//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Reorganization Day // Story: Last of the Elders // by tubeku //------------------------------// "SPIKE", a female unicorn shouted, "SPIKE WHERE ARE YOU?" High above the mare, a small creature hung from the rafters. Purple and green in color with soft scales for now until it was fully mature. Its claws dug deep into the wood, their tail twisted around the dry rotted rafter with determination. "SPIKE I SWEAR IF YOUR HIDING TO AVOID YOUR CHORES," she yelled "WAIT WHOA WHAT NOOOOOOOOOOO!" the creature yelled as the rafter finally snapped. "I got you," she said calmly as she leapt underneath Spike. The purple creature landed on her back with a groan. "Spike you may be a baby dragon but that is no reason to avoid your chores." she scolded him. "I wasn’t avoiding them Twilight, I was cleaning the rafters like you told me to," he retorted, "but the ladder slipped and I got stuck up there." "Uh huh," she replied, "and where is this ladder" "It must have, I don’t know, um, um, vanished?" he said meekly. "Spike, stop lying to me, one, I don’t even own a ladder," She stated,” Two, I didn’t tell you to clean the rafters; I told you that we need to get the rafters fixed. I’m mean look at them; they are falling apart faster than the parasprites ate Ponyville." The young dragon grumbled as he hopped of her back and started cleaning up the mess from the fallen rafter. Wood dust and chips were flung across the floor in all direction. He grabbed his specially made broom and started sweeping up the mess. "How did you even get up there?" She asked," That’s about twenty five hooves in the air" "I um, climbed up there when I saw you coming back to the library," Spike said flashing his claws," I got scared because I’ve just been laying around eating ruby nachos all day and I hadn't finished my chores yet. I was up there for about seven minutes before you started calling for me." “Spike," Twilight walked over to her friend and pulled him into a hug, “You don’t ever need to be scared of me." She looked all around before leaning in close to his ear and whispering, "Even I like to be lazy once in a while" Spike just stood there in awe, her words left him speechless. She released her hold on him and walked over to one of the many bookshelves that lined her walls. Her horn released an aura of light orchard and bright raspberry, her eyes fixated on her bookshelves. With one graceful twist of her neck, all the books sprang into the air and crashed on the hardwood floor. "TWILIGHT," the dragon exclaimed," WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "REORGANIZING THE WHOLE LIBRARY," she yelled with glee DING, DING, DING The library door opened wide as several mares walked into the building. "Hiya Twi, we heard a ruckus outside, figured we'd come and check it out." the orange mare said "OhmyCelestiaI, IwassoOOOexcited, ItoldRaritythatwehadtocomeseeyourightaway,” the pink pony gasped in one breathe" "Pinkie darling, remember to breath while you talk," Rarity said, "Now Twilight what have you done to the place, it looks absolutely horrendous." "Oh Rarity, I’m just reorganizing my books," Twilight said, still beaming with the prospect of the task at hoof," there’s no need to fret." "No need to fret while yours truly is here," a blue pegasus exclaimed," I'll have those book on those shelves in no time." she dive-bombed the pile of books, grabbing them and shoving them on the shelves as fast as she could. A rainbow trail followed her every movement. "Um Rainbow Dash, I don’t think that’s what twilight meant," the yellow pegasus peeped. "Fluttershy, ahm two hoofs from ya and ah barely heard that. Ya gotta speak up Sugarcube," the orange earth pony said kindly. "You're right Applejack; I need to be more assertive." Fluttershy almost whispered, “If you won’t hear my voice, I’ll give you no choice, “inhale," RAINBOW DASH STOP!" She shouted, “if you don’t mind" finishing once more as a whisper. "Huh what did you say?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Can't you see I’m being awesome, check it out, all the books in organized by color." She beamed, “No need to thank me Twilight, now you can stop being an egghead for a minute and come hang with us." Twilight stood there in shock, all of her glee gone in a prism of colors dashing over her house. Her books were organized but "Magical Cures for the Supernatural" shouldn't be next to "Running for Beginners" and "50 Shades of Hay" would never be caught next to " Dusk: Shattering Midnight" or "The Lost Years of Starswirl: The Seven Scripts of Magic" next to the "Sunbattles: The Mirrorpool Guards War" With a heavy gasps, Twilight fell over shaking from the evil in front of her. "Rainbow Dash, take all of my books down NOW!" she shouted. Sigh "Fine" In a whirl of colors all of the books lay on the floor in alphabetical order, stacked neatly and clearly in the same direction. "Thank you, now I just...wait how did you do that?" Twilight asked "What, I did graduate from Cloudsdale High, I can put stuff in alphabetical order, I’m not just a world class athlete, I’m also smart, BUT I’m not an egghead. You got that" Twilight felt the same power in her since filly hood fill her whole body, it was almost second nature for her to summon the magic. Her mind focused on levitating the books, all of which lifted at once with ease. She trusted Rainbow Dash but she had to double check and triple check to make sure that the books were really in order. She brought every book inches from her muzzle, her eyes scanning the entire cover. "A Beginners guide to Book Shelving, 0012.35" She thought, "A Beginners guide to Book shelving, 0012.36" Each book was thoroughly inspected by title, date of publishing, even the Dewey decimal system until she was fully satisfied with the order the books were in. The gang of ponies; slumped against the wall, lying on a couch with red cushions, sitting against the walls or just sitting there looking nervous all had the same look on their faces, they were beyond bored. "Ok girls, I’m done," Twilight said with overwhelming happiness, "What do you want to do?"