An Untitled Piece.

by Lyca

2; Bad Reputation Part 1

After a great school day, in which Vinyl was pleased to find out that Octavia was in all of her classes, Vinyl was headed out the front doors of the school. However, she stopped in her tracks and looked out the bay windows at the sight that greeted her. "I knew it was twins," she muttered to herself, watching the group of people.

The blue haired twin of Octavia was, to no surprise of Vinyl, considering how breathtaking both of them were, surrounded by a gaggle of guys, and one or two other chicks. The stunning cellist had her back to Valarie, but she could tell the girl was upset as her sister strode off, waving back at her as she hopped into the driver seat of a black Corvette.

She quickly and quietly pushed open one of the large glass doors, walking out towards Octavia. She was about a foot away now, and just as she was about to speak up, she was knocked off her feet as Octavia turned around and her shoulder came into contact with Vinyl's nose.

She hit the ground hard, but managed not to smack her head on the concrete. Her nose, however, was not quite as luckily. Bright red blood poured out of her nostrils, dripping onto the creamy sidewalk infront of the school. Vinyl lout out a yelp of surprise but quickly stood up at the gasp from Tavi.

During the fall, Vinyl's sunglasses had slipped of her face. The bright sunlight burned into her eyes, but that wasn't the reason for the pained look on her face. Nor was it the stinging in her nose, or even the many forming bruises from her fall. Her look was that of compassion.

Octavia was crying, and she had a worried look on her face as she looked at Vinyl's nose. "I'm so sorry, Scratch!" She exclaimed. Her hands shook as she stared at the bloody girl before her, not even realizing what happened next. "Ah didnae see ye thare," she spoke in her scotish accent and dialect.

Luckily for her, Vinyl's ears were still ringing from the sudden impact of hard ground. She shook her head, thinking it was her imagination. "Nah, its all right, Tavi. I'm used to bruises and bloody noses." This resulted in a raised eyebrow, so Valarie quickly lied, "Because I uh...I'm really clumsy. My mum usually has to bandage me up at least once a week."

At first, Octavia didn't look convinced, but when Vinyl put on an even wider smiled, she seemed to accept it, sighing and smiling. "Well, all right then, I suppose. But we really must get you cleaned up."

With that, the two of them made their way into the first floor girls washroom, Vinyl cupping her nose in her hands to avoid dripping onto the floor. "So, what was all that about with who I'm gonna guess is your sister?" she finally asked after her nose had stopped bleeding and Octavia had cleaned her up a bit, insisting that she had to because it was her fault.

The latter sighed, turning her head away. "Fidelle is my twin sister, yes. However, that was nothing really. She just decided to go hang out with her new friends, leaving me without a ride home."

It was Vinyl's turn to offer help, and she slightly perked up at that. "I can give you a ride if you want," she chuckled, grabbing her backpack. At a slight nod from the raven haired beauty, she grabbed her by the wrist and practically ran her out of the school.

Octavia blanched when she noticed just what the blue haired devil drove. It was undoubtedly what had caused that blue streak of light on the when it passed her sister's car. She stopped dead in her tracks when Vinyl let go of her to unlock the trunk under the vehicle's seat, and only moved to voice a small squeek.

You see, Octavia was terrified of motor bikes. There was no real reason, she just always got a tight knot in her stomach when offered to ride one. However, she did need to get home...Guess i'll have to comply... she thought cautiously to herself.

Vinyl tossed her a sleek white helmet and an equally expensive looking windbreaker before hopping onto the vehicle. Once Octavia had put on the equipment and smoothed her long hair out, the blue haired girl patted the space behind her.

"What'chya waiting for, Tavi?" She asked, then seeing the look of fright on her new aqquaintance's face, she nodded in comprehension. "Don't worry your gorgeous little head about it, Octavia. This little baby is completely safe, I promise. Just hop on!"

"Where do i hold on?" she wondered aloud to herself as she sat down behind the lithe girl. Vinyl chuckled at this, shaking her head of spiky locks.

"You hold on to me," She giggled. "Y'know, just hold on to my waist, and put your legs on either side of mine. You'll be fine," She stated as she glanced back at Octavia's nervous expression.

The teenager complied, placing her hands delicately on the small hips of the young woman in front of her. Vinyl chuckled once again. "You're gonna want a better grip, otherwise you'll only be tickling me. And that is a safety hazard," she instructed, grasping the cellist's hands and pressing them more firmly to herself.

She was one to talk. Scratch wasn't even wearing a helmet. She must have noticed the look, as the next second she spoke up, turning on the vile contraption. "Tavi, I'd be wearing a helmet too, but i only brought the one. Didn't exactly expect to be driving home a beauty such as yourself."

Octavia blushed and mumbled incoherently, wraping her fingers around the soft fabric of Vinyl's T-shirt. As the bike started moving she buried her head in the DJ's shoulder, gripping ever more tightly the waist of her new friend. Only...It wasn't her waist anymore.

"U-uh, Octavia? Y-your hands slipped," Vinyl exclaimed, blushing madly as she continued to drive, dodging occassional slow cars.

Her hands had indeed slipped. Upwards. Instead of her waist, Octavia was now firmly grasping her fairly small chest. She felt the hands loosen abruptly and slide back down to her hips, as Octavia couchrf awkwardly. Vinyl couldn't see, but the blush on Octavia's face was almost as prominent.

After a few moments silence, vinyl found her gall and once again spoke, albeit in a more nervous voice. "Hey Tavi? I'm just gonna make a quick stop at my house for a minute before i drop you off at yours, that okay?" After another bout of silence, Vinyl sighed.

"I can't hear you nodding, Octavia..." She chuckled, turning onto Staccato road. Then she blanched. She stopped the motorcycle just short of the turn that would bring her mansion into view and turned her torso so that she could face the girl in front of her.

"You gotta promise me you won't judge me on my house, or my parents before i go any further," Vinyl frowned, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

"Why of course, Miss Scratch. Just so long as you do the same," Octavia smiled, her eyes flashing with a humorous glint.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Valarie said dutifully, mimicking the motions of a particularly erratic pink haired girl she had once partied with.

this got a slight giggle out of the black haired girl before she clapped her hand to her mouth and turned her amethyst eyes away. "Right, lets continue, shall we?"

Vinyl quickly turned around in her seated position, fighting back another blush at the way Octavia had giggled so cutely, causing her heart to do a little flutter. She knew what this meant, of course, as it had happened before, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

She forced away those thoughts and with a turn of the bike's handle, drove slowly around the corner, instead choosing to concentrate on the warm feeling she got at the head nuzzling her shoulder from the jolt of movement.

Seconds later, that head was gone as a slow intake of breath could be heard. on the slight hill before them, Staccato Manor stood glistening in the afternoon sunlight, its ornate masonry and pristine white walls lending contrast to the dazzling green wilderness surrounding the building.