SCP - Secure, Contain, and Ponies

by The System


SCP-607. Dorian The Grey Cat.

Class: Euclid.

It says that this cat will bond with the closest living being (excluding plants), then resulting in the end either serious injury, or in most cases, death.

It is dangerous to have loose, as it reanimates approximately 24 hours after dying.

Do not trust it.


"Hey there, little kitty. Are you lost?"


"Dorian... Is your name Dorian?"


"Come with me. I'll keep you safe."


-Fluttershy's Cottage-

"You're soooo cute. I wonder who would have let you loose."


"I hope they didn't forget you."

"*whisper* they're all dead."



"Oh... I-I must be hearing things."

*manticore roar*

"Oh no, now there's a manticore! Things have just not been going my way!"


"You say here, I'll take care of this."

Cats don't listen.

Dorian just ran right past her, and out the door.

"Oh no! Come back!"

When she got out, she saw Dorian just clawed by the manticore across the face.


When she looked back, Dorian and the manticore vanished.

One thing never found out that day, is where the claw marks come from.

Or where Dorian went.