The Cassandra Crossovers

by CassandraMyOCisBestpony

Bioshock Infinite

Chapter 3: Bioshock Infinite

"Booker! First Aid!" yelled Elizabeth tossing a medkit to her partner.

"Much obliged."

"Cassandra, take some ammo!" She tossed a machine gun clip to her other partner, who didn't need first aid because she never got hit. The three of them were in a firefight against the Founders. Cassandra had sensed that the two of them were in trouble, so she opened up a tear and joined them. Despite not having fingers, she was a master in every kind of gun, and could shoot a cigarette out of a man's hand from 500 feet away - which she often did because smoking is bad for you.

Cassandra took half of Booker's vigors and threw them over the side of the ship.

"You don't need these. Murder of Crows and Devil's Kiss are all you'll be using 90% of the time"

"Shouldn't you be concerned about where those bottles land?"

"Nope." They came to a locked door.

"Elizabeth, lockpick!"

"Save your lockpicks, Elizabeth, I got this." Cassandra kicked open the door with her level 99 strength. "I have a gift for you Elizabeth" She gave Elizabeth the bird locket. The girl gasped and covered her mouth

"Oh thank you Cassandra, how did you know? Booker bought me the cage locket, I really don't know what he was thinking, it was so obvious that I wanted this one more!"

"Being as smart as me is a difficult cross to bear. So many ponies are jealous of me" she said wistfully.

"The gondola's leaving! We have to go now!" called Booker.

"You two go on. I have to take care of some business with Fink."

"Godspeed, Cassandra." Booker saluted.

Down on the surface, a bunch of bottles landed on 20-year-old Andrew Ryan's head and killed him.


"So so what? I'm still a rock star... No no, that's not right. So, SO what. I'm still a ROCK star." Jeremiah Fink sat in front of a grand piano, plinking the keys and humming softly to himself, "I have my rock moves, I do not need you, and guess what..."

"Do me favor..." With a start, Fink turned to face the pegasus-pony intruder. "...when you find Poker Face, make the symbolism a little less on-the-nose."

"How did you get past the guards?" he demanded

"I killed them. Also I flew, that's kind of cheating, I know, but this was important."

"And just what are you? Some kind of equine assassin sent by the False Shepherd?"

"Relax, this can be as bloodless as you want. I'm here to tell you something important, a Cassandra Truth if you will. You must end racism in Columbia. The Civil Rights Movement will come someday no matter what you do. Make it happen today or you'll be sorry."

"Balderdash! Had the inferior races not worked the cotton fields, there would be no clothing industry."

"You like music, don't you? Let me show you something." She opened up a tear.


"You think to scare me by showing me the Second World War? Hah! Bloodshed does not perturb me."

"That's not gunfire you're hearing. It's called "Dubstep" and it's from the year 2013. This is the state of music if the Civil Rights Movement occurs 55 years from now."

"As I suspected! Once we undo the chains, they desecrate the fine art!"

"You've got it all wrong! The blacks will save music. You're smart, you're a connoisseur, you know I'm not lying. Remember what you've seen, and tell me I'm wrong! Tell me you're ok with allowing a future where Dubstep is conceived!!! You must do as I say, or this will all end in tears."

Frink laughed at Cassandra's joke for 45 minutes. When he was done he said, "Thank you for showing me the light, Cassandra. I will take down Comstock and use my influence for only good from now on."


DeWitt, Elizabeth, and Cassandra stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower, its majesty overlooking all of Paris.

"Booker, I found some wine," said Elizabeth as she poured a glass for each of them.

"Elizabeth, are you old enough to drink?" asked DeWitt

Cassandra took away Elizabeth's glass. "Legally yes, but science suggests that the brain is in development until age 25, and alcohol can interfere with that growth. Speaking of growth..." She cast a spell that fixed Elizabeth's finger.

"Oh Cassandra, you're just wonderful! You saved my life, freed me from Comstock, and brought me to Paris. I can't live without you"

"Come visit me in Equestria sometime. I must go now, my home world cannot live forever without its seventh Element. She opened up a tear and leapt through.


"Rarity, don't use the sniper rifle at point blank range" advised Cassandra.

"Oh bollocks, I've died again!" cursed Rarity, "perhaps I should set the game to easy."

"It is on easy. Look don't get discouraged, not everypony can do 1999 mode without using Dollar Bills like me."

Their conversation was interrupted by a tear opening in Cassandra's living room. A cobalt unicorn with raven hair stepped through.

"Pony Elizabeth! So good to see you again!" exclaimed Cassandra, embracing her.

"I couldn't stay away. Your world is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

"Why Cassandra, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were looking to do some more practice kissing."

"It's not weird if we're both ponies. You're really good for someone who's spent their whole life locked in a tower."

"I told you, I had a lot of time to read books."