//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Beginnings // Story: Discordius: From Whence They Came // by AbsoluteDiscord //------------------------------// Chapter I: Beginnings Entry Number One Dear Journal, Flying, so much fun. I remember when I used to be able to soar, above all that was glued to the earth, able to fly like there was no such thing as time. Now however, flying would be an act of suicide...for me at least. Wings only get you as far as you want them to, I can recall several instances where I wanted to fly again. I know better however, so I cut them off; disassembled them I like to call it. I also faintly remember cutting, or disassembling my horns. Why you might ask? Just to insure I do not try and summon something that is not on a private connection. Oh Discord no. Someone might trace the summon spell. Let me tell you this, I can summon with my hands only objects that are bound to them. So my shotgun, yes I have a device like this, can’t be summoned by outsiders. This is particularly useful for when-...oh Discord I don’t think there is a purpose for it to be honest. I just like how the damn thing looks, very polished and sophisticated for sitting in a cave all the time. Ah yes, I live in a cave. It’s a nice cave, very spacious and cozy. I think it fits me, like a rabbit to a hole or a dung beetle to its...well dung. It was not easy to obtain however, I had to dispose of the bears that used to live here. All I will say is that the blood was not easy to clean off the walls, or the organs either oh don’t get me started on that mess. I did save their meat for food but finding a place to hide it so it would not stink up the cave was damn near impossible. Especially with that yellow pony, oh Discord what is her name...oh yes, Fluttershy. Hate the bitch. Anyhow, tonight is a very special night. No its not that putrid holiday “Nightmare Night”, oh no no no, its the night I take the train to Canterlot, to pray to the only savior I have ever known. I just hope there can be less complications this time. Let me just grab my things, ah yes, my good gloves. I remember using these to gut a deer, damn thing would not stop screaming, I had to abandon that grab thanks to Fluttershy. Bitch came running out of no where and saw me gutting the thing, I hit her upside the head and ran. I was able to gather info later that led me to believe that I hit her so hard she forgot the whole affair. Why not just kill her right? No, not ponies, never ponies. I don’t want to explain it right at this moment either, it will be explained in due time. Now let me just pack up that, just essentials at this point. Things like water and food are completely necessary...and there, that should be good. Alright now off to the train, hated the place, very muddy and crowded, always made it harder to maneuver through. You already know I am not a pony, as ponies do not eat meat. So I must be a Dragon right? Griffon? No? If replacing Celestia, the oh so bitchy and powerful sun god with Discord wasn’t the best hint I could give, then yes I am a Draconequus. The last normal Draconequus, but that doesn’t give me a free pass to leisure. Instead, try a free pass to being killed. End Of Entry - Written By…(It’s too faded to tell.) ============================================ “Spiiiiiiike! SPIIIIIIIKE!” Twilight screamed. Twilight was running around frantically searching every nook and cranny of the town. The dragon had gotten upset at her this morning when she refused him the right to see his crush Rarity, so he stormed off. After discovering Spike did not venture over to Rarity’s, she had enlisted the help of AppleJack and Pinkie Pie to help her search. If she could not find Spike it would be very troubling. “Oh, I just don’t know where he would be!” Twilight said worriedly. She had dealt with this once before and there was no way she was about to deal with this again, she needed to find Spike or fear the worst might happen to him. “Don’t be so worried, I am sure he just went off to pout-” Applejack jumps on a stack of hay to relax. “-ahhh, besides, what's the worst place he could have gone off to anyhow?” Twilight heard Applejack but did not act like it, she kept on searching around the town, looking for something any sign of Spike to bring hope back into her already empty heart. Nearly giving up, she saw a foal playing with a train beside one of the many stands in town square. A look of realization beamed from Twilight's eyes,“THE TRAIN!” “Train? What train?” Said Pinkie while walking up to Twilight as carefree as ever. It seemed that although Pinkie had been helping with the ever ongoing search for Spike, she was more preoccupied with looking at all the flowers around the stands. “No time to explain-” Twilight says whilst grabbing Pinkie’s hoof. “-we need to move NOW!” Twilight began to sprint with Pinkie in hoof and Applejack not to far behind. Twilight could only hope that the train had not left for Canterlot yet, or all would be lost. Looking quickly over the departures list it seemed as though the first train had not pulled out yet, a wave of relief swept over Twilight by seeing this. They got to the train and positioned themselves behind some bushes, waiting for what they hoped to be Spike to walk up and try to enter the train. “So...Twilight, what are we hoping for exactly?” Applejack said with a yawn. “When Spike gets this mad he usually tries to leave to Canterlot,” Twilight pulls out a pair of binoculars to see a bit farther. “and as we all know, Spike is so small he can just sneak his way onto the train.” “So by waiting for him here, we might be able to catch him before he is able to leave?” Said Pinkie. “Precisely Pinkie, all we need is for him to show up then,” Twilight does a sweeping motion with her hand. “WHAM! We got him!” Hours passed, nothing. Nearing night they were about to go home and accept that the worst had happened to spike when suddenly a small figure wearing a cloak came out of the distance. Although unidentifiable now, it was surely Spike sized and coming towards the train with a bag. Twilight jumped a bit and told the girls to get ready to pounce, as she thought that this was spike and they would finally get him back home. She would give him a nice long lecture when they arrived back at the library “Ok ready…three...two...one...JUMP!” Twilight screamed. Just as they had jumped the cloaked figure moved out of the way with bag in paw, and started to make a beeline for the train. Twilight, running faster than ever, tried to catch up with the stranger, but it was no use. He simply was too fast for them. Doing what could only be classified as a “juke” around Twilight into one of the boxcars, he slammed the door to the car shut and the train started to move. At this point Twilight caught a glimpse of his face and what was in the bag he was carrying. And what she saw frightened her, she jumped back a bit and stared as the train pulled away. Afterwards Pinkie and Applejack ran up. “Twilight! Did ya catch him?” Applejack asked with a huff. “No.” Said Twilight. “Was it Spike?” Asked Pinkie. “Of course it was Pinkie.” Said Applejack. “Who else could it have been-” “No.” Said Twilight “No what Twilight?” “That wasn’t a Dragon, or Spike for that matter. Go home girls, I need to send a very important letter to Celestia.” Shrugging it off, the girls went home to go to sleep as it was late at night. Twilight however had a lot of work to do, the bag...the figure...it all added up to something that was so terrible it made Twilight cry, or at least want to. Pulling out a set of different materials, she wrote a letter to Celestia announcing the death of spike, and the unscheduled arrival of a very strange yet important visitor.