//------------------------------// // chapter three // Story: The Black Clan // by epicscreename //------------------------------// chapter 3 "My name is rainbow dash, i'm Pegasus pony from ponyville i represents the element of loyalty. I'm the fasts pony in all of Equestria. i have lots of friends and i had a good life, but that all change. I never knew what love was until one pony came into my life his name was Michael he had a brother named Ace. Ace turn out to work for and evil group called the black clan. He kidnapped me but guess who was the one who saved me, that's right Michael. He was a bravest pony i ever meet and he stood up to his brother and defeat him. I feel in love with him and then i knew what love was, but.... an old friend of his show'd up one day his named Alxe and was look for the stone of life. A powerful object that came bring the death or banished back to the world. He was cropped by the black clan, made him go insane. He fought Michael but lost, Michael had no other chose but to kill him cause there was no way to save him fro the evil within. Then Michael died from a sword wound given to him bye Alxe. As he lied there in my arms dying he told me how much he loved me and that i made he happy. He died be for i could tell him i loved him too, so i'm on a qeust to find the stone and the tablet of life so i can bring him back and tell him what i never got to say." As hooded pony walk through the desert town know as camel town. She stop and heard a camel. "if rare jewels your looking for you'll find them at abas stand" She then walks over to the stand. She look among the jewels and ask. "do you have any rare stone" "hmmm stone like what, i might ask" "the stone i'm looking for is said to have a heart on it" "ahhhh the stone of life is what your looking for, come with me" She fallows the strange camel into his hunt. "please make your self at home" She then take off her hooded. "ahh you are rainbow dash" "yeah how do you know" "word of the battle at Ponyville spreads fast, i am sorry for your lost" She then get's and upset look on her face. "anyway that jem you have round you neck, look very rare i would like to have it' "sorry it's not for sale" "oh my dear little pony" Two Minotaur's then enter the room. "who said any thing about buying it from you" he said with and evil grin."gab her" Both Minotaur's run towards her, she jumps up in the air, but is grabbed and her wing get's broken. "aghhhhh" He then rips the jewel off her neck. "ahhhh a rainbow diamond these are rare to find it will fetch me some well earn money" "uggh give it back that's mine" "realy i don't see your name on it, now chain her up" As rainbow dash is chained up to a chair. see plucks a feather from her wing and with her tail starts to pick the lock "come on come one" She hears click. "yes" She then sneaks past the gaurds, as they sleep in there chairs she then starts to chain them up. "hehe that should keep them busy for a while" She then goes out side and see abas is trying to sell her diamond to a crowd off people. "come come let me hear your bids" She see a rope next to her and get's an idea, the crowd goes wild as the bids get higher and higher "i'll give you 500" "900" "1,000" "2,000" "oh my 2,000 going once going twcie so-" Just then rainbow dash swings by on a rope and yells out. "sold to the rainbow colored hair pony" "NNNNNOOOO, ugghhh jack, lee get out here" The two Minotaur's bust through the wall tied to gether. "wh-what happen" "uhhh i don't know boss" "ugghhhhhh, darn it" He then looks into the sky and see's a sand storm coming "you what use to after her boss" "hmmm no the sand storm will get her for sure all we have to do is fine her body. As the sandstorm hits dash is gets hit bye forcing wind and sand. "ugh no i have to make it.....for....him" She starts to here a voice but she could not tell if it was real or not. "dash" "uhhh" The voice then over comes the storm. and see a figure in the storm "dash" "michael is-is that you" "you let me die dash" "no no i-i didn't what you too die" "dash i though i loved you" "no no no don't say that i...i..." "you chould even tell me befor i die" The shadow figure in the storm starts to disappear and she beigns to run after. "Michael Michael Michael wait...." She collapse on the ground. "M-Michael...... come back....." Sand starts to barer her, but a shadow is cast over her and she looks up and see a black out pony. "michael......" she then past out. Else where in Ponyvile it has been a week scene rainbow dash left, twilight sreach party's have renter. "flutter shy how have the air sreach go" "sorry twilight, but i found nothing" "it's alright, rarity how about you" "no luck with me and spike" "apple jack how about you and Winona" "nope nothing, she could not pick up her sent" "pinkie how about you" She just shake's her head. "darn well she has to be some where" "why did she leave doesn't she know she can't find the stone it's like a hay in a needle stack" "oh pinkie it's finding a needle in a hay tack" "i know what i said" Twilight stand's there confused. "uh anyway she doing out of love" "love?" "yeah we all know rainbow dash she no a custom to love like we are. Flutter shy you know rainbow dash the longest how was she when you guys were young" "well...theres not much to tell. Back in the flying academe she was kinda like the school reject..... i think and she didn't have much friends" "well shucks, they same with Michael" "applejack you know about Michael past" "yeah a little he only had one friend and then he lost him to the black clan" "ohhhhhh that black clan they have ruin ower friends lives. When i get a hold of them im going to shove my hoff right up ther-" "pinkie" shouted twilight "hehe sorry got a little carried away" "now we should stop it's getting late" Then every pony started to head home worried for there friend dash, and wondering if they would ever see her again. just then rainbow dash wakes up under a tree in a field on a picnic blanket. "dash your awake" "uhu M-michael" "Who were you expecting pinkie pie. You fell asleep so i put you in the shad, you have been asleep for a long time" She jumps up and rushes towards him giving him a great big hug. a single tear runs down her face as she was happy he was okay. "i though i lost you" "hu what? lose me never it must have been a bad dream. now come on have some tea it will make you feel better" "no, ill just have some water' "okay shut your self" "hehe oka- Wait" She jumps up from where she was sitting. "what about the black clan and the elements-" "shshsh lets not think about that lets just sit back and relax okay" "oh okay" She then starts to drink her water but be for she dose she see the water had turn to blood. "ahhhhh" She drops the cup of blood on too the blanket. It's starts to get windy and dark as clouds blew in. She looks at Michael and see his eyes has turn red and blood is coming out his mouth. He rose into the air. "YOU LET ME DIE DASH WHY WHY!!!!" "no no no no no" The earth begins to fall into a dark void. And she falls into the void screaming. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She then wakes up sweating and crying. "Michael" As she woke to a mare pony next to the bed she's in. "woo woo easy easy it's fine i got you i got you" "were-were am i" "your safe my husband found you out in that storm. What where you doing out there sweaty i was running away-" She pleace her hoof around her neck but she did not feel then gem. "no no where is it, where is it" "you mean this dear" She then pleace the gem on dash lap. "thank you so much" "that's a rare gem where did you find it" "some one i loved gave it to me" "realy now where is this pony" Dash then looked at her gem with a sad looke on her face. "oh my celestia, im so sorry i beat he was a good pony" "he was" Just then the door open and a pony walk threw. "im back and i got so water for ow... oh your awake hows those wings of your's" "well- ouch" "hmmm still bad i see, honey can you go warm up this water" "yes dear, don't worrier my husband is a wonderful doctor" "now lets take a look at those wing" "oh by the way im rainbow dash" "rainbow dash hun, im Roger and thats my wife winter" "winter?" said dash with a confuse look "i know my names winter and i live in the desert it's cause my mother loved the winter snow so when i was born she named me winter. So i could be her Favorited thing beside the winter son." "hehe no story be hide my name that's just what my parents named me Roger." "but dear wasn't your grandpony named Roger." "yup" "och" "oops sorry about that i'll try to be careful next time" "it's fine" Roger then proceed with meding her broken wings. And washing it with the warm water that winter heated up for him. He then wrapped her wing up with new bandages. "now take some of this medicine and get some rest" "thanks for the medicine but a best be going" "no, im sorry but you must stay here and rest" "but-" "no, you in no condition to go anywhere. Now just lie down and rest" As they left the room Roger blew out a candle. and shoot the door. The next day Dash woke up too the sound of Roger talking to someone. She walked towards the door and open it slowly. To her surprise it was Abas. So she slow close it and listening to them talk. "i don't want to buy anything Abas" "no no no, my good pony. I'm looking for someone" "and who might that be" "a rainbow hair colored pony. This pony has stole something from me" "and what might that be" "a rainbow colored diamond" "really" "Yes and there is a great deal of bits in it for you if you can tell me anything about where she is" Dash started to get scared and fear that Roger might turn her in for a crime she didn't do. "hmmm nope haven't seen anything like that" She was relieved that Roger did not turn her in. "very well then have a nice day Roger" "yes same to you" Roger then shoots the door. Dash then come out of the next room. "hey thanks for not turning me in." "no problem, knew someone as sweet as you could not steal something." "hehe thanks, well i better get going" Winter comes from the nest room with a bag full of food and supplies. "hear you go i knew you would want to leave" "but am i okay to leave" "well no but i have a feeling you would just go anyway" "hehe, well thank for all that you guys did for me" "now you be safe those thugs are still out there looking for you" "and don't forget to take your medicine and stay off your wings for a bit" "okay, thanks again for all you done for me" She then burst out the door. As she runs she stop and turns around and waves goodbye too her new friends. She then runs off to find the tablet of life not knowing where it might be. Her joinery leads her to a town on an island. As she step of the boat she see Abas and quickly hides be hide a create. "OH god not this guy ughhh" She looks over the create and sees abas talking to the two Minotaur's. "boss why are we here." "yeah, and im hungry" "you idiots are always hungry will eat when we find that gem" "but why are we all the way out here to find a stupid gem" He then smacks the across the face. "it is the most rare diamond in all of Equestria and i will not rest until i get that diamond' "but how did you know she was here" "because some pony said she was heading to the boats and bought the tickets for this island but i don't know why this island though" "maybe because of the story of lost love." "yeah in the story this is where to to unicorn ponies lived." "well maybe the stone is here and think how much that would be" Dash then quickly runs into a bar that was behind her to escape being seen bye abas. As she walks up to the bar all she see is the bulls and zebras that sit in the dark and musky bar. The bar tender then comes up to dash. "hey you going to buy anything. If not get out" "uh you have any water" "Hmm that will be Two bits' "here" She gives the bar tender the Two bits and looks into the dirty and smelly water. "ewww" She push the glass of dirty water away from her. "hey do you have any clean water" "yeah that'll be five bits" "FIVE BITS, ugh find" The bar tender then give rainbow dash a clean glass of water. she looks into it then take a sip to see if it was okay to drink. she then proceeds to drink the cup off water. Just then two Griffin's enter the bar. As they walk across the bar every one starts to move out of the way. They walk up to rainbow dash. "hey your in our spot" She then looks at the seat very close. "i don't see you name on it" The bar goes silent as every one looks at dash with scared faces. "what was that" "i said, I DON'T SEE YOUR NAME ON IT" The griffin then races his claw but stop and see the gem around her neck. "i can forget all of that and let you sit there if you give me that there gem" "how about....no" she then turns around and keeps drinking her water. As the two griffins start to get angry. "i won't say it again give me that gem" "and i won't say it again ether" She then steps down off the stole and rise her back hoofs. And kicks the griffin with great force as she screams. "NOOOOO!!!!" The one griffin goes flying throw the wall. The other griffin tries to swipe at her but she ducks and with her back hoofs kicks him in too the sealing. His head gets caught and just dangles there. Every one sit there with there jaws drop not believing what they just saw. She walks to the door and stops. "is anypony going to open the door for me" Then to bulls run up and open the door and hold it for her with awkward smiles on there faces. "thank you" She then walks out of the bar. and start to head out for a castle that might help her with the quest. Back in camel town pinkie and fluttershy are hot on rainbow dash trail. As they walk throw the town they see all the stuff that are being sold. "oooohhhhh look at this one fluttershy" "uhhh.....pinkie don't you think we better....keep looking for dash" "oh come on we know she went this way.... ohhh shiny" "but...but we promise twilight" "ahhhh fine" Pinkie and fluttershy start asking around to see if anyone has seen dash. They all just walk past them with out saying a word. "um .... excused me.... uh....have you...." "hey have you seen... mam have you... wow these ponys are rude" "uhh.... pinkie there camels" "what ever these camels are rude, where just trying to find our friends dash" "did you say dash" Just then it was winter with some food in her bag. "i'm sorry, but i just over heard you talking about rainbow dash" "you know here where did she go" "i don't know, but if it helps i can show you where she went" They leave the town and they go up on a hill. That over looked the docks. "there last time i saw her she was heading to the docks" "oh my...what for" "well she said she was looking for the stone of life" "you me green side island from the story" "probably" "thank you so much" "oh your welcome" Pinkie and fluttershy then head towards the docks in hope they find rainbow dash in time and safe. Meanwhile on green side island. Dash has found the castle from the story. "finaly now all i have to do is-" "give me the gem around you neck" She qiuckly turns around and sees abas and the Minotaur's. At the enters to the castle. "ahh the castle of greenside island from the love story of the of the pony that never rested until he brought hes love one back. Now hand me the gem." "ugh why can't you just leave me alone" She then runs up the stares. "you idiots after her" They then ran up the stare where she was waiting for them eating an apple. "hmmm this is good but not as good as apple jacks you should try her apples. Oh wait you can't where you guys are going" "uh" They both look at each other as she point at there feet. They look down and see a tarp and she undoes a rope ting down a pole holding the tarp. and she wave goodbye "bye bye" "uh-oh" They go flying out the window. "and there out of here" "why you" "not good" She then runs into a door that leads to the roof of the castle. As Abas fallows her. He then reaches the roof of the castle, but a barrel is slammed over him. "hey get me out of this thing" "what, sorry can't hear you" She then roll's the barrel to a wooden catapult and places the barrel in the catapult. "launch in three... two... one...fire" The barrel then fly to the other side of the island. "see you later, not" As she gets down from the catapult she trips and her gem goes flying. out of her nickles and shatters against the ground. "NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO, no no no no" She then rushes s over to the gem and tries to put it back to gather as she start to panic. "no, thi-this can't.... no why... the only thing i had left and it's gone.... no....no... no" She slams her head on the ground and start to cry her eyes out. "im....im....so sorry Michael... i-i can't do it i....i can't find that stupid stone.... i can't do it anymore i-i-i just can't She picks up her head and sees some thing in bedded into a piece of the diamond. She is shocked to see it was the stone of life. "i-i-i found it hehe i found it yes yes yes i found it hahaha" Then the fragments of the diamond starts to shine. Then an image of a unicorn pony appears i the light given off by the fragments. "hello if you see the message yes, yes you have found the stone of life. Only a pony of true heart could break the gem that had the stone of life and can have the right to poses the stone of life. now to find the tablet of life you must go through the deep jungle's of monkey land and deep with in the walls of the monkey kind lair lies the tablet of life now you must huur....dash" "wait what" "yes, im talking to you. what your surprise i am a unicorn" "h-how " "magic my dear, magic now i don't have long to talk you. You must huur you are being fallow'd" "what oh i took care of him' "no the black clan" "no" "Yes and you must huur and bring Michael back to life because after you use the stone it will be destroyed forever. So you have one shoot now huur and leave before they get you and i'm sorry for the gem it's gone" "it's fine i have this now to give me hope" "hehe yes now go, my time is up good luck" He then disappears and so do the pieces of the gem. "i'll bring you back just you wait Michael i'l have you in my arms again i proms it" As she stare into the sunset she is filled with joy know she is close to having michael back, but will black clan get to her first to be counted