SCP - Secure, Contain, and Ponies

by The System


SCP-096. The Shy Guy.

Upon viewing SCP-096's face, it will go into a emotional breakdown for about 2 minutes, and then chase down the one who viewed its face, until the target is killed.

This one should be contained at all times.


-The Castle-


"Did you hear that? Sounded like a door."

"What could it be?"


"There it is again. I'll have to tell the Princesses."

"Ok. I'll stay here in case anything changes."

The other guard left into the castle, as the strange creaking continued.

"What could that possibly be?"

As it continued, he began to look around, checking every possible place it could have been coming from.

Then he found something sitting. It was creaking.


No response.

"Are you alright?"

He walked up to it and saw its face. He wish he hadn't.

It began to rise up, making strange, yet sad noises as it began to have a breakdown.

"Please, come down!"

Then, nothing.

He died.

"It should be right-"

All 3 of them stopped in front of the torn body of the guard on the ground, with a blood trail leading to a sitting creature.

"We must contain it. It isn't safe."
