here and there…” he confessed, nervously twiddling his thumbs.   A maid with her mane and tail in a mess and her apron covered in stains peeked in the doorway. “A few?!” she shouted in disbelief.  Discord snapped his fingers and shut the door in the servant’s face, looking at Fluttershy as if he never knew had anything to do with the maid.