//------------------------------// // What am i doing with my life // Story: A True Pegasus Family // by Star House //------------------------------// Chapter Two When the couple finished cleaning up diner, they started getting ready for bed. Stormcloud was sitting on the side of the bed with a hoof on his chin looking out the window pondering on something. Sunheart Walked into the bedroom, She saw her husband looked worried of something. Sunheart walked to the bed got on it and crawled towards Stormcloud. Sunheart rapt her arms around her husband. Stormcloud turned his head to see her. Sunheart gave him a small smile. “Hey hunny.” Stormcloud said siying. “Why do you look so upset?” the loving wife asked. “It’s nothing.” Stormcloud said shrugging his wife off him. Silens was in the room for a moment. Sunheart moved to sit next to stormcloud “Storm what's wrong?” Sunheart continued to ask. Stormcloud turned his head away from her. “Storm look at me!” Sunheart’s vios tuned to a more pleading tone. “Please tell me what's wrong!?” Stormcloud sprung off the bed and turned to his wife. “You want to know what's wrong!” Stormcloud now shouting as he pointed a hoof at his wife “My life is what, i'm stuck at a dead end job, stuck in a fucking cubicle all day.” Sunheart sat and listened to her companing husband. “And you know i never get to see my own family cuz i get home so fucking late!” Stormcloud started passing next to the bed. “I never asked for this i wanted to see my sons, my wife, my family! I wanted a better job, I want to do something great, something meaningful.” Stormcloud stopped and looked at his wife hoping she would have an answer. Sunheart put a hoof on his arm and simply said “Please sit down.” Stormcloud listened to his wife and did what she told him. “You have a beautiful family, two great sons sure they bicker at each other but their both great kids.” Sunheart scooch closer to her husband and put an arm around his “Look at this” Sunheart grab the gold heart shaped necklace and opened it. on the inside of the necklace was the picture of the two couple kissing at their wedding. Stormcloud looked at the picture and he felt happy “You are meaningful to me and your family.” Sunheat said. “I guess you're right.” Stormcloud said with a sigh “I love you storm we all do” Sunheart said giving him a hug. “I love you to hunny” Stormcloud said returning the hug “I guess i lost sight on what was important.” “I know its tough” Sunheart said giving her husband a tighter hug “Thanks sunheart you always know when i need a hug”. The two gave a kiss to each other and went to bed to start a new day.