Last of the Elders

by tubeku

Chapter 3.5: The Second Meeting

Twilight shook herself free of the hay, the pieces falling off her body gently. Standing upright, she stared in horror at the sight of her Library. A massive portion of the trunk was ripped apart, as if blown out from the inside. Slabs of bark lay on the street, covering the cobblestone road like a hard blanket. Branches and leaves were scattered across the scene of destruction. Books torn to shreds littered the floor and a good part of the road around the old tree. Her telescope, a one of a kind and present from the princess, laid ruined in the street. Tears formed in Twilights eyes at the sight of her prized possession laying destroyed in the street, her many books, ancient knowledge and information that she had personally researched for the betterment of ponykind, ruined by that stallion that had broken into her home.

Taking slow, trembling steps towards the remains of her home, she searched for the one responsible for its destruction. Twilight’s horn glowed softly as she moved the debris away from the broken tree. Ruined books covered most of the ground along with parts of the old oak tree. Quills and jars of ink laid in ruin around her saddlebags, a gift from her mother the day she went to school, except that wasn’t her bags.

“Those must be from that stallion’s bag,” she thought, “He must have dropped them as he left my home. What was he doing here anyways?”

Walking over to the strangers bags, she lifted them off the ground with her magic. Laying it in front of her, she probed both sides for signs of dark magic, curses or traps. Layer by layer she weaved her magic through bags, between the threads and fabric, feeling for any trace of magic. Satisfied that they were safe, she knelt down and opened the bag with her mouth. Grabbing the bottom she dumped the contents onto the ground. Quills and cracked jars joined the others on the others on the ground, a map of Equestria with lands that she didn’t recognize, and a silver locket fell to the ground by her hooves. Picking up the oval shaped locket, it was heavier then it looked, Twilight studied the surfaces of the small metal object. Smooth but worn with constant wear, the surface shined with a dull light.

“Excuse me,” a voice from behind made her jump,” I believe that is mine.”