//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: An Unexpected and Terrifying Realization. // Story: Last of the Elders // by tubeku //------------------------------// The next day, “Wow, Twilight really liked those flowers,” Aphirion said as he came up from the basement and saw how the whole place had changed in the course of a single night. In fact it looked like a completely new place besides the thousands of books that lined the walls. The library was spotless and the smell of something cooking, sweet by the smell of it. He closed the door behind him before making his way to the front door; his mark still scratched into the wood was still there. Smiling that it was holding, he browsed the wall near him, searching for a book to read. Finding one on the aspects of magic, he plopped down onto the sofa. His ears flicked from the snoring dragon upstairs “At least the wyrm is home and I didn’t get a bat to the head.” He said more to himself than out loud. A pleasant melody from the kitchen caught his attention. Setting the book down, he slid off the sofa and saw twilight dusting the cabinets, humming a song to herself. “That’s a beautiful song you sing.” Aphirion said. “Thank you, my mother taught it to me when I was a filly,” she said as she turned towards him. She wore a smile upon her face and her eyes seemed to shine, “I hope to teach it to my daughter someday.” “You’re going to make a great mother someday Twilight. Is there anything you need help with?” “No, I’m fine. You should go back to reading your book.” She said, “Oh should I call him something? Sweetie, sweetheart, darling, baby? HANDSOME. I’ll call him handsome” she thought quickly. “Handsome.” Aphirion tilted his head slightly, “did she really just say that or am I hearing things” he thought “and you’re look beautiful as well” he said to her. She just smiled wider and went back to dusting the kitchen, humming her song as she went from shelf to shelf. Aphirion turned back towards the sofa where his book laid on the leg rest. As he sat down on the cushion, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Looking behind him he saw Spike yawn, forcing him to stifle a yawn himself. Not wishing to be bothered by the pest, he opened his book and began reading. “Well you’re in an unusually good mood this morning” Spike said. Deeply annoyed, Aphirion looked up and looked at the baby dragon but was relieved to see he wasn’t speaking to him, but to Twilight. “What happen, did you receive a new box of books or something” the dragon continued. “Spike you will never guess what happen yesterday. Aphirion asked me..……” But he could hear nothing more coming from the kitchen. Aphirion’s eyes opened wide in realization. Sound was getting quieter all around him and not just him but in the entire library. Tossing the book aside, Aphirion leapt over the sofa and barreled his way through the basement door, causing a few looks of confusion from the mare and dragon. The room, which was usually lit brightly and full of noise from her machines during the day, was instead devoid of noise. The lights grew dimmer with each passing second until they were snuffed out. Aphirion could feel the dread that came with the darkness. As fast as his hooves would take him, he raced down the steps, doing his best to not stumble. Feeling the power flowing from his heart, he urged the remaining particles of light to illuminate brighter. The room lit up briefly, only to succumb to the growing darkness again, but it was enough. Aphirion urged the air behind his bag to solidify and come to him. The bag soared through the air and with a practiced jump, it landed squarely on his back. With his belongings secured, the unicorn blasted a wave of light in front of him, lighting the way out of the basement. The door ajar, he saw the light that peeked around it slowly start to fade. Focusing hard, he felt his body being pulled by the magic spell he casted. Suddenly he appeared on the other side of the door. Shaking his head to regain his bearings, Aphirion jumped at the door handle and slammed it shut. “We have to go NOW.” He yelled to his companions, “GET OUT OF THE TREE.” Fear spread across both of their faces as the dragon and pony ran out of the kitchen, Spike reaching the front door first flung it open and fled out into the street with Twilight close behind him. Aphirion fumbled through his bag, searching for his hilt until the basement door exploded. Shards of wood pelted against his body with enough force to send him tumbling into the street causing several ponies to gasp in shock. “TWILIGHT, SPIKE RUN. GET AWAY FROM HERE.” He yelled as he rolled onto his hooves, his hilt suspended in the air next to him. “No I want to help you!” Twilight screamed as she galloped over to him. “Twilight you don’t know how to fight this thing. It’s not something that is just going to come to their senses and find friendship like the others you have faced. These things only know one thing and that’s killing their targets. Now go.” He demanded. Twilight glared at him but turned to leave. “Nothing had better happen to you, do you hear me Aphirion. Nothing.” He nodded before she started running, he saw a tear run down her cheek but she didn’t stop. Aphirion saw dozens of ponies standing there, watching the event take place in their quiet town. Ignoring their stares, he saw the well from the fight before. Summoning the liquid to him, he forged his blade upon the hilt, forcing the ice to harden beyond steels strength. The edges shaved off till they were razor sharp. This time, the tree did not explode, instead the darkness rolled out from every window, door and crevasse that the library possessed like a deadly mist. The ponies screamed in fright as the dark mist started to erupt from the tree like a raging volcano. They screamed, shouted, and wept as they sprinted away from the great oak tree. The darkness turned towards the defiant light grey unicorn. Splashing down in front of the pony, it laughed a deep, empty laugh. Aphirion felt his fur start to rise as he saw the mist start to take form in front of his eyes. Clawed feet with barbs formed on the stone street. Four legs and two arms condensed over the claws, merging as one part each. The body came next, three parts forming a plated thorax and a tail erupted out from behind, the two pronged tip glistened in the sun. Finally the head took shape. Mandibles, six in total, spread from the spike covered throat, three eyes blinked open and horns rolled from the top of the forehead. With the last bit of mist formed, the horrific creature leaned up and released an ear shattering roar. Aphirion covered his ears but refused to look away. Running straight towards the creature, he slashed at its legs, spurting brown blood from each wound. Raising the sword high he brought it down, but was interrupted by a clawed fist punching him out from beneath the creature. Rolling across the unforgiving cobblestones, he stopped his momentum by digging the sword into the ground, grabbing the hilt in the process and flipping onto his hooves. The monster roared as it crashed through the street, wrecking the houses on either side, determined to end the pony’s life. Aphirion rolled left and right as the creature slammed its arms onto the ground. Looking up, he saw a raised claw coming his way. Jumping out of the way, the monster roared again as its claw became stuck in the ground. Quickly, the unicorn thrust his sword deep into ensnared limb with his magic. Sprinting, he grasped the hilt in his mouth and flipped over the arm, severing the limb in two. The monster shrieked in agony as it slammed its remaining arm against the buildings, sending debris across the street. The unicorn renewed his assault against it, slashing and stabbing at every body part he within reach. A claw pounded mere inches away from the pony, causing him to lose his balance for a moment, but it was enough time for the creature to slam his hand against the unicorn, pinning him against the ground and shattering the blade of ice. Clenching the unicorn tightly, it lifted him to its eye level. A hearty laugh escaped from its throat, but what caused Aphirion to truly be afraid was what happened next. “PuUuNnyYyyYy PoOnNYyyY” It spoke.