//------------------------------// // Hooks, Strings and Panty Things // Story: Twilight at the Disco // by 6ix //------------------------------// "I really don't like this idea," Spike told Discord as the spirit handed him a baton to complete his band leader outfit. "When I said I wanted to help wake up Twilight, this was not what I had in mind."                  All around Spike, Twilight's room was filled with Discord copies; each one holding an instrument.                  Some had cornets, French horns, trombones, baritone horns, and tubas, while others sported snare drums, tenor drums, bass drums, and— Discord’s personal favorite— cymbals.                  The rest in the back of the room had piccolos, flutes, soprano clarinets, and saxophones.                  "My dear Spike, what better way to wake up than to the excitement of a marching band?"                  "Um…peacefully?" Spike said sounding more like a plea than a joke.                  "Come now, Spike," Discord said, raising his cymbals in the air. "We wait for your signal."                  Beads of sweat dripped down Spike’s face as he raised his baton above his head, all the Discords poised and ready to play the moment he gave the first down-beat.                  Spike swung his arms down and every Discord flashed the same evil look in their eyes as they all came down on their instruments.                  "Do it and I'll have Cadence make you fall in love with a cactus," Twilight said as she opened her eyes and glared at the crowd of Discords.                  …                  …..                  All at once the Discords said the same thing: "Worth it!"                           A pair of brown coated guards fresh out of training stood in front of Twilight’s room, chatting between themselves.                  "So... the stallion that I relieved said good luck to me," One of them said.                  "So? He was just being polite," the other guard responded.                  "I don't think so," he stated. "He said it so…ominously, like he was warning me about something."                  His colleague rolled his eyes. "We are guarding Princess Twilight Sparkle; she could blow a hole through a mountain or reverse gravity if she wanted to. This is the easiest job we'll do, and also the most boring." He yawned. "What could happen?"                  The guards nearly wet themselves when loud marching music burst from Twilight’s room making her door bulge outwards.                  The guard's training kicked in and they flew into action. Spears drawn, they flung open the door and ran in.                  They didn't make it very far.                  They found a horn pointed directly at them which blew them out of the room. They tumbled back head over hooves; one of them slammed into the door across from Twilight's. The impact forced the door open and the stallion screamed as he felt himself fall. He instinctively grabbed for anything and was able to hook his hoof on the door knob. Looking down, he nearly emptied his bowels as he saw an entire world all around him.                  Too stunned to move, his colleague pulled him back into the hallway. The stallions were just beginning to gather their bearings when they heard Princess Twilight yell over the music.                  "Get the buck out!"                  Sure enough, the they started marching out of the room and into the hall. It was then the two rookies could see that the band was made up of some kind of chimera they never seen before and they were all identical. To top it off, a rather large lizard was the leader.                  As the band made its way down the hall Celestia's door flung open and she poked her head out. At first she had a scowl on her face, but started clapping her hooves and smiling like a young filly watching a parade go by. As the last Discord walked by her, playing a flute, she jumped into his arms and yelled; "Onward to the kitchen, my breakfast awaits!" The Discord copy complied with a grin, and carried her off.                  As the commotion faded away the two rookies were hardly on their hooves looking down the hall dumbfounded.                  "That's the norm around here lately." The two heard an older guard say. They both looked up at one of the lunar guard; the pair snapped to attention when they noticed that he was escorting Princess Luna. "At ease stallions, we're here to visit Princess Twilight," The guard stated.                  The door was still hanging open. So all they did was nod and gesture to the entrance.                  The guard went in first, as is the policy for his position, and found Twilight coming out of her bathroom ready for the day.                  "Your majesty, I have a message for you and Princess Luna has requested an audience." The lunar guard used his bat-like wing to pull a sealed letter from under his armor. "It was marked for your eyes only."                  Twilight floated the letter to her bed, she wanted to visit with Luna before anything else.                  "Thank you sir." Twilight said giving him a smile.                  The guard bowed and relieved himself from the room, closing the door.                  Luna walked up to Twilight and conjured a teapot and two cups. "Here we-I brought you my own brew for you. I heard Discord make a commotion and figured you would need this."                  "Thank you Princess Luna," Twilight said as she took one of the cups from her.                  "’Tis-ahem it is just us, please, just Luna, as we are friends," Luna said as she poured the steamy liquid into each cup.                  Twilight giggled a little bit. "Luna, you can talk how you want. It is as you say, we are friends."                  "We thank you Twilight." Luna sipped her tea as did Twilight. The warm liquid flowed through them waking up every cell in their body. "We see that you and Lord Discord are getting along well."                  "Mostly, but he is the spirit of chaos so we have our moments." Twilight brought the cup to her lips again.                  "Tis not our first choice for a mate yet you two function well."                  Twilight started coughing on her tea.                  "W-we are not, um, mates." Twilight said as she cleared her throat.                  "Forgive us Twilight, our understanding of current customs is still lacking. We assumed it was still customary to share thy chambers with one so special." Luna looked down at her tea, stirring it.                  "Tis- I mean it still is."                  "Then you are mating," Luna said in a matter of fact way.                  "You try kicking out a being that can alter reality," Twilight said a little defensively; she was trying to be patient knowing that Luna, like Discord, came from a different era.                  "So he has forced himself into thy bed?" Luna arched a brow.                  Twilight blushed a little, again, trying to keep in mind that her way of speaking was just different.                  "Yes," She answered.                  Luna pushed on. "Every night?"                  "What? No just the first night, surprised the hay out of me."                  "So you have accepted him into your bed?"                  Twilight sighed. "Yes, but we are not…mating." Twilight cringed a little.                  "You share thy chambers with him but not mating? We think we know the term for this." Luna tapped her chin a few times. "Ah, yes, 'taking it slow'."                  "What?! No, its-" Twilight almost missed the twinkle in Luna's eye.                  Twilight started giggling and Luna smiled then joined in.                  "Our sister is not the only one who enjoys a good anecdote," Luna said as she finished her tea. "Speaking of, we expect the mischievous natures of Lord Discord and our sister. You, however, surprised us."                  Twilight raised a brow, unsure of what she was referring to.                  "We enjoy our time with you, but we and our sister will be going on ahead to the Crystal Kingdom. We will see you there."                  Twilight finished her tea and said her goodbyes before turning to the letter on her bed.                  "Messager!" Twilight called out after reading the letter’s contents.                  The Lunar guard that was with Luna came in and stood at attention.                  "I'm calling an emergency meeting. I want to see the commanding officers of all four of our military branches in one-" Twilight’s stomach growled. "Two hours."                  The guard bowed and rushed from the room.                  If I'm going to meet with the generals I should present myself well, Twilight thought as she approached her closet.                  When she opened the door her eyes shrunk to pin pricks.                  Everything was gone. Her clothes, her jewels, personal mementos, even her crown. In its place, wall to wall panties; on the hangers, clipped to the walls, and in her displays. There was a note with Luna's name on the sticking out of one of the pairs. Twilight floated it down to her and opened it.                   In the words of our sister,                  Gotcha.                  Twilight couldn't help but smile. Now she understood what Luna was trying to say when she left. It somehow made Twilight happy that Luna was able to pay her back over the joke yesterday. Not only was it her just desserts, but it made her feel closer, somehow, to Luna.                  "Looks like Discord was right, pranks make better friends," Twilight said through a giggle. "Now where is my stuff?"                  Twilight looked around hoping to find her things stuffed in a corner and out of site, but it was all panties. She found that she liked a few of the pairs and started looking through them during her search. After a few moments she shifted her priorities.                  Twilight giggled again. "Why not?" She said to herself as she pulled a few pairs she liked off the wall. No matter what, Twilight was a mare, and mares sometimes just like to feel sexy.                           Discord floated up through the floor of Twilight's room with his eyes closed and his posture straight. He was holding a silver plate while wearing a bow tie and vest; looking like a stereotype butler.                  "As a peace offering, my dear, I present you with breakfast in bed," Discord said before opening his eyes.                  He found Twilight standing on her bed with her back turned to him. Panties lay all around her; lacy ones, classic white ones, ones with bows or cute words on them, soft pink or baby blue ones, rose red or a playful purple, blue with black stripes, black ones with purple stripes. All of them were cute or adorable and fit Twilight perfectly, yet the best one was still halfway down her thighs. It was black with pink polka dots.                  The next thing Discord saw was Twilight's ceiling as he fell back and lost consciousness.                           Groggily, Discord slowly opened his eyes. The world was still cloudy but he could tell that the purple blob in the room was Twilight. As he lifted his head and got into a sitting position the purple blob walked up to him.                  "Lord Discord, you're awake," the purple blob stated.                  "What happened?" Discord asked as he put his claw on his head. His head pounded and pulsed, he had hangovers better than this.                  "To put it simply," She paused as if she had to think about it. "Your blood wasn't moving fast enough."                  Discord hated being talked to like an idiot. He was many things, but he was far from stupid.                  "Peripheral vascular disease." Discord said condescendingly. "Usually caused by atherosclerosis which in turn is cause by surplus platelets from either too much iron or autoimmune; my blood was not evenly distributed throughout my body."                  "We'll now; you've done more than rule kingdoms." She stated playfully. "But I'm not sure that's what happened. You didn't have a buildup of platelets anywhere. It's as if your blood just left your brain a little too fast; like it was drawn elsewhere in you. I think your body became excited way too fast."                  Discord resisted the urge to slap himself in the face instead he rested his head in his claw, his temple throbbing with more pain. "That would be your fault. Where did you get all those panties in the first place?"                  "My husband got me a few, saved our marriage it did. Can't believe how fast a stallion jumps on you just because of a pink piece of cloth."                  A few awkward moments passed by before Discord feverishly rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times. A mature, purple unicorn mare, with her mane up in a bun came into focus. She wore a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck.                  Discord knew that the doctor in front of him was trying to have a laugh at his expense. She was playing with fire.                  "Thanks for sharing, my dear, but I have to ask." Discord smiled menacingly. "Who broke their hip first?"                  "Hip? No. Pelvic bone." The physician gave him her own smile. "My hubby is a lieutenant and he saluted me for a week."                  Discord’s eyes widened a little bit. "You turned that around on me quiet easily."                  Discord took in his surroundings. He could tell that he was in the castle infirmary. Wall to wall white; he hated that practice. For some reason somepony came along and thought that if everything was white it would be more sterile. When he practiced medicine it was often on a bed of dirty hay with a bunch of farm animal watching over his shoulder. The lack of clothes in this era was convenient though, but he was starting to think otherwise with a certain mare.                  "I've had practice with smart mouths like yours." As she spoke she pulled out her otoscope and pulled him down by his ear.                  What's with mares tugging at me lately? Discord thought to himself as she looked him over.                  "I'm Celestia's physician. Despite her elegant and motherly demeanor she can be quite-"                  "Random." Discord finished her sentence. "I've seen her move the sun backwards just to watch a class of young student go a little insane while waiting for class to be over."                  The doctor giggled. "Her first time she thought it was be funny to switch my instruments around as I grabbed them, but my father warned me about her playful ways and I was ready."                  "Oh?" Discord commented wanting to hear more.                  "I went for a tongue press I came back with a cotton ball instead of a wooden stick." The doctor went on.                  "What did you do?" Discord asked.                  "Stuck it in her mouth anyways; she hasn't messed with me since." The two shared a laugh. "I'm Royal Pain by the way."                  Another awkward moment.                  "Your parents hated you," Discord said with a deadpan face.                  "No, my father had a sense of humor." Royal Pain pulled out a reflex hammer. "He was a doctor for the royal family and so was his father." She slapped it against Discord’s knee and it turned into a mallet. Her eyes went wide for a few moments before she went to the next knee, a smirk on her face.                  "I see you inherited his humor." Discord said eyeing the mallet being raised into the air.                  "Nope." Royal Pain brought the hammer down hard on his knee, but it squeaked harmlessly against his joint.                  "When Princess Twilight brought you here she asked me to give this to you after I made sure you were alright." Royal Pain floated a small amethyst into Discord awaiting claws; it was obviously enchanted. "I am to instruct you to press it against your forehead."                  Discord did so, and everything that Twilight had been trying to tell him about his new position and the sisters plans came flowing into his mind. Afterwards the crystal shattered into dust.                  "So…what was that?" Royal Pain asks as the glittering flakes of purple fell to the ground.                  Discord sighed. "That was the author pulling a cop out instead of properly filling in a plot hole he's left open for far too long."                  Royal Pain looked up at the spirit, an eyebrow raised. "You lost me there, Lord Discord."                  "Never mind." Discord said brushing his claw at her. "Could you tell me where the Princess is right now?"                           The doors to the conference room flew open as Discord marched through dressed in an officer-style coat with exaggerated medals on it. He tucked a cane under his arm, grasping its hilt as he marched across the room pompously.                  Unlike the many rooms made for political meeting and debates, this conference space had no window, simple décor, and was closed off to nonessential staff.                  This was a war room.                  "Don't worry everypony." Discord said as he strutted across the floor. "I'm here now."                  He approached a table full of Equestria's military heads of state with Twilight at the front.                  The captains of the Canterlot guard, Lunar guard, and Solar guard, the commander of the Pegasi army, and General Iron Hoof of the central equestrian army, or the CEA.                  The captains looked pretty much the same in their uniforms; same with the commander.                  Iron Hoof stood out. He wore no uniform but his look gave him all the authority he needed. Iron Hoof was a gray-blue earth pony with a military cut. There were five gold stars in a circle on his flank; the general towered over most ponies with a large, bulky body. His jaw was so round and gruff that it looked like it could be used to bludgeon a pony. He had his hind hooves up on the table, sitting in a position most ponies would deem uncomfortable. He expertly dangled a cigar out of the corner of his mouth, puffing away.                  Discord had no love for the military. Despite his nature he was a pacifist. He knew conflict was a natural part of life, but believed that it could be won with wit and little bloodshed. Sure he turned a few of his enemies into newts, but never killed them.                  Iron Hoof, however, he rather liked. He was a charismatic type, and those with that personality tend to enjoy and even respect life more than the gruff jarheads that made up most of the military. If Discord had to choose somepony to run the biggest part of the army it would be Iron Hoof. Luckily, he did.                  "Discord!" Iron yelled out, making everyone at the table jump. "I miss our chess games. I was just getting used to them getting up and walking around on their own." He took a puff of his cigar. "Rumor has it that you been courting a mare. Is that why you have been missing our dates?"                  Twilight ears perked up. She never knew Discord hung out with anypony else but her and her friends.                  Every time I figure him out a little. Twilight thought to herself.                  Discord sat down at the table. "Now now General, you know I only have room in my heart for you."                  Iron Hoof laughed; the other leaders felt awkward, even more so when Twilight also giggled.                  "Now that everypony is here I want to start," Twilight said as her mirth faded. "First, I would like to say that I hope to earn your trust and respect. I know that I did not make an effort to meet with any of you when my rule began. A mistake for some pony in my position but-"                  "Forgive my disrespect Princess Twilight," Iron Hoof interrupted. "But I believe I speak for everypony when I say that you have nothing to prove." The others nodded. "We have all served at the Princess' side and have indirectly served you as well. Furthermore we all knew your brother well. He was an amazing soldier under my command."                  "He was my CO," the Captain of the guard said.                  "And I was his CO in basic training." The Lunar Captain added.                  "He was a much decorated member of the army for a reason," Iron Hoof went on. "And he spoke about you with more pride than I’ve ever seen in a soldier's eyes. We may not be familiar with you on a personal level, but we all know you're a capable mare worthy of our trust."                  Discord randomly popped out from behind Iron Hoof's chair with a neon sign that read 'applause'. The sound of an invisible crowd stomping and clapping their hooves could be heard. After it died down he popped back into his chair.                  Twilight was starting to feel nervous and a little over flattered but Discord antics put her at ease.                  "Well gentlecolts, shall be begin?" Twilight floated a parchment over to the first captain to her right. "What I'm passing around is verification of the whereabouts of Queen Chrysalis. As you all know, her entire hive moves from mound to mound regularly as to avoid detection and retaliation."                  "I remember the reports," Iron Hoof stated as the parchment was passed to him. "A strategy that was working until the zebras and griffins started what they called the Scorched Ground tactic. They were finding the mounds and caving them in so they couldn't come back." He passed the parchment to Discord who had started taking the meeting seriously when he heard about them attacking the mounds.                  "Are they still employing this campaign?" Discord asked; his black mane standing on its ends.                  "No," he answered. "They promptly stopped after you and Princess Twilight urged them to cooperate with our goals."                  "Darn," Discord said as he gave the parchment to the commander. "I was looking forward to sushi flavored cupcakes."                  Twilight was the only pony in the room to understand his joke. At least she hoped it was a joke.                  "We ourselves have been keeping tabs on the mounds as well." Twilight went on. "We were hoping to send a convoy to communicate with her, maybe even establish an ambassador to or from the queen. Just like the zebras and griffins we always found the mounds empty. Now we have them but we don't know for how long. I have commissioned a list of unicorns that can use teleportation or utilize other spells to peacefully speak with the hive…but," Twilight sighed. "They have their own magic interfering with ours."                  "I know you wish for peace without bloodshed Princess Twilight," The pegasi commander stated. "But it's obvious that they have no interest in any talks with us. We may have to force them to the table."                  "You pegasi have always been the most aggressive of the ponies." Discord said out of the blue. He really didn't like the military. "Nothing says lets be friends than killing a few of their citizens and saying we won't stop until they talk to us."                  "Discord!" Twilight yelled, she agreed with the spirit but she needed to remain open-minded, there was no room for biased thought.                  Iron Hoof cleared his throat. "No offense to you or the Princess, commander, but Lord Discord is right. A hive is tighter knit society than most types of civilizations; each and every member are siblings, and all children of the Queen. If any harm comes to a single changeling there would be no peace talks."                  Discord reached into his coat and pulled out a small piece of candy. He stretched his arm across the table like it was made of rubber and handed it to Iron Hoof.                  "However," Discord took the candy back. "The commander also has a point,” added Iron Hoof. “From what we have learned from our intel, after their botched invasion, they are imperialistic minded on top of being a hive species. They will respond more to a show of strength than to an outstretched hoof."                  "I see what you're suggesting," the lunar guard said. "We need to show them we have a big stick without beating them with it."                  "What?!" Twilight did not like where this was going.                  "I'm afraid he's right, Princess Twilight," General Iron Hoof said. "Sometimes to be the bigger pony, you have to be the bigger pony."                  "That's not negotiating," Twilight said more passionately than she wanted to. "That’s bullying."                  "This isn't recess Twilight," Discord added, surprising her. "We may be trying to avoid an open conflict, but this is still war." Discord tried to give her his best ‘trust me’ smile…but he's never had that kind of face.                  "Wait, you agree with them?" Twilight asked.                  "It happens in nature all the time, my dear." Discord said as he twirled his eagle claw dismissively. "Predators bare their fangs at each other to show that they can kill but only to make the other predator reconsider attacking."                  "Boys!" Twilight slammed her hoof down on the table; she was getting tired of everypony trying to tell her violence and threats were the answer. "None of this matters, I'm the only one with enough magic to get into the hive and speak with Chrysalis, so a show of force is off the table." Twilight sighed and started to speak in a slow, defeated way. "I have to go in alone to even have a chance of making this work."                  Iron Hoof nearly dropped his cigar into his lap.                  "Absolutely not!" Discord yelled. His pupils became thin slits as his claws extended, digging into the table. A few of the captains became nervous of the spirit. "As advisor I reserve my right to veto! The law is clear; I can overrule a decision of war if it endangers the government or the people. That means you can't put yourself in danger, Princess." Twilight expected this from him, he had just gotten a taste of friendship, and she knew he would hold on to that desperately.                  "H-how do you know our laws so well, Lord Discord?" It was the commander that spoke, his position kept him out of the castle and giving him very little contact with the spirit. In his mind Discord was foreign to Equestria, more so than ambassadors.                  Discord calmed down, his eyes and claws became normal. "I helped write most of your laws with Celestia." Everypony in the room felt a little small after hearing that. If this was a week ago Twilight would have called him out on his claim.                  "Besides," Discord said with a smile. "I can get in and out of there with her in less than 30 seconds."                  "Kidnapping her is just as bad as killing one of her kind," Twilight retorted. "This is the best way, given the small window of opportunity."                  "No it’s not, you were not a princess when she was cast out." It was Iron Hoof that had become the voice of reason. "Think about it Princess, it was Shinning Armor and Princess Cadence that defeated her and it was Celestia that she revered. You were the mare that figured her out but nopony listened to. She won't see you as a political prisoner, just a source of revenge. You won't last long in her captivity."                  Twilight’s pupils dilated as she hung her head, she hadn't thought of that. She cursed herself for not considering that fact; she had almost walked herself into a death trap.                  "Princess," Twilight looked up. Discord was speaking in a soft voice, at a tone he's never taken before. "Don't you trust me?"                           A resounding flash of light and smoke announce Discord to the hive. The changelings all around him scattered like roaches on a kitchen floor.                  The structure around him was obviously a natural cave that they had altered to fit their needs. Structures made out of a green membrane-like material were anchored to the stalactites, and varied in size and use. Some looked to be holding still-growing changelings, while others were used for storage.                  The air had a musky smell that wasn't disagreeable, but extremely pungent. A humming sound reverberated from every direction. A small hole in the ceiling was the only source of light, but the glowing eyes all around Discord told him that they didn't need much light in the first place.                  The light coming through reminded Discord of a stage light; he couldn't resist. He strutted up to it, planning to announce why he was there. As he approached, his thunder was stolen as the dark frame of Chrysalis slowly moved into the light. The shadows moved over her dark exoskeleton like clouds racing over a valley. Her wings flittered and twitched as the light hit them; she kept the lower half of her body in the shadow. The look on her face was pompous and exalted as she looked down at the spirit. An entrance fit for a queen.                  "Tch," Discord clicked his tongue immaturely, he felt undermined that he lost the center of attention so fast.                  "Well," her tone dripped with superiority. "You are the dumbest looking thing that that I have ever come across, and considering you have just waltzed into my own hive it falls on me to state the obvious: you're as stupid as you look."                  Well aren't we off to a great start. Discord thought to himself as he resisted the urge to turn her into something slimy.                  "But your curious features may have just saved your life…" She paused dramatically. "Or stalled the inevitable. What are you?"                  "A draconequus, my queen." Discord bowed so low that his head nearly touched the cavern floor. "I go by the nam-"                  "You are dumb," Chrysalis interrupted. "Lying to me like that. Draconequus are half dragon half pony; don't think that by finding us in a cave that we live under a rock."                  "You must be well-traveled to be so familiar with my kind." The conversation was bringing back some old memories. "But I assure you I am a draconequus, certain events of fate led to…" Discord raised his lion paw into the air looking up at it. "Interesting changes in me." He let his arm drop and turned back to Chrysalis. "But it was not dumb curiosity that led me here. My presence is intentional; I am here to represent an old acquaintance of yours: Princess Twilight Sparkle."                  Chrysalis' ears twitched. "So they placed her on a pedestal? A fool leading fools."                  "Quite," Discord agreed. "But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Allow me some formalities. I am Lord Discord." he elegantly placed his talon claw on his chest and bowed again. "Twilight's personal advisor slash representative and," Discord smiled proudly. "Spirit of Chaos. I have come here to extend Princess Twilight's invitation to discuss, in person, the current conflict with the other nations that have been pursuing you."                  "So you've come to take me from my own home?" Chrysalis sneered. "In the middle of my hive?"                  "I'm the spirit of chaos; I won't have any trouble getting you and I out of here, and you will find my heart two sizes too small."                  "Oh?" Chrysalis smirked. "I see you are aware of our abilities, but I find your heart very interesting."                  The walls around Discord seem to be shifting as she spoke, the scuttering and humming noise picked up as Chrysalis’ smile widened.                  "You have more magic in you than any I have ever felt, a feast dropped in our lap that will turn the tide of this conflict."                  Discord suddenly stretched his body across the room and brought his face right up to hers.                  "Fascinating." He then twisted his whole body so that his head was staring at her upside down. "But how do you plan to do that."                  Chrysalis calmly answered, "Your heart is not so hollow."                  A few changelings came into the circle of light, Discord soon found himself surrounded.                  Discord lifted his back feet off the ground causing his body to snap together like a rubber band.                  He turned back to Chrysalis and took on a more serious tone.                  "Let me be direct. I'm here to save your species. All the lands around you want to wipe you out. I'm here to stop that. Don't do this Chrysalis, your people deserve to live like anyone else."                  The two kept staring at each other. A mental tug of war, it was almost as if the first to speak would lose.                  "Discord, is that you?" a voice behind Discord said.                  Discord rolled his eyes as he turned to what he knew would be a changeling.                  "No Fluttershy it's a pancake-", it wasn't Fluttershy, it was Princess Twilight Sparkle.                  "Discord, please make this work, we are counting on you, I'm counting on you."                  Discord blinked a couple of times and turned back to Chrysalis, he found her eyes closed.                  "Really? That's what you went with?" Discord asked as he jab a thumb at the changeling turned Twilight.                  "Trust me, it was enough" she opened her eyes, they had become incased in a green glow that was blinding in the dim light.                  "AHAHAHAHAHA EHHHEEHEHEH"                  "She sure does like to hear herself laugh."                  "Eh, amateur."                  Chrysalis stopped laughing and glared at Discord.                  "Are you talking to yourself now?" she asked him mockingly.                  "No, I'm talking to her" Discord pointed to Twilight.                  "What are you doing so close? Get back, there’s no telling what this one will do." She glared at Discord again.                  "What is she talking about?" Twilight asked Discord                  "N-nothing, nothing," He said quickly.                  Chrysalis realized that she was not in her hive any more, but in the great hall with the real Twilight.                  "How have I come here?" she demanded.                  Discord pointed to himself. "Spirit of chaos, remember?"                  "You fool! I'm more powerful than ever! And you bring me here?!"                  Chrysalis' horn glowed green as she readied an attack on them both. To her dismay her horn just flickered and died.                  "What?! Where did all my magic go?!" she cried out.                  "Spirit. Of." Discord put on a pair of shades. "Chaos."                  Twilight giggled a little. Then she turned her attention to the changeling queen.                  "I know you well enough to get straight to the point. Your kind is about to be dragged into a war you can't win, and it's not over land or resources. The other kingdoms see your kind as a pest and intend to treat you as such. We find this unacceptable, and I wish to intervene."                  Chrysalis gave Twilight a nasty look. "You and your kind are nothing but food, and you presume to assist me?!"                  Discord moaned. "It's the griffins all over again."                  "Chrysalis please-"                  "Please?!" Chrysalis yelled, interrupting Twilight. "You kidnap me and then start begging me? Is this how you offer your 'protection'?"                  Twilight tried her best not to raise her voice but Chrysalis had a talent of getting under her fur. "Then what will you do when the griffins and zebras catch up with you?"                  Chrysalis just sneered some more.                  "They already have," Discord said bluntly, both mares turned their heads to him in surprise. "You said 'this conflict', you already knew the griffins and zebras were trying to find you, which means they already did. How many of your children died before they relented?"                  Chrysalis bared her fangs at him. "We are not unacquainted with war. I have conquered many lands. The sheer number of my hive would overrun any army and my kind are far more resilient than you soft skinned mammals."                  "How many?" Twilight asked.                  "It matters not!" Chrysalis yelled. "Only a generation or two and my hive will be whole. I don't need any pity from ponies, from weaklings!"                  Twilight had had enough of Chrysalis’ pompousness, and she stomped off; you can't force unwanted help. "Just send her back Discord, let her deal with her problems."                  "What were they thinking when they put you in charge?" Chrysalis mocked. "Did I knock the sense out of Celestia when we last met? That's fine though, it will make our next invasion that much easier."                  Twilight stopped at the doors of the great hall. She could almost feel Chrysalis sneering at her back. She didn't want to admit it, but Discord was right. Sometimes peace had to be enforced.                  Discord looked down at Twilight, reading her like a book. He lowered his head down so she could hear him. "If you ask me she needs to be slapped around a few times."                  "Not even a spine to respond? No wonder I defeated your princess so easily, your kind has no merit, no real power. Protection? Ha!" Chrysalis turned her head pompously to the side. "I might as well hide under a bed."                  Twilight tried her best to ignore her, but the one thing that made her angry was stubbornness, especially when it was so self destructive.                  Discord rested his claws on her shoulder and stretched his neck behind her head whispering in her ear. His voice had a soft growl to it. Like a wild animal trying to egg her on.                  "She believes you're below her, I've seen it before. Like you’re dinner or trash. She finds you weak. Show her the truth, Twilight." He moved over to her other ear. "Show her some of your power. Just an ounce of what Celestia gave you should do it."                  Twilight head snapped around, surprised by his last comment. "How do you-"                  Discord gently held her chin and gave her a smile full of jagged fangs. "Show her Princess Twilight Sparkle."                  Twilight pulled herself away from his claw "Stop teasing me, Discord, it's not the time."                  Discord grew angry. His features became feral and dragon-like. He jumped in front of her, falling to all fours and blocking her way. "While I tease you, she mocks you. You strained the diplomatic relationship with two other nations to protect hers. You were willing to put your life in their hands to show mercy. Yet she is in there right now laughing at your back."                  "Princess, why don't you come back in here, you want a peace talk? Then why don't we talk about handing over your people and surrendering to my hive? I don't know why I was so worried about your kind, it must have been a fluke that you beat me last time. This is your chance to surrender before I pick your kingdom apart!"                  A flash of light from Twilight blinded Chrysalis. She rubbed her eyes and forced them to open.                  The seemingly unending body of Discord twisted, and coiled all around her; like a never ending snake. He had grown massive and filled every corner of the entrance. The room grew dark as his frame began covering the windows, blocking most of the light from them. The length of him was so grand that she couldn't find the fluff of his tail and he was still getting bigger. Soon there was more Discord than there were walls.                  A chandelier fell not too far from Chrysalis; she snapped her head back and found the head of the spirit looking down at her. Gone was his zany look, replaced with that of a predator. A mouth full of fangs the size of her body, scales climbed up his neck just shy of his jaw blending seamlessly with the fur of his pony head. His pupils became long and thin, adding to his dragon-like appearance; his black mane became long, and draped over his neck like moss from a ledge                  Chrysalis had been through something like this before; once trapped inside a cave with a hungry dragon, she was not impressed.                  "Trying to intimidate the queen of the changelings? Pathetic! Who are you to even attempt?" Chrysalis sneered.                  The clanking of metal on stone drew her attention down the hall, where the grand doors once stood.                  Twilight was approaching her from the ever twisting and moving mass that had become Discord. She had become taller. Her purple coat shone with magic and power; her mane grew in length as she did, draping around her neck and making its way down her front, nearly touching the marble floor. Twilight's hooves were encased in gold with a single prong going up her shin; like daggers protruding from each leg. The tiara encasing the element of magic rested atop her brow. As she walked ever closer to Chrysalis, her eyes glowed a brilliant white.                  When they were face to face, Twilight unfurled her wings and a wave of power radiated from her, knocking Chrysalis to the ground.                  Twilight’s eyes became blinding lights, her wing span doubled, dwarfing her body. Waves of heat flew off her body that were so powerful they made the changeling feel as if she was being roasted alive. Her coat became a dark purple, like the sky as the last ray of light from the sun left. The immense magic coming off her fogged the queen's vision, forcing her to strain in order to see.                  "We are Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler Equestria!" Twilight voice came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. "We embody magic." She took a step towards Chrysalis, whose legs shook as she stood up. "Chaos answers to our command." On cue Discord brought his massive head next her; his movement displaced so much air that the queen was knocked back down. Twilight ran a now oversized wing through his black mane. He blew steam from his nostrils as he relaxed. "And it is by our will that Lord Discord brought you here unharmed and unchanged."                  "You would have made a cute ferret." Discord's voice was not omnipotent like Twilight's, but it was as if a mountain was trying to speak.                  "Do not mistake our benevolence for weakness, and do not let your pride be the end of your kind. You are a queen, own that title and lead your people to a future that doesn't involve their extinction."                  As those words rattled through her mind, the world around Chrysalis came to a halt. Her own changeling instincts of adapting and blending in further persuade her to accept Twilight's terms. She wanted nothing to do with Twilight and her kind ever again, but she wanted everything for her hive. The power that has been gained by the princess since their last meeting was obvious; Chrysalis was fully aware she could not be dealt with through normal means.                  Between the heat radiating from Twilight and the hot breath of Discord, Chrysalis found it hard to breath the air around her; causing her to become dizzy and lightheaded. It took a tremendous amount of determination for her to climb to her hooves, her pride not yet extinguished.                  "Very well Twil-"                  "Address my princess correctly," Discord growled.                  If the sheer volume of his voice hadn't caused Chrysalis to fall yet again, she would have seen the curious look Twilight gave Discord. She did not expect such a phrase to come from him. Despite how loud his voice was, his tone deceived him. It was not the same that she had heard from countless other subjects in the kingdom. 'My Princess' was not a title or expression; there was real sense of ownership in his words. Twilight brushed the thought aside; more important matters were in front of her…literally.                  "Very well Princess Twilight Sparkle." The words came out of Chrysalis' mouth like a curse to be place on somepony. "I will..." She closed her eyes, forcing to words out of her. "Accept your help."                  "I'm glad to hear that, Queen Chrysalis," Twilight said in her normal voice.                  Chrysalis opened her eyes to a very normal Twilight and a normal, if he can be called that, Discord. All around her the grand hall was back to its original state. Even the chandelier that was once a crumpled mass of gold and crystals was now hanging high in the air where it belonged.                  Chrysalis' eye twitched. "What?"                  "My stewards will see to your lodging here in the castle," Twilight said while she ignored the dumbfounded look on the changeling queen’s face. "I have to make arrangements to escort some of your citizens into the castle so that we may begin work immediately. Unfortunately we have to resume negotiations after I return. I have been invited to a summit up north and will be gone for a week. Lord Discord will be representing me while I'm away."                  "Better leave soon, my dear," Discord said. "The train to Ponyville is a punctual one. I'll see to our guest."                  Twilight didn't fight him on this; she was excited to see her friends again. In fact she forgot all about her position as she ran out of the great hall.                  As soon as the door closed Discord stretched his arm across the great hall; grabbing Chrysalis by the neck and pulling her through the air to him.                  "'I'll play ball with Twilight," Discord said as he cupped her face in his claw. "But I still have my own style. If I even think that you might betray Twilight's trust and turn this into another pathetic invasion, I will turn your people into colony of gophers and drop you all in a hawk infested valley." He pinched her cheek patted her face mockingly.                  "Wow." She smiled and bared her fangs at him. "She really has you whipped."                  Discord smiled and taped her muzzle. "I'm sure you think that most of what you saw was an illusion. You'd be wrong." Discord got even closer to her, his eyes became feral and dragon-like, his black mane stood on its ends. He started whispering to her. "She's a star, and not the onstage diva kind. Twilight is a massive ball of unfathomable power, and like a star, to our naked eye she is just a cute little twinkle of light. The truth is that what you saw was a drop in the bucket of what she really is. If that mare sneezed the wrong way she could obliterate a city. Just ask Celestia about what happened when she was surprised by a sonic rainboom as a foal.                  "Me, whipped? Oh, no. I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued at what a walking, bottomless well of raw power will do with this world at her hooves." Discord smiled and bared his own, larger fangs, back at her.                  Chrysalis snorted at him. "What are trying to tell me? That you're some puppet master controlling something bigger than yourself? Have you forgotten what I am? You're enchanted by her, that's how I got to you."                  "Speaking of which." Discord's expression snapped back to its normally goofy look as he released her from his grasp. "I can warp the world around me to my whim. How did you pull that off?"                  "Think of the heart as having hooks with different sizes. There plenty of strings that can be attached to it, and the size of the hook show how much pull the string has. Twilight simply has the biggest hook."                  Discord understood her metaphor.                  "Ah, so even the most heartless can fall to your abilities."                  "In a way, yes," she answered.                  Discord was relieved; the trick she used on him had placed a weight of concern on his body.                  Discord turned to leave the room. With Twilight gone, he was now in charge and had a lot of plans in mind.                  Chrysalis spoke up before he left. "You might be interested to know that you must have a string to her heart in order for our magic to work on you."                  That weight just got a lot heavier.