//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: The Party (Or, The Night I met the DJ) // Story: Feel the Rhythm // by Bane the Dark Hero //------------------------------// I was taken aback by what she had just said. To her... Nearly smashing into the ground was FUN?! "How is that awesome? You nearly DIED!!!" I said. "Heh, just a normal day for me." Answered the cyan pegasus. "Hey, you don't look familiar, are you new in town?" "Yeah, I'm Rhythm Pulse. Nice to meet you!" "Well I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria!" After a few more minutes of her telling me how great she was, I told her I had to go. "Oh! Are you heading to meet Pinkie Pie?" She asked. "Who? Are you talking about a pink earth pony, about this high, with a big poofy mane?" "Yup, that's her, she didn't freak out too much did she? She was just going to set up for the--" Rainbow clamped her mouth shut. "For what?" You ask. "Nothing. Didn't say anything." "Are you sure? I could have sworn I heard you--" "Nope! Nothing at all! Hey, I'll walk there with you, I have to go there anyway!" (Author: "Pinkie said Rainbow's number came up.") After a few minutes of walking, Rainbow and I came up to what looked like a giant gingerbread house. It looked like I'd get a sugar rush by just entering! We walked up to the door, but I hesitated. "Are you sure we can just walk in? I don't want to just barge in to somepony's house..." "Of course!" Rainbow answered me. "The main floor's a shop anyway, you're welcome in whenever it's open!" "But..." I say. "the sign says closed." "Oh whatever!" Rainbow snaps, pushing me in. As I enter, I noticed that all the lights are switched off. "Hey! Why's it so dark, and... oh sh--" ""SURPRISE!!!" A white pony with a yellow mane in the back asks: "What?" I double back. I've only had a party once, unfortunately, it was thrown by my fancy-flank parents. I shudder as I remember the day... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What do you mean that I can't have dubstep?" I ask as my parents scold me. "It is ungentlecoltly of a noble to listen to such... horrid noise!" My father; Silver Lining tells me. "Your father is right, Rhythm. You shouldn't listen to that filth. What will the other ponies think?" That was my mother; Loving Care. Pretty ironic, right? "But... But... It's my favorite music!" I stutter out. "And it's my party! I don't care what anypony else thinks!" "That is not music, it's radio garbage! You should be more like that Octavia girl from your class!" I remember Octavia. Her parents thought I was a bad influence on her musical talent, and forbid her from speaking to me. She was one of my good friends, another problem created by dubstep. "Don't talk about her!" I yell. "It makes me upset and you know it!" "Excuse me young man! You may not speak to us that way! Go to your room, you will not be having a party!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah. It pissed me off, and I've hated parties ever since. Rainbow and I met up with Twilight and her friends, Applejack (as I properly learned), Pinkie Pie (who spoke so fast I couldn't understand anything), Fluttershy (who was a ball of pure d'awww), and Rarity (who loved my "style," even though I only wore my trusty headphones) I was kind of freaked out at all the ponies there, it looked like everypony in town came to this party! (which Twilight revealed to be true) To tell the truth, I was kind of bored. there wasn't any music playing, just the sound of talking, chewing, and the ocassional blast of a cannon. There was a lot to do, party games, cake, pie, and cakepie (A concoction of Pinkie's) and quite a few mares looking to hook up with me. NO! GET THAT THOUGHT OUT OF YOUR HEAD, YOU DIRTY BRONY!!! BAD PERVERT, BAD!!! And then, I took action. I stood up on a table, took to my hind legs, and yelled: "Alright! Is there anypony here who can DROP THE BASS?!" Honestly, I didn't expect anypony to reply, I thought they'd just kick me out, but then I heard... "AWW YEEEEAAH!!!" I looked up to the DJ station, wait, what? How did I not notice that?! Anyway, I looked to the DJ station and saw a mare with a spiked electric blue mane, violet glasses, and the widest grin on her face. "I thought you'd never ask!" She gleefully added. She slammed a record onto her turntables and... (Author: "Here it cooooomes!!!") The wubs, the growls, it was so overwhelming, I banged my head around to the Rhythm, (I see what you did there) I was overtaken by the beat, I couldn't help myself, it was the best song I'd ever heard! Everypony was silent, staring at me, but smiling. By the time the song finished, I noticed the stares and blushed, I tried to back my way into the crowd, but bumped into a certain somepony instead. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, I'll just--" I stuttered "Duuude!" It was the mare from onstage. "That was awesome! I never saw somepony enjoy my music so much!" "Huh? Oh, yeah, I just kinda... got into the song, that's all. hehe..." I say embarrassedly. "No way! That's an even bigger reaction than I get from most fanboys while I'm up on stage! I'm Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch! What's yours? "I'm Rhythm Pulse!" I say, finally regaining my composure. "Say, Vinyl Scratch, that sounds familiar, have we met before?" "Nope, Don't think so. Though you may have heard of me." She said chuckling. "Hmm? How so?" "Well, you may have heard my music before." She's now wearing the same grin as before. "Really? Do you have a stage name or something?" "Yup! I'm DJ Pon-3!" "Wait... WHAT?!"