Blind rage.

by JT


Shadow lay in the bushes, his expert eyes taking every detail of the country side. He saw the peaceful town of Ponyville, it's few nighttime citizens still walking to and fro. Shadows original idea was to simply go hunting for some guards, though that quickly changed when be saw a very ashen lavender mare being comforted by a rainbow haired friend. He recognized these two as the o rd who saved his life, they deserved to know the truth.

Time for a visit.

Shadow crawled around a large rock, the stone rubbing against his exposed cheek. He smelt the air, catching the scent of a few pony's but none of the metallic salt taste of the guards armor. He brought himself into a low crouch, and carefully stalked through the maze of buildings, stopping to listen for any sound of hooves following him, finding none, he bolted around the corner and flattened himself against the wall of the tree. He spotted a way up and onto the balcony over him. He reached for the nearest branch and began pulling himself up.
He could shadow-phase up there, but he had to stay in shape.
His hand grasped the railing of the balcony and he hauled himself up and over.
He listened for a few seconds, he could hear sobbing coming from within the tree. Carefully he reached for the door, opening it slowly, he stepped inside. When he stepped through, the sight of the library flooded his vision.
Seeing a rail, and hearing the sobbing coming from the lower floor, he looked over.

The lavender mare was crying heavily, her fur soaked and matted with tears, her hooves covered her crying face.
The rainbow colored mare was trying to comfort her friend, her hoof rubbing up and down her back as she whispered that it wasn't her fault.

It made him laugh.

"Really? You're all worked up over me surviving? Why I didn't think anypony cared about me that much!"

Both mare's faces shot up, their expressions changing from confused, to shocked, to pissed.

"YOU!" The rainbow mare pointed a hoof straight at Shadow.

"Yeah it's me."


"Considering how I'm the one who did it, yes."


"Yes, it would seem your ruler thought that too when I was an infant."

The lavender mares head shot straight up, her face a mixture of confusion, pain, and anger.

"What do you mean?"

Shadow brought his hand to his chest in fake shock.

"You mean she didn't tell you? How I was outcast and left to die, only a baby, a few weeks old? By her hoof?"

The unicorn seemed to go into a state of shock, her eyes shrinking to the size of pinheads.

"No.....No....You're lying!"

"Yeah! Celestia would never do that!"

Shadow started back for the balcony, once there, he started to slowly phase himself away. His body slowly dissolving into a black mist.

"Next time you see her, ask her for the truth."