Better Together

by FlameingToast

Getting To The Library

Rainbow Dash frowned at the wall. She was sitting on the floor of Pinkie's room, and was desperately trying to come up with a plan to leave without being seen. Pinkie, however had a smile on her face and was playing with her tail.

"Can you help me come up with something!?" Rainbow Dash asked angrily. It was starting to bother her that Pinkie wasn't taking this seriously.

"Come up with what?" Pinkie asked, seemingly oblivious to their situation.

Rainbow Dash felt her left eye twitch. "A plan to get out of here!"

"Well...there is a door." Pinkie said grinning at the flustered pegasus.

Rainbow Dash sighed in frustration. "We can't just waltz out the front door!"

Pinkie cocked her head. "Well, why not?"

Rainbow Dash was at a loss. Pinkie just wasn't understanding the gravity of their situation "Listen, what do you think ponies will think if they saw us hoofcuffed together?"

Pinkie tapped her hoof against her chin thoughtfully for a moment before she realized what Rainbow Dash was implying and started to blush. "Oh, I see what you mean..."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, it would be pretty embarrassing. So, help me come up with something so we can try and forget this."

"Hmmm..." Pinkie started, "I wonder if anything did happen..." before Rainbow Dash shook her head vehemently.

"Nope, nothing happened," Dash said quickly.

"But we don't know for sure. We can't remember last night" Pinkie stated, shrugging.

Dash looked her in the eyes."Pinkie, nothing happened, and, so help me Celestia, if you don't start helping me, I'm telling Rarity that you were the one who destroyed her dress," Rainbow Dash said, feeling a little sick from the fact that Pinkie might be right. Try as she might, Rainbow Dash still couldn't recall much from last night, and what she could was a haze.

Pinkie gasped loudly. "You promised that you wouldn't! It was an accident and she can't know!" Pinkie was vividly imagining the unicorn’s rage. "She'll never forgive me! Please don't!" Pinkie pleaded shaking her hooves.

"Fine, I won't tell her," Dash relented, "as long as we can get this over with."

Pinkie nodded. "Well...there's always the back door. Or, we could try and launch ourselves across town with my-"

"Back door!?" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "...That's right...there's a back door." Rainbow Dash facehoofed.

Pinkie shrugged "You might have be overthinking this a teensy-tiny bit." She chuckled.

Dash felt that if she had to endure this much longer, she'd go insane, and it had only been twenty minutes. "Okay, back door it is."

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash trotted downstairs to the kitchen, and headed to the back exit. Rainbow Dash poked her head out the door and looked around. Nopony was in sight. Better make this quick.

Rainbow Dash pushed the door open all the way and stepped outside, frantically motioning for Pinkie to follow. "C'mon, we need to be fast."

Pinkie Pie saluted before closing the door behind them. They started off slow, ducking behind bushes or whatever was nearby to avoid passing ponies. This continued for a few blocks, until they neared the tree house.

Rainbow Dash thought that they were in the clear. By some miracle she and Pinkie managed to make it to Twilight's without being seen. Well, I shouldn't be surprised, I knew I could handle this, Dash thought with a smirk. Her self-gloating was interrupted by a small ahem from behind her.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash turned around to find a mint green pony staring at them. There was dead silence as each pony kept looking at one another.

"...Hiya, Lyra!" Pinkie suddenly exclaimed to the pony.

"Um, hi...Pinkie Pie" Lyra replied slowly, continuing to stare "Why are you two behind a bush...hoofcuffed together?"

"There's a good explanation for this!" Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yeah, we woke up together drunk in my bed like this!" Pinkie grinned. Rainbow Dash's mouth gaped open, as did Lyra's.

"PINKIE!" Dash shouted.

"What? Did you want me to lie? Because lying's bad." Pinkie replied.

"Yes! I wanted you to lie!" Rainbow Dash shouted, before turning back to Lyra. "Don't listen to her, she's insane. See, what really happened was that we were kidnapped by ninjas, then-"

Lyra held up a hoof and interrupted her "It's fine, you don't have to explain anything."

"Yeah, this is all just a big misunderstanding." Rainbow Dash gave a sigh of relief. "Please, don't tell anypony," Dash added hopefully.

"Don't worry." Lyra smirked. "I don't go around telling ponies about other ponies’ private lives, so to speak."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No, you got it all wrong. We didn't do anything!"

"Sure you didn't." Lyra winked "But hey, who am I to say anything? My marefriend and I enjoy something a little different from time to time as well."

She turned and began to trot away. "Maybe you girls could let me borrow those cuffs. She's into that type of stuff. Anyways, see you two later!" She waved.

Rainbow Dash was trying not to blush, trying to process what had just happened "Bu-but nothing happened," she said mostly to herself, as Lyra was out of earshot.

Pinkie Pie, however, vigorously waved back to Lyra. "See ya later Lyra!"

Dash looked at Pinkie, mortified. "What?" Pinkie asked innocently.

"Why.Would.You.Do.That!" Rainbow Dash shouted, outraged.

Pinkie frowned slightly "You're angry...aren't you?"

"Really!?" Dash said "You finally figured it out!" Dash was about to shout again, but she noticed Pinkie's hurt expression. "Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled," Rainbow Dash grudgingly apologized.

Pinkie Pie regained her usual happy expression immediately. "That's okay." She glanced towards the street. "We should go now if you still don't want to be, by anypony else that is."

"Let's go then!" Dash said, sprinting out from behind the bush and towards Twilight's. Pinkie kept pace, and in a few moments they were outside the door.

Pinkie Pie banged on the door until it was opened by a small dragon.

"Hey, Spike!" Pinkie greeted "Is Twilight home?”

"Yeah, she's right in the kitchen." Spike answered, noting the quiet and chained Rainbow Dash. Don't ask, you know that these ponies are insane.

"Thanks!" Pinkie said as she and Dash ran into the library, and started towards the kitchen. They both entered the kitchen and found Twilight sitting at the table, with her head on it.

Pinkie and Dash shared a look before going over to Twilight. Once they got nearer, they could make out her light snoring. Rainbow Dash poked her head, until Twilight stirred.

"Hey! Wake up, Twi, we need some help!" Rainbow Dash shouted, causing Twilight to pick her head up off of the table.

She had a disheveled mane, and partially bloodshot eyes. She held one of her hooves to her forehead, and winced. "Don't shout, I have a killer headache," she muttered quietly.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, I had one too." Twilight then really focused on the pair before her.

"Why are you two hoofcuffed?" Twilight asked, in a raspy voice.

Rainbow Dash groaned. "Well, we woke up like this, and we couldn't get 'em off." She pulled on her cuff for emphasis. "So Pinkie and I decided to see if you could use a spell or something to get it off."

Pinkie nodded "Yea, it's fun hanging out with Dashie, but I think hanging out without the cuffs would be more fun."

Twilight groaned "Well, why didn't you unlock them with the key?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "We already thought about that, but neither Pinkie or I remember last night. "

Twilight sighed. "I remember getting to Pinkie's and drinking some hard cider." She tried to clear her head, to no avail. "But everything's hazy after that."

"So, can you get this off or not?" Rainbow Dash asked impatiently.

"Well, I could use a spell to relive the memory." Twilight said "This way we can see where you left the key. I was studying it a few day's ago, when I forgot where I put a few books. Anyways, it shouldn't be too hard to cast."

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were quiet, while Twilight furrowed her brow in concentration. Her horn began to glow a light purple, and she felt her herself begin to sweat from the exertion. Her hangover was really putting a strain on her magic, and she had to focus really hard on the spell to make sure it worked correctly. With her headache intensifying, she closed her eyes and her horn exploded in a purple light.

Twilight nervously opened her eyes, and found Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie staring into nothing with a faint purple tint to their eyes.

It looked like it worked, Twilight thought before she laid her head back onto the table and fell asleep.