Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Choices made are choices regretted

To everyone wondering about the Daring Do book in the last chapter, I took that from a story I'm writing. Yes, I've been trying to write a Daring Do story XD

Also yes, Annabel has fingers. Well, claws and the like, but I'm going to say fingers, makes more sense.

One last thing, I haven't forgotten about Pleasant Fields, Lance isn't in a hurry. So yeah XD

Chapter 77

The next morning, 9:42 PM

I closed the book and smiled, "Done!"

[That book was awesome!]
<Yeah it was! I liked the final scene were she used the torch to fight off the serpent ponies.>
[That scene was badass to the max!]

I chuckled and put the book on the edge of the bed. Now, to get the next book in the series.

I reached over the bed and pressed the button to summon the nurse.

After a minutes wait, the same nurse from the other day walked in, "Yes deary?"

I held up the book and grinned, "Could you bring me the next book in the series?"

She smiled happily and trotted over, "I sure can." She then grabbed the book with her magic and left the room.

After she left, I sat back and relaxed a little.

{I guess being in a hospital isn't all that bad after all.}
[I agree with you. We get our own personal servants!]
<They're not servants, its just their job.>
[Meh, still servants.]

*Beep beep beep*

My eye twitched, I hate that machine! At least I can ignore it while reading.

The door opened and in walked the nurse, a book in her magical grasp, "Here you are dear."

I smiled happily, "Thank you!"

She chuckled and levitated it over to me.

I plucked it from the air and squealed.

[Very manly Lance...]

The nurse laughed to herself and took her leave, closing the door gently.

I then slide down in bed and propped the book up in front of me.

"Daring Do and the Black Gem."

[Oww, sounds interesting.]

I smiled and opened the book, "'Daring Do trudged through the sloppy mud. The heavy rain from above pounding against her safari hat...'"

<Again, I feel like we've missed some of the book.>
[I think someones pulling pages out of books! I say we find this person, or pony, and beat the living crap out of them!]
I chuckled, {No one is pulling out pages. Its just the way the author starts the book.}

I looked for my place and continued to read.

Two hours later

[WHAT?! They can't kill off Diamond Crusher! He's pure awesomeness!]

I closed the book and sat back. One of the characters, Diamond Crusher, was just killed in a avalanche of rocks. And he was the cool character!

[I'm so going to write a angry letter to the author about this!]

I chuckled and went to open the book, but what do you know? A loud clap of thunder echos through the room, and there stood Annabel. A happy smile on her face.

"So, Lance, you make up your mind yet?" She asked innocently.

I rubbed my chin, "Well, yes, but I don't know."

She slithered up to my face, "Please!"

I pushed her back a little and winced from the pain in my forelegs, "I don't know Annabel, you can get a little... crazy when it comes to pranks."

She crossed her arms and smirked, "How about this: You let me do this, and I heal your legs."

I thought for a second, but someone, Dawn, made me answer, "Deal!"

{Fuck you Dawn...}
<Sorry Lance, but I want out of here!>

Annabel jumped with excitement, "YES! YES! YES! YES!! Thank you!"

She snapped her fingers quickly, undoing the bandages on my forelegs.

I looked at them and saw them quickly regaining the torn away flesh... awesome!

Once they was back to normal, Annabel flew up to my face again, "Gather all the bronies, only the ones on you're list, and bring them to the library."

I chuckled, "I'm on it ma'am."

She giggled and snapped her fingers, disappearing in a cloud of pink smoke.

I stretched out my forelegs and sighed happily, "Thank God! I can finally move them without pain!"

[Get moving Lance! I have to see this prank of hers!]

I laughed a little and stood up. I then reached under my pillow and pulled out the list and the song. I reached under the bed and grabbed my things: Clothes and saddlebags.

I looked at my clothes and shrugged. I pushed the goggles on my face and tossed the clothes in my saddle bags, then I put the saddlebags on. Easy enough.

Then I sighed, time to explain why I'm out of bed already.

Skipping ahead an hour, because I know none of you want to read a bunch of boring scenes about Lance gathering the bronies.

I stood in the library, at the top of the stairs, looking down at all the bronies.

I had gathered all the ones on the list: David, Peter, Greg, Seth, Zorrow, Shadow Breeze, Vinetion, and Aaron. They've all done something to me, and its time for a little pay back.

{Why did I have to bring Shadow Breeze again? I mean, come on, he hasn't done anything to us.}
[Yes he did! He ruined out snowboarding! Remember?! We crashed into him!]
{Yeah, but he didn't mean...}
[Shut up and let me have my revenge!]

David looked around and looked up at me confused, "So why are we all here?"

I smirked, "You'll see."

He groaned and sat on his haunches.

Vinetion stomped on the ground and caused multiple vines to shot upwards. They molded together and formed a chair of sorts. She then hopped into it and put her hooves behind her head, "Wake me when ya need me."

I began to tap my hoof, where are you Annabel?!

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard behind me. Well, that answers that question at least.

Annabel flew up next to me and smiled, "Hello bronies! And welcome!"

Greg cocked his head, "Whoa, what's going on here?"


Annabel chuckled, "We're going to have so much fun!"

Zorrow looked worried, "What kind of fun?"

She smirked and spun around in the air, "A prank!"

Everyone but Peter looked worried, "What kind of prank?!"

She flew up to me, "I'll show you!"

I looked at her, "Uhh, what are you doing?"

She smiled and snapped her fingers.

A small light emitted from me, but I felt the same.... wait a second, something feels off.

[I feel different... WHY IS MY VOICE SO FUCKING HIGH!]

I looked down at my body and jumped into the air. I was a freaking mare!

I then looked at Annabel, who was laughing her little ass off, "Hey! This wasn't the plan!" Oh God! I sound hot! WHY ME?!

She stopped and looked confused, "Plan? I don't remember us making a plan."

Oh shit!

Greg was on his back, laughing like a mad man, so was David, Peter, and Seth. The others just smiled and laughed to themselves.

Annabel looked down at them and smiled, "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you all."

She snapped her fingers, causing all of them to emitted bright lights.

When that was over, they all stood there, confused. But, when they began looking around, they began to scream.

All mares! Hahaha!

Peter was the first to calm down, and said in a feminine voice, "This is your prank? That's just sad."

Annabel just laughed and slithered down to him... her? And put her face inches from his, "Oh, this isn't the full prank."

My eyes widened, "Wait, what?!"

She snapped her fingers, causing a bright light to flash. I could feel the effects of being transported at a high speed.

When everything stopped and cleared, I could see that we was on the roof of a tall building, rain falling over head.

Annabel threw back her hands and let the rain fall on her, "Welcome to Manehattan bronies!"

Peter still looked unimpressed, "So, you're just going to drop us off here. You're the worst prankster ever."

Annabel still held her smile and flew upward, producing a backwards umbrella, "Oh, this still isn't the full prank."

"COME ON!" Screamed out Zorrow in a high female voice.

Annabel twisted around a few times, enjoying herself, "Do you all want to know the real prank?"

We all screamed out yes.

Annabel flew down to the roof and landed in the middle of us, "Okay, I'll make this fast. You all may not have a lot of time."

Vinetion cocked her head, "What do you..."

Annabel held up a hand, "Please keep all questions to the end, thank you. As I was saying: I have turned you all into mares for a reason. Now, you all remember the Heat season, right?"

We all nodded. I already know where this is going.

"Well, I've done just that, but I reversed it. Oh yes I did! Its the stallions that are sex crazy now, and they are running on pent up hormones! Oh shit! That's right, and they're looking for the nearest mare. And guess what? You're the only mares in the whole city!'

Our mouths dropped. That's not what I was thinking!

Vinetion held up her hoof, "But wait, where are the other mares?"

Annabel smiled, "Oh them? I just turned them into stallions. Why? Well, since there wasn't enough stallions here, I just turned the mares into stallions. Now, you're the only thing they're after. Yay!"

I gulped, "That's screwed up!"

She just laughed, "Oh I know it is. This will be so fun! Now, for the rules, no flying and no magic."

With a snap of her fingers, all our wings and horns were taken away.

Vinetion smirked in the background.

"And no controlling plants." Annabel said with a smirk.

"Oh come on!" Vinetion yelled.

Annabel then snapped her fingers. "Now, I bet you all want to know how to win this game, right?"

I facehoofed, "A game?!"

She nodded, "Yep, a game. All you have to do is: Survive a full month without being raped, get raped by a stallion, or find the very small golden key hidden somewhere in the city."

"Oh hell no!" Vinetion said with rage.

"Fuck this shit!" Greg screamed with a new found anger.

Annabel chuckled, "If you do one of those things, you will be sent back to Ponyville. And you win!"

I bit my lip, "So, all we have to do is survive not being raped for a month, or get raped, or just find a fucking small golden key?!"

She smiled and nodded, "Its that simple!"

"That's not simple!" Peter said in the background, stomping his hooves.

Annabel pulled out a watch, "You might want to hurry, the stallions can sense a angry or bitchy mare."

I glared, "You made it were they can sense us?!"

She shrugged, "Only if you're angry, nagging, or bitching."

I rubbed my face, "How much time do we have?"

She glanced at the watch, "The game begins now!"

The door that led onto the roof began to bulge outward as a crowd of stallions began pushing against it.

Oh come the fuck on!

Annabel chuckled, "Well, I best be off now."

Zorrow jumped on Annabel's tail and began to beg, "Please! Don't leave us here!"

She sighed, "Here, I'll put you all on another building, but that's all I'm going to do."

"Thank you!" Zorrow said happily.

She snapped her fingers, causing a bright light to engulf us all. We soon appeared on the roof of a slightly smaller building.

I looked around, and noticed that Annabel wasn't with us... now we're alone.

"What do we do!" Shadow Breeze yelled out.

I held up a hoof, "We survive. Come on guys.... no, come on girls, we can survive." I then began walking for the door that lead into the building.

Everyone groaned and followed me.

I pulled the door open and saw stairs, easy. I walked down them, followed by everyone else. I stopped at the first door and held up a hoof. I moved to the door and opened it slowly.

Inside was a office building, but nothing more. There wasn't a sole in there, well, as far as I could tell.

"Clear." I whispered back to the others.

I pushed the door all the way open and walked in.

[Spooky... we need to find a light switch.]

Hmmm, maybe I can find one over by the managers office.

I began walking down the cubical's, keeping my guard up.

"Please me!" Yelled a stallion's voice.

Oh fuck me!

A large form slammed into my side, sending me and my attacker into a cubical.

I looked up and instantly hated my luck.

It was a large grey stallion, a look of lust in his eyes, "You're all mine pretty lady."

"Only in your wet dreams!" I heard someone yell.

I then saw a pair of olive green legs impact with his head, sending him to the ground, unconscious.

I stood up and shuddered, I then looked at Vinetion, "Thanks Vine, I owe you one."

She smiled, "No problem."

The lights suddenly came on. I twisted around to see Peter standing next to a light switch. Well, that's one good thing to happen today.

Zorrow walked over to the large windows that over looked the street and instantly jumped back, "Lights off!"

Peter quickly hit the lights, shutting them off.

We all walked to the window to see what he was looking at.

Oh shit!

[Oh my God! There must be over a hundred stallions down there!]

Outside the window, five stories down, was the street, full of stallions. The building opposite of us also had stallions in it, all searching for mares.... and we're the only mares here!

Vinetion picked up a desk and threw it on her back, "Hurry! We have to barricade the stairs and all entrances to this floor!"

"On it!" We all said as we picked up desk and cabinets.

"What about this guy?" Greg asked looked down at the unconscious stallion.

Vinetion pointed to the stairs, "Throw him down them to the first floor, duh."

Greg nodded and began dragging him towards the stairs.

After ten minutes, we finally had all the entrances blocked. We were safe, for now.

I collapsed and laid back, "God, being a mare is tough."

Vinetion chuckled, "You have no idea."

We sat around talking for a few minutes, till I noticed Greg off by himself.

"You okay Greg?" I asked.

He turned and smirked, "Oh hell yeah! Being a mare is awesome!"

I cocked my head, "Why?"

He smirked and began to rub his.... that's sick! "Its so much easier to masturbate!"

I held up my hooves, blocking my eyes, "I didn't need to see that!"

"Us either!" The others said.

Greg laughed and looked at Vinetion, "What about you Vine? You like girls."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, but not when their you."

He shrugged and twisted, "More fun for me then I guess."

I shook my head, "Anyway, how are we going to do this?"

Shadow shrugged, "I have no idea. I think we should get some supplies, as in food and water, and hold out here."

I nodded, "I agree, and we should..."

"WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL THE TOILET PAPER?!" David screamed from the other side of the room.

"I don't know!" Peter screamed back.

David came stomping out of the backroom and looked pissed, "Where is it!"

Greg stood and tossed a large wad of... wet toilet paper into a trash bin. He looked up at all our shocked faces, "What? You didn't expect me to leave all that stuff on the ground, did you?"

<Oh God, that's just sick!>
[Lance, we are so hoofing our self later!]

David screamed out in anger, "Greg! You idiot! Now we don't have a way to whip our asses!"

Greg shrugged, "Not my problem!"

"GUYS! SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU'RE GOING TO ATTRACT ALL THE STALLIONS IN THE FUCKING AREA!" I screamed out in rage. I've had it with this shit!

*Bang bang bang*

Oh no....

We all turned to see the door leading to the elevator being pushed open. The cabinets holding it shut slowly moved away with each hit.

"Oh shit! They found us!" Seth screamed out as he ran towards our group.

Peter looked at me, "Dude, what do we do?!"

My eyes widened. What are we going to do?! We're trapped!

<The stairs!>

I pointed to the stairs, "To the stairs! We can go up to the next floor."

Luckily, the floor above us was a storage area, so no elevator or back entrances. Just one door... not good, but its all we have.

We all made a mad dash for the stairs. We jumped over the barricade and began the short run upward.

Once we was at the storage room, we all piled in. Luckily, it was large enough for all of us and a few crates.

Vinetion slammed the door shut and quickly pushed a large crate in the way. As soon as she did, we could hear the stallions excited cheers coming up the stairs.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I kept saying over and over again.

<We're screwed!>