Last of the Elders

by tubeku

Chapter 11: Advice from a Bar

Twilight struggled against the tight rope the entire time Applejack carried her from her beloved books to the park. Rarity and Applejack chatted the entire walk, talking about various topics and usually ending up in small arguments but worked themselves out with the two ponies laughing. Twilight, in the mean time, seriously debated about just teleporting back to her house. But even while she was deeply annoyed with her friends, she didn’t want to be rude. Sighing in defeat, she just laid on Applejacks back waiting for them to get to their destination, listening to them talk.

“So as I was discussing with Sweetie belle and her friends the other day, the best way to style your mane is with long, lush strokes of the brush. At minimum of one hundred strokes in the morning and once again right before you apply your mask for the night. You know dear, I would enjoy the challenge of untangling your mane.”

“Um no thanks Rarity ah like it the way it is, but that would explain Apple Blooms obsession with the number one hundred. Why just earlier today she said she would buck one hundred apple trees. Ah swear that filly is taking after the family business just like ah did growing up.”

“Oh that’s just wonderful dearie. I’m glad that at least one of them is making progress. I worry about Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Sweetie tries her best but in all the wrong areas. I saw her trying to climb a very tall tree, yelling something along the line of crusader pet rescuers, shortly before the animal made her fall. Luckily I was there to catch her or she may have been serious hurt.

“Ah agree with you there Rarity. Apple Bloom fixed up that club house that used to be mine in almost no time, yet she’s so stubborn and won’t listen to us when we tell her.”

“And poor Scootaloo, I’m not sure if she has an unhealthy idolization with Rainbow Dash or if she’s actually in love with the mare, but it’s just not right for her to always be talking about her like that. I’m worried she may do something extremely dangerous to get Rainbow’s attention.”

“Ah shucks, Ah don’t think it’ll come to that. She just wants an older sibling, seeing as how her Papa's in the Guard. She doesn’t get to see him that often. Ah wouldn’t worry about her too much.”

“Well enough about them, how are you doing. I noticed that you’ve been socializing quite a bit with a particular mustang in the market for the past few days.” Rarity eyes piercing into Applejack.

“What, um no ah wasn’t, um that wasn’t me, um most of been some other pony you saw.” Her face scrunching as she spoke.

“Oh you have been,” Rarity’s eyes beaming, “you simply must tell me everything about him”

“Oh for Celestia’s sake,” both ponies looked back at the unicorn, “are we there yet?” Twilight asked.

“Actually, funny you should ask. We’ve been here for awhile now. But we just decided to keep walking while you rode on my back.” Applejack replied.

That was the last straw. Twilight drew the power out from her heart and felt it instantly rush up her horn. Feeling her very essence dissolve into the air around her, she willed her magic to assemble herself just hooves away from them. The rope grew slack as Twilight vanished body reappeared on the other side of Applejack. Her horn still glowing brightly, Twilight stared hard at her friends.

“Listen, I enjoy spending time with you two just as much as anypony does, but my entire evening as been spent laying on your back while you walked around the park. I’m sorry girls, but I’m going home.

With that, the unicorn stormed off back towards her home leaving the two ponies standing there looking shocked. Marching past the shops and stalls, Twilight didn’t even bother to look through the windows. Her mind still deeply annoyed with her friends.

“I told them i didnt want to leave my house, why cant any pony seem to respect my wishes around here” She thought to herself, “I love spending time with the girls but i really really want to read my books right now and a drink” She thought smugly.

Looking around at the shops, she spied a place she knew had the brew she thoroughly enjoyed. Pushing open the brown door, she was enveloped in the glorious smell of cider. The room was dimly light but she felt no fear. The owner had been nothing but kind to her in the past and had insisted that the low lighting made his drinks better. Twilight never bothered to study on this particular fashion of brewing so she just took his word.

“Hello Mr. Applecrate, I’d like to order my regular, extra hard this time.” Twilight said as she climbed up onto the barstool
“Ah Miss Sparkle, hows ya been, I’s not seen you in several days.” A dark green stallion beamed as he came out from the back, juggling a cloth in one hoof and a dirty mug in the other.

I’ve been fine sir, just having one of those days. Again.” She said with a playful frown.

“Wells you’re in luck you are, I’s happen to have one mug left. Let me’s get it for you and then you can tell me all about what’s botherin” BOOM BOOM BOOM “ARRGH CURSE THAT PINK NUICANCE. EVEY TIME A NEW PONY SHOWS UP SHE GOES AROUND BLASTING THAT CONFOUNDED CANNON OF HERS!” He roared in fury, “Breaking all my windows and mugs, how’s a bar-pony to make a livin if all my’s stuff keeps getting bombarded with cake mush?”

“Oh I’m so sorry Mr. Applecrate, Pinkies a friend of mine. Maybe I can convince her to put a silencer on her cannon.” She finished with a grin.

“HA HA HA, Oh Miss Sparkle. You can always put a grin on this face of mine’s. Bless you. Now where’s that good mug ats. Is knew Is left its ‘round here someplace.” Applecrate said while leaning under the bar, “Ahs there it is lass. Here, tis on the house.”

“You’re too kind.”

“Oh I’s know it Miss Sparkle. I know its. Now what seems to be troubling you, come on now open up, I’m all ears.” He said as he grabbed a dirty mug and started wiping it clean.

“Oh where do I start? Do I start with the new assignment the Princess has given me? The fact that I never get to see my friends because we’re all working? And what about my guardian and the fact that every time I see him I get this weird feeling all over me. Nothing in my books has described the feelings that I’m experiencing.”

The older stallion just chuckled. “Miss Sparkle, I's think somepony be in love.”

“WHAT I CANT BE IN LOVE!” She yelled, “I’m not old enough yet.”

“And how old ares you Miss Sparkle?”

“I’m, I’m twenty-two.”

“Seems plenty old to be falling in love to me lass. You shouldn’t fight these feelings. If he’s even half as good a pony that I's am, wells I's says got yourself a keeper there.”

Twilight just smiled, sipping tenderly on her drink. “You really think so?”

“I's knows so lass. Go, finish up yours cider and give the young stallion a good’ol hug.” He said with a tender touch on her shoulder, “I’m not quite sure about your friends, but that sort of thing tends to happen. But I's know you’ll figure it out. You always do lass.”

Twilight downed the rest of her drink, a graceful burp escaping her lips in the process. Grinning, she leaned over the bar and gave the stallion a hug before hopping off her stool and leaving the bar. Her head spinning slightly she managed to find her way home, stumbling only slightly along the way. Pushing open the oak door, Twilight heard the shower running and splashes of water slapping the porcelain tub.

“Oh Spike, taking another one of your seven hour bubble baths again. Well I better make sure you didn’t pass out while bathing.”

Walking over to the bathroom door, she pushed it wide open.